Pol! Says Ike's Popularity Down. But 59 Percent Still "like Ike" 8| Kenneth Fink. Director Priroeton Research Service PRINCETON, N. J. ? Presi dent Eisenhower Is still popular . with rank and file voters across the nation, but somewhat less so than he was nine weeks- ago. Nearly three out of every five voters questioned In the nation wide survtey Just completed say they approve of the way the na tion's chief executive is handling his duties. Nearly three in ten say they disapprove. The rest express no opinion. / When United States Poll staff reporters asked a representative cross - section of the nation's voters: "Do you approve or dis approve of the way Eisenhower Is handling his Job as President?" These were the nationwide re sults: EISENHOWER POPULARITY - Approve _ 59% Disapprove 28% No opinion 13% The October United States Poll survey showed 67 per cent appro val, 26 per cent disapproval, and 7 per cent no opinion. Today's findings thus represent an 8 per cent decrease in approv al, a 2 per cent Increase in disap proval, and a 6 per dent increase in the no opinion vote over the past nine weeks. Today's survey was inducted using methods which proved ac curate within 1.2 per cent In es timating the outcome of the na tionwide Congressional election In November. . Survey finds show that an over whelming majority of the na tion's GOP voters approve of Mr. Eisenhower, but that among Dem. ocrats across the nation, the vote is, very closely divided. Among rank and file Indepen dents, 59 per cent approve. Here is the vote in today's sur vey by those who classify them selves as Republicans, Democrats, or Independents: Rep. Dem. Indep. Approve 87% 43% 59% Disapprove 10% 42% 23% No opinion 3 15% 18% Since he has been in office, President Eisenhower's populari ty has ranged from today's low of 59 per cent to a high of 74 per thing for you and your (amity ? M not only during the Holiday Season/ but afw&ys... this is our sinccr? wish. \ ARP Church Choir To Present Program A number of requests have been made for the repetition of the mu sical program presented last Sun day at Boyce Memorial ARP church, and the program will be given at the 11 o'clock service Sunday at the church. The program follows: Prelude r? Procession of the Magi, Mal lard, and Christmas Fantasy, Kohlmann; Offertory ? The Holy City, Adams, and the Postlude ? Hallelujah Chorus from The Mes siah by Handel, The choir will sing the an thems, "Come Let Us Worship" by Lorenz, "How Excellent Thy Name", "The Lord Rfelgneth" and "Free My Heart". Soloists are Miss Margaret Ratterree, Mrs. B. D. Ratterree, Mrs. W. L. Pressly, Miss Mary Boyce McGill, and Mrs. E. W. Neal. Mrs. N. F. McGill is organist and choir director. Mrs. Garrison Goforth will be piano accompan . cent in April, 1953. His previous low point was 64 per cent in November, 1953 ? 13 months ago. At that time, 28 per cent ex pressed disapproval, the same as today. Here is thte trend since March, 1953: , Dii No. App. app. Op. March. 1953 65% 6 29 April. 1953 74% 9 17 July, 1953 71% 18 11 October, 1953 73% 21 6 November, 1953 64% 28 8 January, 1954 69% 24 7 March, 1954 72% 22 6 June, 1954 66% 27 7 October, 1954 67% 26 7 TODAY 59% 28 13 The Herald presents the reports of the United States Poll exclu sively In this area. Thte service is operated and dis tributed by Princeton Research Service, Princeton, New Jersey. SANTA KNOWS . . . Boys will be boys, but Santa warns that time is growing abort. Andrea Klecsek, who came from Poland to live In 17.8. with parents, talks It over with Santa. WITH BUUT iN MOOIfcN UP TO DAT f TRU( ACTION FIATURI? YOU GET ALL 3 MAJOR UNITS UU COSWCUCTION ? DUV.P HUCK ^ 1 1 H M IOADINC. CONVtYOR ? MOBII t ?K>A.R ' ?U( K roots and iMPlfME Ail rtfA.Y ti l- UNITS fcJItT 10 t AST br fc'JDDt i AVffiKA $ OUAtUt UNI Siiitf"" Children's Home Fund Campaign Said Lagging GREENSBORO ? The Christ mas Fund Drive of The Children's Home Society fell behind lor the first time this week with contri butions amounting to $23,549.90 through Friday, December 17, the 19th day of the drive, according to Charles' W. Gold, Jr., president of the society's board of directors. The Increase In the humber of new contributors this year indi cates a new