Spring Handicap Golf Tournament Underway At K. M. Country Club Tlie anual spring handicap golf tournament is underway at the Kings Mountain Country club J.nd wild continue through May . 15. Club pro Percy Caird said that the tournament is being conduct ed on a 36-hole medal play ba sis this spiring, instead of the match play held in past seasons. The tournament is open to members only, with an entry fee of $1 and some 60 members are expected to pastticipaite, accord - tog to Card. Handicaps have been assigned all members and net scores will Ibe u-ed in determin ing (the chanjypion. Prizes wi ll “be wwared winners. Carl Blanton won the handicap ■ cap tournament title last year, CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to our friends and neighbors, and a special thanks to Drs. Hendricks and Durham and the nursing staff of Kings Mountain Hospital, for their many expressions of kindness and sympathy at the death of Waiter C. Smith. SIGNED: THE FAMILY OF WALTER C. SMITH. Mir. and Mirs. Warren Parrish and Mrs. Fred Smith came from Bock Hill, S. C. to visit Mr. Par rish's sifter, Mrs. Conrad Hughes and Mir. Hughes. itSsthiRmYKlfi* DRIVE IM TH t ATI Ml jSS Always $1.00 Per Car Load! OPENING THURSDAY . . . 7 BIG DAYS! 1ST AREA SHOWING Thuis. Fri. Sat. 2-BIG HITS1 Show Times "Atlantis" 7:45 - 11:30— "Sheepman" - 10:00 THE STRANGEST ADVENTURE YOU WILL EVER EXPERIENCE! M-G M Presents. A GEORGE PAL PRODUCTION ArUJITIJ THE LOST CONTINENT , METROCOLOR . ANTHONY JOYCl JOHN WALL • TAYLOR • DALL Plus!_ "SHEEPMAN" _ Color Glenn Ford Added Attraction Start SUN. "LET’S MAKE LOVE" _Color _ _ Marilyn Monroe • Yves Montano Sun.-Mon.-Tues-Wed Show Times • “Let's Make Love 7:45 • "Atlantis" 10:00 _ • “Sheepman** 12:00 defeating H. I>. McDaniel in the match play event. The handicap tournament is an annual spring affair at the Country Club and is not to be confused with the club cham pionship event in the fall. Members iplay 36 holes in the handicap tournament at any time prior to the final date, May 15, the only requirement being that the entry play at least nine consecutive holes. At least two entries in the tournament also must play together, thus, attest ing ito each other’s score. MORE ABOUT County Board (Continued On Page Eight) j system of sucfh a plan, said the | voting would be done by separate districts sudh as Kings Mountain City Administrative district and the Shelby Administrative dis trict and a majority of each dis trict must vote to enter the coun ty-wide plan or that district would remain intact and un-mer ged. If thie Shelly district voted “no," it would remain the Shelby district and not be a part of a county-wide system, he pointed out. •In reply to a question of how the county Wide plan would af fect No. 3 school (Mr. Grlgg said, "I shudder to mention it, consid ering the recent No. 4 Township controversy, but if a county-wide plan were effected, the county board of education could move some of the Grover and Beth ware folks over to No. 3 school and we could keep No. 3 School a® it is, which we planned origi nally,” Uturs. - Fri. MAK* r/AY * for Sat. G'JY MADISON • PATRICIA MEDINA The 13 GREATEST SHOCKS .j of all ^ -^r time! Mytel; Sun. - Mon. - Tues. swcuw: LtWlS ‘GANTRY 2^ THEATIE (MORE ABOUT) Final Registration fContinued From Front Page) ge Day, when any interested citi zen may examine the pollbooks for the purpose of challenging the names of any citizens they feel should not be listed on the pollbooks. The registrar will ac cept the challenges along with grounds offered, ttfien convene on Monday with the election judges in the particular ward and de termine whether the name should be sttriken from the rec ord. City officials last remember challenging adtivity in 1951. Following are the officials of the Tuesday election: Ward 1 — C. L. Black, regis trar, Mrs. Nell Cranford and Mrs. Willie Grice, judges. Ward 2 _ Mrs. H. R. Parton, registrar, Mrs. Ruth C. Thomas •50n and R. D. Goforth, judges. Ward 3 — Mrs. Ruth Bowers, registrar, Mrs. B. P. McDaniel and Rochel Connor, judges. Ward 4 — Mrs. Paul Cole, re gister, Brooks Tate and Mrs. Vera Cash, judges. Ward 5 — J. T M.oGinnis, Jr., registrar, Mrs. Charles Ballard and Mrs. Paul Patterson, judges. Bethware — Mrs. Frank Ware, registrar, Mrs. Myens Ham bright and William Wright, judges. Park Grace — Mrs. James Clominger. registrar, Mrs. T. W. Smith and L. June Cloninger, judges. MORE ABOUT Boys* Stole (Continued From Front Page) in the organization of political parties, campaigns, elections and the enactment and enforcement of their own laws within a myth ical 51st state, i “'Boys’ State is one of the fin est youth-training programs sponsored by The American Le gion,’’ Commander J. T. McGin nis said. “The youths learn not only the functions of government but also the role that a good cit izen must play to discharge his citizenship responsibility. They learn by doing how a good gov ernment depends upon the active interest of every citizen.” Hauled into court on a charge of stealing a package of pork chops, a roan in Montgomery, Ala., denied the Whole story. He said the meat was beef steak. \WACky/iS THE WORD '-1 FoRfTl COLUMN PICTURES — I FRED ItOHLMAR PRODUCTION JACK , LEMMON Neisok rkeWACK'EST SHiP inthe*\RMV INFMASCOPF V COLOR HELD OVER! Thru Saturday ! ! SOUTH SCREEN DRIVEIh The finest ' and the targest Starting Sun. The story of a man, i land, a lovet CinemaScop* and MCTROCOLOR FRI. THRU. WED. On the North Screen dm DORIS DAY REX HARRISON JOHN GAVIN Atfjcfnicfktjace. TO MY FELLOW CITIZENS: I IT HAS BEEN A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN THIS CAMPAIGN WHICH WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT BOTH FINANCIALLY AND MOR ALLY. IT IS MY SINCERE HOPE THAT I CAN FUL FILL THE PROMISES AND PLEDGES THAT I HAVE MADE TO YOU THROUGHOUT THIS FAIR CITY. IT IS YOUR WELFARE AND TO YOUR CHIL DREN THAT I AM COMMITTED IF I AM ELECTED TO THE OFFICE OF WARD 4 COUNCILMAN. I IN VITE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU TO LISTEN I TO MY RADIO BROADCAST ON MON.. AT 5:15 ON W. K. M. T. IN THIS BROADCAST I WILL OUTLINE THE PLATFORM ON WHICH I WILL FIRMLY DEDICATE MY EFFORTS. I IN VITE YOUR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS AND EARNESTLY SEEK YOUR SUPPORT IN THE COMING ELECTION. Norman King Monday Court Session Routine Monday’s session of City Re corder’s Court was routine, Jud ge J