NOTICE OF ELECTION Pursuant to provisions of the Charter for the City of Kings Mountain and of the State Laws relative to the conduct of Muni cipal Elections, and to a resolu tion duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners on March 3, 1955, an election is ordered to be held on the second Tuesday af ter the first Monday in May, be ing May 10, 1955, for the election of a Mayor and five members of the Board of Commissioners for the City of Kings Mountain, one each to be elected from each of the five Wards, and for the elec tion of two trustees for the Kings Mountain School District, these Trustees to be elected from Wards II and III for terms of six years each. The voting places shall be as follows: Ward No. 1 — City Hall Fire Station. Ward No. 2 — City Hall Court room. Ward No. 3 — Phenlx Mill store. Ward No. 4 — Kings Mountain Manufacturing Co. Club Room. Ward No. 5 —• Victory Chevro let Company. The Registrars and Judges for each Ward shall be as follows: Ward No. 1 — Registrar C. L. Black, Judges Mrs. Lloyd Houser and Mrs. Nell Cranford. Ward No. 2 — Registrar Mrs. H. R. Parton, Judges C. R. (Dick) McGinnis and R. D. Goforth. Ward No. 3 — Registrar Mrs. Ruth Bowers, Judges Rochel Con nor and Mack Murray. Ward No. 4 — Registrar Mrs. Ralph Hullender, Judges Brooks Tate and Mrs. H. Yawn. Ward No. 5 — Registrar Mrs. J. T. McGinnis, Jr., Judges Mrs. Charlie Ballard and Mrs. F. A. McDaniel, Jr. » The registration books shall be open at the aforesaid voting places for four successive Satur days next preceding the election, beginning on Saturday, April 16, 1955, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. for the registra tion of persons eligible to vote in said election, and the regis tration books shall be open for public inspection and challenge on Saturday, May 7, 1955. That on Monday, May 9, 1955, the Registrars and Judges in any Ward where there may be a challenge shall sit, at an hour convenient to themselves, for the purpose of deciding whether or not the challenge shall stand or be dismissed. The polls shall be opened at 6:30 a. m. and held open until 6:30 p. m. Eastern Standard Time, Tuesday, May 10. 1955. That the Registrars and Judg es shall conduct the election and certify the results to the Board of Commissioners for the City of Kings Mountain in accordance with the law on Wednesday, May 11, 1955. Any person desiring to run for Mayor, City Commissioner, or School Trustee shall at least five days before the election (Wed nesday, May 4, 1955 at 4:30 p. m.) in which he or she desires to run file his or her announcement in writing with the City Clerk and pay a filing fee of $5.00. This notice shall be published in a newspaper in the City of Kings Mountain for four succes sive weeks and copy of this notice shall be posted in each of the five Wards. By order of the Board of Com missioners. C. E. MITCHAM, City Clerk. _ April 7-28 SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD Hollifield To Condnct Services At Grover Baptist Church Sunday By Mrs. M. C. Hardin Telephone Grover 3242 GROVER — The Rev. Kenneth Hollifield, pastor of Bethany Bap tist church, will bring the morn ing message next Sunday at the First Baptist church. Rev. Holli field is leaving Grover June 1 to enter the seminary at Wake Fo rest. The flowers and meals were furnished last week at the First Baptist church by the WMU la dies. The Sunbeams met Monday af ternoon with the leaders, Mrs. Charles Queen and Mrs. Bill Camp. The flowers were placed in the sanctuary at the First Baptist church on Sunday by Phil and Dale Gold in memory of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gold. The Intermediate BTU of Be thany church enjoyed a weiner roast at Lake Crawford on Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Goforth are the leaders of the group. The Annie Armstrong circle met at the home of Mrs. H. L. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a deed of trust given by Weldon Morris and wife, Pauline Morris on the 2nd day of August, 1954, to the un dersigned as trustee for the Kings Mountain Building and Loan As sociation as will appear on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County in book 439 at page 106 to secure the indebtedness therein men tioned, and default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of the Kings Moun tain Building and Loan Associa tion, I will sell for cash at the courthouse door in Shelby, Cleve land County, North Carolina, on MONDAY, MAY 16, 1955 at 10:00 o’clock a. m. or within legal hours, the following described real estate: First Tract: A lot of the L. C. Hord proper ty. BEGINNING on a gum just above a spring and running N. 57 deg. 30 min. E. 102 feet to a stake, a comer of the two acre lot; thence with a line of the two acre tract N. 3 deg. 30 min. E. 226 feet to a stake, another corner of the two acre lot: thence a new line N. 59 deg. 30 min. W. 152 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence another new line S. 30 deg. 45 min. W. 360 feet to a sweet gum; thence another new line S. 78 deg. 15 min. E. 216 feet to the BEGINNING, containing 1.56 acres. Second Tract: BEGINNING on a stake, T. N. Hord’s corner known as the Trout Club Fish Camp corner about 100 feet N. 57 deg. 30 min. E. from a spring and running with the fish camp line N. 3 deg. 30 min. E. 226 feet to the fish camp corner in an old road; thence with Robert’s and Campbell’s line S. 62 deg. 30 inin. E. 143 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence a new line S. 18 deg. 45 min. W. 193 feet to a stake, a new corner on Roberts and Jess Crawford’s line; thence with the Roberts and L. C. Hord line N. 71 deg. 15 min. W. 73 feet to the BEGIN NING, containing .5 of an acre, more or less. This the 12th day of April. 