Foot Mineral, Hooker Team For High Energy Fuel Work PHILADELPHIA — Hooker E lectrioai Co., Niagna Falls, N. Y. and 'Foote 'Mineral Co., Philadel phia, Pa., today jointly announced that they are together exploring possibilities for the development, production and sale of compo nents of high energy fuels. Cur rently, their interests are confin. j ed to lithium perchlorate and am- j raonium perchlorate, materials j which act as oxi/lizers in fuels fori rockets and missiles, but studies may ibe extended to other high energy fuel components later. The ; >int. annoucement is made toy R. I-indley Murray and Gordan H. Good Reading for the Whole Family •News • Facts • Family Features The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year J18 □ 6 months $9 □ 3 months $4.50 □ Nome Address City Zone State 5JS Our advice to drivers is free, too! It pays a driver to listen to good advice—even when it comes from the back seut. We think you may profit from our advice about car insurance. How much and what kind you need for adequate protection against the risks of driving. No obligation, of course. C. E. WARLICK INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 9 203 W. MOUNTAIN ST. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Chambers, board chairmen of Hooker and Foote. The two companies each have skills, knowledge and basic raw material positions in this highly specialized field which comple. ment each other and the logical combination of assets should pro. vide the greatest mutual bene fit in the successful development of high energy fuel components to Hooker, Foote and the consu ming industries. Hooker last year acquired Old. bury Electrochemical Co., be lieved to be the world’s largest manufacturer of cholorates which include sodium perchlorate, po tassium perchlorate, sodium chlo rate, potassium chlorate and per chloric acid. Thus Hooker has basic cholora te-perchlorate pro duction facilities and technology. Foote, understood to be the world’s largest producer of lith. ium metal and its salts, has a basic position in owning exten sive lithium ore. deposits as well as lithium salt and metal product ion facilities. Foote has research background and pilot plant pro duction experience with lithium perchlorate and ammonium per. chlorate. School News Carrousel Princess representing Kings Mountain in the Carolina’s Carrousel parade in Charlotte on Thanksgiving Day will he Jane Byars. The blonde, blue-eyed sen. ior is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Byars of route 2, Shelby Road. Competition for the princess title was narrowed to Judy Med. lin, a junior, and Jane after each senior and junior homeroom se lected representatives. Phyllis Dean, Mikie White, Guy Ann Hen. derson, Patsy Brooks, and Vir. ginia Ramsey were nominees for the crown in addition to Judy and Jane. A student body ballot selected Jane as princess. The first edition of the “Moun taineer”, the school newspaper made its appearance October 1. The paper contained school news and a magazine section entitled “Scholastic Roto”. ) The Journalism class taught by Mrs. Billy Bates will travel to Shelby to tour the office of the “Shelby Daily Star”. The group will also visit the Bost Bakery plant. Homecoming plans are under, way with the different clubs and organizations preparing floats to exhibit in the parade. The Home, coming football game will pit Kings Mountain against Lincoln. > ton. Hoped for attendance statistics were not reached in order that the state would supply an addi tional teacher. The faculty boost might possibly be made if the lo cal school board allots the neces. sary funds. “Look to the future and forget the past”, is the senior class mot. to recently selected by the twelfth grade. Other symbols the seniors chose are the flower, a red rose and colors of red and white. Mas. cots, children of pre-school age with a minimum limit of four years, will ibe chosen by the sen. iors on October 9. Numerous sales campaigns are striving to get money for club treasuries for their project work in the coming year. The Student Participation Organization is sell ing light bulbs; Tar Heel state towels with emblems of North Carolina emblazoned on a white background are being sold by the National Honor Society along with personalized stationery. The junior class will soon launch its annual magazine subscription campaign to obtain funds for the Junior-Senior banquet in the spring. The concession stand at the stadium is being operated by the Future Teachers club and candy is being sold by the Future Homemakers of America. Individual annual pictures of seniors and juniors are being tak. en. The business staff of the “Milestones” is currently selling advertising for the publication of the annual. Out-of-town adverti. sers in Shelby and Gastonia have been contacted. Football player, Jimmy Blan. ton, fullback on the first string sustained a knee Injury in the Forest City ballgame. He was im mediately hospitalized at Kings Mountain hospital and was sche duled to consult a specialist. In. jury was thought to be to the ten. dons and ligaments. The air-sea base now being built at Rota, Spain, by the U. S. Navy will be the larges* Ameri can naval facility in the Euro pean-African area. Thomas Baker At Dentist School GHAPBL HILL — Thomas !’