Early Morning Service Planned For Shiloh Church This Summer M Mils. M. C. HAHDIN TELEPHONE YE-7-611 Beginning Sunday, June 7th for the summer the Sunday School and morning worship Ser. vices will be held at 9 and 10 a. m ait Shiloh Presbyterian chur ch, instead of 10 and 11 a. m. Communion and reception of new members will be held at Shiloh Presbyterian church Sun day morning. Wednesday is church night eupper at Shiloh. A film will be shown immediately after the supper. The boy scouts will hold their regular meeting Thursday even ing. Rev. and Mrs. Donald Cabaniss attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Louisville, Ky last week. Mr. B. A. Harry is still a patient in ithe Cherokee Memorial hospi tal after suffering a heart attack 10 days ago. His condition is very much improved. Phillip Harry of Germany ar rived home Tuesday. He came es pecially itn see his father, Mr. B. A. Harry. Mrs. Helen Harry & children of Charlotte, Bruce and Judy visit ed Mrs. B. A. Harry during the week end. Miss Connie Lofgren of Cam den, S. C., and John Housler of the University of South Carolina were Salturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houser. Mir. and Mrs. Tommy Keeter of Charlotte spent the weekend with Mr. land Mrs. Tyree Keeter. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Holt an nounce the ibSrth of a son- Satur day at the Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lhe of Char lotte were weekend guests of Mr. latnd Mrs. Arthur Davis. Mr. and- Mrs. J. R. Wilson of Great Fails, S. C., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Da vis. Mr, and Mrs. Preston Goforth and Mrs. J. F. Goforth iwtere Sun day guests of Mrs. J. S. Cline of near Shefflby. John Sheppard of Charlotte ■visited Flay Sheppard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kirshner and daughters, Ellen and Sue, of Mi ami, Fla., Visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houser Sunday. Miss Elizabeth IBolin of Char lotte spent the weekend with Mir. and Mrs. James IRodn. Mliss Elialine Prueftte of Western j Carolina College has arrived home to spend the summer vaca tion. I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ellis of [ Blacksburg yisited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moss Sunday. Miss Ava Gibbons spent thte I weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ohar | les Oibbons In Gaffney, S. C. Mrs. H. L. Beam and Mrs. Beck Wright visited Mr. IB. A, Harry at the Gaffney Hospital Saturday. Miss Sue Keieter of Lancaster, S. C., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Keetar. Mr. and Mrs. George Royster of Blacksburg viisiitied Mrs. Pearl Roystter Sunday. Mrs. Pearl Royster underwent surgery at the Shelby hospital last week. Mrs. V. J. Hardin returned home from Kings Mountain hospi tal Saturday. Miss Mary Louisb EUliis of Char lotte spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ellis. Mrs. Grady Hogue of Blacks burg and Mists Ann Hogue of Hickory Visited Mrs. C. M. Mc Carter and Mrs. -W. W. McCarter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barrier were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Dan MdBiiles and Mrs. Mike McBiles of Carlsbad, New Mexico, were rectent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Little. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. (Mattingly of Sian Diego, Calif., arrived Sun day to visit relatives herb. Mr. and Mrs. Pay Tesseneer and chil dren, Eddie and Patsy, met them in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Mattingly is # Revlon Futurama Sets —Sl.00toS10.00 # Colopes by Bourjois Reg. $2.00 Now for Graduation —$1.00 # Cosmetics and Sets by Yardley, Revlon, Coty, Evening in Paris, Helena Rubenstein, Old Spice, & Tussy. GIFTS FOR HIM GILLETTE RAZORS $1.95 to $10.00 REMINGTON ROLL-A-MATIC RAZOR $29.95 SCHICK 3-SPEED ELECTRIC RAZOR $28.50 TIMEX WATCHES $9.95 to $16.95 WALLETS by Ruxton $3.95 to $10.00 Fountain Pens & Fountain Pen Seb by Shaeffer