WINS HONOR Larry Patrick. Eagle Scout, won his silver - gold palm at Thursday s Court of Honor for district Boy Scouts. He is the son of Mr. and Mis Lawrence Patrick. Patrick Wins Silver Palm Larry Patrick. Kind’s duuntair Eagle Sr out, rweived hi', silver gold palm award at Thui .day Court of Honor for K 'foun tain distn t Boy Seoul Young Patrick is the son <d Mi and Mr- Law*en<v Palr-k. Don Sessom.s. Tr >op 91, wa> advanced to SffOltd class lank and Hi .id Hush, Troop 294, wa> advanced to fi:st class. Other Scouts who w 'it mn ! awariLs were: Architecture: Eugene White "I Troop 91. Electricity: Furman i fllarl den of Troop 91 Home F’ep.i . ■>: Marty i 'rede rick of Troop 9fi. Painting: J. C VVr :ot <d Troof 99. Swimming: Tommy Dovn ■ >: Troop 91. Roy Huffstetlor. .!•. .ni\ • i to the rank of star S > it ■ id Furman E. (Hadden and Don Bridges, twitti of Troop 91. ad vanced to Mie t ank <>: Life s out One Minor Mishap Occurs Monday There was one mnn .i-n-.rn' hili* accident in Kings Mount Monday as ,i r< nit of i. \ ■ . ct accord hi > to the Kings '1- nntait Police I>‘pai tinent reports. Ronald Gone Hamrick of Bet nett drive was driving on Pheni' street when hi. cat sk:d«h*d on iee and struck • po.-t at .'kite p m . kwestig.iting olliifi-s '.i <1 Dama-ic was reporter! as mine: ami Hamrick was not injured. No charges were t led. Lindsay Rites To Be Thursday C Spurge Lindsay, tit of 511 Cherokee Street, died suddi n!y Monday aftern -on shortly altei 1 o'clock j m. while working at Wright's Barier Sh a. He w in Gro\ er Mason - I. <*•(■. Star N.> ami was a member of the Ml. Olive Baptist ihui-h wlteie he served a> a teacher ol the Men’s Bilile Class cn the Sunday School A former | • n tier. Lindsay had been employed at Wright’s Barber Shop as a boot black lot the pa~t two y» ai > survivors are ms w If Airs Vivian Ucdsav one d i h er. Mrs. Whitmire. ft Kiir*s Mountain; one sister. Mis. K*hel Kcnion i>t I lijrii Shoais; and t> grandchildren. Intfrment will he in the Shiloh Methodist Church c* :er> in Grover. The body will lie in state at the Lands.i> home, lo .ii.*d at .Ml Cherokee Street, from Wrdnes day afternoon at V mi pm. until 2:30 Thursday, at wh i nine th. body will he taken I • tie- Shiloh Methodist church for bur il. Bnloe-Border Mor'uary ha* charge of the funeral arran *• merits. G-W Scholarship Exams March 2! Boilin': Sprite's Mi M W. Gordon, lr.. Business Malta • *i for Gardticr-UYhh College and Chairman of the S. holaish) Committee, announced induy that scholarship cxumin a t i >> n m Gardner W ebb'.- SlO.imr , im|vii live academic acholat ship pr i gram will tv given at Gardner* Webb on March 21, 1364. lie in ning at 9:30 \ in. in R" ni lot of the Science ltnildin Mr Gordon stated itiat hi h seniors and graduates a d character and high moral stand artl who have irkm th** S \ P. of the Colle e l.oard and v\li > ire recommended i.s liieo sup- i i tendent. puncipal. :unl.i:i e* mi* seior. or iiome room teacner. may compete foi tile si h.darships The scholai '• <• .11 ed after ]m*iso!.iI interview to those qualified students making the highest s i the tests n conjunct hen will. I heir S. A T. scores and suluect to proval and aceeptanee as students of tiardner-Webli i.y the admissions «ommitteo. The school oflieinl reeommend ing the applicant must i le recommendation in writing to tlie Scholarship Committee. Tile * i* dent mu ;t inform the Commit e • it his Cntcniio.i to take th** test nut later than .Viaiclt Id, 196i. Scout Banquet Set T uesday TV i'l’h #V ual IJ.ij.qw! of thf* Ph ’.out ( unt il. II >> Scouts of Ami r ca wiP he held on Tues day. i . ■ 2’. <if January at Brackett's C;*oai Paik in North ern Cicvlmd County. A fellowship period w:ll begin at fi:3li pm v .th the Bar-U-Q dinner iieing served at 7:<)i) The h'>nor.‘d ou st and speaker will be Dr. Gut nar Berg. Hesi tient D. -itor 01 Humanics De jiartment at (K'Whorp • Univer se and 9irr. i Xal.onai Direct 01 o f Prof- .ml Scoufers Training for the Boy Scouts of America. hr 1 < r, was Nu n in N >rw«>v and came to the I'niter! States as a sis with his parents. He completed his elementary’ ed ucation whil li% in^r in a logging . amp in the ■ te of Washington. I - •>• of Washington in 1922 and d d ri id'iato vv ik at Teachers Col l«*''e, Columbia Cniversity com pi i. : h.s master’s degree in 193ft and tloeloi of education in 191ft, In 1927, Dr. Her,’ was seho-ted is Nat; ,n;tl Dim-.-tor of Volun teet Training end in ITift was •:ven additional responsibility of Professional T. lining. Dinin’ the ^ears in which I>r. Berg has given field s-rvice. he his sjjo ten to ever .'I’Stjmo people in ’*in of the 52: ■ Boy Sc .ut Coun \” -; ■ This nvolved t.avelin * over ftft.000 miles. Ladies of Sc i iters are especial ly inviti-l to lie present. Special awardt will include the presentation of the coveted Sil ver Beaver award the highest award a Boy S<tiut Council can bestow on any volunteer Scouter, Police Bnuort Three-Cat Wreck Thn-e ears were involved in an i - l*-n: Saturday. January Ith. at 15 p.m.. city police r> ported. Diivc.s of th< vehicles, all tra veling on f'hcniy street between Walnut and Chestnut streets, we I st.-d ,i< Arvin Max David .(in, Shelby; I; mes Leon llam ; • k, 23, of ciis Clay street; and to.;n Carvel Crowder, s2<t Grace street. Dawd-in and Hamrick were reportedly traveling East on Phe \ when the third vehicle struck them. Tin* left front of the Crow let' veh'cle was damaged, city if filers a;d "alp Ford's ites Conducted Funeral rib s for Burton Culp Cord, I!*, of Slu Iby, Kings Moun >;n native, wore hold Wednesday ■ it 1 p.m. from Gak Grove Baptist i hurch. interna nt following; in [ the church cemetery. 1 111 3:30 a.m. IV 'i1\ in Cl xeland Memorial iosihi il follow >.;> illness of sev . oral months. A m of tli.- late Mr- anti Mrs. Fine- Ford, lie was reaerid by the late Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lovelace of IL g< Mountain. Me was a:’ employee of O. K. Fold Company. He was a member, tea her and deacon of the men’s fellowship class of '/. tar Baptist church and a graduate of ltcth wait- high school. Me was also a veteran of the Air Force in World War II Sinviving at - his x.fe. Mrs. Lois Whitaker Ford; tnree bro thers, Floyd and James Ford of San Pedro. Calif, anil Lee Fort! of Bessemer City: five sisters. Mrs. la-o Beatty of Waco, Mrs. Ulan ,ic Mis. Frank Wari and Mi Will Walters >n. ill of Km:; \I< ititain. and Mrs Ktta Thompson of Conover. Kev. J«mes Holder, I’ev. L. M Teaneiy and Hex. C. C. Crow of ficiated at the final rites Mrs. Mode's Brolhet Passes A. i • Henderson, 7f>. of C ivvpons, S. C. brother of Mrs. Li/de Mode of Kings Mountain, died at hi- Monday after noon following ■ ilncss of two weeks Funeral rites were held Wed nesday at 3 pm. from Orchard -ttn-i ■ Baptist church, interment t 'llmviu il S| ringhill Memorial Gardens. Hex James Henson of ficiated at iho tir.sil rites. Surviving arc his wife, five daughter-. Hue. .s<ii>. a sister, three b.