People In The ISeics Bob a d J * $ Ho'! i.- d two children are now living in the Ph pc. i " • • ca d to Kina'; Mounta'n friend reveais. Kinq' Mountain cii or: will remember that Mr. Ha!l worked hf re ■ Focre Mineral Company a d had a1’ apart ment in the K me of Mrs. George Cansler, W. Mountain street. He met hi wi*e as a serviceman stationed In Korea and she con tc tni cm try to marry h'm after Ha I asked his hometow se ator from Montana to enter in Corqress a special b 1 a' ow g hei to corre to this country. The bi passed and He Hal were married in Montana. They made their hcmr v 9 be* me qo;ng to the Phi'ippines where Mr. Ha'! is a1 ci*ed with Bena .et Consolidated. Inc., a mining concern in Bo . u. Their address is P. O. Box 100. Baguio. PhilippVe • • • ♦ Tommy Rivard and Nancy Rikard, children of Mr. and Mrs. James R'kard. celebrat ed their birthdays Su- day a* a tamily dinner party qiven by fhe r parents Tommy ce'ebrateci nis first birthday Tuesday. January 28th. Nancy Rikard will be three years oid February 2nd. Other members of the family are brothers Jimmy and Bar ry Rikard who were also pres ent for the double celebra tion. Other members of ife fam ily attending the party were Mr. and r. r Jack benrett ana Mr. and Mr. herald Rikard. ♦ • ♦ • About This N' That The Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa met Thurs day night in the Community Room of Cleveland Savings and Loan Association at Shelby. Members voted to have a Valentine tea and bosses night at the home of Mrs. J. L. Raymer. Mi's Jed e Blanton 'trod .ced the Rev. Richard Hobbs minister o: Grover s SKloh Presbyterian church, who was guest roe • r. Using -he Age of Anxiety as his subject, the speaker said anxiety may be both bad and good. It is bad he said, when it causes one to lose communication with the outside world ard to *ose sight of God. When man gives way to overpowering arxieties. he becomes a victim of fear However, a-xiety may a^o be constructive in that it spurs man or h march for success. Some measure of anxie ty is essential for creativity. Miss Helen Looan and Mrs. W. T. Weir served oartv refreshments. * * * * A beda howe'- held Friday nioht in the fellowship ha'I of First We . van Methodist church honored Miss Kay Baity bride-elect. Mir and Tommy Hawkins will be married Febru ary 9th. Mrs. J jn < arrei'. Mrs. Jf Ho lender and Mrs. Dot Wateri shared nostess duties ard served cake, mints and and lime ice with ginger aie. The refres’ meet tab'e was decorated in green and white and me 1 ororee was presented a corsage of whitd and green flowem. Thirty f ve quo * - wered Miss Baity with household gifts. • • • * Comings And Goings Numerous ro<ege st^ae^ts are at home for between semester he days. Phil Humphr’p', w’ return to N. C. State Thursday where he is a senior. Sue Hunnicutt, St. Andrew’s student, was hostess to three classmates at a aiding party at Blowing Rock. Sue's roommate from Norfolk, Va. was house-guest of the H. R. Hunnicjtts. George A1 man of Hampton, Ve. and Howard Flieurl of Delmar, N. Y. were houseguests of Sue's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Neis'er, Jr. Lau'a Paae, freshman at Meredith, spent the weekend with h»r oa'-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Pacie. Beth Houser arrived Thursday from Hicko -y for a visit with hor parents, the George Housers. Lenoir-Rhyre stu dents are having a between-semester break. Connie Padgett, stude/it at St. Andrew’s visited in Goldsboro with Miss Eleano^Best. Social Calendar Sflt h ifln y ; 7:«m Club Night al the Coifti try Club. Mi and Mrs. .la< k White ami M*\ ami Mrs F. S. Morrison. hosts. 7:.’kt .Vl;ir<!r*i« Woman’s > In ) al ilio homo o' Mrs. Olis Barber. Smul'iu: I2:'»i -tenior Woman’s < luh is serving Sunday dinnci al th" Woman's < lubhouse .l:ni* Circle ! of CVoiial Meth odist church a* the horn*1 .if Mrs. H. Carl M •«>*•*. 3:31) Marie Stevenson circle of Boyce Memorial ARP church at Iho home of Mrs. 13. I). Rat ternn*. .3:.3t» Circle " of First Presby terian church a* me humi' "f Mrs Annie I ee Neisler, York road 7:3n Circle s of Central Meth odist church at the hone of Mrs. M. C. Poston. 7:.’ln Junior Woman’s eluii nt the Woman's «lub. Hostesses: Mrs. Glenn Ktters ami Mrs. Shu ford Peeler. 7: .3* > Circle ’ of First Presby terian church at the home of Mrs. J. H. Thomson ;<ix W. Mountain street. 7:3i) Circle ! of First Presby terian church a* the h >mo of Mrs. B. W. Gillespie, 1(*,3 S. PiisIm.Snt Avenue. S:ts» Circle of First Presby terian church at the home of Mrs. Paul K. Aits.f\. ltt K. King street. T in Ktlaii: 0:3fl am. F ora Hailiday cir ■le of Boyce Memor’al ARP hurch at the Lome of Mrs. Don old Crawford. Wrdttisilnit: !>:30 a.ei C -le 2 of Central ehurch at the home of Mrs. J. It Davis 9:3f» Circle J of Central Mcthndi i ehti’i h at the home of Mrs. J. It Davir 10 a.m. Cir. le .3 of First Pres hvterian church at the h >me of ■Mis. If. R. Neisler. ,3.3s Kdgemon! drive. 