and Parker , 20% OFF Cameras Movie & Still S4.00toS75.00 Pipes by Kay woodie Cigars—Tobacco Cigarette Lighters BY BONSON Leather Shave Kib S3.95toS10.00 Men's ToQetries, Seb, Individual pieces by Old Spice, Yardley, Stag, Seaforth. Kings Men, and Revlon. FREE DELIVERY Delivery Service Until 9 P. M. Each Day AIR CONDITIONING MAKES YOUR SHOPPING FUN AT DRUG COMPANY T4UE CITY'S MODERN STORE STRICTLY FRESH An old, old-timer is a fellow who remembers when it was necessary to crank an auto to get it started. * * * Fellow across the desk from us isn’t exactly Queen-of-the-May material, although the boss often threatens to crown him. * * • People who explain lack of & pet in the home because it’s ‘‘too much bother” are apt to be selfish in other ways, too. • * • Leisure-time sailors who don’t take care of their outboards T' 1 —■—=== = the former Miss Gteneva Hope. Jim Hlamry of Olemson College spenlt tlhe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tedder of Texais are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tedder. Miss Vera Hardin spent Thurs day at Tryon. She was accompan ied on the trip by Mrs. T. E. Shir ley of Gaffney, S. C. They went especially to visit Mrs. M. B. Har din at the St. Luke’s hospital. Mrs. Addie Beam and Mrts. Jay !Beaan have returned from a visit with relatives in Badin. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Beam brought them home. Bailey Crop Price lasted The Cleveland Counly ASC Of fice today announced that the1 Price Support rate for 1959 crop; bapley in all North Carolina Counties would be 88 cents per bushel. D. B. Blalock, ASC Coun ty Chairman explained that this 88 cent rate for North Carolina was based on a National average support price of 77 cents per bus shel for grade No. 2 or better bar ley. He further compared the 88 cents rate for this year with the rate that prevailed last year of $1.05 per bushel for No. 2 or bet tei. Price support will be carried out as in prior years through farm and Warehouse stored loans and purchase agreements. Sup port will be available from har. vest time through January 31, I9 60. loans will mature on Febru ary 29 th, 1960. According to Blalock this brings to three the supported NUTRO PLANT FOOD PELLETS o FOR LAWtySoiuL GARDENS EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL EASY TO APPLY |jOV N UTRO JpftAfc at $***. ^ande*. O. JONES FARM SUPPLY Dealer 220 Cherokee St. FCX Agent Phone 1429 | commodities for which a 195S ! support rate has been announced. Other rates previously announced include a $2.00 per bushel rate for wheat in this state and $1.64 per hundredweight rate for milo. Every Housewife Should Know The Secrets Of Good Milk They are: 1) Get it fresh and clean 2) Keep cold, covered and dark CLINELAND DAIRY Your Native Dairy Farm fresh, country pure milk Pasteurized and Homogenized with Vitamin D Delivery Days: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Gallon - 86c. Vz Gallon - 46c. Quart - 25c In glass or carton CLINELAND DAIRY, INC. ID-5-9321 Cherryville. Route 1 Subscribe Now To The Herald Economical CHICKEN Backs ? 4 Lbs. 49* Rose Brand BOILED Ham ? ? pkg! 49* Swift's Premium h rankf urters'pkg 49^ Crackin' Good Sweet or Buttermilk Biscuits 6 com 49* Cut Up Tray Packed Limit 4 Fryers Pleas* FAB or WHITE ARROW DETERGENT 1 Limit one of your choice with Lge. a $5. or more Pkg purchase. SWIFT JEWEL 3-Lb. Ctn. or ASTOR 3-Lb. Can SHORTENING Limit one of your choice with a $5. or more purchase. DIXIE DARLING 49 0 MAYONNAISE PALMETTO FARM Limit 4 at this price please. MARGARINE 2 FINE HOMEMADE QUALITY and FLAVOR! 1-Lb. Pkgs. SNIDER'S TASTY Tom Catsup 2 A\\\\'V f $ Fancy S. C. Green BEANS] 223 \\WWw < ***** “*r — ‘ n — •>—r r*»— yrr f»i~in/iuij Dixie Crystal or Domino SUGAR 5 39 t. Limit one at this price with a $5.00 or more purchsae. *•****•!*11 ~*>f~rrn~ri»i-*irrii/»n_r~Xf~n us Fancy Golden Bantam CORN •10 ears 3 Qc Rights Reserved To Limit Quantities. Taste O' Sea Breaded SHRIMP . „ . . 2 ^ 99*