VOL 72 No. 31 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, August 10, 1961 Seventy-Second Year PRICE TEN CENTS Popnlation Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 TUI figure tot Oreoter Xlngs Mountain U derived bom the IKS Kingt Mountain dry directory ceesut. The dtf limit* figure t* bom the United State* censu* o{ 1160. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper Pages Today FUN AT CAMP _ Jane Yates, North Carolina's 1961 Easter Seal Child is shown with camp counselor Larry Oldham as they enjoy "Coffee Break" at the Easter Seal Camp for physically handicapped children in the William B. U instead State Park in Wake County. Jane is from Kings Mountain and Larry is from Clayton. Camp ac tivities include swimming, fishing, heating, cook-outs, athletic games, and arts and crafts. Bloodmobile Here For Visit Friday ■. <1. v m r ► Local News METER RECEIPTS Parking mater receipts for the week ending Wednesday at noon totaled $13735, in cluding $102.65 from on-street meters, $19 from over-parking fees and $15.70 from off-street meters, City Clerk Joe McDan iel, Jr., reported. ATTENDS MEETING R. H. Bryant, principal ©< North school and president of the Kings Mountain unit of ithe North Carolina Education Association, attended an NC EA lepdens conference held at Mars Hill ooQlege Saturday, Sunday and Monday. SPEAKER A seminasy student from Gastonia will conduct worship (services Sunday at Dixon Pres byterian church in the absence of the pastor, Rev. James Mann, on vacation. COURT OF HONOR Court of Honor for Kings Mountain district Boy Scouts will be held Thursday night, August 10th, at 7:45 p. m. at Central Methodist church. IN NEW ORLEANS Andrew Jenkins, well-known Kings Mountain citizen is un dergoing treatment at Ochsner Foundation hospital in New Orleans, La. Mr. Jenkins is a patient in Room 606 on the Sixth Floor and friends may write him in care of Ochsner Foundation Hospital, 1516 Jeff erson Highway, New Orleans, 21, La. TO ALABAMA Mr. and Mrs. W. D. (Johnny) Kerns, formerly of Kings Mountain, have moved from Vienna, Ga„ to Valley Head, Ala. Mr. Kerns continues his association with Korns Broth ers, Kings Mountain - based firm. KIWANIS PICNIC Kings Mountain Kiwanians and their families will picnic Thursday aft 7p.ra.ait Bethany ARP church, with women of the church to serve the meal. Band Rehearsal Sel For Monday Pre-school band rehearsal has been scheduled for Monday night at 7 p. m. in the school bandroom at Kings Mountain ' high school. • >&K*. j Band director Joe 0. Hedden I inverted all high school stu dents and eighth graders ift tcrested in bond to be present tor the organizational meeting. Ah-. Hedden said purpose of the pre-school rehearsal is to prepare for the coming march ing setsbh. Scene OH Call The.Red Cross bloodmobile will .return here lor . a. oneway collec tion on Friday rfnom U a. m. un til 5 p. ra. at Kings Mountain Baptist Church. Goal of the .visit is 200 pints oi£ blood, enough Red Cross chap ter officials are hopeful to erase a 116-pint deficit from last year and furnish the 30-needed for a Kings Mountain man to under go open heart surgery. Blood Program Chairman Ma rion DuBose again stressed this week the need tor a successful visit of the bloodbank Friday. 'Further commenting, Mir. Du Bose noted that last year Kings Mountain area citizens gave a total of 673 pints of blood and required 789 pints of blood from usage at Shelby, Gastonia, Char lotte and Kings Mountain hospi tals. Mr. DuBose listed these re quirements tor a bipod donor: 1) Age 21 through 59. Minors (18-21) will be accepted with written consent ©f parents or guardian. Married minors or servicemen do not require consent from parents. 2) Weight: at least 110 pounds. 3) Frequency: Honors may give every 8-10 weeks but not more than five times ajyear. 4) Nourishment: It is impor tant that a donor have food prior to giving blood, not a fat or fat containing food as dairy prod ucts, mayonnaise, peanut blitter, Bam, bacon, nuts or chocolate. Mr.. DtiBose added, "You can save a life with the blood you .can spare.’’ Top Band Hays Sunday At Fade The Brooklyn - Oayce high school band, of Columbia, S. C., will play a free public concert at Lake Crawford bathhouse in Kings Mountain State park be ginning at 3 o’dlock Sunday af ternoon, it was announced this week by Ray Sisk, superinten dent. The 91-piece band, conducted by Thomas Thomly, ia the offi cial South Carolina state band and last year was winner among competing bands at the National Cherry Blossom festival, Wash ington, D. C. The band also per formed at’ a Washington Red skin football game test season. It has been adjudged top South Carolina high school band tor the past several years. The band is in camp at the Kings Mountain park. AT WHITE LAKE Members of the Beth ware and Grover chapters of Future Fawners of America are at the FFA camp at White Lake. They were accompanied by their ad visors, Myers Hambright tend Paul Hambright. City Electrical System Survey Is Likely Hilton L. Ruth Retiring At Belk’s Bill H. Brown Will Manage Belk's Run Hilton Ruth, manager of Belk’s Department Store since June, 1940, is retiring, according to announcement Wednesday 'by A. C. Craven, of Mooresville, sec retary - treasurer of the Kings Mountain Belk’s Store. Mr. Rath is being succeeded by (Bill H. Brown, who assumed management Wednesday. Mr. Brown comes to Kings Mountain alften ten years of service in Bedk stores at Concord and Moores ville. (Mr. Craven said, “I am sure I speak for all the store officials in expressing regret at Mr. Ruth’s statement. Mr. Ruth serv ed Belk’s during an era of great progress.” (Mr. Ruth1 'joined the Belik’s or ganization in 1938, earning to Kings Mountain from the Char lotte store. He has been in ill health the past three years, suf fering from a serious vision ail ment, which has severely impair ed his sight. The Ruths, who live at 802 Rhodes avenue, expect to continue to reside in Kings Moun tain. Active in civic affairs, Mr. Ruth is a former lion, member of Lake Mlontonia chib, the Mer chants association and other or ganizations. He and Mrs. Rath ale members of First Presbyter ian church. (Mr. Brown, age 30, spent two years at the Concord store, be fore joining the (Miooresville or ganization. He worked in the shoe and men’s wear departments before becoming manager of the boy’s department. He subsequent ly served on the shoe committee of Belk’s Buying service Mr. Brown studied three years at Catawba college. He and his wife, the former Betty Horton, are both natives of Mt. Ulla. They are naamibers of Amity Lutheran church Where Mr. (Brown is a member of the church council and a Sunday school teacher. They have two daughters, (Debor ah Brown, nine, and Cynthia Brown, three. The Browns ex pect to move to Kings Mountain as quickly as a stotable residence ean be obtained. (During 'Mr. Ruth’s manage ment, Belk’s purchased the S. (Battleground avenue building* the firm occupies and extensive ly remodeled them, including in stallation of air-coruStionin g. Sweet Potato Vine Found 'Blooming' Mayor Kelly pixon discover ed an unusual sweet potato vine in his garden this week. The Mayor found the vine blooming with lavender and white flowers. Only one vine of this type was ’ visible in the otherwise normal "sweet potato patch.” RETIRING _ Hilton L. Ruth, manager of Belle's Department Store since June. 1940, is retiring. He is being succeeded by Bill H. Brown, formerly with Belle's of Mooresville. Lions Heard Mayor Dixon The Dixon administration has n At the former high school/plant, the hoard ap proved architect's plans for in stallation of interior rest rooms and authorised finishing a class room, formerly unused, at the n*ew elementary plant. (Both proj F. Beams, 202 S. Goforth street. A Myron Rhyne Now Colonel Graham Mayor Myron A. Rhy ne has received.hte eagles from a U. S. Army genera 1 in being pro moted to the position of colonel in the Army Reserve. Col. Rhyne’s promotion ' was presented to him- by Brig.- Gen. O. I. Wrenn (U.aAR. Ret.) of Greensboro during special core monies held at (the U. S. Artny Reserve Armory in Graham. Col. Rhyne has served 28 years in the Army and Army Reserve, beginning tins career in the Quar termaster General’s Office in Washington, D. C., during World Waar. II. He served in the African and Middle Eastern Theaters during the war, holding posts as post quartermaster for Alexan dria and Suez, Egypt At the end of the war, he was serving ais assistant theater quartermaster. During his service with the re serves, Col. Rhyne has spent most of his time with the unit station ed in Graham. At first, the unit was a USAR school, in which he was commanding officer and In structor. At present, he is commanding Officer of the 3278th Civil Affaire Group, which would have charge of civil • administration of occu pied areas in time of war. He holds the Legion of Merit and. (Continued On Page Eight) Grigg Commended l For Academic Work ' j Gaither Glenn: Griggs, Jr arm ' of Mr. and Mrs. G. G Gri& of • Kings Mountain, has been £>m. mended by North Carolina State :ooUege officials for bis 1960-fii aoademifi record. ■j Mr. Grigg, a. rising senior mai oru»g in