* ' Trans'Wot Id Airlines • prris!>]lili' t ;<* j i'* II. ; • Five horn s from t'l • - t eiSeo-Los Anjtrli's area i" N« . York v. th (i ■ • h f its . n ! • tables. Overnight t<* 1. • . Thtw ne\. jets h e i ; ; < pound rat (to ■ tv a I is; ike it poss.hle to lrans|K>rt tin' it. rst quality product t.> i. . i with a mini mam of trait it i ioraticn. The Initial flight, on I»• •• t earned lettuce. form oli. .1 ->.r 1 gus. celery hearty, nit.■!«•;>* figs. and last of the -c on strawberries from C lifoie • Thus anit .a-modern s\ : o' transportation lias bn -i a: ■ a v.iilahlc to the shipper • -.f | able fresh produce. Accordin'; to a re cel . : . Frn'ts were in t l: • noc:i and even::' n • ' h V I and “mittiiiou T 1 - '■ survey* d < rd ft. >h f 1 - * . I vegetable' i ' cqui-ll !_ Alainst tv o :h f at hre ih' .si s>vi 1 it • a \i N'nity-f'ee 1 1 a-nt of tfc lies serM’d \ H s ’ n tint •(' 1 o I’i- 1 v Point ■ • n- * (I i’ ' : i da) 1 householos. Th**re v . ■> , ■ -i f i ■ 1, rcailions S ’,'\ r >• m ; • ! 1 ■ • fresh ti m’s v 1 ,• t • 1 ’1 |n * d 11 • 1. -o’ r tilde-. wan nr ■ • I fa 1 ' ' i \v! - n i'Ut of s mi. 'to- - iv •! !an n<" • lereil tl I ” ’ 1 ‘ products more eonv'mii • to e. Th * fl"d of this that •the nr»l ’ -tv .• f the mil.>s fa Ivor fro h fi 1 s ■ t \ a 1 ; |supports **.• — • 111s obtained front •previous studies I p |S ■ . (-)t •■■ •: r m' re jsear-h w !l !-e c -fet! : 1 develop {methods to proloie* the pci; >d> •of ava l ib I Iv anil i > ■ in ’fresh prod ■ • ->t • -itiitci-.. f 1 ■ I re's • .toI (Mi l;’\ th’ou ;’ ,c iliarvestin • and ir.arke 114 ods. r .<• populahon is growing and Iht- 'li'nvi id for t.uiis and vegeta li :(oht . > i - ■ and at o> eased. , .-li •ii • tidy I. [s-r ii'nt of < t■ s co: -,posell ol fruii . and \« . • ables. Bell ftaraes Joki Iveisen Join !' Iv ;i >f Cl illolte. \'f . ■ 1 Sale* M nag ■ West. Mr. Iverson be ii.*! :i Ashe 1 i! . IJ! .'it Depart •; at. ig In numerous <•; .. I.t> n Asheville I I a' ■ • !••• was transferred 1 : • • Oh ti.tte is Marketing • I 1 W a ■ rr.d,. ft ■ 1 y les Supervisor in '■ ■ ti.‘i >■ h • iv - server I t.: I ‘i.. present assignment. Ite.ir. d in he\ill*\ Iverson ! * 1 j. lbl; sellouts there. o his wife, Betty, hue tv. 1 1!: lii.en, Susan and d W >rld W II s in Afriea I\evs«»n was dis • \t or 11 the Cnitisl States A °v Reserve. \ in.- n‘ the Holy Com i 'o I Chin ell :u Char tte ’i i- v .si .1 ’■ ty livid ]!•• o • "i of Mt. II°r • I ■■ l.."l ’c N-i. 1 IS AF &• \ M I has *k a active &i the ■■ or of Comment'. Optimist •hi! . T ostma tor's C*1 nt» and !’• ed of Directors of the United A ■:»*d and served -ls Area 12 0 mountain ranges * 'o : v.i rr n rued after Aerordfttg to the ' '.re are in ■!•< • nines tnd C.'iueasl ■ well • • d hr r fa e I' : ' fnptv al nnns's. 3-Bedroom Farmhouse 9 PLAN NO. 7141 House Plan Is Available If you've been waniii;; a !r r wil l plenty of loom. i.os 3-bed m en fat'nhouse may ’.«> just what you're looking for. i> sig i 'il by the t'. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, the house is of masonry, slab on grade con struction. and features plenty of storage space, r den or office for ‘ n m and hour*-hold record keep ing. two baths three bedrooms, laundry center, utility room. liv ing room with fireplace, aiid a family and dining area. The laundry center is located next lo tin* sleeping aiea, con venient to the source of most soiled doihin;: anti linen. Thfee nearby closets offer convenient storage. The family end dining areas -..''••is facihtie.; for formal and cuinUrtop meals. It is Arranged so the homemaker can easily su pervise all activities while en gaged in her usual household tasks. A desk for metil planning, a toy storage lahinet. and a sew ing center are near the front window. You can order free working drawings of the Plan No. 71|1 from your county agricultural a gor.i or by writing the o.xtens a agricultural engineer at Not tli Carolina State, Raleigh. N. C. Au Force ''Satisfying'', Says May Tin- 17. S. \ir Force is murli more than just a means of satis fying th- military obligation, ac . .inline to local USAF Recruiting Sergeant May. The Sergeant says that to i many feel the Air Force to !«■ just mother way of ‘serv le/ time1 to fulfill the military oiili at ion. Sergeant May jtoints out that t • i". .1 far i >m|H*Hi*>;' ohliga .ei faring young people today 1964 City Tax Listing NOW UNDERWAY At City Hall BOOKS OPEN THROUGH JANUARY 31 EVERY WET'IMY EXCEPT SATURDAY Hours: 8:00 a m. to nosrt, 1:00 to 4:30 pjo. YOU SAVE TIME BY LISTING EARLY The undersigned tcx 1‘ ter will be at City Hall Court room at the above listed hours and days through Jan uary 31. All persons are hereby nc’.'lied that they must list their properties, both real and personal, and all males be tween the agos ol cl and SO are required to list for poll taxes. ms. STEVE HARMON Tax Lister, City of Kings Mountain I ... 0 ■■■ ■ ■!■■■ wan tnc one intposoti ny tin- >3 !i' ti\c Service laws, however. Ths is Hu* obi.v.ition to oecutnr >«-lf s if ient end i product’v ■ tn* .nil* r of tlie community. I’ltfoi ;unatel> all t x» oftot>, tody' s high ; IumiI graduate I not lulSv jief uvil f*ir America' iMmitt highlx technical lai>or market. Young men arid women fit'sh from school frequently lack the nciossary skills and cx|>eri ence that emuloyer* no'V require of them. As a result, they either go io'de-s or fail to make use of the.- ftdl potential. Iloth they and America lose. Th is they owe a very real ob ligation t i not*- themselves and their country. Sgt. May feels, to qualify tivmsclves for the labot market of today. This, unlike the nilitary obligation. is one that men ;• d women alike must share. But Item loo the Air Force may provide the answer. For example, men and women who apply for Air Force enlistment take quali fications tests that demonstrate their natural abilities in technical skills. I'pon entry into tin* Air Force, they are given training fai tlte skill in which their nat tral abili ty shows their best chance for success. Following tins training, '•onu* months of invaluable prac tical ex|>erionco It; short. Sergeant May con cluded. an enlistment ai the U. S. Air Fot e can give a