? w. Kings Mountain Merchants Observing Spring Dollar Days This Weekend Popnlation City Limits .............. 7.206 Trading Area J 5,000 (1??5 Batton Board Hfuni) VOL. 64 NO. 20 20 Pages Today ts?rtbhshed '889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, May 20, 1954 Sixty-Fourth Year PRICE FIVE CENTS LITHIUM CORPORATION BREAKS GROUND? , Ground was broken on the construction of a lith ium processing plant near Bessemer City Monday morning, with a large group of officials of the company. City of Kings Mountain. Town of Besse mer City, and others on hand for the ceremonies. Pictured, left to right E. T. Plott, Lithium. Corpor ation's local mining dlrision business manager and building coordinator extracts the first spade _ of dirt are Roy Bullard. Bessemer City commis sioner. Jack White, Lithium attorney. Kings Mountain, Mayor Glee A. Bridges, Mr. Plott, George Glennon, Lithium's chief building engi neer, Fred Ormand, of Bessemer City, Mayor Carl Carpenter. C. V. Elrod, R. Lee Thornburg. C. C. Ramsey, and Robert W. Thornburg. all Bessemer City commissioners. (Herald Photo by Carlisle Studio.) ? Local News Bulletins AWARDED DIPLOMA Volunteer Fireman Frank Blanton was awarded a diplo. ma from the Fire College and Drill School May 6, in Char lotte. According to Fireman Ted Gamble, in order to qual ify- for a diploma, a fireman must attend the school four years. ASSIST AT FUNERAL Chief Hugh A. Logan, jr., and Officers Tom Gladden, Jack Stonft.?i^A. .Kander?, Ralph Ware, R. R. Carrlgan, B. P. Cook, and Bill :'1| Mslsted Shelby police at the' Clyde R. Hoey funeral Saturday In Shel by. METER RECEIPTS Met receipts from the city's parking meteers for the week ending Wednesday at noon were $151.47, as reported toy Joe McDanlel of the city clerk's office. ONE PI BE Only one call was answered this week'toy the Kings Moun tain Fire Department as re ported by Ted Gamble, fore man. On Monday, firemen were called to extinguish an oil stove blaze on Owens street. No damage was report ed. . ATTEND PRESBYTERY Rev. P? ?>. Patrick, Dr. W. L. Ramseur, and Dan Stewart, re presented First ' Presbyterian and Dixon churches at the an nual-meeting of Kings Moun tain Presbytery which con vened In Spindale Tuesday. v BANK HOLIDAY First National Bank will be closed Thursday In observan ce of a North Carolina legal holiday, commemorating Mecklenburg county's Decla ration of Independence in 1775. PATTERSON BETTER A. H. Patterson was reported improving steadily from an operation he underwent last week at Charlotte Memorial hospital. Th- family expects tfiat Mr. Patterson will be able to return home beforp the end of the week. 8 DP PER TUESDAY A supper, meeting of the Men of the Church of First Presby terian church will be held Tuesday at 7 p. m. in the Fel lowship Hall of the church. Announcement w?s made toy Robert Osborne, president of the men's group whoVpid that Miss Margaret Stem. Public School Bible teacher, would be the speaker. > , t . . Lithium Una . : Breaks Ground Foi New Plant Ground - breaking# ceremony was held Monday at 11 a. m. for a million dollar prdbessi'ng plant to be built -by Lithium Corpora tion of America, Inc. & T. Plott, business manager of the mining division and building coordina tor, officiated. ? - The plant is being buiit on the western edge of Bessemer City's town limits. The building, Mr. Plott stated, will be 150 feet toy 500 feet and will be the biggest plant of this type in the world., When the plant Is completed, Mr. Plott said, tvo main products and two by-products will be pro cessed with lithium carbornate as the basic product. The general construction con tract awarded withliflr"^ week, and actual operation *'40 the plant employing some 300 employees is expected to begin sometime in October, Mr. Plott also stated. '? ?. George Glennon, chief engi neer of building, from Minneap olis, Minn., attended the cere mony, along with city officials from Kings Mountain-, Bessemer City, and an estimated crowd of 50 spectators. Mayor. Clerk Work Overtime On Bonds Mayor Glee Abridges and City Clerk Joe Hendrlck worked over time Monday night, appending their signatures and' thereby au thenticating 600 City of Kings Mountain bonds at a value $1,000 each. ' > ? The bonds, with Interest cou pons attached, had Just been ]n?? ceived from the printers. Mayor Bridges and Clerk Hen drlck signed 100 in a half -hour, estimating they could hold their speed to complete the worfc?li$ three hours. The bonds wil^4fe fray expenses of water, sewer, and recreation plant capital penditurfes. ? ATTEND MEETING Dr. D. F. Hord and Dr. JL fir. Baker, Kings Mountain den tists, have returned from a r Mrs. Mil dred Allison Moss, 78, was con ducted from First Presbyterian church last Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. ? Rev. P. D. Patrick officiated and Interment was made in Moun tain Rest cemetery. Mrs. Moss, widow of Capt. Henry Nicholas Moss who died in 1938, succumbed at her home on Wednesday, May 12, at 6:45 a. m. following a sudden heart attack at 4:30 that morning. She had been In good health prior to the attack. - i She was a native of Cleveland County, daughter of the late Catherine Dixon and Hugh Parks Allison. She moved to Kings Mountain more thah 70 years ago with her family and In 1893 was married to the late Capt. Moss. Mrs. Moss was an active life long member of First Presbyteri an church and took an active part in the civic life o| Kings foun tain. SuDvivlng are two sons, Nicho las A. Moss of Staten Island, N. Y., and George W. Moss of Kings Mountain, and four daughters, Continued On Page Bight f ? ' ? - William C. Trotman, of Wins ton-Salem, will be managing di rector of "Sword of Gideon", the. historical pageant commemorat ing the Battle of Kings Mountain, for the 1894 season. Announcement of the appoint ment qf Mr. Trotman, a graduate of the University of North Caro lina with a Bachelor of Arts in dramatic art, was made this week : by Mrs. P. G. Padgett, Little The atre publicist .*' ? The drama, the third season for "Sword of Gideon", will be pre s?-ntod at Kings Mountain Nation , al Park Amphitheatre the final two weekends in July and the ; Hirst two weekends in August. It was announced that prellmi nafy try out* for part* conducted at Kings Mountain High School auditorium on June I 10 and li, wtth final tayouts at - the amphitheatre on June 12. Ba - th speaking parts and non speak I tng dancing and choral roles are f open to all Kings Mountain area ? citizens, as ?ell as to cittofens in Dollar Days Weekend Starts Here Thursday Twenty-four Kings Mountain merchants are cooperating in a ! city-wide Dollar Days event be ginning Thursday and continuing through Saturday. Bargain offerings and fpeclal purchases are being featured by almost all types of stores, appa rel, auto accessory, hardware, jewelry, drug, and variety. Paul Walker, chairman of the committee on arrangements, said the degree of cooperation by In dividual merchants and long at tention giv>?n to the spring Dol lar Days event is "the best yet", and he joined his committee in in viting area citizens to take ad vantage of the special sales event. In addition to heavy price cut ting by the individual merchants, the Kings Mountain Merchants association has scheduled a f^ec movie for youngsters up to agte 12 on Saturday morning, begin ning at 9 o'clock at the Joy Thea tre. The free showing will include a full-length color western fea ture, two cartoons, and a comedy. Free parking will also be in vogue during the three-day pe riod, compliments of the City of Kings Mountain. Meterman S. R. Davidson will take a rest and pa per bags will cover the meters. Cancer Fund Goal Is $1,000 The Junior Woman's Club will conduct the annual appeal In Kings Mountain for tl>e American Cancer society, it was announced this wteek by Mrs. W. R. Huds peth, chairman of the fund ? ap peal. Goil of. the Kings Mountain fund-raising effort is $1,000. The county-wide goal la $4,000. Mrs. J. H. Arthur is serving as co-chairman of the drive and all members of the Junior Woman's Club are serving on the several solicitation committees, Mrs. Hud speth added. I Contribution boxes will be plac ed in the city's business firms, and business and industry will be asked to iupporfthe appeal. The proceeds will be used, as former ly, In research for determining causie of cancer, treatment rftet jhods, and possible cures. Mrs. Don W. Blanton is trea surer of the fund. ' , "Kings Mountain has never fail ed to meet its quota for the Can cer Fund/' Mrs. Hudspeth noted, and urged that citizens give li berally to the appeal. w. * |V '? ? Crawford Selling To B. & B. Food Agreement lor sale of. Craw ford's Market to B. & B. Food Stores has been concluded and the transaction will be concluded on or about June 1, It was an nounced yesterday by J. Wilson I Crawford, owner of Crawford's] Market. The purchase by B. & B. Food Stores, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hord and Mr. and Mrs. H. Tom Fulton, will involve in ventory and fixtures. Thfe B. A B. firm has obtained a lease on the KuikUng occupied by Crew, ford's Market The building Ik Jointly owned by Mr. Crawford and. W. K. Mauney. In turn, Mr. Crawford said, he has concluded an agreement for aale of his In terest in the building to Mr. Mau ntey. : , B. A B, now operates a grocery | on West Mountain street It ex pect* to completely renovate and modernize the Battleground ave nu* building now occupied by the Crawford firm, with a largfc out lay to be made for modem fix ?Psf ?' . 