Don't Throw Hags Away With ithe admission of Alas ka and Hawaii to Ithe Union, you may be wondering what to do with your 48-ritar flag. If your flag is still serviceable, local Marine recruiting sergeant Jim Davis says not to throw it away. According Ito the sergeant, the only time a flag is destroy ed iS to (prevent capture by the eneany, or when it is no longer a fitting emblem for display. Sgt Davis said that with limit ed exceptions, agencies of the Federal Government will con tinued (to display 48-star flags so long as they are still in good condition and until existing Stocks are exhausted. To destroy the National Colors merely because (they only have 48 stars would not only be im proper, but in the strictest inter pretation, would be a violation ctf ithe United States Code. The Leatherneck recruiter says that when the National Colors are worn out, or unserviceable, they should be destroyed with due reverence, In private, pre ferably by burning. Use a sanitizer In your egg Good igTass silage can be a milk maker. It s a Fact r 1 rwon. scour TQLtAKN SEAMANSHIP MANY MCOMf KPtttr IN CAIUNA.CANOEINfr AMO hanoLina mall boats. MARI MIR SCOOTS WCAR bloc SAILOR UNIFORMS GIRL SCOUT BIRTHDAY ON THURSDAY. MARCH XL, MARKS THE 4-7*1. ANNIVERSARY OR Hit FOUNOINO OR THE GIRL SCOUT MOVEMENT IN THE UNITEO STATES. IN THE EARLY YEARS -GIRL SCOUTS WOtlt FIRST BLUE THEN KHAKI V 8 TS 'EST-iTS .-eumniet co®p^T s0 shop —CSfwc«« ^t«IO CO. to «** L* ott Y°ur gfS£ CASTII* SOAP tEETHEBS 8°otbiu, ' He A? JOHNSON'! swSpoo 60° ElOL^C ,u Modified milk for 1 infant* PROMPT ATTENTION When you bring a prescription te us, you are attended to by a regi stered pharmacist who gives hie immediate and undivided atten tion to dispensing your medicine. FREE DELIVERY Delivery Service Until 9 P. M. Each Day AIR CONDITIONING MAKES TOUR SHOPPING FUN AT rKINGS MOUNTAINI THE STORE PHONE 41 & 61 DRUG COMPANY THE CITY'S MODERN STORE Grover lions Club Met Monday Presbyterians Attend Church Meet BY MRS. M. C. HARDIN TELEPHONE YE-7.611I GROVER — The Grover Group Training Union met Monday night with ithe New Hope Bap tist Church in Earl. The beautiful flowers were placed in the Sanctuary of the First Bapitist Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Mills Camp and family in memory of Jerry Camp. The following men from Shi loh Presbyterian church attend ed (the Kings Mountain Presby tery at the Olney Presbyterian church in Gastonia Tuesday: El ders Roy Houser, Frank Goforth and the Student Pastor, Stephen Huntley. The Grover Lions club held their regular meeting Monday night with their dinner meeting at Renn’s cafeteria. The Mary Christian Circle of the First Baptist Church held ilts July meeting with Miss Et hel Miartin. Mrs. Tyree Keeter gave the devotional. Mrs. Keeter was also in charge of the pro gram and presented Mrs. Grady Ross, Mrs. W- W. McCarter and Mrs. Mary Lou Collins. Mrs. Ross presided over the business .ses sion. During the social hour Miss Martin "served refreshments. The Troop Committee of the Boy Scout Troop will meet Thursday night. The Women of Shiloh Presby terian church will meet Thurs day nighit with Mrs. Thelma Hambright. Miss Marjorie Huntley of Hartsville, S. C. is visiting her nephew, Stephen Huntley at the Presbyterian manse. Their guests during the week 'end were his parenlts, Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Hun tley of Dahlonega, Georgia, and Mrs. Walk Marlowe of Conway, S. C. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Belk and Joe Belk, Jr., of Mt. Holly, Mrs. Arthur Hay and daughter Miss Helen Hay of Kings Mountain. (Mrs. Roy Houser and Mrs. Ral ph Mooney attended the funeral of little Jimmy Lynn Blackburn, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Blackburn in Cornelius, Ga. Sunday. Mrs. Mooney and Mrs. Blackburn ae cousins. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore of Atlanta are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. £>. Pressley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Beck Wright and children, Cynthia and Jimfmy are spending the week at Myrtle Beach. :V1 r. <1 nu mrs. dcu anu sons, Steven and Eddie visited Mr. amd Mrs. E. M. Bell near Nineity Nine Island, Sunday. iRev. and Mrs. Donald Caban iss are spending a few days ail Myrtle Beach, S. C. Grady Boss who is employed in Nashville, Tenn., spent ithe week end here wilth Mrs. Ross and daughters. Miss Jackie Hope of Charlotte spent from Friday until Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hope and family. Mrs. Esther Bell is visiting Mr. j and Mrs. Bill Bell and children in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Westmore land were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Roy Williams in Smyr na, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beam visit ed relatives in Columbia, S. C. Sunday and Monday. Sunday guestts of Mr. and Mrs W. ,W. Hardin were Mr. and Mrs. Levis Ivester and Ann of Char lotte, Mrs. T. E. Shirley of Gaff ney, S. C., and Mrs. E. S. Mc Swain of Spartanburg. Mrs. E. S. McSwain of Spar tanburg, S. C., Miss Vera Hardin and Mrs. J. S. McSwain of the Bethlehem community visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McSwain in Dallas, N. C. Sunday afternoon. Roy Houser and Miss Faye Hauser visited Ivir. and Mrs. N. L. Houser near Cherryville Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullinax and daughter of Charlotte were Sunday guests of Alvin Mullnix and relatives here. Veterans Bill To Be Aired WASHINGTON, D. C. — Con gressman t>Un E. Teague, Chair man of the House Veterans' Af fairs Committee, will appear as a guest this week on Congress man Basil L. Whitener’s weekly radio program. Chairman Teague will discuss with the 11th District Congress man the veterans’ non-service - connected pension bill recently passed by the House of Repre sentatives. 70% of all veterans, orphans, and widows eligible for non service-connected pen sion benefits wili secure an in crease in payments under the provisions of the bill. “There is considerable misun derstanding,” stated Congress - man Whitener, “as to the provi sions of the Teague Pension Bill. Congressman Teague’s explana tion of the benefits provided by his measure should be of inter est ito everyone." The program may be heard here at 9 a. m. Saturday via Ra dio Station WKMT. In North Carolina when a school bus stops, everybody stops! Creep feed calves on equal parts by measure of shelled com and whole oats. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day of Kan napolis and Mrs. Robert Day and three daughters of Charleston, S. C. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ramsey were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ramsey in Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Eaker and children, Linda and Richard vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Claude War ren in Statesville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Wallace and Miss Bankie Wallace of Goldsboro were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Eaker. Mrs. J. W. Pinkelton and Hil da are visiting relatives in Washington D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Tate of Atlanta are on vacation. They spent several days last week In Florida and will spend this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tate here and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pos ton near Shelby. Mns. C. M. McCarter and Mrs. Grady Hogue of Blacksburg at tended the camp reunion at Pleasant Hill Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houser and Miss Faye Houser will leave Wednesday for Wilmington to visit Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hous er and Charlene. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lee of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davis. Miss Claudia Moss of Char lotte spent the week with Miss Fonda Bridges. Miss Mary Louise Ellis of Charlotte spent the week end with Mr. iand Mrs. J. B. Ellis. J. T. Tedder, Grover citizen, is a patient in Memorial Hispd tal in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lattimore of Lawndale announce the birth of a son, July 18. Mrs. Lattimore is the former OVCiiss Beth Sheppard of Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Robinson announce the birth of a daugh ter, Thursday, Jufly 16, Cleveland Memorial hospital. Poultry is North Carolina’s most rapidly growing farm enter, prise. Everything on the farm should have a place — even rubbish. EUTIUJS UE SALE Under and fey virture ctf the po wer of sale contained in a Deed of Thust given fey Jack Moss and wife, Htelen G. Moss, dated l©th of August, 1961, now on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cleveland County in Book 377 at page 235, said deed Of trust having Ween given to the undersigned as Trustee to secure