Junior Woman s Club Officers Are Installed The Junior Woman's Club in stalled new officers for 11*263 during an all white caatfta&ght itiSta'Iaton service Moridsy Kgbt at tshe eurliwuse. Mis. W. Eugene McCarter. Kings Mountain teacher and a former member «»f the dub. con ducted the installation ceremoni es. Also installed were the new member s who have recently join ed the woman’s organ: rat ion Mrs. Jacob Dixon was installed as president of the club succeed Ing Mrs* KlCabotfh Stewart who is completing a two-year term. Other new officers installed were Mias Mary Alice McDanie?, as vkvpresident. succeeding Mrs 1‘ilt Jonas, eomplotatg a twtryear teem and Mrs. Robert Champion as chaplain, succeeding Mrs Dick MeCSnms Other officers. resdro ted to a swond term, are Mrs. Bill Allen, treasurer; Mrs. Char les Dover, mordtng secretary : ami Mrs. Bill Bates, correspond itq? secretary. Mrs. Bill Bates is he»innSng a third year in this of fice. New members installed were Mrs. Bill Tinsley. Mrs. Boh Mor tie and Mrs. Robert Champion, Jr. Other new members, not pre sent for installation rites, were Mrs Shutord Peeler, Jr., and Mrs Robert H. Goforth. The dub lounge was decorated with candles and white flowers A * refreshment table, from which oundh and cookies were served. was also ritvorsted in white. Mrs. Dwain Lynch served punch, as »stod hv the hostess Mrs. Jacob Dixon, Miss McPattfel and Miss S' w«:1 Ms's. Dick McGinnis opened the meeting with a devotional and Mi's BUI Jonas presented Ms's. McCarter. Drop-In Honors Bride-Elect Mias Phyllis Dean, bride elect of June, was paid oomplinrent Saturday morning when Mrs. Bill English entertained at an informal drop-in in Monroe, The hridetohe was presented a corsage of oyrohkiiuin orchids and a gift trf silver in her che sen pattern. Ar:-angements of spring flow ers decorated tin' English home Refreshments were served tea fasltion from a decorated table in the d-iiog mrer., Mrs. Robert E. Lee II and Miss Jo Ann Dean, sister of the honoree. assisted in receiving and entertaining The hCidev-Hvt. of Kings Moun tain and Charlotte, will marry Captain Phillip Ward Broom of Seattle. Washington, and Mor, roe on June 10th. Among guests present were Mrs. Arms Dean. mother of the brideRde, and Misss Jo Ann Dean, of Kings Mountain; am! Mrs. Ward Bnxm Mrs Robert K Lee II. Mrs Will:am D. Ben ton, Mrs. John W Adams, Mrs Joe Than! Gamble. Mrs Thomas P DtHon, Mrs Johr. R. MUliken Mrs Hunter Presswi. Mss Wil liam H. Price Mrs A O. Sar tain. M.s Charles L. Norwood. Mrs Leon Simon, Mas. Ralph Parks. Mrs Frank Carper.ter. Mis. G M South. Jr., ami Mrs. CV.ar'es B. Durham, all of Mon roe. Da-ce Students* Rec‘*a! Saturday Snv ;s of the Colvin School oi D.vicv will present the mv tal. "*M\ Parkag’s Parties**, Sat-' urvlav o-.v ti: g at S o'clock *n W. P. Or.:', > --hool, Gaston:.’.. A r.o'nber of K.ngs Mountain stud-.*" :> are :.r. dancing dasm, offered ipt jfca sjplvin School here. Intense Of the recital will be gin with the birthday party of a s nail child, following the child's growth to Sweet S.xteers " JUMIOd won AA * ClAti OrMVbttS — Next: officers of the Junior Woman’s Club, installed oh Monday nuiht, are pictured abate. Front rou\ from left to right, are Mr*. Charles Do ter, recording secretary; Mrs. Bill Bates, corres pond tng secretary; Mrs. Bill Allen, treasurer; all of ichom icere reflected; Mrs. Jacob Di* on, president; and Air*, magenta mcvarter, in stalling officer. Back row, from left, Mrs. Biil Tinsley, Mrs. Bob Morris, both of whom are ; wit member*, Mrs. Robert Champion, chap- I lain; and Miss Mary Alice McDaniel, vice president. (Photo by Claire Gilstad. t Wallace-Bowen