1955. B. S. Neill, Trustee Davis and White, Attorneys 4:14-5:5 Beam on Tuesday evening. Mrs. I A. B. Davis, chairman, presided! over the meeting. Mrs. Charles Queen conducted the devotional. Taking part on the program were Mrs. Hood Watterson, Mrs. Je rome Spangler, Mrs. H. L. Beam and Miss Ethel Martin. Mrs. Beam served delicious refresh ments. Frank Goforth, H. L. Beam, Carley Martin and Brady Martin attended the masonic convention in Wilmington on Tuesday and Wednesday last week. The children of Mrs. Dewey Montgomery honored her with a birthday dinner on Sunday. The following attended the occasion, Mrs. Ellis Peeler of Landrum, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Norman of Gaffney, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jones of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Moss and children of Blacksburg, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rhea and sons, and Billy Montgomery. Her children pre sented her a beautiful platform rocker. Mrs. Smoot Baker, with her choir from Emmanuel Baptist church of Lancaster, S. C., fur nished music at the First Baptist church on Saturday evening. Dif ferent quartets furnished music each evening during the revival meeting. the senior class at urover school entertained Bethware se nior class and Tryon senior class at a get acquainted party at the school gymnasium on Thursday evening. Prior to their trip to gether to Washington, D. C. this week. The seniors of the three schools left on Sunday evening by a chartered bus on a tour of Washington. Gene Turner and Don Cheek were the teachers from Grover to accompany the group. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Kiser and Mrs. Lucille Kiser have returned from Paula Island where they spent several days recently. Mrs. Pitt Kirby spent several days at Black Mountain with Mr. Kirby, recently. Mrs. H. L. feeam and Mrs. Bob Beam visited Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Ledford in Lincolnton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal of Rock Hill, S. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dick son and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Neal. Mr. and Mrs. William Wylie of Gaffney, S. C„ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Camp on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bird attend ed the funeral of B. W. Hendrix, in Charlotte, on Sunday after noon. B. F. Bird attended the Post masters convention in Winston Salem on Friday and Saturday. Miss Sally Davis and a school mate, Miss Lynda Vestal, of A. S. T. C., Boone, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Da vis. Mr. and Mrs. Tyree Keeter visited Tommy Keeter at A. S. T. C., Boone, on Sunday. Mrs. J. Edward Craig, of Eff ingham, S. C., spent from Thurs day until Monday with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Hardin. She came especially for the Norman - Conner wedding which was held at the Antioch Baptist church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Craig, of Cramerton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hardin and Mrs. J. E. Craig on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bess visited Merry Tiller provides selection of rotors — exactly the right tool for every tilling prob lem. And for garden tractor use, rotors supply maximum positive traction on any terrain to pull ALL PURPOSE ROTORS BOTH TRACTION and TILLAGf /A*.v BASIC ROTORS for Normal Soils PICK ROTORS for Tough Soils 1 ti MULCHING ROTORS For mulching high weeds and wet soil. RUBBER WHEELS For light traction on normal terrain. ANGLE ROTORS For traction on uneven ground and for light cultivation. YOUR SEE US FOR FREE DEMONTRATION AND PRICES relatives near Murphy during the . weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cablness of Rock Hill were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bess. Mrs. Mary Westmoreland is visiting relatives in Elizabethton, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Royster and sons spent Sunday with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Hoffman in Gastonia. Mrs. Ray Tesseneer spent Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Y. W. Crawford in Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Randall visited Rev. anti Mrs. Howard Johnson near Union Mills on Sat urday. Mrs. Robert Throop and chil dren have returned to Worches ter, Mass., after spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bird. The Rev. Throop accompanied his wife and family to Washing ton, D. C., where he attended a convention. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Byers and sons, Charles, Kenneth and Gary, attended the dedication service at John Roberson Memorial Pres byterian church in Gastonia on Sunday. The Byers quartet fur nished music. Mr. and Mrs. William Hardin and son of Lincolnton visited Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Hardin and Mrs. Tom Putnam during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reynolds an nounce the birth of a daughter, Debrah Ann, at the Gaffney hos pital. Mrs. Reynolds is the form er Patsy Ponder. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ponder, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Goforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mulli nax visited Mrs. Carl Reynolds at the Gaffney hospital on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Ledford and,sons of Gastonia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ponder on Sunday. Mrs. Glenn Rountree and chil dren, Mrs. W. H. Lowrance and Mrs. C. F. Harry. Sr., spent sev eral days in Warm Springs, Georgia recently. Brice Harry has returned home from Warm Springs, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tate visited Mr. and Mrs. Jolley Duncan near Marion last Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Randall and Miss Annie Randall of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Randall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Conner and children of Wilmington visit ed relatives here during the week end. El Bethel’s Men's Group Chartered A new organization of Metho dist Men in El Bethel Methodist church, Kings Mountain, has beep, chartered by Methodism’s General Board of Lay Activities in Chicago. Officers of the new group include: Thomas Robinson, Jr., Grover, president; Boyd Har relson, Kings Mountain, vice president; S. E. Heavner, secre tary. The local group is one of more than 8,000 Methodist Men orga nizations out of a total of 10,000 clubs which the board plans to charter by 1956. It is estimated that 2,000,000 men in the Methodist church are prospective members of Metho dist Men clubs. Robert G. Mayfield, executive secretary of the board, states that, “We seeft to mobilize throu gh Methodist Men the tremen dous power and enthusiasm of the men of the church. Our pur pose is to give strength to the program of Christ and His Chur ch through consecrated service of men in every local church of Me thodism.” Save up to 50% on Tire Costs! XTRA-MILEAGE new RECAPS by GOODYEAR Now you can get new tire traction — new tire safety for this very low price. Stop in now — SAVE! Applied to sound tire bodies or your own tires. $7.95 i.00 x 14 Plus tax ond rtcappabU lira yurr/mm ^.the outboard that ‘BAILS YOUR BOAT! Super-quiet, too! More fun afloat! The new Scott-Atwater with Bail-a matic pumps your boat dry, keeps it dry. Water is drawn into immersion unit (circled ^ above) and expelled via sep arate outlet! And the new Scott-Atwater is wonderfully Suiet, thanks to Hush-Spring fount and Aquamute Ex haust. You’ll like the Stow away Tank, Complete Gear- O shift, Twist-Grip Speed Con- ^ trol, Snap-off Hood, too. FIVE MODELS WITH BAIL-A-MATIC l 5 HP $213.50 1 16 HP $357.50 10 HP $299.50 30 HP $467.50 7'A HP $239.50 CONVENIENT TERMS AVAIlASli See America’s, most complete line of modern outb oards MARLOWE'S. INC. 507 E. King St. Your DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dealer LARGE SIZE M BARGAIN BUYS! BIG #l| economy ▼ I SIZE I ves you 50e _^<$eautiful ^diaxr BRECK V SHAMPOOS SAVES YOU $17 165c I L 16 Oz. f NOXZEMA 10 Oi. Jar Be wise . . . economize! Take the large size for bargain buys. A family of four can save upwards of $25 a year simply by buying the large size packages of the health, hygiene and grooming aids used daily in the home. And what's more — you get the convenience of a longer - last ing supply. So get the most for your money. Get the large size. It’s your best buy—ALL WAYS! Squibb . MILK of MAGNESIA A favorite mHd laxoKvo for children n J JZS 39® JMItM'S conoi MBS DovWo Tipporf, f|£*A \3 Inch, 54% SHv i GIANT SIZE WILDROOr I Cream-Oil 98° save 57e SUPER AHAHIST f Fait Relief from Spring Colds^ Maintains Resistance to Further Illness ^ 40 Tablet, 14 79 Wf38c I a for HEADACHE NEURALGIC PAINS MUSCULAR ACHES 100 TABLETS I SAVES YOU1 27c Tall - Tasty —Terrific That's our JUMBO SODA — the biggest taste treat in town. The tall, tall glass is Just filled to the brim with a big scoop of creamy-rich ice cream, sparkling soda and luscious syrup ... and bubbling over with satis fying refreshment. Enjoy a JUMBO SODX today — it's terrific! 15c TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT the instant deodorant! Instantly stops perspiration odor... protects you 24 hours and more! Checks perspiration waiting to dry! BIG *1 JAR NOW ONLY ^ Limited Time Only STICK OEOOORWfl size now 01 Safe for normal skin and the most delicate fabrics. igf| I intiii L Whenever you feel below par. consult your doctor instead of your friends. Good as their intentions are. their advice could be "bad medicine" for you. What helped their recovery could hinder yours. Your doctor's diagnosis is based upon professional knowledge and fact. His prescription is written af ter giving due and careful attention to your medi cal history, your age. your blood pressure, and your heart condition - all factors that influence the nature and strength of the medicine you re quire. Always get the doctor's prescription—then bring it to us for medicine that's professionally prepared for your specific needs. You Save When You Shop Kings Mountain! DRUG COMPANY PHONE 41 & 81 THE CITY'S MODERN STORE