Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 7.206 tfe* Syuro toc Creator tinge Mountain U derived from «•» 1«6S Hog* Mount*,* city directory consul. Tbo City Units figure Is from tbo Uni tod States census of 1950. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper 1 Q Pages IQ Today /OL66 NO. 12 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 22, 1956 Sixty-Seventh Year PRICE FIVE CENTS Local News Bulletins ATTEND MEETING James A. Childers and Billy Childers attended a school for roofing and sheet metal work ers held at. North Carolina State college, [Raleigh, four days last week. CORRECTION In the Kings Mountain Herald edition of last week nylon hose ^were inadvertently listed in the Amos & Son advertisement 3 pair for $1.00. The advertisement should have read 3 pair for $2.00. The Herald regrets the error. MOOSE MEETING Regular meeting of Kings Mountain Moose Lodge 1748 wiU ibe held at the lodge Thur sday night at 8:15 ,p. m., ac cording to Curtis Gaffney, sec retary. MRS. McGILL ILL Mrs. Boyce McGill is reported to bte improving as well as can be expected at her home on Oherryville road following a heart attack she suffered Sun day night. PRIZE WINNER Pat McDaniel, of route 2, was the winner of a Bendix auto matic dryer given (by Timms Stop-n-Shop as a part of its new management sale promo tion. The drawing was conduct ed last Saturday. MUSIC rnUuHAH Choirs of First Presbyterian church will present a message of Holy Week in music at 7:30 p. im. services Sunday at First ^3 Presbyterian church. Miss Re ftk'becca Beam, church organist B$“agd choir director, will direct , the program. AT CONVENTION Dr. D. F. Hord, Kings Moun tain dentist, attended a three day dental meeting in Atlan ta, Ga., Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. METER RECEIPTS City parking meter receipts for the week ending noon, Wednesday, totaled $187.98, ac cording to a report iby City Clerk Gene Mitchem. Mr. Mit chem said the street meters re turned $15490, while off-street meters accounted for $33.68. ONE PERMIT Building Inspector J. W. Web ster issued a building permit Monday to J. E. Rhea to erect a one story block building to be used as a residence on N. Watterson street, at an estima ted cost of $3,000. BAPTIST SERVICE Professor Robert Garr and the Gardner - Webb college choir will render a program of mu sic at 7:30 p. m. services Sun day evening at First Baptist church. The program will in ft elude choral, solo, duet, and hymn arrangements. A social hour honoring the group will follow the service. Lions To Honor Farmers Of Area Tuesday Night H. B. Godfrey, administrative officer of the North Carolina Ag riculture Stabilization and Con servation committee, will make the feature address at the annual Farmer’s Night ibanquet of the Kings Mountain Lions cluib. The event will be held at Ma sonic Dining hall Tuesday night at 7 o’clock. Gene Patterson, chairman of the Lions cluib committee on ar rangements, said all area farm ers are 'being invited to the iban quet. Invitations will ibe mailed over the weekend. “We look forward to a fine ev ening of fellowship with Kings ■Mountain area farmers,’’ Mr. Pat terson said. “The event is one of the highlights of the club year, and we hope all artea farmers will make plans to attend.” Also to ibe invited will toe ag riculture officials of the county, including ASC and county a gent’s staffs, plus members of the county board of commission ers. Mr. Godfrey joined the staff of the Agriculture Adjustment A gency in 1933 and has toeen as sociated with the federal agri culture set-up since that time, during its several successive name changes. Mr. Godfrey is .billed toy the ar rangements committee as an ex pert after-dinner speaker with a well-filled stock of witty anec dotes. Other members of the Lions club arrangements committee are Edwin Moore and Otto •(Toby) Williams. Graham Him Here Monday Residents of Kings Mountain will have an opportunity to see MR. TEXAS, the world’s first Christian western movie, here Monday night. This film, starring Billy Gra ham and his entire evangelist team, is being sponsored here by the Kings Mountain Baptist Pas tor’s Association. It will be shown at high school auditorium at 7:30 p. m. The film is the first major pro duction of Billy Graham Evange listic Films, Inc. Rtedd Harper and Cindy Walker play the leading roles in the production. Produced as an experiment. “MR. TEXAS” has amazed reli gious leaders and motion picture authorities alike since its release several years ago. During the first two years, more than 5,000, 000 persons have viewed the film. From this number, over 135,000 have made decisions to accept the Christian way of life, according to records on file in Graham’s film organization's Washington, D. C., offices. To produce the picture, an en tire motion picture company was moved to Texas from Hollywood. The story revolves around the Billy Graham Crusade in Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth Texas. All the Texas scenes were actually shot around the Fort Worth area. Rodeo scenes used in the film, were shot at Hardin Simmons University in full color. The world-famous Mayo Rodeo Riders and the Hardin Simmons Cowboy band are featured in this portion of the picture. Continued On Page Ten Keeping Lice, Not Getting'Em, Disgraceful; Doctor Lists Cure . “It’s no disgrace to get ’em, but it’s a disgrace to keep ’em.” This was an average comment to last week’s news account of the lice-in-school problem aired March 12 in city court. Meantime, scores of citizens could remember that 1 ice-in school is an old problem which has Existed as long as schools themselves, and all acknowledged that the key to salvation from the vermin is quick and continu ous action to eradicate them. Dr. P. G. Padgett, Kings Moun tain physician and city district school trustee, says 24 hours is a bit brief to assurfe eradication of head lice. \ This is the treatment he pre scribes: Clip hair as short as pos k sible. Soak the head for four to F si* hours in a solution made of half kerosene and half vinegar f Follow with a thorough shampoo. . Then comb hair well with a fine a tooth comb. Repeat daily until \ all signs of “nits”, or lice larvae, \ are removed. I Dr. Padgett described as a myth thte contention that head i lice infest wails ox buildings, school desks, or other furnish es lice like hair too well,” he said. “The lice are transmitted by close contact between people, fre quently from sleeping together or from wearing caps or hats pre viously worn by a person infes ted." Dr. Padgett said danger of disease from htead lice is not great and then not from the lice themselves- Itching of the scalp from lice infestation would cause scratching, which might result in scalp abrasions. In this instan ce, a patient might be in danger of contracting impetigo, some other similar disease, or in deve loping boils. In addition to the kerosene vinegar mixture druggists have compounds suitable for curing the disease, one being a product cal led “Kuprex.” Dr. Padgett noted that all types of lice which infest humans are kin. He included both body lice, which plagues soldiers In the field and crab lice. All types, he said, seem more contractable In unsanitary situations. “It's hard to see the lice. In fact. I've never seen one," Dr Padgett concluded. “But the 'nita' are easily recognizable. A Ike-infested head isn't fre^ of U