*oth-’:'s. .'ft* grandchildren ami i -lit great trandchildren. 3*ily Tcins Gazette Stcfl I* >x i<l B • -mm lx news edit, r .o t illy News i id St it. x New -, joined the staff the Gastonia Ga/ett* ■ r . is ereral reporter on tin city news -laff. A K ■ ;s Mountain natixe, Baity s Hi • . i if Mr. and M- - A P Baitx 11. - I 'uatcd from Kings Mountain lng i aool and was as- luted xvith the Kings Moun tan Herald for siv years as re porter and advertising salesman. IP- had been editor of the two G. .-uni county pajwis (or the past year. I laity - a i ember of the Mount Holly- .1 ;ior Chamber id Com roerco. He makes his home in Mount Holly. National Guard Kind To Voters West Kin^>i Mountain prc < i i t voters _'ot the royal hos pi alitj treatment when they w<-at to the |»o!ls Tuesday. The eoffee pot was full and there were plenty of nt.-D'ils, rream and sugar. and .ill i -omers were inv;t«*d to par take. as many did. The sign it the armory read: < * fee Compliments of the National (iuard. Churchwomen To Meet Friday i\.-i • Mountain United Church Wonie1 will hop* the annual busi :«■" . t*m r Friday night at 7:3fl at Crn'ral Methodist church, Mrs. Paul Matmey, president, has aiinotmi *d. At.-,i ctiur h*. "■'■n will elect new offi‘f>rs ,• con.ui.i chair men f 1.• • 1. .New officers will tie installed as highlight of the meeting. Mrs. Mauney said. Business of the meeting will include reports of 1963 acti vities of the organization which represents mutually all Kings Mountain area churches and is inter denominational. Kings Mountain churchwomen sponsor numet .us annual pro Trams, deluding May Fellow ship Day. World Community Day and W >rl<l Day of Prayer. Spec ial offerings at the programs go to overseas relief. Mrs. C.oorgc Plonk will install the new officers. Income Survey Is Released <• ei ;..i Terry Sanford today termed the report on personal in oime in North Carolina ‘as fur ther proof, if c ny were needed, fiat we must redouble our ef forts in N irth Carolina to lift the ec in. >my of all sections and all citizens.” The North Carolina Depart •rw'.i: of Tax Research released a county by county breakdown ot “Estimates of Personal Income in North Caro! na for 1962." It showed the pet capita income of the State as a whole at $1,732 for 1<*62. Said Governor Sanford: “While these figures show an improve ment in our State over previous years, they show, at the same time, the long distance we have yet to go. “There are many historical reasons why North Carolina's i>. i- capita is low. But future his torians vvill no. excuse us of this generation if we fall to take the steps necessary to raise that per i capita. “These figure.