YOM'LL FIND IT IN THE WANT ADS ■ - - - ■ ■ ~—^ ^ , -■■■-- -.-i- - — - *^J**t—f^ir n . - ^■ ■■ ' . _ . .V I . _ . & For Sale zm POSTED SIGNS — No Trespass ing, no hunting, no fishing. Waterproof or plain. Herald Publishing Company. TELE PHONE 739-5441. 11:2 tfn. guttering, gas piping. All types of sheet metal work. Gas space heaters, floor furnaces. Kings Mountain Sheet Metal Works. Phone 739-5166 tfn USED APPLIANCES - We’ve got ’em. Lowest Prices and ' good values. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE 5:21 - tfn. COKER'S pedigreed Moregrain oafs direct from Coker Farm, fl.95 per bushel. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER. 9:21 tfn ME FILL ASC orders for certl fled Kentucky 31 Fescue, Cer titled Ladino Clover, Orchard Grass, Alfalfa and Crimson Clover. Also fertilizers. KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER. 9:21 tfn Sexton Iron Works Welding Commercial Rates # Fabrication O Ornamental # Structural O Heavy Equipment 103 Cleveland Ave. Day Phone 739-3386 Night Phone 739-4286 "Large or Small — We do 'em all" LENNOX HEATING and air con ditioning. DHJJNG HEATING COMPANY. Phone 739-3446. desk BLOTTERS — Three differ SP ANGLER Ready Mix Concrete PHONE 739-4723 FOR TOUR CONCRETE NEEDS. CALL USI We Deliver Anf Amount COMPLETE JOBS noon, basement*, rralks. curb*, etc. No Job Too Large. Or Too Small FREE ESTIMATES 12:22 tin. MOUPiTA1JN a PHONE 739*5443- 11:2 tin. Bessemer Sty. MCWX 9-2849. 5:4 ** 5:4 tin PERFECT FOR HOLIDAY DECO RATING — Gold and Silver ink. Also pens and letter guides. Herald Publishing House. Tele phone 739-544L ^ ^ USED ELECTRIC RANGE Buy It right at $49d.95 at Mc Ginnis Furniture Company 12:14 tin REFRIGERATOR — U®*L,,baT gain alt only $49.95. McGinnis Furniture Company- ^ ^ APPLIANCE CLOSE OUT —- At wholesale and below. time for Christmas! Philco Televisions and automatic wa shes Hotpotot refrigerators, ranges and dryers. Must o* sold belore inventory January 1st Prices too low to quote. (Full warranty. Easy terms GAULTS APPLIANCES, 415 N. Piedmont Ave., Phonq 739^2716. GOOD USED OIL HEATER • lor sale. Cheap. TELEPHONE 739 4054. 12:28 PENNINGTON green lawn grass far permanent lawns, grows m sun os- shade. Contains no rye gra®, hormone treated. Nutro pellets and lawn KINGS MOUNTAIN FARM CENTER. 9:21 *** ft For Sale i| COT FLOWERS — Large Chry santhemums, all the colors. Call after 2 p. m. C. M. Lank ford, 806 Church street, Phone 739-2314. NICE GIFT FOB A STUDENT — Colored pencil sets. Complete color range at a reasonable price. Herald Publishing House. Telephone 739-5441. 11:30 tfn BEST BUYS IN TOWN — For e very room in the house, living room, dining room, kitchen or den, shop LYNCH FURNITURE, plus S. & H. Green Stamps. 10:26 tfn. EVERYONE NEEDS A STAPLER. We have them, complete with staples, for as low as $2.25. HERALD PUBLISHING HOUSE. Phone 739-5441. 11:30 tfn DINETTE BARGAIN_ 5-pc. set, good condition, only $29.95. Terms. McGinnis Furniture Co. 12:14 tfn DECORATOR COLOR tape dis pensers. Only 98 cents. Herald Publishing House. Phone 739 *vt41 11:30 tfn SEVEN PIECE DINETTE_Used dinette for larger family, good condition. McGINNIS FURNI TURE COMPANY. 12:14 tfn. NOTICE Another Shipment of STEEL WINDOWS JUST ARRIVEDI AU Sizes_ In Good Shape C&C SCRAP IRON & METAL Telephone 739-4166 PERFECT GIFT FOR THE HOME Every house needs a pencil sharpener. Get yours for only $2.75 at Herald Publishing House. Phone 739-5441. 11:30 «n B Wanted B WANT TO SO SEWING AT HOME. Children’s dresses my specialty. TELEPHONE 739 4973. 9:28 tfn. C Employment C IS YOU ARE AMBITIOUS you can make good with a Raw leigh business in North Cleve land County. We help you get started. No experience needed to start. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. NCL-230-2 Richmond, Va. 12:7-28 pd. THOUSANDS of women are ADD ING much as $30.00 a WEEK to the FAMILY INCOME as our representatives. We train you tto start earning at once and provide an established A von territory. Write Mrs. Bon nie Charles, PO Box 691, Mor gan ton, N. C. 12:21 GUTTERING, sheet metal work and gas piping. DILLING HEATING COMPANY. Phone 739-3446. 12:22 tto FILL DIRT SAND TOP son prompt delivery service ... call HAZEL GILL Phone 739-3333 . HAYMAKER'S UPHOLSTERING — We do a complete job. Strip furniture down to the frames, secure springs and replace if needed. Polish woodwork and restore pieces to a factory fresh look. AU work absolutely guar anteed and at a very reason able price. 25 years experience ... you can depend on our work. Free estimates . . . pick up and delivery. Call HU 7 6654 or 668a Shelby, N. C. 8:18 tfn BICYCLE REPAIB — Ser vice and Darte for your bike at WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE 5:21-tfn. NEED MONEY? Get it quick at K. M. LOAN * FINANCE CORP comer E. Gold and Cherokee Streets. Phone 739-4793 l:7tfn. WHITE SETTLED HOUSEKEEP ER wanted to live in and caire for children in return for room and boartl plus reasonable sal ary. Apply at 706 West Gold Street. No telephone calls, please. 12:28 baby SITTER needed. Apply at 204 S. Cansler St. or Telephone 739-5454. N 12:28pd. 8 Slices E DUB’S UPHOLSTERY Shelby. N. C. Life-time completion of over 1Q0.000 pieces of fine furniture. All Factory Trained Personnel All Work Guaranteed Dial 487-8667 WHISNANTS Appliance Service FOR BETTER REPAIRING ON • Air Conditioning • Refrigerators • Washers • Ranges ALL MAKES AND MODELS PHONE 739-2142 Call Bill Moss or Gene Dye for • Repair service, day or night Electrical Service • Home, commercial, and In dustrial construction, or repair. Full line of lighting fixtures on display at our shop. Moss Electric Company Ph. 739-2128 (day) or 739-5118 508 E. FING ST. PLUMBING Contracting—Repairs Quick Service Reasonable Prices All Work Guaranteed Dealers For: • Myers Well Pumps • G-E Water Heaters • Also Gas and Electric Heaters Equipped for Machine Ditching Ben T. Goforth Hours 8-5; Sat 8-12 Ph. 739-4736 - York Road XOTHES LUTE POSTS - T 1/2 ft. upright with 42” cross arm welded on. All steel, T*np each. Kings Mountain Machine Works. E. Gold street Tele phone 879. 5:28 tfn. S & H OFFICE MACHINES _ Un derwood Agency. Service on al office machines. 226 Lee Street Shdfby, N. C. Phone 487-7051. *12:14 tfn. F Notices p WANTED — Some in this area to take up payment; on like new cabinet model Zig-Zag Sewing Machine. Must have gond references. Balance due $63.75. Write Adjustor, PO Box 5126, Charlotte, N. C. 12:21-1:4 nil. IF YOU OWN a lot, you may al ready have the down payment on the LESCO HOME of your choice. Call us for Information LESCO HOMES. L. V. Ho We ^-3928 or John M. McBrayer 4874343- 12:7-1:25 I NOTARY PUBLIC I BILUE a LOGAN I 507 WOODSIDE DRIVE I imraon 739-5100 PATTERSON Oil Company PARKING SPACr — Payed park ing area back of City Hall. CaU city office,739-2651. 4:10 FOR ALL TOUR BUILDING NEED — New Homes, additions repairs. Can arrange financing FHA, VA or Conyentiona loans, Free estimate# wilhou obligations. CALL Q- AND Q CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Shelby, HU 2-1800. 3:30 tfn G Realty For Rent G FOUR ROOM APARTMENT _: iFlreshly painted, hot land cold water, $7 per week, Fihenix st Call BUCK ARCHE* HU 7 4581, Shelby, after 6 p. m. 12:21 tfn. HOUSE FOR RENT: ; 701 W. •Mountain Street. See Or call J. T. McGinnis, Jr. Telephone 739-3824 or 739-5471. § 12:21 12:2S NINE ROOM "housT fop rent at 206 N. Piedmont AveJ Gas heat to even- room. Telephone 739 4178, MRS. G. E. STILL. 