Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper PRICE TEN CENTS Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, July 16, 1959 Seventieth Year Pages Today Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 7,206 m figure (or Greater Xing* Mountain I* derived from tlie H5S King* Mountain city directory consul. The city Unfits figure Is from tne United States census of 1SS0. Local News Bulletins X-RAY UNIT Cleveland County Mobile X Ray unit will be in front of Be Ik’s Department Store Thursday from 10 to 12 and 1 to 4 p. m., it has been announ ced. KIWANIS PICNIC Kings Mountain Kiwanians will picnic at Lake Momtonia Thursday alt 7 p. m. The meal will be served by the Hickory House of Charlotte. CLASS REUNION The Bethware high school Class of 1956 will gather for a reunion Monday, July 20, at 6:30 alt Maple Springs Lake near Bethware. The activities will include swimming at 6:30, supper at 7:30, and recreation following. REUNION The classes of 1922, 1923, and 1924 of Cherryville high school will hold a joint class reunion Sunday, July 19, at 4 p. m. at Cherryville Woman’s Club. A picnic supper will be served. FAIRVIEW LODGE An emergent communication of Pairview Lodge 339 AP&AM will be held Monday nighlt at 7:30 p. m. for work in the first degree, according Ito announce ment by Secretary Thomas Tindall. BUILDING PERIMT A permit was issued Tues day to Leroy Blanton to build a one-sitory frame house on W. Kimg street between CansLer and Tracy sitreeits. Estimated coat of the 5-room structure is $5,000. WARLICK BETTER A. P. Warlick, who under went an operation at Gaston Memorial hospital last Friday, was reported improved Tues day by a member of his fam ily. .. . Church Installs Air-Conditioning First Frestoytterdan church has Installed air-conditioning in the sanctuary, chapel, and in several Classrooms. Dr. Paul Ausley, the pastor who made the announcement, also said the interior of thte church is getting a new coat of paint and the painting is expected to be completed soon. "We are all pleasted at the com pletion of the air-conditioninig pro. gram and with the near - ootnpfle tion of work on the interior of our church,” the pastor noted. Hickory Juniors Vandalize Gym Hkkory’s American Legion Juniors took their eliminiattion here Tuesd'ay might the hard way. (Same of thfe players reportedly took-out their anger