Population City Limits.7,206 Til* population It from the D. S. Government census report for 1950. The Census Bureau estimates the nation's population gain since 1950 at 1.7 percent per year, which means Kings Mountain's 1954 population should approxi mate 7606. The trading area population in 1945. based on ration board registrations at the Kings Mountain office, was 15.000. 10 Pages 10 Today ! Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 24, 1955 Sixty-Fifth Year VOL. 65 NO. 12 Established 1889 PRICE FIVE CENTS SAND WINS SUPERIOR RATING — The Kings Mountain school band, directed by Joe C. Hedden, was awarded a grade of Superior (I) at the district band contest held at Salisbury's Boyden High school last Saturday.The 55-piece group, which played in Group IV, earned the jight to enter the state contest at Greensboro in April. (Photo by Hubert Carlisle, Shelby.) Local News Bulletins NEW DEACONS New deacons elected toy Boy ce Memorial ARP church Sun day were Don Crawford, Ben Goforth, Jr., and Dr. John C. McGill. They are to be ordain ed and installed at morning services Sunday. OPTIMIST CLUB Regular meeting of the Op timist clulb will be held Thurs day evening, (tonight), at 7 p. m. at the Woman’s club, it was announced iby Neal 'Gris som, president. PRESBYTERIAN First meeting of the Carol choir of First Presbyterian church will be held Monday at 3 p. m. in the church Fellow ship^ hall. Children in the Pri mary department and first, second, and third grade stu dents make up the choir. OFFICE CLOSED Offices of Dr. L. T. Ander son, chiropractor, will toe clos ed Thursday, Friday, and Sat urday, it was announced Tues day. Dr. Anderson’s office will • toe opened on Monday, he said. no fatal’accidents As of Wednesday afternoon, the City of Kings Mountain had gone 1,199 days without a fatal accident, Kings Moun tain Police department repor ted. AT CONVENTION Mrs. Helen Jenkins and Mrs. Ila Morrow are representing Helen’s Beauty Shop at an In ternational Beauty convention in session at Statler Hotel, New York, March 20-28. COMMUNICATION An emergent communication of Fair-view Lodge No. 339, A. F. & A. M., for work in the third degree is scheduled for Monday night at 7:30 p. m. at Masonic Hall, Joe H. McDan iel, Jr., secretary, announced. FAIRVIEW LODGE Members of Fairview Lodge No. 339, A. F. & A. M., will at tend the evening services at Grace Methodist church Sun day night. Members are asked to meet in front of the church at 7:15 ip. *m., at was announc ed. METER RECEIPTS A total of $179.75 was collec ted from the city’s parking me ters during the week ending Wedne“day at noon, it was re ported by the city clerk’s of fice. FULKERSON BETTER W. J. Fulkerson, ill last week with a slight heart con dition, has improved suffici ently to resume part-time du ties at Neisler Mills, Inc. First Presbyterian Revival Continuing Evangelistic services are con tinuing this week through Friday at First Presbyterian church. Dr. Z. V. Roberson, pastor of Raleigh Court Presbyterian chur ch, Roanoke, Va., and John Liv ingilon, ministerial student at Union Seminary, are conducting the week’s series. Morning services at 10 a. m. and evening services at 7:30 p. m. are being conducted by Dr. Rober son. Mr. Livingston is directing a week of youth activities, pro grams being held each evening after the worship services. Wile