PARK GRACE OHOBCH OF TBX NAZABENE REV. ROBERT PITTS, Pastor Sup*.. Raymond Gregory Sunday School 10:00. Morning Worship U:00. Young People's service 6:30. Herman Run, ”—" ' OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. JAMES HOLDER. Pastor Sunday: 10:00—Sunday School 11:00—Morning Worship each Sunday morning. 7:00— BTU. 8:00—Evening worship Thursday: 7:00—Prayer Meeting TEMPLE BAITlnT CHURCH Corner of Cansler St Fulton REV. H. G. McELBOY, Pastor Lloyd McFalls, Sunday School Supr. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. B. T. U. 6:00 p. m. Mrs. A. A. Jolly, Director Midweek Prayer Service Wed., 7:00 P- m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. CARL GREENE, pastor Sunday: 9:45 a. m.—Sunday School. Ralph John son, supt. 11:00—Morning worship 6:30—Baptist Training Union 7:30—Evening worship Wednesday: 7:30—Mid-week prayer service Brotherhood meeting each third Thurs day evening In the month at 7:30 p. m. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH REV. H. T. COOK. Pastor Sunday: 8:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Service. 8:15 B. T. U. 7:30 Prayer Meeting Wednesday: 7.80 Prayer meeting. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH In Burlington community WALTER FLAY PAYNE, Pastor H. »avis, Supt Sunday School — 9:45. Morning Worship — 11:00. Evening Service — 7:00. Wednesday night: Prayer Service* — 7<00. BTU on Sunday* — 6:45. PATTERSON GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH REV. J. J. THORNBURG, Pastor Sunday School Supt. — Edwin Moore Sunday: 10:00 — Sunday School. 11:00—Morning Worship service*. 7:00 — Baptist Training UnlSh. 8:00—Evening service. Wednesday: 7:30—Mid-week prayer aervlce FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday: A. T. QUAKENBUSH. Pastor 9:45—Sunday School 11:00—Morning Worship 6:45—Baptist Training Union 8:00—Evening Service Monday: 7:00—Church visitation program Wednesday: 7:00—FamHy Prayer service followed by church business meeting and BTU council meeting Thursday: 7,:00—Choir practice 7:30—Nominating committee meeting VENLEY'S CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH Oroce Methodist mission on CherryvUle highway Rev. Leonard Huffstetler, Pastor Sunday School at 10 o’clock a. m. Morning Worship at 11 o’clock a. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6 p. m. Evening Service at 7 p. m. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Jamas B. McLarty 9:45—Sunday School 11:00—Morning Worship 6;30 Intermediate Methodist Youth Fel lowship 6:30 Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship Midweek Prayer Service remains at 7:30 on Wednesday evenings. GRACE METHODIST W. C. SIDES. JR.. Pastor Laming Services: Morning Worship 9:45 a. Hi. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Evening Services: MYF 6:0C p. m. Evening Worship 7:00 p. m. Wednesday evening: Prayer Service 7:00 p. m. Thursday evening: Choir Practice 7:00 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZABENE REV. R. J. ESSARY. Pastor 8und*y School: 9:45 a. at Wesley Mon. Supt. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. Young People s Society at 6:00 p. & Evangelistic Services at 7.-00 P. m. BUD VIEW BAPTIST CEUHCH (Near Morrison Airport) " Bev. Odus Hayeb, Pastor Sunday School 9:46 Supt. — Ira Falla Morning Worship IP:00 Evangelist Service 7:00 Saturday evening Service 7:80 Mid-week Prayer Service Wednesday at 7 p. m. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST REV. E. K. BOBBINS. Faator Morning Service 11:00 a. m. Sunday-School each Sunday at 10 a. sa Baptist /raining Union 7:00 a. m. Evening Worship service 8:00 p. m. Wednesday Night Prayer Service 8:00 *. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH -— — Comer of Dllllng St., and Ballroad Are. H. t WRIGHT. Supt. Sunday: 9:46 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Service. 