- on pec capita again |»oint up the need for a continuing drive to improve our educational system. They show also the need fo,- yet greater ef forts in our campaign for new in dustry which set a new record in 1963. “And these figures point up the challenge inherent in programs like the North Carolina Fund and out general assault on poverty. • NotTh Carolina has. in this century, pulled itself up by its bootstraps. We need to pull even higher. We can. We will.” Methodist Set Church Study Central Methodist church will sponsor a church-wide school of missions beginning Thursday. to night. and continuing January -''it: . Feb. 2 and Feb. i*t h from 6 until s p.m. Fellowship, study and worship for all i »es is scheduled, accord ing to Rex. Howard Jordan, pas tor. Kach dc|iartn<rnt will assemble for instructions from 6 until G: 15 pm. A snack supper, with each person furnishing a sandwich for supper, xxill follow from 6:45 un til 7:15. Meeting of all depart* ments is from 7:15 until 8 p.m. Complete schedule follows: Thursday, January 19th: Show ing of the film, “Man On The Doorsteps." January 26th will feature a guest speaker. Miss Lucy Gist from Bethlehem Center, Char lotte. February 2 will include a film, "The Long Stride." Mi' f»**o:-ge Moore, wife of the pastor of Resurrection Lutheran church, will ho ucst speaker Feb. 9th. Members of the Adult depart ment xxill use the study theme, "The Christian Issues in South ern Asia" with Kelly Dixon to be :uest s;h- iker Thursday night. Mr.- V II am Kax will load the studx- January 26th. Mrs. Howard Jordan on Feb. 2 and Harry Jaxvres on Feb. 9th. The Youth department xxill hear William Kay January 19th and Januarx 2< th. Fred Withers xxill lead the study Feb. 2 and Feb. 9. Junior High; xx ill us<> the theme, •*Come t ■ Shat t.-x Bhwan” with Howard Itryan as guest speak er Ian. 19th Bill Russell xxill lead the studx Jan. 26lh and Ja •oh Dixon will lead tMe* studx- Feb. *> The Junior department, under direction of Mrs. Dorothy P. Eth eridge Mrs. Fied Wright. Jr. and Mrs. Howard BrysOnt. xxill use the theme, “The Golden Coin” and the Prirrcries, under dime tion of Mrs Sant ll >xxel| and Mrs. James Alexander. will folloxv the theme, "The Buffalo and the Bell.” I Church Council Names Officers The annual meeting of St. Matthew’s Lutheran church wax held Sunday and elected lour new members of the Council: Donald VV. Blanton. Glee E. Bridges. Dr. Peter Collins and Mrs. L. Arnold Kiser. They succeed Jacob Coop er. L E. ilinnant. A. S. Kiser and Charles Ramsey. They will he in stalled at the morning worship service Sunday morning and the re-organization meeting will be held Monday a*. 7:30 p.m. James E. Herndon, Jr was elected dele |gate to Synod and Conference, with Carl Mauney as alternate. Pastor W. P. Gerberding gave his annual report in which he stated that he would tlefinitely retire June 1. He had intended to do so last June l, but was asked to stay another year, bi his re P°t*t he Stated that $1 million had been received into the treasuries during his pastorate and 321 members received. K1WAN1S CLUB Kings Mountain Kiwanians will view Mystery of Time," a S'ienro film from the State Health Department at Thursday’s regu lar meeting at 6:45 p.m. at the Woman’s club. KINGS MOUNTAIN Hospital Log VISITING HOURS Daily 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. J to + p. m. and 7 to S p. m. Patient List at Kings Moun tain Hospital at Noon Wednes Charlie Bratcher Arthur Burnt Mrs. Addie Dixon Ruth Ellis Mrs. Thomas Eubanks Mr. J. J. K ret well Israel Good Mrs. Toy Gn y Mrs. Minnie Herndon Mrs. Leonard Holland Mrs. Billy D. Hoyle Mr. Jack Jenkins Mrs. N. L. Johnson Mrs. Martha Kemsley Mrs. Nancy Kitchen Mrs. Betty Lanning Mrs. James Lewis. Jr. Mr. Augustus Lynch Mrs. Ardie Meacham Mr. Joseph Millen Mr. Dewey Moss Mr. Samuel McClain Loray Leslie McDaniel Mrs. William Peterson Timothy Pitssley Mr. J. J. Proctor Mrs. Paul Sanders Mrs Kffie Sisk . Mr. Buford Summit! Mr. I ltd son Upchurch Ollie Mae Wade Mr. Jonas Walker Mr. Clarence White Mrs. Grace Williams Mr. Homer Williams ADMITTED THURSDAY. Mrs. Oliver Flack, Rt. 1, Box ;32R. Grover. N. C. Mrs. Edith Burns, -103 Ellis St., City Mrs. Isaac Gantt. 309 Parker St.. City Mr. Guy Moor*. Rt. 3, Box 278, City Jeff Mull, Rt. 3. City Betty Jean McClain, Rt. 2, Box 166. Bessemer Cit*--. N. C. Robert Smith. Gen. Del., City ADMITTED FRIDAY Mrs. Floyd Horn. 202 Edgemont Dr.s City Stephen Smarr, Rt. 1, City ADMITTED SATURDAY. Mr. Winfred Benton, Rt. 1, Blacksburg, S. C. Mr. James Cox. 121 Bridges St.. City Mr. Yates Gordon. PO Box 543. City 'Mrs. Charlie Hendren, 501 S Cansler St.. City Miss L’nda Herron, 2140 Mid pines. City Mrs. Paul Herd, Rt. 1, City Mrs. Betty Horne, PO Box 281. City Mr. James Jess Jenkins, Box 541. City Mr. Gerald Thomasson. 908 Woodside Dr., City ADMITTED SUNDAY Mr. B. J. Bumgardner, Rt. 5. Box 305. Midpines, City Kimberly Plexico, 1252 West over Cir.. Rock Hill, S. C. Mr. Ronald David Plexico. Sr.. 1232 Westover Cir.. Rock Hill. S. C. Mrs. Ronald David Plexico, Sr., 1252 Westover Cir., Rc.k Hill. S C. Mrs. Ola Proctor. 210 Walker St.. City ADMITTED MONDAY Mrs. John Carpenter, 711 Cteve land Avc., City Mr. Jerry Goodman. Rt. 6, Shel by. N. C. Ola Mae Hupper. Rt. 1. Box 140, City Mr. Robert Hutfstickler, 413 Gillispie St.. City Mrs. Lester L ail. Rt. G Shelby. N. C. Annie Spriggs. Gen Del., Bes semer City. N. C. ADMITTED TUESDAY Mr. Paul Noisier. Sr., Neisler Dr.. City Mrs. Henry Kennedy, 1016 Cleveland Ave.. City Mrs. Eugene Gibson. 910 N. Piedmont Ave.. City Mr. Raymond Seism. Rt. l.City Mrs. C. M. Raiulall. 418 S. Cansler St. City Miss Linda Bennett. 310 W Cold St.. City ADMITTED WEDNESDAY .. Mrs. Gerald Lovelace. 4139< Welling Avc., Charlotte, N. C. Carroll Assuming New Pastorate Rev. H. L. Carroll, Kinj,^ Mountain native, will assume new pastorate duties January 27 at Needmore Baptist church in Woodleaf. Mr. Carroll aftd his family have made their home in Concord for over five years, serving in the Broadus Memorial Baptist church. Rev. Carroll attended Gardner-Webb and Limestone colleges. During his pastorate at Con cord, membership at Broadus Me morial church grew from fiO to 134. The church has also organ iz ed a mission and completed a new auditorium. While a Kings Moun tain citizen Mr. Carroll attended Second Baptist church and was pastor of its mission church for two years. Mrs. Carroll is the former Em ma Bessie Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrse. Marvin Wright of Kings Mountain. The Carrolls arc parents of four children: Law renoc, Jr., age 13; Billy, age 12:' Beth, age 