Elizabeth. Btevbirt, Editor Two Are Hostesses To ARP Church Circle Made Stevenson circle mem bers of Boyce Memorial ARP church met, Monday night at the homfe of Mrs. M. A. Ware with Mrs. Fred Wells, co-hostess. Mrs. Ware, circle chairman, presided over the business ses sion. Members made plans to give Christmas gifts to a needy family. Mrs. Gene. Stfeffy, program chairman, gave the program. A salad plate with Russian tea was served. Fifteen members attend; ed the meeting. First Baptist Circle Held Regular Meeting Members of ttrt? Cornelia Lea vell circle of First Baptist church met Monday night at the home at Mrs. Jim White with Mrs. Frances H. Petty, co-hostess. Mrs. C. C. Gates was program chairman, telling the Christmas Story from the program, "Unto Us A Child Is Born." Mrs. Petty, circle chairman, presided ovter the business ses sion. During the social hour, gifts were exchanged, and refresh ments were served.. ? it WATER HEATER ? 10 rtAR KfPAClVENT POllO LOGAN SUPPLY COMPANY Phone 1014 Cleveland Ave. Mrs. Grady Patterson Garden Club Hostess Mjrs. Grady Patterson was hos tess to the Town and Country Garden club at her home on Thursday evening. Nineteen mem- 1 bers were present. The home was 1 lovely with Christmas decora- 1 tlons. Mrs. Jacob Mauney and Mrs. J. G. Darracott had decorated the ) dining room. table with a red table i cloth, using a snowman as h cen terpiece. ' Mrs. Mauney had also brought an arrangement for the piano using a madonna. Gifts to be exchanged were placed under a Christmas tree of silvered pine decorated with red balls which, stood near the dining room door. Refreshments were served first, consisting of a cranberry salad, sfndwlches, coffee; and accesso ries. The hostess also served a sweet course. Mr?. Don W. Blanton conducted the business session, after which I Mrs. Baxter Payseur presented a program on "Making Christmas Decorations", displaying materi als used in makinjg quick and In* expensive decorations for Christ mas. Gifts were exchanged at the close of the meeting. 1 ' M Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Davidson | vlslttd their daughter. Miss Do lores Davidson, at Guilford col lege Sunday, going especially to hear the 28th annual presentation of Handel's Oratorla, The Mes siah, given by the Guilford col lege Community Chorus. Miss Davidson is a member of the chorus. for PA*TY-TtME DAINTIES MIRRO Cooky & Pastry Press 16-piece set makes cookies, eclair*, cream puffs, meringue shrill, and lady finger*. Hold* enough dough far 80 cooki** With instruction* and recipes. $2.95 Bridges Hardware McSwains Observe 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McSwain observed their 50th wedding an niversary at open house at their home in Dallas Sunday afternoon. The McSwains were married here In 1904 at the home of Mrs. McSwain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. McDaniel. Attending from. Kings Moun tain were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ste wart, Miss Bessie McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Roberts and fami ly, Mrs. Hal Morris, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ft. Roberts, Miss Plccola Bla- , lock, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Heradon. and Mrs. Alice Herndon. House AmJ Garden Club Held Meeting Wednesday Members of the Kouse and Garden club met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Au brey Mauney. All members of the club were present Mrs. B. S. Nelll was program chairman for the meeting. She spoke on "Holly", giving sugges tions for using holly for. decora tion. Mrs. J. H. Patterson, the president, conducted the business session. Arrangements were displayed by Mrs. J. C. Bridges and Mrs. Sam Davis. Mrs. Bridges used magnolia leaves with gold Christ mas balls and driftwood in a brass container. Mrs. Davis com bined red berries with magnolia leaves and red candles. A dessert course with coffee i was served. i Mrs. McCluney Hostess To Methodist Circle Regular meeting of Circle 5 of Central Methodist church was held Monday night at the home of Mrs. Kathleen McCluney. Twel ve members attended. Mrs. Bun Goforth gave the opening devotional, and Miss Margaret Cole, assisted by Miss Catherine Bollick, presented a Christmas program. Miss Grace Davis, circle chair man, presided over the business session. Members exchanged gifts and packages of food were sent to a needy family In the commu nity. Mrs. Floyd Payne will be hos tess to the circle in January. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis and children, Peggy tfnd Billy, of Kannapolis, visited during the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bun Goforth. Christmas-Season TOPPERS New Shipment just in ? whites, pinks, blues. For holiday going! $1195 to $16.95 ON THE CHRISTMAS SCENE New Winter Pastels SKIRTS New Shipment in sizes 24-30 \ Latest in skirts $5.95 to $7.95 wj Daniel Green Ladies' BEDROOM SUPPERS t * \ -? . *;* ;.? ' \ ' ? * ? New Shipment, latest styles in time for Christ mas giving. The best. $5.50 Famous Quadriga Ladies' Pajamas Just unpacked. New pat terns and favorite stripes. $2.95 and $3.95 WOMEN LOVE HOUSEHOLD GIFTS Blankets ... $5.95 to $1258 Part-wool, and all-wool Bedspreads . . $7.95 to $1 ASS Famous Candlewick and Bates Pillow Slips . . . $1.50 to $&56 Packaged in pairs for gifts Bath Sets . . $1.95 and $2.95 Big new shipment, many colors Boxed Towel Sets $2,95 to 3.95 Favorite colors - ' ? ; Tablecloths . . $225 to $6.95 Individually packaged Bridge Sots . . . $2.95 to $6.95 Linens, maderiae, others Garment Bags $1.98 Every clothes closet needs one (or more) Shower Curtain Set, with bathroom curtains to Porter-Wilson Invitations Issued Invitations reading a* .follows have Ween received in Kings Mountain: Mr. and Mr ?. William Preston Porter request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Myrtis Elizabeth ? '<* . Mr. Donald Patrick Wilson Saturday, the eighteenth of December at four o'clock in the, aft~rnoon Broad River Baptist Church Blacksburg, South Carolina Garden Club Members Held December Meeting Thfe Kings Mountain Garden club held its December meeting last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Hnuser. Mrs. John L. McGlll opened the meeting with the reading of a Christmas poem, and Mrs. Carl Mayes, the president, presided over the business session. ? Mrs. W. L. Ramseur was pro fram chairman lor the meeting, he spoke on "Frosted Fruits" showing different methods for preparing Christmas fruit decora tions. Each member brought a I decorated Christmas package, which were judged, With prizes I going to Mrs. J. A, Neisler, first; Mrs. Dan Finger, atecond; and Mrs. J. B. Keeter and Mrs: Ram seur, third. Gifts were exchanged during the social hour." A dessert course with coffee was served. Miss Myrtis Porter Gives Wedding Plans Miss MyTtls Porter of Char lotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Porter of Blacksburg, S. C., has completed plans for her mar riage to Donald P. Wilson of Aik en, S. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Wilson of Kings Mountain, and announces them today. Thte wedding will ? take place Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Blacksburg's Broad River Bap tist church. Rev: Coy Cobb, pas tor of the church, will officiate. The double-ring ceremony will be used. Haywood' Porter will give his 8 liter in marriage, and James F. Smith, of, Kings Mountain, the groom - elect's brothter-ln-law, will be the best-man. Miss Shirley Moss, of Charlotte, will be maid of honor. ITahers will Include Charles Alexander, of Kings Mountain, and Max Blackburn, of Charlotte. Wedding music will be present ed by Mrs. Jamtee Logan, of Kings Mountain, organist, and Max Blackburn, soloist. After the church rehearsal Fri day evening, Rev. and Mrs. Cobb will