People In The News About This N' That ! Four King Mountain women have returned home after a cruise aboard the S. S. Bahama Star to Nassau from Mi ami, Florida. Making the trip were Miss Piccola Blalcck. Mrs. Lalyage Hord, Mi A- • B. Roberts and Mrs. Pear Kerr. Miss Bla lock and M s R ce • are Kirgs Mountain teachers. From left i iccompanying photograph are Mrs. Kerr, Miss Rcbr • Mr*. Hn-d and Miss Blalock. Norman F Her McGill, III and William Dickey McGill, sons of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. McGill, Jr., celebrated birth days Saturday. A circus party was held at the McGill home on W. Mountain street. Trip McGii will note his fourth birthday January 30th. His younger brother Chip was two-years o*d January 5th. The boys great-grandmother, Mn. H. T. Fulton Sr., and their ma ternal orandfether, Rev. W. F. McGinnis, of Ei’enboro. who also have January birth days. were oresent for the party. Their great-aunt Mrs. Earle Carpenter was also a guest. II Overlaid with white cloth, the refreshment table was de corated with red streamers and balloons and held a cir cus cake at {he center. Sma cupcakes he'd red candle and tn-ey were served with the ca^e. ice cream and lem onade. Children present for the party were Scott Yarbro Billy Gene McCarter, Ted McKay. Jimmy Fulton. Shan London. Lindsay Ann Go <'>><)' forth. Lynda and Beverly Lynch. Paula and Jody Ham. Drew and Chad Tedder, Vickev Watterson and Susan Baiiew. G fts were displayed in a red wagon. _ Grandparents of Chip and Trip are Mr. and Mrs. McGill. Sr. and Rev. and Mrs. W. F. McGinnis. Uavid LPaoener. ji., w of Mr. and Mrs. David Led better, will ce'ebrate His third birthday Thursday, January^ Young Ledbetter is qrana son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Put nam of Grover and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ledbetter cf Rock Hill. S. C. A small family party will, be held at the Ledbetter i home at 503 Marqrace. David will wear a cowbov suit and a birthday cake will be topped with three can dles. * * Miss Betty Morrison. Kings Mountain sophomore at Sa lem college in Winston Saiem.| was featured In a recent issue of the student newspaper. "The Salemite." An English major. Miss Morrison was recently named Sweetheart of Delta Slg by that fraternity of Wake For est college at Winston Salem. She. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Scarr Morrison of Edgemont Drive. Social Calendar Monthly: 7: l."» Senior Woman's c-ltib at the Woman's tlub. Mrs. Robert Miller. chairman of hostess com mittee. Coffse Cake Ideal For Cold Mornings There is nothint! friendlier than an invitation to coffee. It needn't he a formal at'iimoon party with fancy sandwiches amd the *ilvei service. A relaxing, informal ga-; thciing in mid-morning "hen a mother can really enjoy that see-, ond cup of is the wmm est way to entertain old friends or introduce new ones to the neighbors. Instead of a traditional coffee t in!; or rounds of doughnuts or huns. serve these delicious little individual coffee cakes. It takes so little time and effort to make them. That'* why min iture cof fee lakes are particularly fine for church or ciub coffees too. INDIVIDUAL GOFFEE CAKES '« cup shortening 1 cup sugai 2 egg yolks I'i cups sifti*d flour 2 teaspoons baking powder '3 teaspoon salt •s cup milk 2 egg whites cup sugar 'a teaspoon cinnamrit cuj chopr.ed walnut meats Cream shortening. Add 1 cup sugar gradually and cream tho rouahlv. licit egg yolks. Add to first mixture. Mix and sift flour, baking powilei and <al’ and add alternately wi n milk. Heat egg whites stiff hit' not dry. Fold In. pour into well-greased individual pie pans. Mix cup sugar with cinnamon and chopped walnut nut meats. Sprinkle o\er batter. Bake in moderate oven. TT> do grees. F. 20 t 2* minutes. Serve hot. Yield: eight. Miss Hoy'e Weds Dwan Thcnburn Miss Sue Hoyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hoyle of near Shelby, end Dwan Thorn burg. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Thornburg of near Kings Moun tain. were married last Sunday in Gaffney. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Thornburg. Mr. and Mrr. Newell T -ornburg anti soyt, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Patterson. Mrs Clarence Hoyle ami Miss Ann Movie accompanied the couple to Gaffney. The bride is a senior .at Bums high school. I’allstnn. where she Mans to continue her eduiation. The bridegroom attended Beth ware high school and is now en gaged in farming with his father. The newlyweds are making their home for the p *esent with the bridegroom's parents Woman's Club To Name Officers William Kav. guidance counse lor at Kings Mountain high school, will he guest speaker at Monday night's regular moot:'.t ■ of Kings Woman's dab. Mr. Kay will elaborate on the th»*me. “Guidance for High School Seniors In Preparation for Goi lege.” Mrs. W. L. Mauney i< pro gram chairman Tlte club