El-Bethel-Bethware News (Mrs. Leonard Gamble) EL - BETHEL ? BETHWARE. July 13 - Revival Services are |n progress this week at David's Baptist church with Rev. E. 1$. Hicks conducting the services. They will close next Sunday mor ning with the 11 o'clock service and each day this week they will be held at 8 o'clock. Rev. C. W. Walker, pastor urges everyone to attend these services. ftev. Boyce HuffsteUer and fa mily are In Boone this week and until next Wednesday conducting revival services. There was a free Gospel Sing ing held at Bethware School last Saturday night, sponsored by Westover Baptist church. Many singers were present to present very good gospel singing to the large crowd who attended. Miss Lois Gamble along with Mr. D. G. JIarwood, Assistant County Agent, spent the week end in Rockingham attending Stale 4-1 1 Honor Club Camp. While thbre, they voted on the now Honor Cluh member* to be tapped at State 411 Club week next week In Raleigh. They also had time for recreation, swim ming, boating, and fishing. On July 19, a large group of boys and girls from Cleveland County will attend State 4-H Club week in Raleigh. Those going from Bethware will be Joan Cran ford, Roy Herndon, and Lois Gamble. Thursday dinner guests of J F. Gamble and Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Gamble and girls were Mrs. Ida Dover, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Byers. Mr. Will Thornburg Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wentz and' Hugh, and Barbara Wentz of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and four children of Miami, Fla spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kee Harmon and other friends of Mooresville, N. C-, while visit ing the mountains of Western North Carolina. . 1 Those from. Be'hware who at tended 4-H Camp at Millstone near Rockingham last week were Misses Barbara Gamble Betty Jean Eaker. Doris Cranford. and Gilbert Patterson, Ray Herndon, Bobby Short, and David Herndon. Around 14 boys from Bethware school left Monday morning for a week's vacation to White Lake. Jney were accompanied by Mr Myers Hambright, Agriculture teacher at Bethware, Thev will return Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Harmon and Beverely of Greenville, S. C. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Key Harmon on thblr way home after spending the week at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr and Mrs. James Blalock and Mr. and Mrs. Goff Blalock of Grover were Thursday after-* noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Gamble, girls, and J F Gamble. . ' Those attending the birthday dinner Sunday for Bob Thornburg from this community were: J. F. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gamble and Barbara Gamble, Carolyn Bridges, II. W. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, and Will Thornburg. The El Bethel Home Demonstr ation Club wifl meet Frio ay, 'July lfi, at Mrs. Clyde Handles with Mrs. Ruth Handle and Mrs Frank Hcrndon as co-hostesses. The De monstration which will begin at 2:30 will be given by Miss La Una Brashears and will be on "Hard Floor Coverings." Those from Beth ware who at tended the supper meeting of the newly formed Cancer Society held in Jhe American Legion building Monday night at 8 p. m. were Mrs. Leonard Gamble and Lois Gamble, from El-Bethel; Mrs. Gene Patterson, from Pat terson Grove; Mrs. F. C. Ware, from Oak Grove; Mrs. I*t>rry Me Swain, from Davids; and Miss La ura Laine Morris, from Bethle hem. Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Walker and Linda visited Mr. Theodore Tluf fstetler and Mrs. W. M. Ruppe whoare in the Charlotte hospital Sunday afternoon. A large crowd from this com munity attended the funeral Fri day of Mr. Will Watterson of Oak Grove community. Rev. C. W. Walker will hold a revival meeting at AJlen Memo rial Baptist church next week at 8 o'clock each evening. Everyone is invited to attend. Mrs. Theresa Mae Holt is in Germany with her hubsand. Next Thursday night at 8 o' clock, July 22, the El-Bethel ladles will feed the Kiwanls Club from Kings Mountain. Bethware school will open at 8 o'clock, July 22. The Women's Society of Chirs tian Servicte of El-Bethel met Sat urday evening at 4 o'clock at the church. Mrs. James E! er report ed on her trip to Lake Junaluska. Sunday afternoon visitors of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Walker and Linda were Mrs. Lee Proctor, Mrs. Ruppe and two children and Miss Ilia Mae Proctor of Fortest City. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barber were Mrs. Cllne Lingerfelt of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thornburg and children, and Zeb Etters of Ft. Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. McSwain had as their last- week guest Mr. McSwaln's mother of Rock Hill, S. C. Mrs. Parker of Gastonia is visi ting her son, Noble Parker, and children for several weeks. Gail Heavener was Baptized Court Session Routine Monday City Recorder's court convened Monday afternoon at-Clty Hall lit a .'JO minute routine session, Judge Jack White presiding. Stokes Gladden, 27 Gantt street, submitted, through his attorney, George Thomasson, to a charge of passing a worthless check to Clyde Huullender, on ApilL9, In the amount of $18.90. Gladden re ceived a 60day road sentence, suspended on condition that he pay Clyde Hullender the amount of the worthless check, and costs of court. v Four defendants were found guilty on charges of public drunk enness. Five cases were continued: Amzte McClaln, charged with as sault with deadly weapon, Robert Lee Bell, charged with passing a worthless check, Nathaniel Sweat, charged with leaving the scene i of an accident, Fred Roberts, cha rged with transporting non-tax paid whiskey, and another defen dant charged with public drunk enness. ? -Capiases were ordered Issued for Linwood Rivers, charged with reckless driving and speeding, and two otlter defendants charg ed with public drunkennbss. One case, that of John R. Ward, charged with driving drubk, was transferred to Shelby for jury trial, at defendant's request. August Diaft Quota Is 40 Forty Cleveland County draf tees will leave Shelby, August 24, for Induction into the armted for ces, according to Mrs. Clara New man, of the local Selective Ser vice office. On August 4, Mrs. Newman said, a group of 30 Cleveland County men is scheduled to leave Shelby for pro-induction fexaml nations in Charlotte. Persons wishing to contact the board are reminded by Mrs. New man that the office is now locat ed at 222 West Warren street, Shelby. Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service, at El-Bethol Methodist church. The Fourth Quarterly Confer ence was hfeld at El-Bethel Metho dist church last Friday night at 8 o'clock with Rev. Jack Kirby, district superintendent of the Gas tonia district, presiding. A large crowd attended and all reports were good for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sperling, who werfc recently married, have btegun house keeping at the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. Mag gie Sperling. Miss Sherry Doster spent last week at Myrtle Beach with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Hop Baugham. Iflenry Morris of Asheville is spending this week with his cou sin, Jerry Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bridges and three children spent part of last week in the mountains of Wes tern North Carolina. Friends and relatives honored Mr. Will Stone with a birthday dinnter Sunday at his home. A Attending the dinner were Mrs. W. C. Barnettte of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stone and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ledford and two children, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone. Jr., and Mr, and Mm A. T De Bruler, Jr., all of Kings Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Stone and two chil dren, of Shelby, and Rev. and, Mrs. Boyce Huffstctler and son. Mr. Stone, who was 65, received many nice gifts. Mrs. Barnette expects to visit here with the Stones and other relatives until August. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. De Bruler spent several days last week at Myrtle Beach, S. C. large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goforth r'eturned Saturday from a two weeks vacation to the mountain and Lake Waccamaw and the tx>aoh. They were accompanied by their three children and Mrs. J. T. Goforth. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Costnt?r and Miss Margie Lou Costner of Shel ,by visited Mr. and Mrs. L I. Ea-.j cer Sunday. Last Tuesday at Brittlan Pres byterian church at Rutherford ton, the Barber reunion was held. Children who attended were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barber of this com munity, Walter Barbfer and fam ily of Roanoke, Va., Rev. Mar shall Barber and family of Elkln, Rev. Fred Barber and family of Ltnville, Rev. Earnest Barber and family of Ralelghi Mlnter Barber and family of Tryon, Ed Barber and family of Tryon. Mason Bar ber and family of Chattanooga, Tenn., George Barber and family of Nfew Port News, Va., Robert Barber and family of Greenville, S. C.. Mrs. Leltha Hoyle and fami ly of He 1 wood, Mrs. Carrie Fos ter and family of Mill Springs. Mrs. Jennie Edwards and family of Hendersonvllle and Mrs. J. M. Barber who lives among these children. She tfctumed home with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barber here to spend some time. Mrs. Boyce Eaker Is In the Kings Mountain hospital this week for treatment. \ At the outbreak of Woiid War 1, there were only 13.500 men In the United States Marine Corps. Negro News By Mrs. Cannie Gordon 105 Carpenter Street Mr. Vincent Rodgers of Wash' ington, D. C-. was the 4th of July weekend guest of Mr. artd Mrs. L. Q, Thombs and his daughter, Vivlene Rodgers. On hte return Mrs. Thombs and Vivlene Join him where Viviene will become a primary student In the River Terrace Kindergarten.. Mr- and Mrs. Ben D. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. John Qulnn spent the weekend at the Sea Breeze Beach. Mrs. Cannie Gordon and Miss Aleen Clark visited their broth er, Oscar Clark of Ranlo, and sister, Mrs. Marie Jingles of Low ell, N. C? last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ale Roberts and daughters, Mrs. Daisy Wright and Mrs. Edna M. Crockett and daughter, Gloria Lee, and Miss Ann Reason returned to their home in Philadelphia Monday after visiting Mrs. Daisy L. Smith. Mr. artd Mre- Eugene PoOle of New York are visiting the tat ter's mother, Mrs. Blanch Berry on Cansler street. Miss Lcatha Jackson of High Point spent the weekend In Kings Mountain visiting her sis ter* in-law, Mrs. Lucy J. Burris. Mrs. Mozell Green is visiting relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. The Silver Trumpet quartet of Shelby will render a program in song at St. Paul Methodist chur ch Sunday night at 8 o'clock. You are cordially invited to at tend. A free will offering will be taken. W. J. Goudelock, sponsor. The revival meeting is in pro gress at Adanrvs Chapel A. M. E. Zion church. Rev. C. G. Ellis is In charge. The revival meeting will begin Sunday night at Vestibule A. M. E. Zlon church and will continue for two weeks. Rev. L. L. Turner will (be in charge. All churches are asked to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Alllsoi. of Gary, Indiana, arte visiting his sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brown at 201 Cansler street. Compact News By Mrs. A. P. Adams. P. O. Box 166, Phone 1130- W The Compact Scout Troop No, 11 went to Camp James July 13. The following scouts made the trip: Leonard Brown, Douglas Miller, Paul Edward Jamerson, Azaria Jamerson. Paul Perkins, Herman Stephens, Alva Miller, Odell Mitchem, Carl Dye, and Gilbert Byers. School Compact school will open Thursday, July 22, 1954, at eight o'clock. All parents are asked to please send their children. Church News The Mount Olive Baptist chur ch will worship with the Mount Calvary Baptist church of Shel by Sunday, July 18, at 3 p. m. There will be a singing pro gram at Mt. Olive church Sunday night, July 18. Everyone Is cordi ally invited. The compact Friendly Aid, wishes to thank the Kings Mountain and Grover Lodges for ?helping to feed the Friendly Aid Union last Sunday. There will be Home Coming services at Vestibule A. M. E. Zion church Sunday, July 18. All friends are invited to come out and bring lunch.- The revival meeting begins that night also. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Willie Burris wel come the return of their grand daughter, Jacqueline Barnette, from a six weeks vacation in Baltimore, Md., and New York City. Mr. Thomas E. Saunders and mother spent Sunday, in Rock Hill and Chester, S. C., with her son and daughter. Mrs. Curiee Rountree and niece, Rachel Ann Patterson spent last week with Mrs. Roundtree's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Patterson of Com pact community. Mrs. Round tree retimed to Baltimore, Md., Tuesday. Miss Annie Mae Burris is spending the summer in St Louis, Mo. Leon Bryant and sister, Mrs. Florean Faison were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Alberta Adams last week end. They are resi dents of. Moritclair, N. J. Sick List Gordon Elijah Ross, Jr., enter ed the Kings Mountain hospital Tuesday morning. CARD OP THANKS The family of George W. Pat terson wishes to express their thanks and appreciation to all friends for their kindness during their hours of bereavement. ? Neqro ffjffjifl '' AHei Accident A* a result >>t anautomofcfle ac cident around 2:25 Saturday af-, ternoon, Nathaniel Sweat, Negro, of 111 Tracy street, was arrested by the Kings Mountain Police de partment on a charge of leaving the scene of an accident. According to the police report, Sweat, driving a 1948 Nash, and traveling east on Phenix street, struck a telephone post alter fall ing to make a curve. Sweat, police said, left the scene of the accident before police arrived. Trial for Sweat has been set for Monday. Investigating officers were Chief Hugh A. Logan, Jr., P. R. Sanders, and Jack Stone. PATTERSON GROVE : NEWS By J. E. Thoraburg Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wright spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney' Hides, Miss Grace Mopre spent the week with Carolyn Moore. Mr. and Mris. Melvin Wright and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Wright's sisters in Waco, Mrs. B. G. Wood and Sandy and Becky Wood of Kannapolls, and Bob and Boyd Wood of Brevard spent last week with their father here. Their mother, Mrs. Ham rick, visited hfer sister in the Beam's Mill community and her daughter, Mrs. Lamar Cllne, and family In Waco. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mobery and Kay and Peggy Mobery were Fri day evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Thornburg and family. . Rev. Demauth Blanton filled the pulpit at Patterson Grove Sunday In the absence of the pas tor. Larry Vassey spent the night Sunday with Glenn Hicks. Iris Thornburg and Linda Moore were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Misses Geraldine and Katherine Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Putnam and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lovelace Sunday night Pressly To Conduct Morning Devotions Dr. W. L. Pressly, pastor of Boyce Memorial ARP church, will conduct morning devotions over Radio Station WKMT five days next week beginning Monday. Topic of the week series is "Joyous Christian Living." Sub jects of morning messages are: "Call to Joyous Christian Living", "Path to Joyous Christian Liv ing", "Simplicity of Joyous Chris tian Living", "Beauty of Joyous Christian Living", and "Maintain ing Joyous Christian Living." Mrs. W. L. Pressly, Frank Sel lers, Miss Shirley Sellers, and Miss Mary Boyce McGill and members of the choir under the direction of Mrs. N. F. McGill, or ganist, will furnish music each morning, beginning Tuesday. BOYCE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WILLIAM L. PRESSLY, Minister Church School 10 a. m. Marriott D. Phlfcr. Supt. Morning Service 11 a. m. Union Service 8 p. m The Union Service will be at the Pres byterian church with Rev. Phil Shore, Jr., prearhlng. A light supper will be served the Young People and children of the church at 8:30 by the Mary Kennedy Circle. The meetings ?Will follow. i Prayer and Praise Service Wednesday at 1 8 p. m. Choir Practice at 8:30. PROMOTED Cpl. "Ruby Hazel Greene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Greene of Kings Mountain, has been promoted to corporal, according to announcement received here this week. Cpl; Greene is stationed with the Woman's Air Corps in Tokyo, Japan. Commodity Credit Corporation Investments in price supported farm commodities totals $6.5 bil lion; storage costs for commodi ties owned by the CCC total $700, 000 dally. SELL IT THRU THt HEBALD | WANT APS The average prloe paid by North Carolina farmers for all mixed dairy feed was up fivty cents per hundred pounds during the month ended April 15, 1954. i ' ' i ? .? ' '? - j '' ' Total stocks of corn in all posi tions in North Carolina on April 1, 1954 amounted to 21.8 million bushels. 8 per cent above the fig- ! ure for a year earlier. "? A Marine >nay receive a high school diploma and up to an e quivalent of two years in college through the Marlpe Corjis 'In stitute. '? The Marine Corps haa more tljan GO . different technical schools' with more than 600 dif- . leremcouraea. \ v; i GRAPE Pound iYour Best Meat Buy Of The Week! Quality-Tender Veal Round SteaK known quality For Delicious Shrimp Cocktalll Tasty Small SHRIMP - ?y BIG FROZEN FOOD VALUE ! DIXIE- HOME FROZEN FRES H Orange Juice 3 601 c"n' 3 5' Horn* Style STOKELY Turnip Greens 2N0.4 30a Cons &9V Add Zm? With Heinz Net Dog Relish ll-Ox. aq Jar ?9C All Vegetable Shortening V SPRY *? 93e HCINZ get the BEST 'or LESS! 28c WILSON'S CERTIFIED M1ATS Hickory 2-Ox. Can 45e Turkey or DDQE HOME TEA - 1 Ik pk* Yellow Cling Sliced or Halves. DIXIE-HOME PEACHES 2 Never to Tart ? Never To Sweetl LIBBY'S i. PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 Enjoy This Fine Quality Preserves At This Low, Low Price ? Skyway STRAWBERRY Preserves 2 ^ 45 No.-2V4 Cans 46-Oz. Cans 49* 55c & GRAVY 15-Oz. 1A. Con WC Cranberry Sauce OCEAN SPRAY No. 300 20g Healthful Carnation MALTED MILK t 45c Rich Nutlike Flavor ORAPE NUTS FLAKES 23c For lingerie LUX LIQUID 12-Ox. Can Soothing Rub ? 70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol & f Q Delicious For Salads HOSTESS Birtlett Peers 37c For Perfect Pie Crust ? - Jiffy PIE CRUST X 17c jjL , /.* . ???->, ?*. \rJ-y l?-\ Fresh Corn Off The Cob , Niblets Corn 2 c,?; 35c Perky Flavor ? Money Saver L!BftY*S Vienna Sausage Con* 19c Nutriciovs, Juicy Tasty LIBBY'S ST HASH 'V? 31c Ideal Summer Beverages ? All Flavors KOOL-ADE 6 Pkgs. 25c A Delicious Flavors JELLO ... 3 pk?.. 25c Bakers 4 In 1 Instant COCOA MIX 25c