Mr. Merchant ' ' v.-r.- vA ? • ’ \fWA If the merchandise in your store is not moving as rapidly as you think it should, why not take a new look at advertising possibilities? You need to get out the news that you have this merchandise for sale, and you need to quote prices. The best medium to reach the people of the Kings Mountain area is through the col umns of the Kings Mountain Herald. We know about the many people who read the Herald regularly. Many have the "Wednesday Herald habit" and our telephon es start ringing each pressday about 6 p.m. with a standard question, "When'll the Heraldbeout?" Others, when they come to buy a paper will tease, "Anything in it?" ; ’ •' . ■? v“ ''- . I Our answer, "A paperfull." We could say more: that the issue is filled with latest news events, complete sports of the Kings Mountain scene, reams of the womenfolk's doings, not to mention the many bar gain opportunities Herald Advertisers offer regularly. Each issue does. This is the "why" of top Herald readership Yes, the merchants who don't have to get tired ot seeing the same goods on their shel ves day after day use Herald advertising regularly.