will convene at 7:15 p. m. in the lounge of the clubhouse. Mrs. George B. Thomasson. first vice-president, will preside. A report from the nominating committee will In- given by Mrs. J. H. Arthur, chairman. To be elected art> a president, first and sec mil vice • pi csidents, corres ponding secretary and dub edi tor. The officers will serve a »v\o year term. Mrs. Robert Miller is chairman of the hostess committee. Re freshments will tv served follow ' ing the program. FIVE GFXERATfOXS One-nmnth-eM Robbie Gene Ervin, son of V . amt Mr*. Robert Ervin, represents a fifth fteneraticm in los fatni’a. h n left nt>ovr ore Robbie's mother, Mr*. Robert Ervin; Mr*. Ervin's mother anil Robbie’s f)ramf mother. Mrs. J. D. Bar• nette; Ms. Barnette's grandmother, Mrs. Minnie McCarter, age "7 of Hast,,ant who is hohlmt) her <irent•ifrantinon; and Mr*. Barnette's t itle .. Cnni/jull McCarter of Gastonia, ctreat-qrent grandfather of nonnfi Ervin. Churchwomen Name Officers For '64, Mrs. Pianton Succeeds Mrs. Maunev : : .\! * Charles Rlafciton, Jr. has1 been installs! as president of, I Kings Mountain Cnited Church u omen for 1963-65 Mrs fUantofi: will succeed Mrs. Raul Mauney. Other new officers named Fri-' i day night at the annual meeting ! at First Presbyterian church 6r» elude: 1 Mrs. PH her t Dixon, vice-presi dent. Mrs. Fred Wright. Jr., secre tai y. Mrs. Nathan Reed, treasurer. Mrs. J. R. Simpson. chairman of the li)6l May Fellowship Day observance. Mrs. K. It. Ooter, chairman of the 1964 Worl I Community Day observ anc<>. Mrs. Marion DuBose. chairman! of the lfNo Workl Day of Prayer j observ ancc. Mrs. N. I!. F.eed. chairman of the finance committee, and Miss Elizabeth Stewart, publicity chairman. Mrs. D. M. Pouehak. chairman of The Churchwoman. publication committee. Mrs. George Plonk installed the new officers anti various commit tee chairmen gave report of acti-i vities during 1963. Mrs. Paul, Mauney presided. Kings Mountain Cnitod Church women is an ir.terden iminatioiial organization representing virtual ly all churches in the Kings. Mountain area. Soearmans Are Host To Dixon 4-H Clubbers Mr. and Mrs. Kail Spearman entertained members of the Dix on Community i-H club at a par tv Saturday night at their home in the Dixon community. ThcS peat man's niece and nep hew. Sheila and Mike Graitam. 'noth of wohm are memliers of the «lull, shared host and hostess duties. Sandwiches, potato chips, cook ies and cold drinks were served from i refreshment table in the recreation room of the Spear man’s new borne. Gary Stewart and Gary Bolin provided music on the guitar and records were also eta joyed. Some 25 young people attended. Patsy Welch is president of the club. German Club To Organize Plans to organize a German club in this area are underway. Interested Kings Mountain artk3 wcmi;i are inched to attend a planning session for prospective members at the home of Mrs. Karl Wright. 1 Shi Beverly Drive. Shelby, Sunday. January 26th at 3 pm. i » * 1C • * M o o c • •» r i * « • • r • » » O v 11*0 DELLINGER'S Jewel Shop Kings Mountain's Leading Jewelers Gosey's Fourth Son Arrived January 14 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goaey of Charlotte. formerly of Kings Mountain, announce the arrival of their fourth son. William Scott Gos<^, oorn January lHh. Pres-1 byterian hospital. Kings Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goaey. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. W. M. Miller of Gastonia. Russell Dean Fleming Notes First Birthday Russell Dean Fleming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dean Flem ing. celebrated his first birthday Monday. January 20th. at a small family party at his home at 1102 Shelby road. Young Fleming is grandson of Mr.a nd Mrs. W. F. Flomiiig and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gosnell. all of Kings Mounain. His maternal giandfathcr is the late Grover Leo Hoyle. A decorated birthday cake was cut and served Tuesday to mem bers of the immediate family. Children's Home 'las Successful Drive OREEXSBORO. X. C. — A t ucccssful Dc<-cmber fund-rais ns campaign was reported toda> »y iho Children's Homo Sooietj ; >f Xorlh Carolina. Just ovor S6*>.000 was roooivod . n answer to the Society's trarii-j ional Christmas season appeal, taid William D. SnUler of Croons soro. Society president. “We want to say Thank you' te| i he many Xorth Carolinians who responded to our appeal." he said.' "These generous contributions: will help assure a ‘Happy New Tear" for the homeless babies and children who come into our care." While the Decemoer solicitation lagged at the start, it ended a-: head of the previous year when contributions totaled some S00 “The rising demand for the So ciety's services, and the continu ing climb of costs, made it neces sary that our budget be increased in order to hold our work to its customary high standards.” Sni der explained. “I am hopeful we shall not