popula*1011 ^-?>jessr December 30. .fourth Year Ttwrsday. fountain Local News Bulletins TAG SALES total of 146 city auto li censes ,for 1955 had been sold ibrougti Wednesday morning, according to report 61 Joe Hen drlck, city clerk. Twenty-nine have been sold this week, he ?atd. KIWAN1S MEETING Mafobers of the Kings Moun tain Klwanls cluib will hold their regular weekly meeting at (Masonic Dining Hall Thurs day evening at 6:45. An ap propriate New Year's program lor the evening has been plan ned. ; ?' ? - ? > " METER RECEIPTS Net recelpta from city's parking meter; for week end ing Wednesday at noon were $199.10, according to Miss Grace Carpenter, of city clerk's office. MOOSE MEETING the regular meeting of Moose Lodge, No. 1748 will be held Thursday night at 8:15 at the lodge on Bessemer City road. All members are urged - to attend. Kings Mountain Had Quiet Yale Holiday . . Chief Hugh A. Logan, Jr., re ported a very quiet 4nd unevent ful Christmas Eve and Christmas Pay apparently was spent by Kings Mountain citizens as no ?Accidents or violence was report* ed to Kings Mountain police. Chief lx>gan stated that viola tors arrested during the. holidays numbered no more than non-holi day Saturday and Sunday. "On behalf of the Police De partment" Chief Logan said, "1 want to express our appreciation ?to the citizens of Kings Mountain for the orderly mannter in which they conducted themselves during the holidays." ' ' lory Fails To Find Cause Oi Accident -> A Cleveland County coroner's Jury, after an hour's delibera tion, ruled on December 21, that It could not determine who was at fault in the fatal accident near Waco which cost the life of Mrs. 'Y; ; Aubrtey Clay. The decision of the Jury meant tLat Cecil Powell, of Polkvllle, driver of the truck which was In volved in the accident with the car driven by Mrs. Clay, will not be subject to criminal prosecu tion by the state. Harry Hand !? Now Shoo Store Manager Harry Rand, a native of Bel mont, has assumed duties as manager of Gus Entas ; Shoe Store here, Mr. Entas - has an nounced.' . < The new manager succeeds Mrs. Jeanette Feamster, who has resigned, Mr. Entas said. Sir. Hand is a service vetersn and Was employed by Mr. Sntas for several months early in 1953. Be assumed his duties here on December . .. i SING HERE SUNDAY ? The Homeland Harmony Quartet, ol Atlan ta. Go. will be among the featured singers here Sunday afternoon lor a Gospel Sing at Central school auditorium at 2 o'clock. The pro gram is under sponsorship ol Toung Men's Bible class of Second Baptist church. Other groups scheduled to participate are the Sun. shine Boys. Atlanta, the Songsters, of Hickory, and the Happy Two. of Atlanta. Listing For Taxes To Begin Monday : i H Stores To Bmoii Mid-Week Closings Majority of the city's retail ~ establishments will resume their mid-week half-holidays next Wednesday, January 5. The stores were open all day yesterday, due to the ex tra Christmas weekend holi day. Under present policy of the Merchants association, the stores will continue the Wed- - nesday afternoon half-holiday through the third Wednesday of next November. Next listed holiday on the retailer's calendar Is Easter Monday. York Road Couple Faces Theft Count * " * Two York road Ntegro resi dents, man and wife, are free under $500 bbnd each after their arrest Monday on twin charges of grand larceny brought against the pair by Gaston County Sheriff department. . The twin charges werte placed against Arthur =. and Claudine Tate by Gaston County Defec tives J. R. Harris and E. H. Gro ves after a search of the Tate residence revealed numterous items which were allegedly stolen from the Orthopedic hospital nur ses' home. Constable Gus Huff stetler, with A starch warrant signed by Chief Hugh A. Logan, Jr., on Information and belief and accompanied by Harris and Gro ves, conducted the search. The Negro -couple Is scheduled to have a preliminary hearing January 1 before Gaston Couniy Magistrate B. D. Price, Mrs. Tate, Gaston County Po lice stated, is employed by the Orthopedic hospital. New Policy Set On 199S listing Of liventoiies Annual tax listing will get un derway In Kings Mountain and Number 4 Township on Monday. Clarence ?. Carpenter, city list taker, and Conrad Hughes, coun ty list taker, will be at City Hall dally, except Saturdays, from 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. On Saturdays, Mr. Hughes will be at Roundtree's Hardware In G rover, to list properties of pfeo ple In the Grover area on the county books. 