Band Elects Kenneth Barnes The Kings Mountain high School Band got into the swing of school activities Friday by e Jecting new officers for the year. Kenneth Barnes, son of Supt, and Mrs. B. N. Barnes, will ser ve as president, and other offi cers include Pattie Howard, vice president; Mary Ann McCurdy, secretary-treasurer; Wendell Phi fer librarian; Johnnie Moore, custodian; Gary Wilson, assis tant custodian; and Sara Hen dricks, SPO representative. The new Band council includes Joan Howard, Linda Mauney, Susan Plonk, Linda Walker, Vivian Wil son and Glenn Werner. Spencer Moore is reporter. The 1962-63 Band is composed Of 48 members In the ranks, sev en majorettes and a full four person color guard, a new addi tion to the band, all led by Joan MkOure, drum major. The Band is expecting to perform at var sity football games. It will also march at various parades, as well as partflctpate in music con tests, where it won a Superior erahip of Band Director Joe C. rating last year under the lead Hedden. Band members began the year With practice sessions two weeks ago. Yarborough Child Rites Thursday Tonya Martha Yarborough, month-old-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yarborough of Lin wood road, died Wednesday morning at her home. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 3 p. m. from Second Baptist church. Rev. Victor Trl vette, assisted by the Rev. Albert Hastings, will officiate, and in tennent will be in Mounatin Rest cemetery. Besides her parents, the child Is survived by two sisters, Millie and Penny Yarborough, of the home; her maternal grandmoth er, Mrs. Sadie Crawley of Kings Mountain; and her paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Yarborough of Gastonia. VFW MEETING Kings Mountain VFW Post 9811 wil hold its September meeting Monday, September 10, at 8 p.m. in the Post meeting hall. SELECTO PICNIC Hams29clb 6 to 8 LB. AVERAGE THIS WEEK AT Harris-Teeter i Bill Aids Public Works Benefits Here WASHINGTON, <D. C. — A bill passed by the House on Aug. 29 authorizing $900 million to ac celerate public works programs of the Federal Government, States, and ideal governing bo* dies was discussed this week on Basil L. Whitener’s radio pro gram. Whitener had as guest on his program Representative Herman T. Schneebetl of Pennsylvania. Both Whitener and Schneebeli voted against the public works bill. Commenting on the measure, Whitener said that “the socalled public works acceleration bill adds about $1 billion to the pub lic debt. I had to vote against it because I could not see It was justified, particularly when the Veterans Administration has $450 million under the G. I. loan pro gram an dthe Fanners Adminisl tration has $30G million in loan funds which have not been re leased by th* BUTpau of the Bud •* * r NO PERMITS City officials issued no build ing, permits during the past Warning Issued Following Hie City poflice oficers issued a warning this week to all citizens Who follow fire engines or gath er at the secne of a fire. In the future all persons caught following the city’s fire engines or advancing too close to the area in which a fire is in progress will be given cita tions by the ‘local police. This action on the part of the police department arose from the congestion caused by on lookers at last week’s brush fire. Local officers reported that by standers hampred the work of the firemen and in some cases made it difficult for the colun teer firemen to reach the area of the fire. Section 13 of Article 1, Chap ter 1 of the city ordinance states the folowing in regard to fire watchers: "No person shall stand or be in any street, alley or square where a fire Is in progress, or so near to same as to interfere with the duties of the fire depart ment.” In the future this ordinance will he enforced by citation .to the guilty. ; received * wry idoe -letterjnofn a nice lady In Ffpeljy Mount. .She was concern ed about a maple tree in her yard. You may haw a similar ex perience in mdnd so 1 am going into some detail lor the benefit jf all readers: •She writes: "Will you please skdvtfcse me about a maple tree in jur yard on whiich we depend lot only for shade but appear irrce of our lot. It is a large tree, vhteh for