young man or woman both the formal tech nical training end tin- practical ex|>erienci* that today’s labor market demands. In addition. *t also allows them the opportunity to continue their formal education beyond the high school level with the Air Force fot tin • the lion's share of the bill. This seems to Sgt. May to he a much more meaningful and productive experience f*ir young people than a mere means of “serving their time” on the military obligation. Young men and women who are interested in a chalhAiging career in aerospace technology should contact Sgt. May at the U. S. Air Force Recruiting Office, Post Office each Wednesday morning. r Accurate Complete News Coverage V r n BOSTON LOS ANGEL F I On DON 1 Year $22 6 MaMkj $11 3 MmHh $5 50 Cl* Hua atfautucaimt nhan i* «M yaw ckack ar MMCf (fkl ll* TIm Cfcaktiaa Scwaca M mm tar Oar Natal* Janet •attan, Mala. 02ilS 1:9 • 3:13 Pvt Sarah Hicks Completes Training CAMP LKJri’NK. N. C. u l!T SO Woman Marino Kirst Class Sarah I.. Hicks. rtau'jhior of Mr. ami Mrs. James M. Hicks. Jr., of 91.1 Church SI., Kings Mountain. N. C.. »«*-« illy griduMeri from the Fire? Marine Korev. Atlanltc, Clor.cal S.'ltoul Personnel Ad ministration Cf tm*. Camp La* jt'uiM*. N. C. Durin.® the three-week course she Kiwiied the technique* of per <5 >nne| work us«tl in the Marine Corps. Six out of the nine planet* our solar system have one more moons, according to t Hook of Knowledge. The three moonless planets are Mercury, Venus and Pluto. 9 “SUPER - RIGHT" HEAVY GRA'H FED BEEF CHUCK L BONELESS M5C CHUCK ROAST LB J Blade ! • | PER LB. pp icis irr. "Super-Richt" Heavy (iruin Fed Beef BONELESS SHOULDER CLOD ROAST - 49c BONELESS LEAN STEW BEEF - 45c Cubed Steaks “ 79c j CHUCK BLADE 1 STEAKS • 39c 5 * y > z BICE. CHICKEN, TURKEY. OR MEAT MORTON MEAT DINNERS ££? 39c CAP-N JOHN'S CONOENSfD, FKOZCN OYSTER STEW ^ 29c "SUPER RIGHT" LEAN, FRESH GROUND BEEF • 37* ••Supti-Ktuht” "Our Fint ■.i” Slii «il ! Bsesn '■& 45c 2 >'* 89c JANE PARKER TASTY APPLE PIE ;-l3Sc ic»fSHL SULTANA BRAND SPECIAL OFFER VALUE STRAWBERRY !KKs25c ANN PAGE Foods — Guorontccd To P'cosc You! AHN PA« SMOOTH or KtUNCHV PEANUT BUTTER ANN PASS SPICIAUY PillCIO •) ELBOW MACARONI 2 ANN PACE TASTY -» PURE GRAPE JAM 2 1 Lb, 8- CQ O*. J;>r 3/C fiS: B7c Jar 55C • ANN PACE CREAMY, CONDENSED, TOMATO C COLD WATER flll detergent •<**£ 79c Northern Toilet Tissue 4 35c Daily Dog Food 12 ^ 89c Iona Cut Green Beans 4 {££ 45c POT# FLO*ISA WHITE MEAT GRAPEFRUIT 8 FLORIDA JUICY f* ORANGES 5 FRESH TASTY A CARROTS 2 U>. Bog Lb. Bog lb. Bog 59c 55c 19c j PulicKHU Applt 2 Lb‘- 25c DritdoM U.S. NO. 1 WHITE A&P Concentrated. Frosen ORANGE JUICE 2 •£ 49c Apple, Peach or Cocoanut—Custard Morton Fruit Pies 3 S 79c AEP Exclusive — I«*nu GOLDEN CORN '<£ 10c MARVEL CHOC., VAN. OR STRAWBERRY ICE MILK 39« MEL O-BIT AMERICAN SLICED CHEESE 2 % 39c RINSO BLUE SWAN LIQUID war- 33c Ym fay Omh 63c BREEZE 'ST 85c£V£35c SILVER DUST •ST 35c rw: 85c active all DETERGENT i-u. *- 3Qr Hk i- 7Q ©*. J/t o« Mi f 7C FLUFFY all 79c Wisk Detergent £ 40 £. 73c v*«sr~$1.39 LUX LIQUID far OUti 'ttT 37c ‘‘63c