have to say -no" to re quests for mrr aid in the year a head." The Society is a child-caring and adoption planning agency which gives it.; services statewide without charge. Its support is en tirely voluntary Through Caro lirtas United, the Society receives support from United Fund drive* in a number 01 Tar Heel commu nities. The children Y Home Society is a local project of the Junior Wo man's Club. Auxiliary Hears Judge White Recorder's C«rjrt Judge Jack White was guest speaker at Thursday night's American Le gion Auxiliary meeting at the Legion building Mrs. P. D. Fulton and 'Mrs. Hu bert Aderhold* shared hostess duties. Judge Whitt? gave a resume of state and national legislative bo dies and recent laws enacted by the General Assembly. Members made plans for the annual Poppy Day and directed the president to place an order for 1500 poppies which the auxi liary will offer for sale via a sale. freshments were served. Churchwomen To Go To Hickory Monday - For Annual Three-Day Meeting Of UCW * Numerous Hint's Mountain wo- j men will go to Hickory Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday for the 16th animal m« cling of United Church Wtomen a department of llie North Carolina Council of Churches. Overall theme of the meeting Will be •‘The Church Ecumenical Ita Ministries." Churches of Hick ory will he host. The opening session on Mon day will he held at Holy Trinity church with registration from 2 until 6 n.m.. including a coffee hour. Mrs. Bertha Jarrott, field representative of the Koinonia Foundation of Baltimore. Md.. will he principal speaker at the 6 p..m. banquet. Mrs. Ernest Pi.\ son Will preside. Tuesday’s session iieginnmg with registration at 9 a m. is scheduled a t Corinth United Church of Christ. A symposium.’ “The UN Is Your Business" will highlight the morning session There will be various reports from offlres and i-ommittee chair man and a worship program. Dr. Samuel Proctoi will spe ik on “The Christian and Higher Edu cation" at the luncheon meeting A tea honoring denominational presidents will he held from 3:3d until 5 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Lit theran church and a fellowship dinner will he spread at 5:15 a' First .Methodist church. Mrs. rl. OHn Troy will he guest speaker Dr. George Whittecar. presi dent of the North Carolina Coun cil of Churches, will preside at the evening worship service. Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen will deliver the message. New’ officers will he installed and awards prerented at the clos ing session Wednesday morning at First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Aubrey Mauncy. Kings Mountain, is first vice-president of the organization and is pro gram chairman for the iweting. Ctub To Serve Sunday Dinner Feb. 2 The Senior Woman’s club will serve Sunday dinner lo the inter ested public Sunday. February 2. beginning at 12 o'clock noon a» the Woman's e!ub. Mrs. Paul Mauncy and Mrs. Lawrence Lohc are in charge of the kitchen ami Mrs. W. T. Weir is in charge of tickets. Tickets will he 1.50 for adults and $1 for children age 10 and under. There will be choice of meals. Proceeds will go to the Huh building fund. Night In Miami’ Cluo Niqht Theme Club night at the Country Club ■tot today. February’ 1st- will foa lure the thrme. "One Night In Miami”, ami reservations are asked by January 31st. The Florida deem will be ear i iod out ki ballroom decorations out in tlie dinner menu. Serving of dinner will begin at 7 F.udd\ Fates and his Band from Roek Hill. S. C. will provide mu rk- for dancing. Hosts for the evening will he Mr. and Mrs. Jack White and Mr. ami Mrs. St-ai r Momsson. Mullinax-Brazieli Invitations Issued Invitations reading as follows are being issuer’ in Kings Moun tain: Mr. mid Mm. Rai/taamd Mulliuaj requent (hr honour of your /ii i xenre at thr Martin ft' of their ftnuffhter Cnrol At) a to Mr. Gilbert tV. Brazzrll on Saturday. the eifihtli rtf February at four o'elnek Grate Met hod inf Church mu?/' Mountain. Xnrth Carolina Rerejd ion Frllnwxhqi Hat, THOMSON & McKinnon Members ; New York and American Stock Exchanges and other leading Ex changes Ilf) Liberty Life Building Charlotte. X. C. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 7.19-2631 for information on any stock that interests you. (No toll charge) MARK KANE. Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered j Representative • l:23tfn. - ^ —-" I One Table Ladies' and Children's $1.99 ALL PRICE or LESS One Table Boy's & Girl's $5.00 Value i N#w S2M One Table LADIES' HEELS • High and Medium • Brown 6 Black {6.99 Value Now S3J9 WINTER HATS Drastically l*4md VataM up to KM NOW Vohto* to MM NOW VcdoM ap to SUM NOW VataM op to S1SM NOW VataM OMt S1SM NOW 13313 All Winter IEWELBT Vi Price Dresses, Coats & Sportswear Now one half Price Fulton's Department Store 117 W. Mtn. St Ftoaty Of Fm i ■ . ■»

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