MOIJ HOSPITAL moukYaih. h ? c ARCHITECTS SKETCH OP EXPANDED HOSPITAI^-Pictured above la a sketch of Kings Mountain hospital as it will appear after con templated additions are built. The sketch shows the present building with new wing added to the front, new storage room at the hack, added space ier heating plant and expanded kitchen facilities. In. sit at left of picture Is. a small scale drawing showing in shaded areas the proposed additions. Ormand & Vaughan, Shelby archi " ? ? h . ' "v .*' > vc- i ?* ? ?/'*' ,/ * " * 'i ' "v r ' ' "* ?'*" - 1* tacts, began work Monday on the working plans and detailed speci fications, they reported. Under the plans approved by the hospital trustees and State Medical Care commission, 14 beds will be added to the plant, making a total of SO. The business office will be moved to the new wing on the front, and the pediatric ward will also be housed in the new wing. Local News KIWANIS MEETING The Kings Mountain Kiwan is club will have its annual E. Chapman was Issued a building permit September 16 by Building Inspector J. W. Webster to build a one story permit to Charlie Blalodk to e Alexander street, at an estima ted cost of |5,000. On Septem ber 20, Mr. Webster issued a permit to Charlie Slalock eo e rect a 3-4 room house on pro. perty located on Lackey street, at an estimated cost of $12, 000. EPISCOPAL SERVICE Re\- Floyd Pinch, af Besse mer City, Win conduct a morn ing prayer service for the new ly organized Kings Mountain Episcopal mission Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at . the Woman's Club, it was announ ced by Mrs, J. E. Castle. ? ii. i . . . AT INSTITUTE J. E. Castle, manager of Foote Mineral Company, is attending a meeting of the American In stitute of Mlrtlng Engineers at San Francisco, Calif, .fie will return this, weekend. OPTIMIST MEETIM# * Regular meeting of the Kings Mountain Optimist club will be held at New South Restau rant at 7 o'clock Thursday night, It was announced by Neal Grlssom, ^resldeiit. ? - - Xi> lAlXT Mt Boyce Meiriorlal ARP Sab bath School will observe anna ?al Bally Day on Sunday morn ln? at 10 o'clock. A special program has been aranged by Mrs. Lewis HcrvU, a large num ber of children will partici pate, and special emphaal?-vti f>ping placed on attendance on Sunday. -6 MM! Patterson Takes School Pod Miss Leone Patterson hat ac cepted the position of secretary to the Dean of Student* at the Presbyterian Assembly** Train ing School, Richmond , -Va., and will assume he* new dutie* Fri day. ' - 5 - ? She Is the daughter of Mrs. 9. *. Patterson, of Kings Moun tain, a nd has held a position In the offices of Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Gastocda. Gold Mine Shaft Is Being Pumped At 192-Foot Maik . ? ; ' Water continues in critically short supply In Kings Mountain. In spit* of curtailed consump tion, the water level of the city reservoir on "York Road continues to decline at a rate of three quarters per Inch per day, and tiie city's main auxiliary source? the Gold Mine ghaft supply ? is delivering much less than its for-, mer total of 400 gallons per minute. Mayor Glee A. Bridges said the city was pumping the Gold Mine shaft at the 192-foot deptn Wed nesday, which Is only eight feet from the bottom of the line. Ad ditional plpte, on order, has not yet been received, but the. Mayor said he hoped It would arrive Thursday. However, there was some ques tion as to the effectiveness of lowering the pipe, since the flow subsides with the increased load of pulling the water to the top of the shaft Sunday and Monday showers were of short duration and had no (effect on. the city supply, and sunny skies Wednesday offered no ^aln prospects. Both streams serving the York Road reservoir are completely dry, the Mayor said. He added that the Davidson creek, whtere the city is constructing an auxiliary reservoir has a good flow but that contractors building the new dam, now 25-feet high, say tapping this stream now would bring the dam construction to a halt. The dam specifications call for a height of ?0 feet, at a width of 300 leet at the base, taplerlng to 40 feet at the top. . ?...'W -.'-J ; ,-V.- W ; Consumption of city water con tinued at the totals beftig used since restrictions were Imposed Continued On Pope Bight ? - i ' ? ? i-. ? ? i i i to. SEAL SALE CHAIRMEN HEBE ? Paul Walker, - left and Grady Howard, right, will Mm as chairmen of the Kings Mountain Christ mas seal sale campaign for 1954, it was announced Wednesday by Dr. D. P. Hord, chairman of the Cleveland County Tuberculosis as sociation. Funds derived from the seal sale are used to combat and prevent tuberculosis. Trustees Decline Survey Discussion Correct Addresses Asked Of Guessers Myjtery Farm guessers should be sure they supply the Herald with their correct mail ing addresses. ?