9; and Keith, age five. High School Plans Not Tot Completed Plans for the Kings Mountain district high school aren’t yet complete. Architect Thomas H. Cothran told Supt B. N. Barnes this week. He said both the mechanical engineers and electrical engi neers hadn't quite completed their plans. Mr. Barnes quoted him as saying, but added the architects are aiming for com pletion as quickly as possible — perhaps the end of January. The architects had indicated previously they hoped to be able to give the board of education complete plans by January 15. GIRL SCOUT NEWS.. Troop 155 First Presbyterian Church. Week and a half before Christ mas Debbie Rhea, Ann Hunter Plonk. Cathy Rhea, Kay Griffin. Jackie Chaney. Wanda Waters. Susan Ballew. Becky Plonk. Lynn Harmon, Ellen Goforth. Leaders: Mrs. Lu Ballew, Mrs. Dottic Southwell went to the hospital and gave favors. We put flowers in the lobby and went up and down the halls singing Christmas carols. We saw people in bed aiid babys in incul ators. Wc tried to make everybody happy. Before vve went to the hospital wt had a ceremony. W e invited the Brownies to se» it. We had a! Christmas party afterwards. At BOYCE MEMORIAL Aihcmk Mmih4 rtnkyMtMi Church William U Prwaj Minuut Church Miinl IL a m Mhrmnx Worship Si n Ur n a m Fhnvlv Srrv Ire r» p m Eldrrs Kill mivl al 3 p m Pnaycr Mediae \\>dne».'.a> 7 ;w Youth Choir Her .arsal YY.-dnrsday 7710 Chaart l Choir Rrmarwi U .1 n oo Coma AM Worship with Ui MACEDONIA BAFTIST CHUICH Baa. Wars* Auk. Pastor Douqiat Lodlord. Music Director ^Eahett ft—pitta. Suadoy School Supt. » -Sunday School 11:00—Morning Worahlp 0 p m Baptm Training Cnion t pm. lAerun* Worship Wednesday; 1-0 ofticrri and Teachers meeting • 30—Junior Choir Practice 7:(A>—Bible stud) and Crmyrr nncl f:U>—Junior OA i 7 45 Adult Choir practice. TNINITY EPISCOPAL CHUBCN Phifer Koa 1 — Near A: m. ■!» hn Thomas Droppers. Priest-In-Charge , Telephone 7rta.t»t|c Sl’XDAV 10:00 A.M Sen tee of Worship. 1 lal and Ird" — liny Communion Jnd and -Ith Sundays — Mtjrnlng Crayer 1 • Holy l mmunion at s A M li Sermon and Sunday School VVKD.N'RIDAYS A M, Holy C -mmimon HOLY DAYS 10 to AM lloly CBnmumop SCHOOL BOARD Kings Mountain district boari! of education will hold it > regular January meeting Monday night at 7 o’clock at the office of the .superintendent on Ridge street. the ceremony we all got world pitt.s and (Jirl Scout pins. We are enjoying it very much. Scribe I.ihhy Dye Liura Hudson temtix AArttn cmnca Ke* Levitt J... p«i« JIARU UllUdt. .'I •!**> SclKJUi au^ mily Cfclldriv. IIU dlractar. &UMta> ScrHMt .. K.iJ !• *n Monuat Wonniu at 11 a. M. hnk. Wcdncadajta a '■IP ►_*%-- _ - m I t OHM MOUKTAWl U «>- Morainel«Mg| ■ *.U0— Baptist Trornui* L UMMM Service. tlMlWM VeireniAt • Officer* T oo— HKlMMk PTarrr Ml. Zion fapti.l Churclt lev K L. Oanrin MinWn 10 a m Suitdtj School Supt. John R «* 11 am M« citing Warship .** pm thiptM training union t» p m Bveolng 7 **» Prayer MtfUtt Wrdnwsia> mgh! Good Hope httbyttzian Church Rev. P L. Ru»* Minister Id air.. Ionite) Schoul lpm Worship services Bynum Chapel AM E. Eton Church R»*\ \\ J Oemp(»«4l. Mlnistei Supt W. V On lO air Sunday Arh«ml Hum Wonhl:> Servjee* 7:.m p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednes* (lay Evening p m. Choir reh«*ar>aJ Tuesday Evening. . <uaa St. Foul Methodist Church Rev. J M Mrilain. Minister Supt O. V. Ult* am Church Nh»iol 11 a.m M»«rnlng Worship '.Tut and tth .Sunday 7:.