Allison-Moss Vows Exchanged Miss Vera Mac Allison of Gaff ney, S. C., and Forrest Earl Moss. Jr., of Kings Mountain were mar ried Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the parsonage of the East Side Baptist church in Gaffney. ? . Vows of the double-ring cere mony were exchanged. The couple entered the room unattended. For her wedding, the bride wore a white street-length dress, lade trimmed, with white hat and 'fingertip veil of silk bridal illu sion. She carried a white Bible topped with a while orchid and showered with white rlbfton streamers. Mrs. Moss is the daughter of A. J. Allison of Gaffney, S. C., and j the late Mrs. Allison. Mr. Moss Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Moss of Kings Mountain. Only the Immediate families attended the ceremony. After a wedding trij^ to Florida, the cou ple will be at home on Morris street here. Mr*. Garland Still Tuesday Club Hostess Tuesday Afternoon Bridge members met this week at the home of Mrs. G. E. Still. .Guests playing, in addition to club members were Mrs.. Jacob Cooper and Mrs. Jim Smith. Mrs. Hugh Ormand won high for club members in bridge, and the visi tor's high award went to Mrs. Cooper. During progressions, the hos- > tess was assisted in serving a {I. sweet course. Mrs. John B. Plonk Bridge Club Hostess ( j Members of the Quben of Clubs met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. John B Plonk. Guests playing, in addition to club members, were Mrs. John Dilling, Mrs. C. T. Carpenter. Jr., Mrs. Oran Fulton, and Mrs Jack * White. Mrs. Charles Neisler won high scorte award in bridge for the evening, and Mrs. Carpenter re ceived the low score award. During progressions, the hos tess passed a dessert course with iced tea. Arrangements of pan sites and larkspur decorated the home. Woman's Club Officers To Be Installed Tuesday New officers of thte Kings Mountain Woman's club and the Kings Mountain Junior Woman's club will be installed at a public Installation service at the Wo man's club Tuesday evening at 7:30. Mrs. D. C. Mauney of Cherry vllle, District 4 president, will conduct the installation service, and following the sferv.lce, each club will conduct separate busi ness meetings, a spokesmaiy lor the two clubs said Wednesday morning. Picnic Dinner Sunday Honored Weekend Guests Mr. and Mrs. Barney K. Black, Larry Black, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Llnsmier, all of Greenbay, Wisconsin, who visited here dur ing the weekend in the home of Mr. Black's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Black, were honored Sunday at a picnic dinner at Lake Craw ford. , A bountiful dinnfer was served at 1 o'clock. Seventy /our rela tives from North and South Car olina attended the picnic. The Wilbanks Trio of Greenville, S. C., nieces of Mrs. Clarence Black, sang several selections for the group after dinner. Miss Elizabeth Anthony Club.Hostess Tuesday The Home Arts club met with Miss Elizabeth Anthony at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. L. P. Baker, program chairman, presented Dr. L. P. Ba ker who showed a technicolor movie. "North Carolina," Variety Vacatlonland." Resorts and points of scenic beauty and history significance were highlights qf the movie. Mrs. B. D, Ratterree presided over the business session and minutes of the preceedlng meet ing were read by Mrs. Martin Harmon, assistant secretary. Beautiful arrangements of Ja panese Iris and water lilies, roses, pansies, and other summer flow ers tastefully decoratfed the An thony home. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Anthony and Mrs. J. E. An thony, Jr., served a delectable sa lad course with punch and passed a dessert course. Single bottles every where soft drinks are sold. Six- bottle cartons at grocers. *' 4. ' V't - ? ? \ ? ? ?* Kings Mountain Beverage Co, Inc. 504 E. KINO ST. PHONE 374 HERBS NOHCARBONATED! ^Bire-ley's good fruit flavor ' comes through to you . . . and [you can enjoy all you wantt nm FRUIT FLAVOR! No artificial flavor la your Bire- ley's Orange Drink I It's made from a base containing real California orange Juice. And it's pasteurized ! Try the other Bire-ley's flavors, tool , Social Calendar Thursday: \ 2:45 ? Ace of Cluba meeti at the home of Mrs. Amos Dean. 7:45 ? Masterpoint gamfe of du plicate bridge at the Country club. Friday: 1:00? Magnolia Garden club luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. S. Fulton, Jr. 2:30 ? Friday Afternoon Bridge club meets at Glenbrook with Mrs. J. B. Simpson as hostess. 