'J?yB l Mid that, wtuf] yilirtyi' art definite, he will continue to live in Kings Mountain and to conduct kind". Wilson Crawford and his bro ther, Harcla Crawford, resumed ownership of the gro<*nry estab UHhmpnt in 1946, re purchasing it from W.* Weir, after the Craw ?yiljMaHl ' discharged from the inw after World War in. 10 world w?: n. m the M kf* with their" father, the late Crawford, for mailjr JWftf Mountain merchant. Wll ?' ?? '? i ELECTED ? - Mrs. J. E. Lipford. of Kings Mountain, was elected vice ? chairman of Cleveland County Democrats at the annual convention in Shelby Saturday. Mrs. Lipford succeeds Mrs. Frank R. Summers, of Kings Mountain. Mis. Lipford Party Officer Mrs. J. E. Lipford, of Kings Mountain, was elected vice-chair man of Cleveland County Demo crats at the biennial county con vention on Saturday. Mrs. Lipford succteeds Mrs. Frank R. Summers, vice-chair man for many years. Mrs. Sum mers had notified the county chairman she would be unable to continue in the position. Other officers were re-elected. They arte C. C. Horn, chairman; G. R. CUne, second vice-*- >iairman; and David Royster, secretary treasurer. In accepting the vice-chairman ship. Mrs. Lipford said, "I am a real Democrat and I shall fill the office to the best of my abi lity." ' , V ?* The convention session was brief, due to the funeral of Sena tor Clyde R. Hoey. The conven tion, as usual, directed that all Cleveland Democrats who attend the Thursday convention servte as delegates. Chairman Horn announced the following results of Kings Moun tain area preoinct meetings on May 8: East Kings Mountain: S. A. C rouse, chairman, Mrs. C. C. Oates, vice-chairman, W. L. Plonk, Leonard Smith, J. E. Mau ney, and Ollie Harris. West Kings Mountain: H. D. Orma:id, chairman, Mrs. J. H. Arthur, victe-chairman, H. B. Jack son, Mrs. J. N. Gamble, and Mar tin Harmon. Grover: J. B. Ellis, chairman, Mrs. D. A. Moss, vice-chairman, Vance Kiser, Carley Martin, Wil liam J. Herndoit, and James By ers. Chairman Horn said he had not received the Bethware report, but that he was naming Wayne L. Ware, Jr., chairman, to atttend to completion of the precinct or ganization. Hickory Couple To Manage (Hob Mr. and ' Mrs. Earl Byrd, of Hickory, will come to Kings Mountain May 24 to assume the management of the Kings Moun tain Country Club; a notice to member* revealed Wednesday. George tt. Houser, club presi dent, Mid announcement had been withheld the past two weeks to allow Mr. and Mrs. Byrd to complete duties at thtelr present employment and to make ar rangements for moving to Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd have prior experience in catering at Dunn, where they served civic club lun< cheons, "bridge luncheons and oth er similar gatherings. Mrs. Byrd, in Hickory, has ser ved as receptionist for a medical doctor. She !a a registered nuree. Mr. Byrd. more recently has been a salesman for a casket-manufac turing conftern. The Byrds have two children. They will succeed M.. and Mrs. Ben Speidet, who left Kings Mountain to manage a club at Rocky Mount. The Byrds were employed as; Club managers on recommenda tion of the house committee, with the Sbtfai oommlttee concurring. Members of the housi tfOltmtfftM are George H. Mauney, chair man, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper, Mrs John U HcOlO, 'MRflonk, Mrs. George H. Mauney, and W. ; .