Herald GO BY THE NAME ROME APPLIANCES Refrigerators, Ranges, Water B?atort> ALEXANDER'S APPLIANCES 501 PUdmont At?ou? CLOTHES LINK POSTS ? 7 1/2 foot upright with 48* cross ami welded on. All steel. $5.00 each. Kings Mountain Machine Wbrks. EL Gold street. Tele phone 879. 5:28 tfn. MAGISTRATE ? I have recently been appointed magistrate for ( Number 4 Township and am In position to serve you. B. D. RATTERREE, Heal Estate, S. Battleground ave., adjoins Bridges TV Service, Phone 736, If no answer call 86- J. a-45-tfn. BEST PRICES PAID for Scrap Iron and Metal. Will move any kind of machinery. C. C. SCRAP IRON AND METAL COM PANY. Phones .418 and 691-M. l:8-tfn. OK USED CABS A TBUCKS? for aeie. We finance and insure Hie General Motors Ac ceptance Corp. plan. See Us To . m. Phone 429-J, HILLIARD ' BLACK, or T. HUFFMAN, Jr. 11:12 tfn. BUILDING SAND? All kinds, lo cal and shipped; also dirt for all kinds of fill-ins; all kinds of hauling. HA2EL L. GILL. TRUCKING, Corner W. King & Tracey St. Phone 424-R 9-17tfn FOR SALE ? Five room house, L. G. Clary home on Linwood road. House with two lots. See J. C. Clary, Telephone 418. 2:18 tfn. HIDE -A- BED ? new plastic mo del. Only $149.95. See it today at COOPER'S, INC, Phone 93. 4:22 tfn. FOR SALE ? 4 -room house Just completed, 702 Meadowbrook Road, floor furnace and oi^ tank, hardwood floors, insu lated, built-in kitchen cabi nets, wired for electric stove, plumbing for washing ma chine, plastic tile bath, show er over tub, 4 large closets, lawn sowed. See Baxter Pay seur. , 3-5-tfn. ? UP TO M MONTHS TO PAY? See the new "54 Kelvinator ap pliance line today at CITY AUTO & HOME SUPPLY. 241 S. Battleground, ave., Phone . 896. 2:11 tfn. CLARENCE SMltjjtf FURNITURE ? new and used. Open 8 to 12 noon daily and all day Satur days. Phone 1b. CALL" 377-J from -12 until 1 p. m. or after 3 p. m. 4:15- tfn. FOR SALE ? Transmissions and rear ends for Fords. Chevys, Plymouths, *37 to '41 models. Also power take-off, fits Ford truck. HAZEL GILL, phone ] 424-R. 1 * f-25-tXn. EGGS FOR HATCHING ? Orlen tal. Pheasants, fertile, thorou- , ghbred, bantams. TELEPHONE | 684 -JR or SEE H. R. MURRAY on Stone street. 4:8 tfn. !VCr\*JorK ...MW'O, * **** ^n'eV f^ei V* 7'Z ?; : * ? ^ ' ? '"?? B. D. Ratterree THE RIAL ESTATE MAN Phone 7U or MUJ ?? 1 BUNK BEDS ?New . . . Complete ,, with Coil ' Sprln? Mattresses. I Ml BAY RtClHTLY A BARK /R S14TTU CASH I B 4 RAILROAD I ABO KIR'S ACCUMV IATIP PAYCHTGKS?DAURf RACK TO !9*i 409 Ae&tfCArm OVIR it 0,600. \ ?4d **c THt mCOM STATt COiUOt RASRITRAU TIAM TRAHUB TO OHIO IR JANUARY, A MSTVM railroad map om outs poumar cars aitirir TO PRO?!?t SRI CI A I KRTHS Rim HIT 10R 0 TOR THISI ROYS WHOSl AVIRMI HlttRT IS t'R' im TAUIST ORl IS 777. ST. PAH'S RUTROBIST CHCIRCR IR STtVtRS ROiRT, WISCOMSIH. MAS 4 SI4IRIR 6 lass Ml MO RIM W1RP0W PtPICTIHC OLP -TIAU lOCOMOTLYt HO 2R -tin Of LOCAL RAILROAHXS WHIR THl CHURCH was tuui m itn. ^ *3? X 'OR SALE ? Chrysanthemums plants. Call 489-W or see Mrs. C, E. Cash. 4:22-29 pd. "OH RENT ? Three-room apart . ment. Close in, wired for elec tric stove, hot water furnished, j Call 202-R. a 29. fOUR VOTE? For Hazel Bum gardner for county commis sioner will he much appreciat ed on May 29. a-29 -m-27 PERSONAL SERVICE? NOTARY PUBLIC ? Mrs. Billie Logan, 1 Business Phone 1014, Home 1012. 3:i8-tfn. FOR SALE ? '49 Nash. $10000 Down, take up payments. C. E. McDowell, 402 York Road. 4:29 JIM'S FOOD STORE OPEN ALL DAY WED. (or your shopping convenience Above Deport Phone 961 POR SALE ? Thayer' baby bed and mattress, good condition. $20, Phone 909. 4:1 tfn. HOOFING ? Guttering ? Heating ? Sheet Metal Work CONSULT US TODAY KINGS MOUNTAIN Sheet Metal Works N, Cansler & ChUders Sts. Phone 333 Serving Kings Mtn. and Vicinity Since 1931 OWNER: W. A. Childers Negro News By Mrs. Cannie Gordon 105 Carpenter Street VIrs. Ella ({arris of East Berk ley. W. Va? was guest In the home of Rev. and Mrs. P. B. Falls last week. Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Falls a"4 cousins. Miss Dorothy Pressley and Vi vian Pressley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Brown to Lackey, Va., Friday where they will spend some time. Mrs. Alford Holland of Provi dence, R I., visited- relatives in Kings Mountain last wvn?k.. Mr. and Mrs. William Manning announce the birth of twins, a boy and girl, April 21, at the Kings M?untaln hospital. There will be an entertain ment Saturday evening at St. Paul Methodist church. Stop and buy your supper. Rev. Phillip Roberts and his singing groups will render ser vices Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at St. Paul Methodist church. Sponsored by Mrs. Daisy L. Smith. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the service. There will be a su-pper Satur day evening at the home of Mrs. Ida Alexander on' E. Ridge street, given for the benefit of Good Hope Friendly Aid Society. HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE Phones 167 & 283 '53 CHEVROLET Club Coupe . . . : $1395 light groy 'S3 CHEVROLET 2-door . . . ... $1395 dark blue '52 FORD Ranch Wagon $1495 '51 BUICK Roadmaster Riveria . . $1395 radio and heater '51 BUICK Roadmaster Sedan $1195 x & h ? perfect shape '50 BUICK 4-door Special $ 895 perfect shape '50 OLDSMOBIL? 88 . . $1895 r & h ? perfect shape . '49 BUICK Super 4-door Sedan . $ 695 '49 BUICK Roadmaster 2-door . . . $ 595 '49 CHRYSLER . ... $758 excellent shape ? only 39.000 $ 595 Coape .... $ 95 ? SEE AMOS DEAN