'Also on duty will be Charlie Ware, who will take information for the county farm census. i. Citizens will find a new system in vogue for the first timfe on list ing of inventories by business and industry. Max Hamrick, county tax supervisor, said Wednesday he is mailing forms this weekend, together with explanatory letters, to businesses and industrial firms, for reporting inventory, goods in process, and finished goods. The firms will be required to show on the* forms total sums for the par ticular categories. In turn, 32JS percent of these amounts will go on the tax books and be subject to the respective tax rater of county and city governments. Mr. Hamrick said ^ffott has been made to prepare the most simpli fied form possible and that ap pended affidavits will not be re quired. He said thfe state statutes provide for a check against State Department of Revenue records tor accuracy and that the county will use this method in assuring compliance with the new policy on .Inventory listing for tax pur I Continued On Pag* Five Farm Conise Applications Are Invited Applications of young farmers for three scholarships to a short course at N. C. State College were invited yesterday by H.'B. Clapp, county agent, and R. S. Lennon, of Kings Mountain, county Key ban&er. The course at State college, scheduled for February 7-18, is jointly sponsored by the coljege and the North Carolina Bankters association. Eligible for the scho larships are young farmers up to 28 years of age, who have defi nitely decided to make farming their career, who have made good records in youth farm programs and otherwise, and who are not going to attend college for regu lar prescribed courses. The scholarships are worth $60 plus transportation and are pro vided by the county's three banks, including Kings Mountain's First National. Applications for the scholar ships should be addressed to County Agent Clapp at Shfelby. City's Night Deposit Box Ready For Use The city will inaugurate night deposit box service for paying of utilities accounts on distribu tion of January 1 bills, It was an* nounced this week by City Clerk Joe. Hendrtck. | A deposit box has been plaeed In the door on the south side of- ] flee and a tray of heavy brown envelopes is available in which customers paying after the office is closed can enclose checks or cash. The service is designed as a convenience to those who find it difficult to makte payments dur ing regular City Hall office hours, 8 a. m. to 4:30 p, m. Mr. Hendrlck said receipts will be mailed, only if customers re quest them. Customers using the service are requested to notte ac count numbers (which appear at the left of the name on the ad dress side of the card-type bill) on the outside of thte envelope. JAYCEES Regular monthly meeting of the Junior Chamber of Com merce will ibe held at Masonic Hall Tuesday at 7 p. in. The ,club distributed food to 20 families on December 21. Moral Of This Tale Is Trade At Home" At least two citizens prob ably wish they had observed the "trade at home" exhortation on some Christmas shopping. One local furniture firm re ported two incidents of minor Christmas tragedy because the mail-order shipments didn't ar rive in time. One lady called on Christmas Eve seeking to borrow toys. The order out of the catalog hadn't arrived. A man sought to borrow a dinette, not wishing to be caught short - handed on Christ mas morning. His catalog order hadn't arrived either. Two Minor Mishaps Reported By Police Two minor wrecks, with prop erty damages estimated to total $185 in both incidents, were re ported by Kings Mountain Po lice department. ' On Tuesday, around 7:45 a. m., aii accident involving cars driv en by Will Crathers, of route 2, Bessemer City, and Mrs. Athlene G. Smith, of 506 Landing street, occurred on N. Cansler street. The report stated that the Cra thers vehicle, traveling north on Cansler street, attempted to make a left turn onto Childers street, and was struck 'by the Smith vehicle. The Smith ve hicle, the report stated, was at tempting to pass the Crathers car. The accident was Investiga ted by Officers P- A. Hawkins and Stalph Ware. On Thursday, around 9:10 a. m., a car driven by Janle Terry Woods, of route 2, was struck on the left front fender and door hy a vehicle operated !by James E. Mock, of route 3, China Grove. The accident, which was inves tigated toy Officers Paul Sanders and B. P. Cook, occurred at the intersection of Walker Btreet and N. Piedmont Avenue. RED CROSS MEETING Annual (Red Cross meeting for election of officers will be held January 6, at 7:45 p. m., at City Hall. All clubs and ci vic organizations are asked to ibe represented at the meeting which will be open to the pub lio. Guest speaker