■ Baker, .son of Dr., and Mrs. L. P. Baker of 608 N. Piedmont Ave., Kings Mountain is enrolled in the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry at Chapel Hill. Baker attended high school at Waynesboro, Va. His pre-dental work was done at Lenoir-lHhyne College. The four year program of the School of Dentistry leads to a DJDS. degree. Baker is now in his first year of the course. Potato Market To Open Soon “This little Yam goes to mar ket and this little Yam stays at home.” That may well be the saying of the farmer who care fully grades his sweet ipotatoes before they go to the amrket. Henry Covington, horticulture specialist for the N. C. Agricul tural Extension Service, said to day that the opening dates for two of the state’s sweet potato markets have Ibeen announced. October second is the date for the opening of the Tabor City (Mar ket and the Benson Market is scheduled to open on October 3. The Bethel market opened Sep tember 17. Covington reports that all mar kets will buy U. S. No. 1 pota toes on the following basis: No. 1 potatoes be no less than 1 7-8 nor more than 3 3-8 inches in diameter. They must not be less than 3 1-2 nor more than 9 inches in length. Other grades will be the same as usual. rar neei iarmers, producing this year more than 38,000 acres of the crop, are reminded to pack theiT baskets full (with a total weight of not less than 56 pounds. Covington points out that there is a good outlet for the No. 2 po tato, and smaller grades, at the three canning plants in the state. The plants are located at Wil liamston, Lumfoerton and New Bern. The opening date for the mar ket at Magnolia will be announ ced later. Silverman Named Foote Consultant IDr. Alexander Silverman, world famous authority on the chemis try of glass, has (been retained as a special consultant to Foote Mineral Company, according to Dr. E. M. Kipp, 'Director of Re search. Dr. Silverman will advise •Foote’s Research and Develop ment (Department on its program of research into the use of lith ium in inorganic chemistry and glass technology. Dr. Silverman is professor e meritus Of the University of Pittsburgh and, until his retire ment in 1951, was (Head of its Chemistry -Department. During his long and distinguished car eer, he has authored over two hundred technical articles and has been awarded some thirtj patents. .He has been a consultant on glass since 1908. ELECTRIC JES CLOTHES Faster, Fluffier, Thriftier! I WESTING HOUSE WITH DIRECT AIR FLOW Here’s the quickest way to dry your laun dry ... and it’s actually better for clothes. Direct Air Flow dries with cleaner air than outdoors... freshens and protects clothes, too. Fluffs them so smooth you save hours of ironing. Dries so fast, you save current on every load. Ends the toil of hanging heavy, wet wash. PLU9S in anywhkrh . % . Requires no special wiring. •LOWS FRESH, WARMED AIR •directly onto tumbling clothes, not through ntaehintry. LOOK-IN LOADINO DOOR saves kneeling, bending, stooping. you can be sure...if it's\\festin0house ASK ABOUT OUR FREE DOWNPAYMENT Poultrymen's Future Bright Says Specialist A ray of sunshine is seen on the horizon of poultry producers. Ati expert says egg prices are likely to rise more this fall than usual, then continue at profit able levels through the coming year. Clayton Li'beau, egg marketing specialist for the 'N* C. Agricul tural^Extension Service at State College, declares smaller laying flocks, reduced egg production and higher prices are in the pic ture lor next year’s producers. iLimbeau points out that Amer ican farmers are raising an esti mated 394 million young chick ens this year--18 per cent less than last. This figure does not, however, include commercial broiler production. IA11 sections of the country are cutting production of chickens fdr laying flock replacements, ac cording to 'Liibeah. The decrease is greatest on farms with small flocks. By the first of next year, de clares Libeau, the U. S. laying flock is expected to be at least 7 per cent smaller than a year earlier. Average rate of lay is ex pected to Ibe ulp ibut total product ion may fall as much as 5 per cent Ibeloiw last year’s levels. I I C7ry Vs 1'J'resh Cjfrnits and ^Jegetablea \ I Crisp Firm Fresh Plump Juicy Fresh Cauliflower Head 25c Red Cranberries Lb. 23c SPECIAL! Ripe Plump Tokay GRAPES 10° U. S. #1 White Potatoes “ 39c Sweet Red Juicy Delicious Potatoes 3 lbs. Sc Apples 2^- 25c SPECIAL! Vermont Maid or LOG CABIN SYRUP 12-Oz. Bottle 29c Sultana Short Crain RICE 3-Lb. Bag 43c Sunnyfield , Long Grain RICE 3-Lb. Bag 45c -JANE PARKER BAKED FOODS SPECIAL! Jone Parker Freshly Baked SPECIAL! Jane Parker GIANT Apple Pies B 43c Jelly Rolls Special Priced Each -MARCAL Freezer Wrap 18'R^Iidc49c Toilet Tissue Ro" 10c Sandwich Bags pttkJge 10c Pastel Napkins pSS^IOc Dinner Napkins 4p|£f- 15c White Paper Napkins 2 p^- 23c Kitchen Charm Waxed Paper 19c NEW PACK — Ann Page Fancy Quality Dole Sliced Pineapple NC°an2 33C e Pineapple Juice 4ca°z 31c nstant Coffee AfirP’S OWN PURE FRESH 2-Oz. Jar 45c ^sjis Tomato Ketchup ^ 19c ’SPECIAL! Ann Page Ann Page Assorted [Salad Dressing ft 43c Cake Mixes 25c - SWIFT S CANNED MEATS - Brown & Serve Pork Prepared Patties of Luncheon Meat Sausage 45c Hamburger ca°n 47c Prem *c2f- 41c Beef Sandwich Steaks '&■ 49c Lux Flakes Large D3 Package JJW Swan Soap 2—Med. 1Q_ 2—Lg. 31 Bars 17C Bars JIC Blue Dot Duz Large 33 Package Save on R%Z Meats "Super-Right" Heavy Boneless Top Round Steak - 85° Special! Morrell's Yorkshire Lifebuoy Soap Reifr 10c Lifebuoy Soap 2 8S 29c Can?ay Soap 2 Bars 19C Camay Soap it « 13c f iMAAMMuwwwMwwbywywyw Sliced Bacon % 55° "Super-Right" Sliced Beef Liver - 35° Nylonge Sponges No. 10 I'J Each JLZC ^19c No. 100 Each 33c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Iona Cut GREEN BEANS PRICED LOW—STOCK UP! Burry Oxford Creme Sandwich COOKIES White or Colored Angel Soft Tissue 2 <^45* 2 's 23® ; n-Oz. f Box I IVORY SNOW % 33c & 79c IVORY FLAKES pS. 33c IVORY SOAP 2 »•» 31c IVORY SOAR 2 as 19c ^^-^s^VORRRRRH IVORY SOAR 4 is 25c