* ? ' , v Two Joy-Dixie theatrfe passes mailed to lucky guessers of last week's Mystery Farm No. 3 were kicked back by the post office with "not found" nota tions. One haa been delivered in person. , Woman's Club Will Be Hostess T. BhUrt *"#?? Wedl"34aJ : ? ... 1 1.- ? The Kings Mountain Woman's Club Will be boat* to the annual fitting of District TV, North Carolina Federation of Woman's Cluba, Wednesday In the newly renovated and expanded Wo man's club building. ? Theme of the program, which begins at 10 a. m? la "Tour Saw Discipline, Understanding, and Faith Will Light the Worldf? After the morning fession and luncheon, *eporta from commit' tees will be heard and presenta tion of honor awards to clubs will be made. Mr*. P, KL Hendricks, publicity chairman of the Kings Mountain dub, Mild Tuesday that persons desiring tickets for the lurx-heon should contact Mrs. JnneVeS the cla,m of 2??" organizers that they SS) n T majority of the Company to *?,nferal fantasy ' . a" ,ma?'native M^nrfl? of last Saturday. ii oESb? SffiTSr elect'on is lnV M' fr,ghten you^cTri yolI' intimidate yop. staAd up a? a yoTthl^rtT ?'tlzen- v?te as NIrr not 'ear the mL?mi r CI? or th* Foote I ehaZl Company. Talk'-and ex- 1 change view. With everybody.; Is no law against that " Oti-To-School List Now 142 Addition of nine students to thle area's off-to-sehool list lor the 1954-55 term brings to 142 the number of students now at tending or leaving soon for col leges, universities, prep schools, nursing, trade, and speciality schools. Total listings of off-to-schbol students last year was 109, less by 33 than the figure for this year. & . Norma Lfce Slpes has enrolled at Oreenvillc General Hospital School of Medical Technology, at Greenville, S. C., for the coming term, and Darrell Austin, Gene Welch, and Cleveland Yawn are attending Western Carolina col lego, at Cullowhee. , Joan Cranford, Lois Ann Spakfe and Helen Greene are students at Kings Business College, Charlotte and Herman Greene and Boyce Wells are attending Howard's Business college, at Shelby. Joanita Lovelace has entered Memorial Hospital School of Nur sing in Charlotte, said Ray Cline has enrolled at the Univeislty of Alabama. [ FAIR SCENES ? Shown here axe scenes from the Cleveland Coun ? "? . 'k* ty Fair, which continues through Saturday In its 3 1st annual run. The pictures show the crowds, prize farm crops, household arts, and a midway entertainment feature ? all among the featur es of the annual Cleveland Coun. ty Fair. .iU:a *?' ?T? Jr\-> Five Axe Named To City Zoning Adjustment Body The city board of commission ers in special session Tuesday night, appointed a new 7-oning ad justment board, bought a truck, and contracted to rent two major pieces of equipment on an option to-purchase basis. Appointed to the adjustment board were Ben H. Bridges, nam ed chairman, Coleman Stroupe, John B. Maunfey, Mrs. George Houser, and BUI Jonas. The appointments occurred af ter J, W. Webster, city building inspector, had infbrmed the Ma yor earlier In the week of a zon ing violation involving Mr. Stroupe. The board accepted low bid on a half-ton truck for Cemtstery Su perintendent Sam Suber from Smith Chevrolet Company, Gas tonia, at $1,178.29. The bid was low among three. Sullivan Mo tors Cherryvllle, offered a truck at 91,285, and Plonk Motor Com- ] pany, Kin^s Mountain, offered a' truck at $1,295. The board entered into a ren tal ? purchase agreement with North Carolina Equipment Com pany for use of a Quickway ditch digging machine and a paving spreader. The city is to pay a ren tal fee of $500. ,y.? --jVv *v ? 7 Three Days Left ? For 31st Annual County Feature Cleveland County's 31st annual lair opened Tuesday with largfe crowds thronging the gates on opening day, and with the fair pace gaining in momentum for the remainder of the five-day bill ing erfding Saturday night. Friday will be Kings Mountain school day, when all Kings Moun tain school children will be ad mitted fnee. The schools will sus pend at noon, as is customary. More space is provided this year for cultural, agricultural and industrial exhibits, and many Kings Mountain Jaycees are manning the Cleveland County Fair's grandstand concession booth this year, with proceeds : to be devoted to expanding Kings Mountain's city recrea tion plant. All the customary inventory ? sandwiches, cold drinks, smokes, and sundries is being offered for sate, and the Jaycees also have avail able for rental 425 pillows, made by Jaycee wives from material furnished free by J. E. Herndon Company. new features have beer added to all departments, Dr. J. S. Dorton, fair manager, said. In addition, the fair layout had been re-deslgn ed to make access to all features easier. James E. Strates shows fill the huge midway while one of the main attractions at the exposition has been th* World Champion- . ship Rodeo, staged for the first time in the Carolines. The first rodeo performance was a sellout when on Tuesday afternoon Burr Andrews of Clarksvllle, Texas Continued On Page Sight