will be Miss Antoinette Beasley, Red Cross Field Representative from South Eastern Area Office, At lanta, Ga. SS"? B?WI? On As Dal , After ChiZ !fhe city's merchants rte-stocke 'n , . < DfuCriwIit in years and after several mts. public improvements sue raotnoM, tip citizens urtm lut J|xne Joined thoife veiana county *n ?upporx v-7' ? s ing bond issues which will add to school and hospital plants. Among major news events of the year, some one-timers others continuing events, were the eco nomic recession, with blgher-than normal unemployment totals, the expansion of city carrier mail service, the NLRB election at Foote Mineral Company to de termine whether a labor union should represent the company's employees, and the drought, which cut farm production and resulted In restrictions on water use by city customer*. Q ? .The Kings Mount a in LJttle The. atre presented successfully * re vised "Sword at Gideon", and Kings Mdun.ain outdid itself ip assuring font l mud supplies of blood for 01 citizens by setting a one-day local record ta Wood do nations. The Woman's Club com pleted expansion and moderniza tion ' of its building, and the com munity contributed liberally to numerous charitable lund cam paigns. The Masonic Lodge ob served its eightieth birthday and the Moose Lodge was chartered. Business and Industry expand ed during the year, with the lar gest. local developments in lith ium, the new wonder metal. Lith ium Corporation of America be gan work on its new Bessemer City plant, now nearlng comple tion, and Foote Mineral Company expanded its plant to much great er capacity. Spangle# * Song op ened a concrete plant, and Ben nett Brick A Tile Company in stalled a modern brick - making plant New retail businesses open ed to 1854 Included ??* Entas Shoe Store and Star Shoe Shop, .and there were several transfer* of ownership and expar.iloiis, no tably gale of Crawford Market to B. St B. Food Stores, Inc., and W. M. Gantt Grocery to Hugh Wil liams. Glenn Grigg bought G. W.' King Garage, and Frank Ballard purchased Phenix Stoie from Floyd Payne* Berkley Gtooery moved to new expanded quarters and Bulk's Department Store con tinued it? long . te^m re-model ing program. The city's medical corps was increased by the addition of 1 w<> , general practitioners. Dr. Ken neth McGilJ and Dr James M, * ? Dr. Blake McWhirter open tor the practice ef ojkI ret Kincald and Mary Jean Bollck, the drown ing of Tom Seller* arid Franklin Fall*. George Dover wai killed when hit by an automobile, and Mrs. S. L. McKee was killed whfen hit by a train. Death by natural cause* came to Grady W. King, long-time lire chM, Mrs. Sara Frances Hullen* der, Mrs. H. N. Moss, T. P. Crow ? JANUARY Polio Fund Drive Details Com plete; Open House Set For Nur ses Home; Rites Conducted For Grady W. King; Klncald Child Funeral Rites Held; Fire ? Fight ers Name Tlgnor; Jaycees Convey Gift To Hospital; Postal Receipts Show Gain In '53; Free Barbecue And Speeches Listed On Young Democrats Rally Agenda; Citi zens To Determine $000,000 City Bond Issue; Yourtg Democrats Namte Jack White; Hunter Fun eral Here Saturday; Dr. Gerber ding Injured In Wreck; ' Owrn, Whetstine Presumed Dead; Mc Swaln Heads Montonla Club; Shelby Surgeons Open Office Here; Auto Value Drop May Cut Listings; Aubrey Mauney Ad dresses Cameron Body; Mayor Urges Bond Support; Bank To Install "Walk-Up" Cage; March Of Dimes Drive Underway; $600, 000 Bond Issues, Recreation Tax; Are Approved; City Gets Need fed Certificate For Natural Cis System Plea; Schools Allow Wil liams Land Option to Expire; Peak Period Reception Held By Telephone Officials Monday; Mauney Twins At Shelby On Com munity Concert Series; Youth Ad mit Auto Theft; Schools Seeking Bond Election; Kiser Now Sole Owner Of Grill; Unemployment Claims Heavy Here; Thomasson Says Polio Gifts Slim; Merchants To Hold Banquet Monday; War ren Reynolds Building Grocery; Ted I^edford Opens New Firm. - ? nnvk&r ?-;? Mayor FMyt Herald Editor For City AffiTrs Comment; Chief Hugh Idjg& vocut CMroia; National Guard Get* High Awan For 1953 Work; County Bond I? sute Election Planned; McGinni Opens Floor Service; Enginee Seeks Water For City; Indication Of Improvement In Textile Etc ployment Here; Bloodmoblle Her AH Day Thursday; Earl Bumga> dner Dies Suddenly Of Heart A tack; Owens Is Listed Kilted I Action In Recent Report; Littl Theatre Play Saturday; 14 Oi pose BurMil Recreation Site; Mat cantlle Stamp "War" Underwa> Kings Mountain Exceeds Its Qu< ta In 1954 March Of Dimfes Can Ipaign; Faith Baptist To Bte? Ground; Health Men Check O Parrot Fever; Grissom Presidin Continued On Pop? Ttoelut