Spirit Of Christmas Rules In 1963 Community Celebrations It's Christmas time! Every where, glad sights and sounds re flect the spirit of the season, as this community celebrates the Joyous holiday. The spirit of Christmas is seen, in gaily decorated streets and stares, in hones aglow with lig and festive with evergreens, churches where the manger seen tils anew the wonderful old sto ry of a holy Babe wno was bort in Bethlehem nearly two thou sand years ago GRAYSON'S JEWELERY The spirit of Christmas is ieard, in bells ringing out from itreet corner to steeple, in happy /oices singing all the songs of the season, from old familiar ca ■ols to the more solemn, but at oe same time joyful, anthems, cantatas and oratorios. The spirit of Christmas is felt, is last minute preparations for he big celebration are made. There are always, it seems, some packages still to be wrapped, some final trimmings to be put in the tree, some part of tne Christmas pageant or choral pro ram that needs just cfcte more chearsal, some extra touches to; nake the Christmas feast abso-j ■itely perfect. In the midst of the hustle and; 'Mistle, the spirit of Christmas; ■shines through in all its many! meanings. The spirit of Christmas means 'aughter and joy—best express 'd, perhaps, bv the faces of chil >’-en, eager and smiling as they vait for Santa, full of revnrent •mnder as they hear the Christ mas story and see the manger scene. The spirit of Christmas means ’Vng, with love wrapped into; every package. And it means sharing - the riches of thoughtful consideration and genuine inter est. as well as time and money— with the aged, the ill, the needy . and unfortunate. 1 The spirit of Christmas meatns a warm renewal of family ties and close friendships, and an en joyment of traditions treasured I trough the > the i customs each family creates for | ’tself, as well as the traditions | gamorsd from the lore and le gends of Christmas. ' Naming the Day As a holy lay and a holiday,1 Christmas means both prayerfu worship and festive merrymak i ing. The holy meaning of the daj QUILT COUNTflt' LANDSCAPE WITH SNOW is traditional vision a onrisrinus cuv.ioued by most folks. Even in climes where snow never falls, dreams of a white Christmas dance in the heads of young and old. With a little imagination, Christmas is always a winter wonderland. is expressed iti its name. I The Latin name lor Christmas translates as tno Feast or Birth-1 day of Our Lord. The English Christmas means the Mass of: Christ, a meaning which is close ly paralleled by the Dutch “Ker mis.” In Germany it's “Weih iacht,” or sacred night. The French -Noel” has several' possible meanings news, birth-i day or a “shout of joy.” Whatever the exact origin, there’s no ques-! tion that Noel tiow means Christ mas. How the Tree Grows When the German Prince Al fred married Queen Victoria, he carried the custom of the Yule tree to England, and from there J J A<"i«'y renews our he^/C'T 3 "** ble*seJ "‘c «•/ spiritual joy I your P