*!»» p m. Prayer Meeting Each Wd h\ ring GALILEE METHODIST CHURCU Rr\ R H McDowell. Minuter Sipt. Luther ’emerson 1«» a.m. Oicrrh School 11 a.m Worship s..*?>■ iree H pm Evening Wot ship Prayer Meeting Wednesday Voiibuie A.M E. Zion Church Rev A D 5cai'U Supply Minister Supt W. M. Childers !•» a.m. Sunday Srh.n*i 11 a. mi Morning Worship Adam Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church Rev A l> Heapl« Supp!> Minister 1" am Sunday 11 a m. Murnim* Wfcship Rev Prank Self. Pastor Sunday School t:« a. an Ray Predetl. Supt. Morning Worship 11 a. a ““- Woranlp Sunda: night at 7jyn '.0:00 'Oui»*Us/ Scnuoi n.-OO -Morning W<nhh nomine 7:0O~riD Evening woranlp "uihu. 4t ;o oclora a. m. M-eninr % rthlp at 11 o'rlnrfc a ■ Methodist Vouth Fellowship at • a -- " at 7 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OP THE HAZAREVE Rev 11. (5. C aytorr. Pastor James Self, Supt Sunday School Sunday S» hoo: at B:dS a. m. Morning Worship r* 11a m. MYPS at 6 mi p n.. Sundays Jwtdur S**» lety at ti.IR) y m Sundays Evening Service on Sunday at 7 p. m MU-Week Prayer Service at 7 p. m Wednesdays FctiKi smut. rntaf Fa her Rotxn U»»»»on A»*.it»nt Sa'u.-day C«nf*Mion»: 4:00 • 4 00 p. m. Sun-uy M«m: U uO «. m. BIDS INVITED The Cil> ot Kings Mountain, North Carolina, will sol! at pub lic auction at City Hall, at 10 a.m Saturday morning. January 2f>, liNrj, otic 1958 Chevrolet sedan. The vehicle may bo inspected in advance of the sale at City flail. The seller reserve* the right to accept or reject any or all bids B\ order ot the hoard of com missioners. this the 15th day of January. 1964. J H M< DANIEL, IR. Clerk 1:16-23 BIDS INVITED Tin City of Kings Mountain, Kings Mountain. North Carolina, will receive bids up to 7 p.m.. Thursday. February 13, 1964. for the purchase ot a one and one half ton capacity dump truck, with specified auxiliary equip ment. Full specifications are avail abli at the office of the City Clerk. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. By order of the board of com-4 missioners, this the 15th day ot I January. 1!IM. ’ J H. M< DANIEL. JR. City Clerk. 1:16 32 CARD OC THANKS I wish to express my deep ap predation to Ct. P. G. Padgett. Dr. O.. \v. Plonk, the whole staff of Kings Mountain Hospital, in i hiding administrative officials and employt*es. the nursing stafi and orderlies, and the many oth er friends fm their multiple kimtiosses during the illness and death of mv husband. MRS. A. C. DELLINGER 1:16 pd. CARD Of THANKS We would like to express out thanks to Dr Hendricks, Dr. Durham. Dr Plonk, and the nurs es of the Kings Mountain hospi tal during the loss of our loved < >no. The Family of EUSTWS GREENE Late Classified GE TELIVICION — For Sale at Bargain. TELEPHONE 739 4113 after 6 p.m. l:16tfn. PLONK’S SALE Men's Famous Alligator All-Weather COATS • Lined or Unlined • Solids or Plaids Colors: Ivory, Navy, Grey. Black. Olive $20.95 Values NOW $12.95 $25.95 Values NOW $15.95 $26.95 Values NOW $17.95 $29.95 Values NOW $19.95 PLONK

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