Population Greater Kings Mountain . 10,320 City Limits 7,206 Iht figure lor a rooter King* Mountain U derived from tt* 1958 King* Mountain city directory coma*. The city Undt* figure I* from too United State* cen*u* of 1950. 1 P Pages ID Today VOL 70 No. 30 Established 1889 Seventieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS Local News Bulletins HOLY COMMUNION t The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sapper will be administered at St Matthew’s Lutheran church at morning services Sun. at 10 o’clock, Dr. W. P. Gerberding, the pastor, has announced. PROMOTED Rill Throneburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg, has been promoted by Alleghany Ballistic Labortatories, of Cum berland, Md., from (the position of research assistant to pro ject engineer. ROTARY CLUB Joseph Whisnant, Shelby at torney, will present a program on Wills at the Thursday meet ing of the Kings Mountain Ro tary club. The club convenes aft 12:15 at the Country Club. NO FIRES CiJty Fireman C. D. Ware said Wednesday morning the department has had no calls «inoe July 9. ATTENDS WORKSHOP Mrs. Martin Harmon, city schools piano teacher, attend ed the Prances Clark piano workshop held/ in Charlotte Tuesday. joining McGinnis Clay (Mud) Poston will join McGinnis Furniture Company as assistant credit manager on August I,- it was announced this week by the management. HOMECOMING Antioch Baptist Church near Grover will hold Homecoming services on Sunday. Picnic din ner will be spread on the chur ch grounds following the mor ning worship service. Special sang services are planned for the afternoon. / " METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts from on-street meters totaled $115 61 for the week ending Wed nesday at noon. A defective key prevented opening of the Cherokee street parking lot meters, City Clerk Joe McDan iel said. In addition, the recre ationo commission which now gets all parking meter reve nue received $8.60 in contri butions from persons who had parked too long. life Saving Courses Given Life Saving Courses, under sp onsorship of ithe Kings Mountain Red Cross chapter, are being completed by a number of Kings Mountain citizens. The courses have been under direction of W. Donald Crawford, water Safety Chaiitman for the local chairman, assisted by Dew ey Bookout, Roger Blackwell, and Bill Cashion, Ithe latter of Tay lorsville. Registering for the senior cour se were Floyd Morris, Jimmy White, Arm McMackin, Jack Beam of Shelby, Bill Lowery of Shelby, Bat Ware, DeWayne Caldwell, and Dale Gilliland. This course was completed at Maple Springs and Deal Street pool and certificates, pins, and emblems presented to the Stu dents completing ithe 17 hour course on Saturday. The 15-hour course for Juniors was completed by these stu dents: Dwight Foster, Billy Pat terson, Tommy Dean, Paul Rey nolds, Joe Patterson, Michael I vey, Jimmy Grant, Lamar Flet cher, Vincent Mowery, Carol Jean Goter and jfydy Morris. Included in ithe instuctions were: safety rules, adapting swimming strokes for life sav ing purposes: check systems for swimmers; latest ARC methods of resuscitation, including class work, knowledge tests and prao. tical tests. Prevention as well as forms of rescue was stressed. Merchants Picnic Set For Wednesday Annual employee-employer picnic of the Kings Mountain Merchants Association will be held on Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. ' Mrs. Ida Joy. Merchannts secretary, said advanced reser vations are being received, and a large crowd is expected. Women of Bethany ARP ch urch are, preparing the meal which will be served on the church grounds. HIGHWAY WORKMEN FELL TREES — Pic hired is the Criag Falls property on the East side of York road after workmen on the Inter state 85 - project had . felled seven trees. Mr. Falls complained that the workmen invaded * bis property in spite of the fact they have no right-of-way agreement and no verbal permis sion to proceed. He had refused their offer for damages as “insulting". The property shown is near the bridge crossing present V. S. 29. Pennington Photo Probable Cause Found On Rape Charge; No Bond BY BOB EARLY Roosevelt Williams, Kings Mountain Negro, charged with rape of a minor, wlais hound over to tile October session Of Superior Oourt following a preliminary hearin g jin the (Monday session of City Recorder’s Court. Williams, who i!s Charged with “Waving carnally known and a hused a (female under tthe age of ten,” has Ween held in custody stooe Wis arrest on July 16. The; Williams hearing ihad been origi nally scheduled for July 20 but deferred when the defendant ask ed time to secure legal counsel. Williams is alleged