6:16 BL T. U. 7:30 Prayer Meeting Wednesday: 7:80 Prayer Meeting LOVE VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. EARL M. REDDING. Pastor Sunday school — 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship — 11:00 a. m. Sunday night service — 7:80 p. m. Wednesday prayer service — 7:30 P. BL CORNITH FHIMmVE CHURCH g».nm k a. SIMPSON, Pastor Preaching Services: Rist bp. m. Third Sundays XI a. m. Prayer meeting TOO p. m. WESTOVEB BAPTIST CHU1CH REV. N. S. HARDIN. Pastor 8:49 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship and and 4th Sun 7:00 Evening Worship 1st and 8rd I MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH REV. T. A. UNEBEKGER. Pastor Robert Champion, supt. 9:45—Sunday School. 11:00—Morning Worship. &S0—Baptist Trutnlng Union. 7:30—Preaching service. Wednesday: 7:80—Mid Week prayer service. DAVIS BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. N.-8. HARDIN. Putur Meetings at Bethware Schaol Warship every first and third Sunday mornings at 11:00; and every second and fourth Sunday evenings at T;80. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o'atock. Gene Hoyle, Supt. a Ti O. every Sunday evening at 0:30. Mrs. Wylie Allen, General Director The lord'a Supper on each 5th Sunday. As Moses said to Hobab, “Come thou srlth us, and we will do thee good.” CARSON MEMORIAL CHURCH Crowders Mountain Community REV. JAMES AVEY, Pastor Wednesday and Saturday: 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Sunday: US a m. Sunday School. IP00 a m. Morning Worship Su'flst. 8:00 p. m. Junior Meeting. 6:00 p. m. Young People's meeting. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service. FIRST WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH A. J. Arm Pastor SUNDAY 0:45 A. M. Sunday School N. EL Kelly. BUu':00 A. M. Morning Worship. 8:00 P. M. Youth Service. 6:00 P. M. Children's Servlet 7:00 P. M. Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY 8:30 A. M. Prayer Service 7:00 P. M. Prayer Service. KINGS -4TN. TABERNACLE One Hock From Cora Mill REV. box GurrON, Pastor Sunday School — 10 a. m. Preaching Service — 11 a. m. Eight Service — 7:19 p. m. Thursday night prayer service — 7:19 p. XL Saturday Night Prayer Meeting — 7:19 «. m. MANUEL HOLINESS CHURCH 2nd Street Coro Mill Pastor, Bev. Eumneese Dixon Sunday School 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 o’clock. C.Y.S. Meeting 6:30 Sunday Night evangelistic Service 7:30 p. m. Prayer Services 7:30 p. m. Tuesday ST. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN CHURCH N Piedmont and Ridge St. W. P GERBERDING, Pastor 8:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship. CHURCH UP GO0 BEV. W. E. LANKFORD Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship Service 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 7 p. m. • YPE Saturday at 7:30 p. m. MOUNTAIN VIEW BAPTIST REV. FLOYD HOLLER, Pastor Monroe Grigg, Supt. Crowders Mountain Community Sunday: 10:00 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Service. 7:30 Evening Service. ALLEN MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH REV. WARY BARRETT. Pastor Sunday: 10:00—Sunday School. 11:00—Morning Worship. 7:00—Baptist Training Union followed by evening church services. Wednesday: 7:00—Mid-week prayer service*. MISSIONARY METHODIST REV. J. M. DURHAM. Pastor Kings Mountain, N C. Sunday: Sunday School: 9:46 a. m. Fred Bowen. Supt. Jasper J. Sisk, Asst. Supt. Morning Worship: 11:00 A m. fhursday: Young People's Society: 6:36 p. m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH REV. FLOYD W. FINCH, JR., Pastor Comer of Marion and Chestnut streets Holy Communion at 9 a. m. the first Sunday of each month. Morning Prayer service and sermon every other Sundays at 9 a. m. EL BETHEL METHODIST CHURCH REV. J. M. BARBER Sunday: Sunday School — 10 a. m. Morning Worship — 11 a. m. MYF — 6 p. m. Evening Worship — 7 p. m. SECOND WESLEYAN METHODIST HOOVER E. SMITH. Minister Sunday School 9:45. Morning Worship 11:00. Evangelistic service 