Invitations Issued Imitations reading as follow's haw been issued in Kings Moun tain: Mrs. Ralph Wallace requests the honor of pour presence at the marriage of her daughter Dora .4*t* to Mr. Roger Dean Bihren •a Sunday, the tuemttctk of Map Nineteen hundred and sisrty-turo at four o’clock in the afternoon Westerner Baptist Church Kings Mountain, North Carolina Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Hamrick Attend Reading Clinic Mrs. Ernest W Meal and Mrs. David Hamrick, two teachers on the faculty of Trinity Day School, attended a reading clinic in Glen Rock, New Jersey, on May 4 and 5. The tcache's were sent by Tri nity Day School to study the widely publicized method of reading known as the Carden Method. This method, developed by Miss Mae Carden, who led the ebnk* in New Jersey, deals with reading from a phonics approach and emphasizes reading in thou ght groups rather than one word at a time It is a method whereby the students are taught to think about what They are reading ra ther than to focus their attent ion merely on words themselves, without understanding wf.at the words are saying. The method also incorporates speQiitg and wx-abulary. The clinic was attended by tea-' ."hens from many states, includ ing public and private school systems. Trinity Day School plans to pet this method Into effect in its classes and thereby ado to Che cvter.'Ae pi ionics »\vk already .-c..done in the School. The School is also Braking" plans to sponsor under the aus pices of the Et£scopkl School As-: sedation, Miss Carden In a aim ilar readisg otuue in this area sometime in the future aixi to make this clink- available to all interested persons. Then And Now', Theme For May Day At Central School Last Friday Evening "Then and Now” was theme of the May Day program Friday ; given by students of Kings Moun tain district schools. Highlights of the program at Central auditorium was crown ' mg of senior Sandra Plonk as Queen of May and presentation of the Queen's Court, Pink and blue was combined in stage settings, costumes of dancers and formate worn by at tendants. The May Queeen wore white and carried a nosegay of flowers. She was crowned by sensor Linda Lee Bennett. Other members of the May Court were these attendants and their escorts: Freshman: Linda Sherrer. Tommy Dean. Margie Huffstetler and Lewis COotee :J Sophomore: Toni Ware, Eddie Herndon. Cbnnie Shaw. John Harry; Junior: Gail Huffstetler. Butch Moss, Kay Mauney, Rich ard Little: Senior: Dianne Me-. Bride-Elect Honored At Party In Salisbury Miss Frankie Tesseneer. bride elect of May was paid cotnpli merit April 29th when Mrs. G. A Hodge entertained at her home in Salisbury’. The 29 guests attending show ered Miss Tesseneer with mis oellaneous household gifts. Mass Tesseneer. who w£fl mar ry Jerry Linden Morris May 30. \\\*re a black and white cotton. Decorated cakes wvre topped with valley lilies and served with green pumti and nuts. Attending the party from Kings Mountain aw Miss Tess er.eer's mother, Mrs. A. F. Tess eneer, and her sisters. Miss Joy ce Tesseneer and Mrs. W. E ffampfatys. Rainbow Girls Held Mother's Day Program Kings Mountain Rainbow Girls honor* their mothers at a Moth ct's Day program during their regular Tuesday night meeting at Masorac Kail. The mothers were given gifts ar>d rwograred oaring the pro-, gram. A social h ur was held after the program. and refreshments were served. Daniel Bill Ramseur. Gail Mad dox and Jerry Rikard. Maids of honor were Judy Watterson and Palsy Spencer and flower girls were Sharon and Laura Plonk. Carol Goforth and Sheila Dixin. Crown bearers were Glenn Rob erts and Train bearers were Mike Bennett and Cynthia Brown. Trumpeters were Kenny Barnes and TOmmy Bennett. A host of students participated in exercise groups, tumbling de monstrations. minuet, polka, waltz. Charleston, rock and roll, cha-cha. pony, continental walk, mash potato, jazz and square dan cing in addition to the May Pole dance. The Queens' flower to the best dance act went to Sarah Frances Mauney who did a jazz number. Miss Sylvia Andrews was May B- v (Erector V.te school dance following the festivities was well attended. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Msr. and Mrs. George Wilson. 107 Goforth street, announce the birth of a daughter. Wednesday, May 2, Kings Mountain hospttaL Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lovelace route 3. announce the birth of a daughter, Friday. May 4, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy, 715 Lawhng street, announce tee birth of a daughter. Saturday. May 5, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Owens. 1323 Shelby road, announce the birth of a son. Sunday. May 6 Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Myers. 2® E. King street, announce the bir th of a daughter. Monday May 7. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McKinney. rs»ute 3. announce the birth of a son. Tuesday, May % Kings Moun tain hospitai. Capt and Mrs. Charles £ Painter and sees. Chuckle and Robbie, have returned to Wichi ta. Kansas, after spending two weeks with Captain Painter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. W Painter. They returned to Kass sis Saturday. Social Calendar Thursday: 10:00 — Woman's Club Exec utive Board at the home of Mrs. George Houser. 7:30 — Town and Country Garden club officers will be installed. Saturday: 12:30 — Mrs. G. E Still and Mrs. Hugh Ormand are en tertaining at the former’s home at a luncheon honor- j ing Miss Judy Cooper and Miss Phyllis Dean, brides elect. 7:30 — Mar-grace Woman’s club at the home of Mrs. John Mitcham. 8:00 — Annual recital of stu-, dents of Colvin School of; Dance. W. P. Grier school Gastonia. j Afondoy. 7:30 — Circle 3 of Central Me thodist church at the home of Mrs. Baxter Payseur. 7:30 — Circle 4 of Central Me thodrst church at the home of Mrs. Bill Parsley. 7:30 — Circle 5 of Central Me thodist church at the home of Mrs. Kelly McCarter. 7:30 — Circle 8 of Central Me thoc&st church at the home of Mrs. Bill Allen. 8:00 — Circle 7 of Central Me thodist church at hie chur l ch. Mrs. Ruth McDaniel; and Mrs. Nell Parler, hos tesses. 8:00 — Circle 2 of First Pres byterian church at the home of Mrs. R. D. Miller, 204 S. Watterson street. | Bride-To-Be Honored ! At Party On Saturday Miss Bonnie Welch and Mrs.] ! Jackie Cobb were hostesses Sat j ’ urday evening at a bridal party j honoring Miss Dora Ann Walla-1 I ce, bride-elect of May. The party was held at the home i of Mrs. Hubert Bowens. Shelby] road, and attended by 2S guests ] who showered the bride-to-be] with miscellaneous household ; gifts Miss Wallace wore a blue party : dress and was given a novelty corsage from the hostesses. Pink, green, and white featur ; ed the decorations and this color theme was also carried out in the refreshments. Party cakes were; served with punch, mints ar.d salted nuts. Miss Wallace and Roger Bow ens will be married on May 20th. Engaged Pair Honored At Dinner Party Thursday Miss Frankie Tesseneer and Jerry L. Morris were honored Thursday evening at a dinner j party given by Miss Phyllis Bar ber and Miss Lacy Barber of Gastonia. The party was held at the Hol iday Inn. Miss Barber will be brides maid in rite couple’s wedding May j 20th at First Baptist church here. ] The honoree wore a two-piece j blue suit