the past five or six rears has; by the first of July, >egan to shed its leaves. By the irst of August hundreds a day ire falling and when other map es are in their vivid glory in au umn, this one is practically bare. ‘“We had it pofcssionally ferti izod in the spring but although he leaves came out thickly and urge, it is following the same pattern as past pears.” She sent leaves from the tree, nicely packaged, which arrived in jood condition. There was no evl lence of disease or Insect injury VhiCh would cause premature de foliation. I suspected root trou ble so I wrote and asked some questions which She answered. Q. Have the roots 'been cut on >ne Side of this free or otherwise lamaged ? A. “Unfortunately yes. Roots nit on one side of the tree about (our feet from trunk 15 years a around tjie ifc.iT ST jjpr now much? >!*' * | 'A. ‘‘Again yes. About 10 inch es of soil In a circle about 2 1-2 feet out from the tree.'’ Q. Is the soil of reasonably good texture and welt drained?’ A. "Hardly reasonably but drains okay.” Q. Do you know of any drain pipes, sewer or gas lines that might interfere with normal root function? A. “The same side walk and e leetric wires for which the roots were cut.” Q. Examine the trunk at the base (soil line and determine whether or not the bark appears to be normal. A. "The bark seems normal.” While I am not ruling out the possibility of roo-rot caused by fungi, two answers she gave could cause a steady decline in vigor of her maple — root cut ting on one side and over-burden of fill soil around the tree. Root cutting removes a large number of feeder roots which re duces the power of the tree to absorb water and nutrients. This, in turn, results in loss of vigor. (Fill soil, over the roots of es tablished trees, excludes an ado quate supply of oxygen to the roots which is essential for nor mal growth functions. JUST ARRIvbb.' NEW CROP Spanish PEANUTS 49c Foil Lb. FALL Dress Fabrics DELUXE PRINTS First Quality 49c Yd! SEW & SAVE TWO - TRANSISTOR RADIO Complete with Battery & Ear Phones $188 '/Poses ' VALUE-VARIETY J S. BATTLEGROUND AVENUE BOYCE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN Edgemont Drive William L. Presuly, Minister Church School__ 9:45 a. m. Sari Cloninger, Supt. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. The evening service will be In charge of the young people of the church. A cor liai Invitation to all. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Paul K. Auslcy, Th. D.. Minuter Sunday_ 9:45 Sunday School. 10:25 Coffee Hour. 11:00 Morning Worship. (Nursery ta Pre-School Children.) 6:30 Pioneer and Senior High Fellow ship. Monday: 3:30 Girl Scouts. Tuesday: 7:30 Boy Scouts. Wednesday_ 7:30 Mid-Week Service. 8:00 Chancel Choir. Thursday__ 3:00 Brownie Scouts. 4:15 Cherub Choir. Friday: 8:00 AA Meeting. SAINT MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN CHUR Cl North Piedmont and Ridge street W. P. Gerberdlng, Paster 9:45 Sunday School. 11:00 Morning Worship. : MORE ABOUT \ 138 Students (Continued From Front Page) ton, Kim Cashion, Chester dontz, DeWayne Caldwell and Gale Morrison, Dianne McDaniel. ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTER IAN — Connie Padgett, Marlene I Weir, Elaine Burton and Jaoqui tha Rounitree. ' WflGNTHIROP — Mary Ellen Stroupe and Annie Vera Dilling , HIGH POINT — Amelia Gar toon and Shirley McDaniel. WOMAN'S COLLEGE, UNC Elleen Slater, Peggy Black, Sandra Myers, Nancy McClure, Sarah Cox, Barbara Lynn and Ellen Burke : hollins' college, Hollins, Va. — Sara Rose Lennon. OTRATFXmD HALL, Danville, Va. — Sue Hunnicutt. 'APPALACHIAN STATE TEA CHER’S COLLEGE — Sammy Houston, Dianna Neal, Franklin Dean, Marian Plonk, Susan Dav is, Mattha Lou Ware. Cynthia Wright and Delores White. (LENOIR - RHYNE — Carole Plonk, Joyce Plonk, Beth Houser, HaMie Ward and Lowrance Har ry. ■GARDNER-WEBB — Robert Houser, Harold Ellis and Edith Jane Kincaid, James Robbs and Margaret Ledford. CENTRAL WESLEYAN COLL EGE — Bill Jenkins and Vinelle Phillips. BELMONT ABBEY — Judy Early. SACRED HEART COLLEGE— Pene’ Cansler. Socialized Schools GASTON TECH — Billy Simp son. DELL MEDICAL SCHOOL — Turk Falls. KINGS BUSINESS COLLEGE— Frances Owens, Robert Lovelace. CHARLOTTE