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. Wednesday: TRUE GOSPEL TABERHACLR Second Street REV. LYNN O’TUEL. Pastor Sunday School, 1C a. m. Worship Service 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7:15 p. m. Prayer Service every Thursday at 7:18 a m. Bible Comment: Revelation's Vision Is Attainable TT is a glorious picture that the A saint-prophet-poet who wrote the Book of Revelation paints for us in his description of the New Jerusalem. It is instructive that the writei represents the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, as “coming down.” In his conception there is to be an earthly realization of God’s triumph; it is not merely a mat ter of earth ascending toward heaven. The picture that he gives is in striking contrast with the earth and world as we know it. For those to whom the author of the book was writing, even with their Christian faith and fortitude, the world was a place of sorrow and trial. Yet God was to wipe away the tear from every eye; there would be no more death, no mourning or cry ing. Instructive also is the fact that the seer saw no temple or church in the Holy City. The city itself (had become the Church. All of life in this New Jerusalem was holy, and all its relationships: were the relationships of wor ship and truth. Is this only a dream, or is it something for the attainment of which men may live and work and pray? Shall we see the nations walking in the midst of the light of this Holy City and the kings of the earth bringing their glory into it? It is a vision that has been realized in the lives of some men. There are those who have lived unselfishly and nobly in the spirit of a world made perfect. If it has been realized for some, is not this the hope that it may be realized for others and that earth and heaven shall yet truly meet in the New Jerusalem? If the whole of humanity were as good as some good m£n whom we have seen and known, the dream would be realizable. Who can say that humanity may yet, be as good as those who repre sent humanity at its best? Boy Scout News Scout Troop 11 met at Central Methodist church for our first meeting of the year on Monday September 17, 1956. The meet ing was called to order by Presi dent Sara Hendricks. The laws and Promise were said, then Sara asked the Secretary, Pattie Ho ward to call thfe roll and take up dues. Afterwards the President asked if there were any business to be taken up. After the busi ness our leaders, Mrs. Delbert Dixon and Mrs. Bruce Thorburn told- us our plans for the follow ing year. The president adjourn ed the meeting. The University of North Caro lina School of Medicine is one of the units making up the UNC Division of Health Affairs. Other units within thfe DHA are N. C. Memorial Hospital and the Schools of Dentistry, Nursing, ^Pharmacy and Public Health. , ATTEND DIXIE-HOME'S ANNUAL HARVEST SALE! CHOOSE FROM OVER 3000 ITEMS AND SAVE ON YOUR TOTAL FOOD BILL. Libby's Crushed Pineapple 2^49 Delicious New Creamer For Coffee p, 4-Oz. ■ Jar 12-Oz. Can 31c 35c 2 Si 35c PREAM Armour Star TREET .... Armour Star VIENNA SAUSAGE Armour Star FRANKFURTERS Armour Star LUNCH TONGUE Armour Star TAMALES s Absorbant and Soft NORTHERN TISSUE 3«*27c Cans 8-Oz. Jar No. '/i Can lO'/z-Oz. Jar 49c 33c 21c ASTOR SHORTENING Astor Instant Coffee .. Wautaga Chopped Kraut.. Deep South Strawberry Preserves Superbrand Flavorful Coffee .. . 99' 5 303 Cans 2 '»■ 49 79* Lb. Bag Dixie Thrifty Apple Sauce . So Good Candied! Sweet Potatoes 4 No. 303 Cons TP 4 No. 303 Cons Jm Von Camp's Pork and Beans 449c fen. Duran Cream Golden CORN 4 No. 303 M c- 49c Hart All Green LlftSAS 4 No. 3t~ m 49c Tetley Teabags "S” 25c Delicious Drink Tetley Tea •£ 67c Charmin Colored Napkins 26°Ct. -10,4 Pkgs. laU Oscar Mayer Frankfurters •2? 28c Sunkist Frozen Lemon Juice 2 7c°-, 39c meat ARMOUR STAR -tHe me SHRED BMQM 4 5c Armour Star, 3 Lb. Size Canned Hams..2*99 Libby’s All Meat VIENNA SAUSAGE 2 Libby’s POTTED MEAT . . 3 No. Vt Cans No.