entertain members of the wedding party at a cake-cutting at their home. The couple will receive wedding guests In the church vestibule. Methodist Circle 8 Held Meeting Monday Circle No. 8 of Central Metho dist church met Monday night at the home of Mrs. C. L. Jolly with Miss Marguerite Thomasson, co hostess. Mrs. C. W. Falls, the chairman, called the meeting to order. Miss Thomasson was in charge of the devotional, and a program on Christmas was presented by Mrs. Gillie Falls. After the business session, members exchanged gifts and al so gave extra gifts to shut-Ins. Kleven members attended. Re freshments were served during jthe social hour. Just Out PHILCO ir tv of a N?w Low Auxiliary President Lists Post Projects Mrs. Sam Collins, president of the American Legion Auxiliary, gave a report this week of the projects recently completed by members of the post. Regular December meeting of the auxiliary wiU not be held un til January she also announced. The auxiliary has 1) . mailed two checks for $5 each to fami lies of two local veterans; 2) mailed Christmas checks of $11 to Oteen's Veteran's hospital, $15 to three local children of veter ans, mailed eight gifts to service men, made a $5 cash donation to the Oteen gilt shop to be used lor mailing gilts to veteran's fa milies, and sent 65 gilts amount ing to 175 to lour veterans hos pitals in North Carolina. Members ol the auxiliary will hold a cake sale in Iront ol Toy Land, located nbxt door to the A A P Food Store, Weriiwrtajr, December 22, beginning at ? o'clock, Mrs. Collins added. Misses Louisfe, Joyce, utd ftt .Owens and Mis# Sot Goforth, Ed die Goforth, and Gary Allran visited H; G. Fisher, Jr., in Colum bia, S. C., during the weekend. * ?\ - Ann Page Pure GRAPE ? - BRAZIL MIXED ENG. ? I I New _ Crop ? . Diamond 1 -Lb. * Brand Pfcg. America's Favorite FRIII CAKE l^69j SJ29 $J49 m-u>. Cake S-Lb. Cake SJnnyfieW Cretnery BUTTER l-Lb. Ctn. Domain's Koeher DHL PICKLES ... Ann Page Creamy } ' MAYONNAISE .... <5? 49c Ann Page Sparkle Gelatin DESSERTS .... 4 26c Ann Page Fancy Rich TOMATO SOUP . 4 37c Ann Page Salad DRESSING 47c Jane Parker Caramel , RMSSN DUNS .... ^ 20c ...* . V v ?? . ">.*.? t' Mild and Mellow Coffee. 8 O'CLOCK ? 95c Rich and Full Bodied RED CIRCLE ^ 97c Vigorous and Winey 1-L*>. Bac 99c roo* i s the liiAi mm Take the "H" Out o* GUMMvin^l Hart ? gift everybody who enjoyi good eat theae Oift OertUU ? ta Mac to welcome. For tfaew aatea. to denominations of $1 and $S? let ?M ?adpiaats take their choice of Bacfood* at /^Simplify ehopptag by |Mo? A*I? ' 9?* _Certi6eate?! They're available frxxa aow till Chrbtma* tram your AkP i f / Jane Parker Large Angel Food ? I Jane Parker Cherry . 49c -PIES 39c FROZEN FOODS - y ? . .. w ,. . .. . . ._ , ^ ,v., . ... ,. . ,v. . Swanson's Beef, Turkey, or CHICKEN PIE? 8 ?z. each 27c ~. h - , \ Dulaney STRAWBERRIES ? 16 oz. pkg. . . ....... .39c Cap'rt John's Ready to Pry BREADED SHRIMP ?10 oz. pkg 55c Cap'n John's Cooked FISH STICKS ? 10 cz. pkg. 45c , -*?? i Scotch Maid WHOLE KERNEL CORN? 2 10 oz. pkgs. 29c ORANGE IU1CE ? 260Z- cans ....... 25c PRJarShred COCOANUY ...... 8oz.25c; 16oz.45c ? Meadow's Pure Sugar STICK CANDY ? 21b.box ... .... 49c Meadow's STICK CANDY ? Sox. stick . ..19c '?x t . .>?' f' * ? '* j .V ? r ' . ? ? i. * 'v ^ ?/ \ '?$'C ' *??' ST* ' ? "s . v'5" ' Sunny Field ? Needs no Refrigeration PURE LARD ? 4 lb. carton 75c x:r>V . y i Sunnyfleld Plain or Sell -Rising FLOUR? IS lb. bag 73c; 25 lb. bag $1.77 8 ? ??| 2 -25? Juicy Rorido GRAPEFRUIT ?sl ? - ? WINESAP APPLES - - FRESH CRANBERRIES SWEET TANGERINES j CRISP RADISHES - = ? SWEET BOSC PEAjW FRESH COCOANtfTS - REGALO SLAW MIX - Jane Parker Fresh and.Crlap Potato Chips? 8 oz. bag . 35c Warwick Milk Chocolates ?1 lb box 59c Bdbs Big Jim Stick Candy^-8 ox. stick . . 19c Hersheys, Milk or with Almond ? Chocolate Bars ? each . . 45c All 5c Candy Bare? ? lor 25c ?MMUUmK .... i? 2fc