Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 7,206 nm flgwro for Onatmr Bag* Mountain 1* duHad from tt* MU Bag* Mountain dty Bracterr cum. Th* dig Limits flgtua I* troan tan Oaltad Stotnn cnnjun of MSS. IQ Pages 10 Today VOL 71 No. 44 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, November 3, I960 Seventy-First Year PRICE TEN CENTS EDUCATION WEEK UNDERWAY — Mayor Glee A. Bridges signs proclamation designa ting the Week of November 6-12 as American Education Week in Kings Mountain as Cen tral Principal Harry Jaynes and North School teacher Miss Janet Falls look an. Miss Falls is Kings Mountain chairman for the nation-wide observance. Varous activities planned by the schools and the local unit of the N. C. E. A. will call attention to the week-long program. (Photo by Claire Gilstad) Local News } •' ' : ■ Bulletins LEGION MEETING The nSpUar meeting of the uiddor and lay preach er as the Republican challenger who seeks to unseat the Demo cratic incumbent, Basil L Whin ner, of Gastonia. , The county and township bal lots have no Republican listings, ais there are no Republican can didates for county, or township offices. (However, some interest is be ing evidenced in the order of fin ish of the county commissioners. Under an act of the 1959 General Asserpfbly, the county commis sioners will henceforth serve staggered terms. The three com missioners polling highest num ber of votes will be elected to a four-year term, while the com missioners placing fourth and fifth will he elected to two-year terms. »' Commission candidates are In cumbents Knox Sarnatt, J. Broadus Ellis, and John D. White, and two newcomers, Victors in the May primary, Hugh Dover and David E. Beam. Other Democrats on the coun ty ballot are: for 27th district senator, Robert Mjorgan and Ben jamin H. Sumner; for county representative, Jack Palmer; for register of deeds, Dan W. Moore; for county board of education, C. F. Forney, Walter Davis, Edwin Moore, J. D. Ellis and Buford D Cline. On the township ballot are Democrats Charles W. Fond, for constable, and J. Lee Roberts, for justice of the peace. Only two Democrats for state offices are unopposed: they are Clifton L. Mjoore, for associate justice of the Supreme Court, and Rudolph Mintz, for judge of the fifth Superior Court district Continued on Page Ten CONGRESS CONTESTANTS — Kelly Dixon, left, of Kings Moun tain, is the Republican challenger who seeks to unseat Incumbent Basil L. Whitener. right as the 11th district United States Congress man in Tuesday's general election. Mr. Dixon is a builder, Mr. Whitenev a Gastonia attorney. Active PcSitical Season Near End ■■■■■■I.. WWH JOINS FATHER — OUie Harris. Jr., has Joined the staff of Harris Funeral Home. He began his new duties this week. Harris loins Father's Firm Ollie Harris, Jr., has joined Harris Funeral Home, it was an nounced this week. Mr. Harris, a district salesman for Laggett & Myers Tobacco Company, assumed his new du ties Monday He is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and at tended Davidson college and the University of South Carolina. Mrs. Harris, is the former Jean Arthur, also of Kings Mountain. They have a son, Ollie Harris III. They have occupied the resi dence at 805 Groves street. Mr. Harris is the son of J. Ollie ; Harris, Sr., owner of the mortu ary, and Mrs. Harris. CLOSED ELECTION DAY Ci/ty hall offices will be clo sed election day, it was an nounced this week by Mayor Glee A. Bridges. Whitener Predicts Kennedy Win, Urges Foil Support Of Democrats Congressman Basil L. Whitener called on Kings Mountain area Democrats to support: the Demo cratic ticket Tuesday night, as h*e spoke at a rally (here sponsored by the Teen-Age Democrats. He predicted John Kennedy will win the presidency by a min fabum of 50 electoral votes. The Congressman said the Re publicans haven’t produced four outstanding presidents during the! past 100 years and termed Re publican Governor candidate Rob ert Gavin as "uninformed, un- [ known and unqualified.” IMr. Whitener spoke to some 200 persons at the high sohiool au ditorium. . Following the Whitener ad dress, State Senator Robert Mor gan, of Shelby, also urged full support of Che Democratic ticket. (Mr. Whitener said he knew Vcie-President Richard Nixon, a| law school classmate, more inti mately than We does Senator John Kennedy. He added, "You’ll find it difficult to find any good legis lation recommended from the Re publican side of the aisle. The legislation for the people comes from the Democrats. .The team1 of the Vice-President is not the team that can serve the best in terests of the people.” He pooh-poohed the Nixon con versations with textile leaders of the state, charging that the Re-, publicans have had 28 chances to alleviate the textile import prob-l lems in the past three years, and acted in only two of them. “Two avowed Republicans,” he* added, “came out from the meet ing and yelled rah-rah.” 'He termed Terry Sanford, Dem ocratic candidate for governor, as an intimate friend who is “cour ageous and honest..” Referring to Sanford’s support of (Mr. Ken nedy at tlie Democratic conven tion, he said Sanford did what het thought was right. (“Courage is a great trait,” he continued. i The Congressman said that the supposed rapport between South-' ern Democrats and Northern Re publicans is a figment of the imagination. "The Northern Dem- j oerats help us every way they, (Continued On Page Ten) Dixon Seeking To Unseat Basil Wihtener Kings Mountain citizens will culminate a 'busy season of poli ticking at the ballot boxes Tues day. It 'has been the most active campaign in modern history here, with *both Democrats and Re publicans vying for this area’s majority. One unique fact is that Kings Mountain has a candidate for the United States House of Repre sentatives in the person of Kelly Dixon, the Republican nominee, who seeks to unseat two-term veteran Basil L. WKitener, Gas tonia Democrat. |Mr. Dixon, who became his par ty’s nominee at the district GOP convention last ipring, is a Kings Mountain contractor and lay min ister. He has spent the majority of his time since nomination ac tively seeking votes and boosting the Republican party. He said several weeks ago he had been to each county in the seven-county district. Congressman Wiliitener is fa vored to retain his seat ,bulwark ed by the normal Democratic vote and fact that his home county of Gaston is m(ost populous in the district, which includes Gaston, Cleveland, MdDowefll, Rutherford, 'Polk Yancey and Madison coun ties. Mr. Whitener was unopposed in the general elections of 1956 and 1958. The campaign between the two has been gentlemanly, both can didates having concentrated on personal contacts, appearances at party rallies, and support of each party’s candidates for national and state offices. Otherwise, Kings Mountain has seen campaign headquarters open ed by both Democrats and Re publicans. The Democrats opened theirs first, with the newly-or ganized Teen-Age Democrats the moving force. Soon thereafter the Republicans, with the Young Republican organization spark ing the drive, opened headquar ters across the street.. In addition to partisan efforts, at least two organizations have been conducting “Get Out the Vote” campaigns. The Junior Chamber of Commerce has been the major mover in this direc tion, and Boy Scouts delivered ‘•Vote November 8” cards last week. Facts Are Given On Tuesday Election Fallowing are facts concern ing the upcoming general elec tion: Election day: Tuesday, No vember 8. Foils open 6:30 a..m. Polls close 6:30 p. m. To be elected: President of the United States, all state of ficers, llth district Congress man, all county and township officers. Number of ballots: four. Township polling places: East Kings Mountain, at City Hall; West Kings Mountain, at Victory Chevrolet Company; Beth ware, at Beth ware school; Grover, at Grover fire station. Predicted total vote in town ship: 4,000.