the indebtedness therein mention ed, and default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of the holder of the note, I will sell for cash at the ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator for the estate of Mrs. Sal life Elizabeth Hord, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against her estate to file same with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, 1960, or this notice will hfe pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please pay same to the undersignted. This the 30th day of June, 1959. EARL D. LEDFORD, Administrator for the Estate of Mrs. Sailde Elizabeth Hord. 7:2—23 ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualififed as Adminis tratrix for the Estate of Lee Roy Camp, this is to notify all persons having claims against his Estate to file same with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of July, 1960, or this noticfe will be plead ed in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to his Es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th day of July, 1959. ELIZABETH CAMP, Administratrix (for thfe Estate Of Lee Roy Camp. Davis and White, Attorneys. 7:9—8:13 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis. tratrix for the estate of Marshall C. Gore, with ithe will annexed, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against his estate to please file same with the under signed on or before the 16th day of July, 1960, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay same to the undersigned. This the 15th day of July, 19 59. Mrs. Marshall C. Gore, Ad ministratrix, c. it. a for the Estate of Marshall C. Gore, deceased. 7:16-8:20 Courthouse Door in SHELBY, CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, on (MONDAY, JULY 27, 1959 at 10:00 o’clock a. m., or within legal hours, the following described real estate: •Being lot Number 5 in Block B of that certain sub-division known as Midpinets, it being a subdivision of the Calvin Howell property lo cated about two miles South of Kings Mountain, a map of said suibddvfeaom toeing duly recorded in the Office of the (Register of Deeds at Cleveland County in 'Book of Plats No. 5 alt page 15. There tks excepted from the above described lands that certain right of way of Duke Power Company along the front and loft 'line*. This tWe 24fth day of June, 1950. J. R. DAVIS, TRUSTEE. Davis and White, Attorneys. 7:2—23 “I saw your advertisement iin the paper.*1 Many a shopping list is made up from the adver . rising columns of this newspaper. Whether Mrs. | Housewife goes to market pushing the baby car | riage, in the family car or by phone, she knows she will save rime and money by first reading about the merchandise and services featured here. Make your advertising a helpful guide for buyers by regularly publishing the news about your busi ness in this newspaper. Ask for a copy of our A.B.C. report.* It gives you complete and audited information about the circulation that your advertising trill get when it appears in this paper. KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD •This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a national association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. Our circulation is audited by expe rienced A.B.C. circulation auditors. Our A.B.C. report shows how much circulation v we have, where it goes, how obtained and ' other facts that tell advertisers what they get for their money when they use this paper. BLANKET LAYAWAY rescues et at sale Pr*‘ce Zl CON^OVS ,gARANTtE^_ AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC compare at 19.95 v' snap-fit comers convert Wat to fittedl easy-eye control dials 9 degrees of comfort! Set and forget! Safe, steady warmth adjusts automatically to room temperature. Luxury-look blend of rayon, cotton and nylon beauti fully bound with exact-match nylon. Mildew-proof, mothproof, non allergenic! ^ PINK ♦ BLUE FLAME - BEIGE GREEN YELLOW UK’S f«r better selections, better buys! for certified better velvesl Horn*' of Better Valuti myon-Acrilan a breeze to wash at Boudoir beauty worthy of the most extravagant trousseau and yet so sensibly-priced! Delicate flowers entwine with a graceful lacy motif.. Mothproof, non-allergenic. Made for us by famous Chatham Mills! •A«rr»« Si.,, PINK ON WHITE BLUE ON WHITE ROSEBEIGE ON WHITE SILK'S for better sebstlwn, better beyel fee certified better vaieeel