-? CBITICJtlXT ILL The eondltion of T. A. Pol lock, who suffered a severe heart attack Sunday night, re {Aiysidan, said Wed Davidson Creek Opponents Add 195 Names To Petition Bridges Says Buffalo Water Cost $550,000 < Mayor Glee A. Bridges said this week the cost of utilizing the Buffalo Creek watershled as a source of city water would cost from $550,000 to $600,000. He said he based the estimate on conversations with Ed Goter, Foote Mineral Company mining engineer. , Mr. Goter confirmed thfe con versations and said they occurred last October when the city was faced with a water shortage. He added, however, that the esti mates were not Engineering esti mates, but merely off-the-cuff rough guesses on the cost of such an installation. At the time, Foote was faced with possible curtail ment, due to lack of water, which it was purchasing from the city. "It would have to be decided what size pipe would be used, how much right-of-way Would coBt, how deep the pipe would be laid, and many other possible vari ables determinable only after sur. vey and cost estimate by compte tent engineers," Mr. Goter said. Mr. Goter added that he had merely made a .rough guess at $50,000 to $60,000 per mile on an estimated distance from Buffalo Creek of eight to ten miles. The city has available $250,000 for water plant improvements, with a portion of It already ear marked for a new dam and reser. voir oh Davidson Creek and re mainder for building an addition to the filter plant and line exten sions. Both thfe city engineer, W. K. Dickson, and the State Board of Health engUjeer have advised at tention of the city to utilization of Buffalo Creek as the only major source of water in the Kings Mountain area. New Bank Window In Service Friday . . ' First National Bank will put i Into service Friday its new ex terior change-making window on West Mountain street. President F. R. Summers said the window would be manned from 2 to 4:30 p. m. dally, except Wednesdays, in order to make change for patrons and to cash payroll checks. Two 10-minute parking spaces on Mountain street have been j rented by the bank from the city (for accommodation of patrons. The bank no longer retains a 10 mlnute reserved space on Battle ground avtenue. MONTHLY MEETING The regular monthly meet ing of the Suo- District of the Methodist Youth Fellowship of the Methodist church will meet at Grace Methodist church J Thursday, May 20, at 7:30. Of ficers for the- coming year will be Installed, followed by the Holy Communion. Rev. C. L. Grant, pastor, will lfead the ser vice. EAGLE SCOUT ? James Allen Pressly, 13-year-old son of Rev., and Mrs. W. L. Pressly, became an Eagle Scout at the Court of Honor last Thursday. The Eagle rank Is highest in the Boy Scout organization. lames Piessly Is Eagle Scout -James Allen Pressly, Troop 1, 13-year old son of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Pressly, was awarded the Eagle Scout Badge at the regular monthly Boy Scout Court of Hon or Thursday night. Scout Pressly achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in two years. He holds 32 merit badges. Scout Pressly became a Boy Scout at the age of eleven. He is in the (eighth grade at Central school. Dan Payne, Troop 12, who a chieved the rank of Eagle Scout May 21, 1953, was presented the Gold Palm award, and Dewity Blanton, of Troop 2, was recommended for Eagle rank. Robert Chaney, Troop 13, was advanced to the rank of Tender foot. ?? ' Jim Rollins, Troop 1, was ad vanced to Second Class rank, and Earl Bumgardner, Troop 12, was advanced to First Class rank. Merit badges were awarded as follows: J Citizenship in the home? Steve Kessler, Troop No. 1. Citizenship In the Nation ? Benjie Moomaw and Dick Hunni cutt, both of Troop 1. Cooking ? Steve Kiser, Paul Hamrick, Dereck Smith, and Gil bert Brazell, of Troop No. 8. Fingerprinting ? Erwin Hou ser, Troop 2. Flremanshlp ? Jerry Wilson and Paul Hamrick, Troop 8, and Dewltt Blanton, Troop 2. Home Repair ? Billy Staggs Rnd Arthur Allen, Troop 13, Earl Bumgardner, Troop 12, and Phil Mauney, Troop 2. Fishing ? H. M. Metcalf, Din key Barrett, and Jterry Barrett, Continued On Page Eight Kings Mountain Kiwanians To Honor jjafflesAtflnnual Banquet Thursday PC Shaw Smith, director of the Davidson College union and ca ordinAtpr of student activities, will feature the entertainment program of the Kings Mountain Klwanls club at the organization's annual' ladies night banquet Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Smith, assisted by his wife, will present a show of magic and other entertainment. A graduate of Davidson in 1939 he obtained a master's degree from thfe University of North Carolina, later served as Instruc tor and commandant of cadets si vmta1 g* M^,t*ry institute, ^ at DaVidson, and, during World War II, as dl nations of Eorope and AftloKffc ***?*n?tiona) ot ^tWana, Sigma ?odtal fraternity