BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA \ Kings Mountain District Kings Mountain, North Carolina Dear Friends of Scouting: • For forty-six years the people of the United States have supported the Boy Scout move ment, and for almost as long a period the citizens of Kings Mountain have given generous ly of their time and money in order to make Scouting possible in our community. So it is without apology that we of Scouting once again call upon you to invest in the boys of Kings Mountain. Many of the adult leaders of our town were once Scouts them selves—they are the ones who really know the true value of this movement. Of course the home, the church and schools are entitled to the credit for shaping young lives, but add Scouting, with its emphasis on recreation, outdoor adventure, plus the satis faction of learning to do worthwhile things, and you nearly always produce a boy who will take his place as a real citizen. In a letter from Mr. Nelson lackson, treasurer of Piedmont Council, he refers to a ques tion often asked. Here it is, along with his reply: "WHY SHOULD WE GIVE FOR WE ARE A CORPORATION OR WEHAVE NO CHILDREN?" Answer: "BECAUSE WE ARE INTERESTED IN BOYS. ALSO, INTER ESTED IN THE FACT THAT IT COSTS MORE TO MEND MEN THAN TO TRAIN BOYS. THE BOYS OF YOUR COMMUNITY ARE THE ONES WHO TOMORROW WILL SIT WHERE YOU SIT, MAKE DECISIONS YOU NOW MAKE, AND GUIDE THE DESTINY OF AMERICA. A HUNDRED YEARS FROM NOW IT WILL NOT MATTER WHAT OUR BANK ACCOUNT WAS, THE SORT OF HOUSE WE LIVED IN, OR THE KIND OF CAR WE DROVE. BUT THE WORLD MAY BE DIFFERENT BECAUSE WE WERE IMPOR TANT IN THE LIFE OF A BOY." The goal set for the Kings Mountain District is $2,080.00. We will look forward to your financial assistance—and please help all you can! We want to reach more boys than ever before. Mailing address: P.O.Box No. 388 Kings Mountain, N. C. Checks payable to: Kings Mountain District Boy Scouts ol America (Tax deductible) Cordially yours, D. M. PEELER, Finance Chairman. Burlington Industries Phenix Plant Carolina Mines, Inc. Craftspun Yams, Inc. , Division of Scranton Lace Co. • Foote Mineral Company Kings Mountain Manufacturing Co., Inc. Kings Mountain Mica Co., Inc. Neisler Division Mass. Mohair Plush Co. y Park Yam Mills Co., Inc. Superior Stone Company