with ted rosebud cor sage. gift of the hosts. Miss Tesseneer and Mr. Morris were given a place setting of china in their pattern. Hughes Family Gathers For Mother’s Day Dinner Seven of nine children of Mr. and Mrs. Cbrarad Hughes gather-, ed at the Hughes home Sunday; for a Mother's Day dinner and' family gathering. The family dinner was planned a week in advance of Mother’s Day so that more members of the family could be present. Children present with their, families were Mrs. Johnny Bar ber. 0. C Hughes. Jack Hughes, Gere Hughes. Erwin Hughes. John E Hughes and Mrs. Hemy Oliver. Not present for the cc casaon were two sons. Bill Hugh es and Harry Ray Hughes. LEARNING BY DOING — Kings Mountain area teachers are pictured abote With some of the paintings and other work completed during a 15-hour art workshop here last week. Group ed around the table, from left, Mrs. Jane R. Calloway, instructor; Miss Eugenia Cloninger, Miss Ruth Biggers, Mrs. Margaret M. Spratt, Mrs. Nell W. Biser, Mrs. W. F. McGill, Mrs. Made L. Covington, Miss Willie McGill, Mrs. Hester B. McSwain, Mrs. Sue G. Arrcncood, Mrs. Jack White, Miss Ruth Beam and Mrs. Phyllis B. Matheson. * -*> PA1XT-MIXISG — Mrs. Jane R. Calloway de monstrates paint-mixing for a group of teach ers at the art icorkshop last week attended by a large number of area school personnel. From left, Mrs. Willie P. Patterson, Mrs. Marguerite Crocker, Mm. CaUotray, Miss Piccolo Blalock, Mrs. Winnie M. Still, Mrs. Mary B. Page a*d Miss Janet Falls. In background are Schools Supt. B. N. Barnes and Grover Principal James Scruggs. (Photos by Claire GilstadJ 7 eachers Complete Art W orkshop Fifty Kings Mountain area teachers received certificates foi lowing a three^iay art workshop last Friday. They tried out art techniques, {earning more about modern cre ative art education and some of its materials and tools during a 15-hour course held at West Scrsooi. All of the art workshop activi ties will be experiences which the teachers can relate to their own classroom teatiling Uses of water colors, poster paints, finger paints, colored chalks, modeling clay and cray ons were demonstrated in the tows and rows of artwork on dis play in the classrooms and hall of the elementary school. The workshop was led by Mrs. Jane Callaway, who has taught extensively and holds a master's degree from Columbia Universi ty. She is now art consultant for Bannev & Smith. Inc, manufac turers of school art supplies which offers the course as a free educational service, particularly good, they suggest, for leaders of small children. Simple creative craft techni ques were done by the teachers themselves, who combined paper, paste, and other aids to gain pleasing effects in a fell table of crafts, ceramics and other work. Teachers from the following schools earned certificates: NORTH SCHOOL — Robert H. Bryant, principal; Miss Ruth Beam. Mrs. Margaret Spratt. Miss Sue Wray, Miss Willie Mc Gill. Miss Ruth Riggers, Miss Annie Roberts, Miss Mary Nolan, Miss Gtissie Huffstefler, Miss Janet Falls. BCTHWARS SCHOOL — R G. Franklin, principal: Mrs. Dor cas C. White. Mrs. Edna B. Hen dricks. Vernon C, Kiser. Mrs. Jessie R. Greene, Mrs. Ethel Crook. Mrs. Gladys Q. Cox. Miss Eugenia CSomngw and Mrs, Nor ma G. Tyner. WEST SCHOOL — L R Go forth, Jr., principal: Mrs. Phyllis B. Matheson. Mrs. Marguerite K. Powell, Mrs. Sue G. Amwood, Mrs. Christine R. Ramseur, Mrs. Elizabeth M- Gamble, Miss Nel lie Murray and Mrs. Sara H. Simpson. GROVER SCHOOL — James C Seruggs. principal; Mrs. Eliza beth C. McGill. Mrs. Nell W. Ri ser, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen. Miss Piccola Blalock. Miss Aline Mulh nax