7:30 ? Bridal party at Bethle hem Community club^ house honoring Miss Bar bara Teasenteer, bride elect. Hostesses: Polly Hendricks, Peggy Mc. Ginnls, Kathy Ham bright, Hilda Herndon, Anne Davis, Sue Keeter, and Faye' Houser. 7:30? Margrace Woman's club meets at the Margracte Woman's clubhouse. Saturday: 7:00 ? Club night at Kings Mountain Country club. 8:00 ? The wedding of Miss Dor othy Lee Saunders and Robert Owen Southwell will be solemnized in Brownson Memorial Presbyterian church In Southern Pines. Monday: - . 3:30 ? First Baptist church Wo man's Missionary Society meets at the church. 3:30 ? Circle 5, First Presbyterl an church, meets at the home of Mrs. E. A. Har rill. 7:00 ? Circle 6, First Presbyterl an church, meets at Lake Montonia picnic area. 7:30? Circle I, First Presbyteri an church, mfeets at the home of Mrs. ? Grady Rhea. 8:00? Circle II, First Presbyter Ian church, meets at the home of Mrs. Herman Campbell. 8:00? Circle 4, First Presbyteri an church, meets at the home of Miss Helen Hay. Tuesday: 3:00 ? Contract Bridge club meets at the home oi Mrs. Hal S. Plonk. 3:00 ? Stella Austin Girl's Auxi liary, First Baptist chur ch, meets at the church. 7:30 ? Joint Installation service for new officers of the Kings Mountain Junior and Senior Woman's clubs at the Woman's' Clubhouse. Smorgasbord Served At Country Club Some 48 persons attended a luncheon at Kings Mountain , Country club Sunday. Smorgas bord was served from 12 noon until 1:30 o'clock. Centerpieces of red carnations were used on the dining room ta- 1 hies, and rwi carnations, fever j few, and bowls of gladioli were : used on the mantels in the living I rooms. I Other- garden greenery was us- , |ed throughout the club hotise. ; , Regular Club Night j Set For Saturday , Regular club night will be held i at Kirtgs Mountain Country ? club [ Saturday evening with dinner to j be served at 7 o'clock.. Dinner music will be furnished by "tJnele Remus", storybook character of the Old South, and plates will be sold at $1.75 per person. Program and hostesses for the club night event were not an nounced.. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doster of Grover announce the birth of a .son, Wednesday, May 26, Shelby hospital. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Pruitt of Harlingen, Texas, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Constance Yvonne, Tuesday, May 25, Valley Baptist hospital, Har lingen, Texas. Mrs. Pruitt is the former Miss Peggy Miller, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller of Kings Mountain. Sgt. ! Pruitt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pruitt, also of Kings Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lawson, route 1, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, May 29, Kings Mou/itain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Horacte Klser an nounce the birth of a son, Satur day, May 29, Kings Mountain hoS pital. x : . Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fraley an nounce the birth of a son, Friday, May 28, Gaston Memorial hos pital, Gastonla. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore announce the birth of a daugh ter, Wednesday, June 2, Kings Mountain hospital. , > i ? ? . a Mr. and Mrs. G. ?. StiU. Miss Christine Still, Jack Still, ami Mrs. Harry Dula of Charlotte leave Sunday for a trip to Mexico City. They plan to go by car as far as Houston, "Texas, and from Texas by plane to rtsw Mexico. On their return trip, they will visit G. ?. Still, Jr.. in JBellesviUe, Illinois. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ? Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Morris an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy Helen, to William B. McDaniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDaniel. Both families are of Kings Mountain. The wedding will be an event of early faU. Miss Frances Bridges and Miss Miss Dotty Smith is visiting Muriel Cooke, the latter of Char- friends and relatives in Fort lotte, recently returned from a Pierce, Florida. She expects to be two-weeks vacation In Florida. away two weeks. Miss Helen Penson Wed Sunday At Noon To Charles Guyton In Church Ceremony Miss Helen Peoson of Bostlc and Charles Guyton of Kings Mountain pledged marriage vows in an impressive ceremony be fore the altar of the Baptist church of Bostic Sunday at 12 o'clock noon. The Reverend Coit E. Auten, pastor of thte bride, heard the cou ple exchange vows of the double ring ceremony before a back ground of Oregon fern and two flooV baskets of all-white gladioli. Family pews were bow-marked with white satin ribbons. A program of nuptial wedding music was presented prior to and during the exchange of vows by Mrs. Ruby Doggett of Forest City, organist, and Mrs. Gene Guffey of Spindale, vocal-soloist. Mrs. Guffey sang two selec tions, "Through the Years" by Youmanns and as a benediction, "The Lord's Prayer", by Malotte. Thte Bridal Chorus from "Lohen grin" by Wagner was used ftir the processional, and Mendel ssohn's wedding march from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was played for the recessional. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a ballerina-len gth wedding gown of white chan tilly lace over satin, designed with strapless bodice and lace bolero with !ong sleeves ending in calla-llly points over the hands. A pantel of chantllly lace formed at the hip-line and extended to the hem-line in both front and back, and her fingertip veil of silk bridal illusion; trimmed with idee medallions, was attached to a Juliet cap appliqued with meda llions and trimmed in seted pearls. Mrs. Hoyt Toney of Jackson ville, N. C., was her sister's ma tron-of-honor and cnly attendant. She wore a light blue ballerina length gown of nylon net over taffeta with matching headpiece and carried a nosteg?y of "pink" roses. Don Bumgardner of Kings Mountain 'was best-man for the groom, and Don McDonald of Bostlc, cousin of the bride, and Don Flowers of Kings Mountain were usher-grodtnsmen. - Mrs. J. L. Penson, the bride's mother, wore a navy blue dress with matching accessories, and Mrs. Coley Guyton, mother of the groom, wore white with navy ac cessories. Each of the mothers wore a corsage of talsman roses. The bride, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Penson of Bostlc, is a graduate of Cool Springs high school and prior to her marriage was (employed in the offices of Laurel Mills in Rutherfordton. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Coley Guyton of Kings Mountain, was graduated from Kings Mountain high school and is employed at Barkley's Grocery here. After the ceremony, the couple and their wtedding party received guests in the church vestibule and later left for a wedding trip. Among guests attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gault, Jr., Mrs. Wllma Sellers, and Miss ? Etha Hawkins, all of Kings Mountain; Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Fox of Asheville; Mrs. C. M. Ewing and Miss Aileten Ewing, all of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jonas and Miss Pearl Bennett of Forest City, and Miss Martha Putnam of Cherryville. When Mr. and Mrs. Guyton re turn from a wedding trip, they will be at home in Kings Moun tain. PERSONALS Mr. and Mr* J. H. Arthur will go to Durham "Saturday to at tend commencement exercises at Duke University, where their daughter, Miss Shirley Arthur, will bfe graduated Monday. Mr. and Mra. B. T. Wright at tended graduation exercises at' Western Carolina college Mon day. Their son, B. T. Wright, Jr., was a member of the graduating class. Students from Western. Caro lina College at home for the sum-, mer are Jerry King, Bill Ruth, Don Patterson, Joe Ware, and Bob Hullender. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ormand will go to Southern Pines this weekend to attend the wedding of Mrs. Ormand's nipce. Miss Dorothy Lee Saunders and Robert jOwen Southwell, which Is to take place Saturday evening in thfe Brownson Memorial Presbyteri an church. Mr. apd Mrs. R. T. Padgett of Washington, D. C., spent the weekend here as guests in the homfe of Mr. Padgett's sister, Mra. John Rudisill and Mr. Rudislll. Mrs. L. E. Abbott underwent an operation at Memorial Hospi tal in Charlotte on Tuesday. Members of her family said Wed nesday that she was "getting a< long fine." She entered the hospi tal Monday. ' Mrs. C. W. Richardson, Mra. R. B. Keeter of Grover, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hicks, Jr., of Grteenvilie, S. C., visited Miss Pearl Hicks, a patient at Memo rial Hospital, Charlotte, on Sun day. Members of the family said this week that Miss Hicks was "getting ajong fine" and was ex pected to be home soon! \ Sea Nymph Swim Suits ? .?} ? '? ? ;? ? ? ?>. ? : . ? are well-calculated to improve your figure to attarctthe sun's rays and a man's gaze .... to splash and dive and swim with ease. We've dozens of refreshing new styles in your size and in colors to enhance your tan. Several Wanted Colors ? ASK AT MYERS' DRESS SHOP FOR ?? v ? * Hj'Q' ' ? "f 1 Prices Begin As Low ' V "-r? ? .... Mr . ., DRESS Second Floor ? '& .??. J '.cA. J". ;? ???

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