MEMORIAL HOS PITAL School of Histology — Jane Hambright. CAROLINA BUSINESS COL LEGE — Sandra Plonk. MERCY HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF HISTOLOGY — Beverley Yar brough. MERCY HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR X-RAY TECHNICIANS — Peggy Ware. PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL SCHOOL OF NURSING — Caro lyn Jonas. PRESBYTERIAN HOSPIT A L SCHOOL OF HISTOLOGY -Lin da Lee Bennett. GASTON MEMORIAL HOS PITAL SCHOOL 6F NURSING —. Dottie Gibbons and Lana Amo wood, Frances Smith. HOWARDS BUSINESS COL LEGE, Shelby — Sarah Robbins. AMERICAN BEAUTY ACAD. EMY, Gastonia — Joyce Wind ers. SHELBY BEAUTY COLLEGE— Geraldine Hicks and Shirley Seism. SPARTANBURG G E N ER A L QOSP1TAL SCHOOL OF TECH NOLOGY — Brenda Herndon. Graduate Irkiate U$C MEDICAL SCHOOL — James Presrfy. % VNC GRADUATE SCHOOL — Qeorganna Moss. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY — Jim Caveny. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stan ford, Calif. — Steve Kester. Seminaries BAPTIST SEMINARY, Loui ville, Ky. — Richard Spencer. LUTHERAN SOUTHERN SEMI NARY — Bill Mitcham, intern year at Beth Eden Lutheran church of Newton, N. C ST. MARY’S SEMINARY, Balti more, Md. — Bob Early. Prop Schools McCALLIE SCHOOL FOR BOYS — Alec and Trip Neistfer. f EASTS IDE BAPTIST CHUBCH Thomas E. Moore, Jr., Pastor York Bead .. ‘‘The End of Your Search— For A Friendly Church" Sunday: 0:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:00 p. m. Baptist Training Union. 7:00 p. ra. Evening Worship. Wednesday: 7:00 p. m. Mid-Week Prayer Sendee. 1:00 p. ns Choir Rehearsal. MIDVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH (Midpines Community) Rev. John S. Frazier, Pastor lalon Franks, 8upL Sunday School 9:45. Training Union 5:45. Evangelistic Service T:0a Wednesday evening prayer meeting ra.. Highway 74 H. S. HARDIH. Gene Hoyle SupL 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. B.T.U., BU (be Eard's Sui Supper mid to fifth use tho CABSOH MEMORIAL CHURCH Located In Crowder"* Mountain Rev. Charles Britt. Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a. I Sunday School 11 a. u. Evangelistic gsrvles 7 MO p. m. Praytr Meeting WlilBseiTay 7:00 ft l Prayer Meeting Saturday 7:00 p. ■ Youth Meeting Saturday TM p. ra I KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Daily 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. 3 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. Patient List at Kings Moun tain Hospital at Noon Wednes day. Noon Wednesday Mrs. Essie Barnett Mrs. Bill Bennett Dora Black Wilma Byers Mrs. Florence Conner Falls Mrs. Earl O. Gladden Mrs. Wilbur B. Hamrick Mrs. Helen H. Henson Leroy Howell Nancy Katherine Kitchen Oscar Wiley Patterson, Sr. Mrs. Arvil Phillips Mrs. Blanche Poplin Evelyn L. Robinson Mrs. Harold C. Shook Mrs. Lucille F. Shope James Hunter Sistare Robert Swafford Carlyle Ware Mrs. Jacob Rece Werner Admitted Thursday No Admitance Admitted Friday Charles Ray Yandle, P. O. Box 223, Bessemer City. Effie Mae Sisk, Box 173, City. Admitted Saturday Nancy Childers, Route 2, City. Mrs. John R. Martin, 18 Ben nett Dr., City. Arthur Franklin Wilson, Route 1, City. Admitted Sunday Mr. Ross Alexander, 113 Manta Vista Dr., City. Mr. John Anderson, 908 Phenix St. City. Mr*. Jesse Mom, Jr., 506 Gantt st, aty. ■■ Roy Lee Smith, €04 Mauney Aue., - - . Jimmy Arnold Van Dyke, : Route 2, City, j Admitted Millinr Mrs. Annie Lois Hipp, 206 Kis er St, City. Mrs. Essie C. Huffstickler, 21 Hawthorne St., Belmont. Mrs. Lissie Berber Johnson, 109 S. Inman St., Bessemer City. Mrs. Billy Dean Melton, 405 Baker St, City. Glen P. Oliver, 110 Blanton St, City. Admitted Tuesday Mrs. Johnny Eaves, Route 3,' Union Rd., Gastonia. George Wm. Sellers, Route 2, 1010 Margrace, City. DELICIOIS I FIN-TIME I »EFNESHEI!1 mmmmm m |Mh9bhH rasr ixrnst choice Bn. B. t. Baton, 1 Sunday School — 8:45 am Morning Worahlp — 11 a. m. Baptist Training — 8:15 p. m. Evening Worahlp — 7:30 p. m Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 THE TASEHHACLB OP LOVE On 2nd. Street _ , W. Whitfield, Pastor Supt. Sunday School: David Houser. Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship Service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Wednesday night and Saturday night ear *lce 7:30 p. m. Singing every 4th Sunday 2:38 p. m. CHRIST THE E1KG CATHOLIC CHUBCH Father Thomas P. Clements, Pastor Father John Walt, Assistant Father Donald Stalb, Assistant Sunday Mau: 11:00 a. m. Sunday Benediction: 8:00 p. m. MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHUBCH _ . Bev. Wayne Aahe, Pastor School Superintendent. B Sunday: 9:45 Simday School. 10:00 Morning Worship. 8:00 Training Union. £00 Evening Worship. BAPTIST CHUBCH Bev. Fred Hides. Pastor 10:00 — Sunday School. U:OOMornlng Worship services. 7:00 — Baptist Training Union. SjOB — Evening service. Wednesday: 7 JO — Midweek prayer cess tea. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHUBCH Hey. Donald F. Callahan. Paster SUNDAE: 9:45 i 10:58 ^ w ii. ..I. 6 JO Training Union. 720 Evening worship. 7 JO Prayer MOUNTAIN fNW BAPTIST REV. FLOYD HOLLIS. fUW» lames Camp. 8upt. Crowders Mountain Community lunday: H>:00 Sunday School. ll:0g Morning Service B&ly Guyton. Pastor Sunday School—10 rum. Preaching Service—11 a.m. Night Service—7:15 p.m. Saturday Night Prayer Meeting—7:15 p m Bee. Leonard Aufistetler. Pastor Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Morning Worship at 11 o’clock a m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6 p. a. Evening Service at 7 p. m. CHUBCH OP GOD Bee. L. L. McDaniel, Pastor SSchool 10 A. M. Service 11 A. M. latte Service 7:15 F. K. YPE Saturday at 7:90 P. M. EL BETHEL METHODIST CHUBCH Rev. Bruce Norwood. Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 o’clock. Evening Service on Sunday at 7 p. Choir Practice on Sunday at 7:30. HON NAZAHENE CHUBCH IDS N. Webb SC. Gastonia. N. C. Rev. A. E. Guyer. Pastor, Ph. UN 5-4884 Meeting Nights: 7 p. m. Sunday, Wed nesday, Friday. Sunday School 10 a. a. Preaching 11 • NTFS or Youth meeting Friday Night. Rev. T, B. Poole, Rev. J. T. Blew arc FIRST CHURCH OP THE NAZAHENE 407 S. Cherokee Street Rev. H. G. Clayton, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Raymond Galloway. SupC Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Young People’s Society at 6:00 p. m. Evangelistic Services at 7:00 p. m. 7 Wednesday evening prayer meeting. fiwa MOUNTAIN BAPTIST CHIIIUI Act. Marlon DuBoaa. FUt<* Sunday School 8:45 a. m. Morning Worship U a. m. Training Union 6:45 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. Hour of Prayer Wednesday 1:30 p. m. EAST GOLD STREET WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH Rev. C. R. Goodson, Pastor Ben Short, Supt. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Preaching 10:45 a. a W. 1.6p.m. Junior W. P. 6 p. ra. Y. M. W. B. 1st and 3rd Sundays 6 p.m. Boy Scouts at Sadie Clubhouse. Each Monday Night S. M. Carl Barnett uavii iuv/uuiv w "" ■ i » VVednesday Night Prayer Service at p. m. CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Hubert Garmon. Pastor 8**—Sunday School. nmO—Morning Worship _ _ . 6:30—Intermediate Methodist Tooth Pel low ship. 6:30—Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship Midweek Prayer Service remains at I» «R Wednesday evenings. Baby Ballots Led By Nancy Owens Nancy Dean Owens remains in first place in the Kings Moun tain Baby Contest after ttyo weeks of balloting. Miss Owens is sponsored by American Legion Post 155. In the (runner . up spot this week is Freida Gillespie, spon sored by Kerns BIOS;, with Tony Martin, sponsored, by the Moose Lodge, occupying the number - three position. The contest will continue until 12 noon September, 22. , Jonas Bridges, manager of WKMT, will present a certificate to the winner which will entitle him to a host of Consolation piidfes will be sented to the runner-up. The Davidson School FTA hold its first meeting on day night, Sept. 11, 1962. your school. TUVMNWMT RESTAURANT CHAR-BROIL STEAKS Open 24 Horn Doily Gortonia Highway HARRIS FUNERAL HOME —Ambulance Service— Phone 739-2591 Kings Mountain. N. C. September $1 REGULAR FEE AFTER 8 30 IS $100 Save inconvenience! When cold weather hits, it won't be possible to make all Cut-ons at one Save money, save getting cold. City Natural Gas System Corbett Nicholson, Supt. PHONE 739-2351

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