Miss Lowell Ellis. Miss Do rothy MeCraw. Miss Sara Cook sey. Wilbur C. Kiser, and Mrs. Margaret J. Crocker. PARK GRACE SCHOOL — Mrs. Maryr B. Page. Mrs. Carrie G. Hughes, Mrs. Willie P. Pat terson and Mrs. Harriet R. Van Dyke. EAST SCHOOL — Robert \L Kennedy, Jr., principal; Mrs. Ma ce 1- Covington, Mrs Hester Me Swain. Mrs. Winnie M. Still and Mrs. Helen Baker. Miss Alice C. Averitt. schools supervisor, and Mrs. Mary E. Shaw also received certificates. Local Students In College Program .... People In The Neivs Fc\*' Kings Mountain s+u- I dents at Lenoir Rhye col- | lege participated to student s activities during the week end. Ca'c’e Pfonk and Chares Sc*- e-s, r i«nQ un ors, a-e s+u- * oe-* d:-ectors for the Cam pus Guide program v-'-'ch sponsors the a1"'-a -sr-uc tion 3-d initiation program ♦ -v- ■ •eo'n'ng freshmen and transfer students each fa . o„"des for '-e : %2-63 pro Qi-an* -dude a h$ — c sopho p*e• e f-rcrr k ngs '•’o..'"3ir1 Joyce Ptork. The Campus Guides undergo a- eve ske training period dkmng May. Pertidpat5ng in the tredi> tior*a May Day on the H'ck CAitOUS PLOSK JOYCE PLOSK rrv campus Seft.«day were Ha :e Ward; rising senior ar-i Carc'e PSoefc. both, of ^ors participated H the program heki during the crowing of a re* Queen of May. Mrs. Margaret Ward. nx> t?w of Miss Ward, attended ■~e festivities. MALUM WARD Members of the Executive Board of *~e Woman's cLc wy! gather far a business meeting Thursday fth's morning) ah iO a. m. a* *n© home of the dub prescfe'f, Mis. George Houser. » * » * Mrs. Mice Wefts, Boyce Wefts, Mrs. Harley Gone and Miss kav 'Sore soert Sunday In. Anderson, S. C.„ wnene they attended furera services for Mrs. We s aunt, Mrs. E"-me Lay. * * » * Stork Notes Bob and Jae Seen (Pak? Ha have named their new da_ I ghter. Rubye Mae. Sne arrived on April 23 at a San Fran ; cisco Hospital. The Ha;is, wr© formerly lived here, row Eve at 5S5 Battery. St-ee* San F-ancfsco, where Mr. Ha' Is rrir* | ing engineer for me bureau of Mines, U. S. Department of : Interior, Ca!:fotr"a. Miss Lynda Partor, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Parton of Gastc-'a and granddaughter of H. R. Par ton of Kings Mountain and the ate Mr. Pwton, has beer elected secretary of the ris ing sophomore class cf Er$ L'-e college. Miss Parton has served as Freshman representative on the student council and has participated in a number of extra - curricular activities at the Due Wes*. S. C„ co ege. She plans to work at 6c Oarkan this summer. * • Mr. and Mrs. Kdiard Write cf Taydrsv' e announce the arrival of Mari Richard White on May 4th at a Hickory hospital. Proud grandparents re Mr. and Mrs. George W. White. Kings Mountain, ana Mr. and Mrs. Wi -am Van de Water of Coonecticsitt. * * * * Comings And Goings Or. and Mrs. W. L Mauney. sons Lawrence and Jeff and daughter, Je--'e Gray, spent T.esoay evening «** Albemar e. going espedaSy for a family dimer given for Mrs. Ma_~ ey s parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Winget celebrated or Tuesday their i gokjen wedding amiversary. Dla^s Roberts, junior atf Kings Mountain high school, [ has been elected president • of the Future Teacher’s dub 1 for the next school year. Mis Roberts is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rob-1 arts. Other new officers are Laura -age, vice-president; Sandra Spangler, secretary; Freda Burton, treasurer; and Jewel Robbs, SPO represen tative. * ♦ May baskets decorated iao e$ at the Country Club Wed nesday when Kings Mountain Garden Clubbers held their annua! spring luncheon. Mrs. P. G. Padgett was in charge of the program and John Pock. Jr., the newty-elected president, presided. * * * *