12:21 tfn. FOR RENT: Four room! house on City’Street. Call Geafce Thom aason 739-3371. 10:12tfn NOTICE I Why give ygur scrap Iron and metal away" Bring It to C. A C. Scrap Iron A Metal Company and get top prices for ft. Kings Mountalp-Gaston ia Highway two nailes out Phone 739-416P 10:1 tfn. FOUR ROOM unfurnished apart ment. Close in. Private bath gas heat. H. R. PAR-JDN, Tele phone 739-2413. ll:7tfn THREE ROOM apartment for rent. Bath. TELEPHONE 739 5661, 739-4443 or 739-2315. 10:19 tfn FOUR ROOM APARTMENT for rent at 316 E. King St. Bath, wired for electric hot water tank, electric stove, washing machine, heat in every room from gas furnace. TELEPHONE 739-3252 or 739-2521 12:14tfn. FIVE BOOM HOUSE — Behind (Bethv aa> school. Well in yard, Phone HU-2-3362, Shelby. 10:5 tfn. •t H Realty For Sale H ACREAGE FOR SALE — 145 ac re tract, one mile from Kings Mountain City limits off High way 85 By-Pass. Brings In $150. monthly from a few houses on property,- Must be sold Reduced for quick sale Sevens realty company Charlotte, Telephone ED-2-3442 at ED-4-6292. 6:22 tfn. FOKJH ROOM HOUSE on Broad Street, easily convertible to five rooms by building end and side Also four room house Sod on Grace Street. No Si payment H. R- PAKTOR Phone 739-2413. 10.19tfn HOUSE FOR SALE: On N, Pied mont Avenue or Che~yville Road Complete bath. No down iMvmmt Payments like rent. TELEPHONE 739-2413., 11:30 «n FIVE BOOM brick veneer home foe sale on Rhod^ Avenue in Ldnumod Section. On Comer lot wK^sIehaboujflow. ERS or Telephone 739 ^8. 5:11 tm FODB ROOM house nor sale. row,VX>. Dale off Grovw Ro«L PHONE 739-4128 for inform*^^ ^ XJUtOF. HO0SE E°® ^ —Ark *2 * Margrace Mill. Prtot reenable. Terms emu—ed to *uit°buyer- Call Mr. 739-5421 __Zr* rivE BOOM house for sal* 1V£ KOUW -S. MeedovbmoK Rri- to Crescent Hill Section. KinedMountain's W wsidential sejlqn. TELE wSltvi? OftQ CONSTRUCTION SS£PAN?ShelbyS HU,2-1800. 6:22 tfn boom reside Kr on large ^x’200 feet, all jnodein ding central etc *** spect Phone Brick ed io« wood sec niettces built ’n iHment 2247. £01!. 12:21-2Spd. H Realty For Sale H THREE BEDROOM brick home built on your lot for $46 to $58 per month. Fully insulated. Oil heat. Over 1000 feet of living area. For further information call LESCO HOMES, L. V. Hoy le, 739-3928 or John H. Mr Brayer, 487-4343. 12:7-28 FOUR ROOM HOUSE • - on Wil son street Hot water, electrical and gas connections. Phone 739-4428 or 739-4471. J. E. A MOS._ 11:16 tfn. THREE BEDROOM brick veneer house for sale on East Ridge St Ceramic tile bath, complete built-in kitchen, birch panel ing in den and kitchen. Full basement and carport Q A Q CONSTRUCTION CO., HU-2 1300._ ll:23tfn FOUR ROOM frame house for sale located behind Bethlehem Church. Baith, one acre of land. Five miles southeast of Kings Mountain. TELEPHONE 739 3838. 12:28 - 1:4 St. Louis, Mb., city officials found that only 6,326 licenses have been purchased for more than 80,000 dogs. Ottawa trade unionists char ged the Soviet embassy with ha ving one of its publications printed by a non-union shop. Recently, the Dallas, Texas symphony orchestra serenaded guests at the annual member ship meeting of the chamber of commerce. The concert-cham ber music, of course. A Massachusetts farmers ex change soon will market one pound and six-pound chicken rolls, made from the meat of lay ers who have passed from their prime. r SCHOOL SUPPUES ' See us foi those needed supplies for art work, projects, and everyday chores in school. • GLUE AND PASTE • RING BINDERS • TEMPERA PAINTS • PROTRACTORS • PENCIL SHARPENERS • TYPEWRITER ERASERS • MAGIC MARKERS • STAFF PENS Plus Many Other Needed Items Herald Publishing House PHONES 739-5441 or 739-5442