Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 7,206 tlw Ogee* tor Greater Dogs Mountain I* derived bom tho US5 Xing* Mountain city directory The city UmMi figure 1* boa to* United State* eeaea* of 1SS0. VOL 70 No. 35 Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper IP Pages IU Today Established 1889 Kings .Mountain, N. C., Thursday, September 3, 1959 Seventieth Year PRICE TEN CENTS College Students Now Packing Bags Local News Bulletins _ _ RECUPERATING Mrs. E. C. Martin is recuper ating ait her home following major surgery ait Presbyterian ian Hospital in Charlotte. Mrs. Martin, who was discharged Friday, was hospitalized two weeks. REVIVAL Revival services will be held alt Madview Baptist church be ginning Sept. 6th wilth services to continue nightly at 7:30 p. m. (through Sept. 13. Rev. Wil liam J. Jones, pasttor, made the announcement. TO TIMMONSVILLE George Harper, Jr,, student at Columbia Seminary in De caitur, Ga., has completed his duties here as supply pastor at Ddxon Presbyterian church and left Tuesday for his home in Timmonsville, S. C. ROTARY Mis. Aubrey Mauney will give a report of the Boys Home of North Carolina ait the Thurs day noon meeting of the Rotary club ait the Country club. Mis. Mauney is a director of the home at Lake Waccamaw. GRADUATE Miss Mary Helen Logan, Mrs. Charles Herndon, both of Kings Mountain, and Miss Peggy Watterson of Grover were gra duated Sunday from Gaston Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. The exercises were held in Gastonia. ON HONOR ROLL Richard Eugene George, of' Kings Mountain, was among students at East Carolina col lege listed on the school’s third quarter honor roll, Dean Leo W. Jenkins has announced. IN GERMANY Miss Louise Kiser, former West school teacher, has arriv ed in Germany and has assum ed her duties at Fulda Elemen tary school near Frankfort. Miss Kiser’s address: Kather ine L. Kiser, Fulda Elementary School, APO 26, New York, N. York. KIWANIS CLUB Nelson Green, vice-president of the Charlotte Water Ski club, will speak on “The Fast est Growing Sport in America” at the Thursday meeting of the Kdwanis club. The club con venes at 6:45 p. m. at the Wo man’s club. BAPTISM Observance of the ordinance of baptism will feature the Sunday evening services at Kings Mountain Baptist church at 7 p. m., according to an nouncement by Rev. M. D. Du Bose, pastor. Rabbi To Speak Tuesday Night RiaJbM Josteph UCsahen of "iem pile Emanuel In GasCouSa, wiM be Che speaker far Che “This I (Be lieve” series Tuesday might, Sep tember 8, ait 7:30 alt Kings (Moun fiaiin Baptist church. The speaker will stalbe his reill glilous beliefs in a forty-five min ute lecture and Che final fifteen minutes wM be given over to questions from Che audience. On' the Monday evening prdtor to Rabbi Utschen’s lecture on Tuesday, he will be heard over radio Stadon WMMT at 6 p. m. to a quesdomamri answer period The public is Invited to call ra dio station WKMT (9999 and ask the speaker questions regarding hta faith. The following Tuesday night, Septmber 15, Dr. William L. Pressly of the Boyce Memorial AssacSaltie Reformed Presbyterian church will be Che featured speaker. jI The public is cordially iawftted to attend these series ocf lectures of the various religions. This se ries will continue through Octo ber with the fallowing being rep resented: Methorist, Presbyteri an, Church of God, Chridtiain Sci ence, Greek Orthodox. UNC, King's Are Attracting 14 Students Each The Kings Mountain area will send 118 students to 36 colleges, universities, and specialized dn sti’tuitttons for post ihtt-gfh school training this fall. Included in this group arte sev eral who are seeking careers in business and nursling professions and others who are 'beginning or completing requartemerafcs for cod. lege diplomas. Some students are doing post-graduate work. The University of North Caro lina at Chapel 'Hill and Kings Business College at Charlotte hfeaid the list with 14 students en rolled at each of these institu tions. Appalachian State Teach er’s College at iBoone is second with mine local student enrolled for the fall term. list Of students and the schools they will ‘attend include: UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA — Jackie Annette, Harold Jackson, Jim Hteavner, Steve Kesler, Flem Mlauney, Chip Neisler, Tommy (Baker, Judy Hope, Linda Riser, Peggy Harry, Jessie Putnam, Hugh Wayne Mayhue, Nick Smith, and Whiter 'Griffin. LENOIR RHYNE COLLEGE— Robert Neisler, Halle Ward, Don na Cheatham, Joann Lackey, Judy Cooper, John McGinnis, BUM MiiSciham, and Lowratrtce Harry. WOMAN’S COLLEGE — Di ane Camsler, Jackie Merrill, Car olyn Walker, Peggy Black and Jeanne Plonk. WESTERN CAROLINA COL LEGE — Roger IHlackweill, Bren da Thornburg, DefWayne Cald well, Jeinry WCbster, Buddy Fails, Elaine Pruitt, and B. T. Wright, Jir. GREENSBORO COLLEGE — Jean Arthur Harris. GUILFORD COLLEGE — Nor ma Kay Hamrick. MEREDITH COLLEGE—Geor ganna Moss and Margaret Rain es. APPALACHIAN STATE TEA CHER’S COLLEGE — Ronnie Layton, Mickey Lynn, Jerry Huff firtetler. Jov Hud ™ .twain Wiiclj-n Tihe HerTaM annually sebks to list all ttihe 'Kings Mountain area students enrolling in colleges ■and umSverslities tor post high ■school training, Recognizing the possibili/ty of arniiissioais, thte Herald invites any student whose name may have been omitted from the list to noti fy thte Herald. Bud Mayes, Nancy {Bell, and Sara 'Mae Hamrick, HAMPTON . SYNDEY COL LEGE — Philip Padgett. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE — POlly Page. LEES - McRAE JUNIOR COL LEGE — Rebecca Rollins, FLORA MACDONALD COL LEGE — Dterice Weir. FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE — Catherine Hamibriigiht. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESS EE — Peggy Reynolds and Earl Marlowe. EASTERN CAROLINA — Rich ard George. DAVIDSON COLLEGE — Jam es Pres sly and John Wiarliok. CLBMSON COLLEGE — Jen