public awareness to the need for good adoption work, but the decrease In the amount of contributions has caused the cur rent campaign to lag behind last year's drive. Harriet L,. Tynes, executive di rector of the society, attributes much of the Increased interest to J the work of 79 Junior Woman's clubs In North Carolina who a dopted the Society as a state pro ject five years ago. Through ar ranging meetings featuring the Society, through conducting mem bership drives and benefits for the Society in non-Chest areas, the Junior Women have served as unofficial representatives of j the Society. The Society as the only state wide, voluntarily - supported a doption agency in North Carolina licensed to help children from every county, receives no tax mo ntey and operates entirely on gifts. During the year ending Septem ber 30, the society gave services to six children from Cleveland County and 19 couples seeking to adopt $ child. . The agency must receive $50, 000, approximately one-third of its $151,000 budget, at Christmas time if it is to give its services to over 500 children in North Caro lina during 1955. Last year a total of 478 babies and school-age children In orph anages were helped by the So ciety's staff of 14 caseworkers, working for the most part out of Greensboro, and out of district offices in Wilmington and Ashe ville. The Society exacts to receive another third of Its budget from 35 United Funds which Include it as a member agency. Since many of the funds have not met their goal this year reducing the So ciety's share proportionately, this source of income may fall short of the $55,000 anticipated. This increases the Importance of meet ing the full goal of the Christmas drive. CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Liz zie Thornburg acknowledges with grateful appreciation the kind ntess shown them by the people of Patterson Grove and Oak Grove communities. The hospital staff, nurses, doctors, Mr. Ollie Harris and staff and all other acts of kindness rendered during the illness and death of my wife -and our mother. All of this made our grief teasier to bear. May God bless and keep you. R. S. Thornburg and Children North Carolina farmers lose $110 million a year to plant di seases. Jo all of you from all of us, go bert wisbts for a happy "Holiday stason and We Will Be Closed Dec. 25 & 27 :-:<;Open Jan. 1 Low Prices plus ? j S & H Green Stamps! Our Stores are crammed with the finest se lection of festive foods. And . . . the best gift of all comes right from our stores, the gift with universal appeal . . . this year give POOD for Christmas and you're sure to please, The Coffee That's Good To The Lost Drop Grade A' TURKEY'S! Dressed & Drown, Federally Graded Turkey HEN S~? 53' I Dressed & Drawn, Federally Graded Turkey , TOMS'^ ? wlVl9 0HlY "Ww i The Famous Beltsville White TURKEYS! 57 Dressed & Drawn Fat Fresh Half or Whole | Stewing Hens Pork Hams ] u,. 37c u, 53c i DAIRY DEPT. VALUES! \ Mild Cheese Round Choose CHEDDAR "? 43c EDAM "VF* 1.31 ; Philadelphia Tasty Cheese CREAM CHEESE i SWISS "?.*v~49c "?* 15c n?': 39c ; Economical, Tasteful YELLO MARGARINE 2~17cl Maxwell HOUSE Coffee Found jkjk 99c Dennis Whole COOKED CHICKEN 99c 3V4 U?. Con Moke Your Christmas Cakes With CRISCO Shortening 3 ? 85c Good Cooked With Pork, Durand Sweet POTATOES 2_3? 25c On Christmas Morning Sorve Ubby's TOMATO JUKE 27c 46-Oz. Con For The Festive Tohle Selectable OLIVES 2 - 29c lO-Oz. Pkgs. FRESH FROZEN FOOD VALUES! Frozen Fre*h Dixie-Home BROCCOLI SPEARS 2 'C 49c I 2 Sweet And Tender GREEN GIANT PEAS No. 303 Con* Frozen Fresh Dixie-Honje Fordhook LIMA BEANS VERI-BEST PRODUCE VALUES! JUICY FLORIDA PINEAPPLE ORANGES 8& 35* "-$1.75 2 ~ 19c 3*- 57c For Quick, Floky Pie Crust*, Jiffy PIE CRUST MIX 10c 9-Ox. Pkg. TRUE SOUTHERN MOSWAUTY IS OUR RULE EOR COURTESY Zipper Skin TANGERINES Extra Fancy Washington State !? ? Di* uon ?xie lomc Ubby*s Mikitai RICE Ilk Cofto i|& V:4. Wilson's Moots, Hickory Saokod MOR ?*?> 43. Can TW CMcfatn Of Tli# Sio TUNA N..K JJj Wilson's Certified Moots TRIPE ^ 41c foully Packag# M&M CANDY -29c Pmit Batter 37c I DIAL PACK? 7c OFF SNOWDRIFT 3 ?. 83c Bush's Best Shellie Deans No. 2H QA. Con UVV Ornge Jikc 4-Ox. MOUNTAIN B city