10 a.m. Circle t> of First Pres byterian the home of Mrs. James Rollins in Grover. Baity-Hewkins Invitations Issued Invitations r ndSng os foil »ws are being issuee in Kings Moun tain: Mr. a ml Mrs. James Fit oat Baity rcijiti st tin honor of your presence <it th( marriage of thiir daughter Knit Frances to Mr. Thomas /tore flaw’, his ■a Fumlay. the ninth of Fibruary at IS o’clock noon First W esleyan Methodist Church Finns Mountain. Xorth Carolina Chicken Tops Plentiful Food List Plan to out chicken on the ta ble often during February. It tops the nlentiful food list for the month. Also featured are pecans, whir h are m record supply this year,1 reports Miss Gay nolle Ho-in. consumer marketing specialist tor the Agriculture Intension Service at N. t\ State. The 19K3 crop report inch -a’es pror' jctiun at 29(1 million pounds. Add to this the other plenti ful* — bee!, pork, canned corn, potatoes, canned ripe olives and apples — and you have lots of •ood. inex|M-nsive eating riurinit February. Miss Hogan says the array of meat items is broad and gener ous. The It. S. Department o! Agriculture statisticians say that ll> |>er ivnt more broiler fryers will be marketed dorir r the month than a year ago. Beef .sup plies. they say. will also be to per cent above year earlier levels and will continue larg.- for the next few months. Also look for record supplies of pork chips, roast- and hams Along with th:s selection of red meats and poultry, homemakers will have no trouble with menu planning during February. To round out their meals, there are the always plentiful potatoes. Supplies of canned <"orn remain at record levels. Prices at the re- 1 tall markets are favorable so now is a good time to serve corn often and to stock the pantry shelves. And for an extra touch to your menu, serve canned ripe olives. There is a record supply and Prices should be reasonable. Pucci To Speak To Junior Club J>>s«* Ptieei. Kings M ountain ex-; change student from Argentina, w .11 present th > program at Most »lav night's Junior Woman’s club meeting at 7:30 at the Woman’s rlub. A high schoo' senior. Tueci will talk on his native country. He will speak on i program arrang ed by Miss Ja< kle Wanton. viiv president. In K.ngs Mountain this vear Pucci makes his home with ' the family of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Clteshire. Co-hostesses for the regular meeting w 11 he Mrs. (ilenn Kt tors and Mrs. Shuford Peeler. -•O T Sgt. and Mrs. Rav Carroll ami suits, Edwin and Timmy , visited Sunday with th« ir parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Karris and Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Carroll. The Carrolls art* stationed in Sumter, & C. •Jirabeth Stewart, Editor Phone 739-5441 EXGAOEMSXT ASSOVNCED Mr. and Mr*. G. R. Hoyle announce the < nguyement of their daughter, Billie Jean, to Joe Dam • Reinhardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Reinhardt. Both families are of Kings M aintain. The wedding will be an event of February Ust. ! Mrs. Cheshire Heads Woman's Club, New Officers Elected Monday Night , Mrs rohii Citesiure has boon elected oresidont of the Kings Mountain W in: n's club for 1961 6V She will su ceed Mrs. Aubrey Mauney. The new officers were elected as highlight o' the regular Mon day night club meeting at which member* heard William Kay. high s 'too! outdance counselor, is ,; speaker. .Mr. Kay stress ed particularly the guidance of high school seniors in preparation for college and the part the pa rent ;!a\- it the role of a guid ance counselo* Other officer who will be in stalled along \s i» h Mrs. Cheshire in May are: Mrs. W. Eugene McCarter, first vice-president. •Mrs. Jacob Cooper, second vice president. Mrs. Paul Hendricks. treasurer. Mrs. A no Haas, correspond ing secretary. Mrs. ScatT Morrison, club edi tor. Mrs. W. L. Mauney, program chairman, presented Mr. Kay sand Mrs. George H Thotrasson. vice president. presided in Pie absence <if Mr.-. M.tu.iey who is in Hick ory a! t id’ng the annual meeting of United Chu!\h Women. Mrs. .1. ii. A hur pre-ented th” report f the nominating com mittee. The ; • w officers will sci ve a iv.u-ycur term. Mrs. Robert lilier and Mr*. J. K. Willis shant! hoste-s duties. Refreshments vere sen ed afler the program. Cochran? Wed in Texas R:te? Ann»un . pin is n-.ado by SM ' Sgt. aiid \lr*. Karl Wesley Bur ner of San Antonie, Texis of the marria ;e of their daughter, San dra Dean, t > Sp t Roy Benjamin Co -hran. son of Mr. and Mrs. Admiral Dewey Cothran of tiro ver. The wcddin ’ took place on Do cem ’ Ith at f p.m. in the Com mun:t> Inited Church of Christ in San ADtonio. The hi ide \ -ar graduated from Sam II uston high school in San Antonio end a'tended San An tor. o Commercial college. She .* cm ploy oil as -> secret ary-clerk at the Bexar County courthouse in San Antonio. The bridegioom was graduated from C -ntr.d ted high school at Blacksh irt*. S. C. aftid attended Southeast! n College of Te*hno logy in Atlanta (I». Tie ncwlywctis are living at .112 Observation Dr.. Apartment 2. in -San Antonio. Card Party Benefit Set Kin's .\lount£;n brdge players are imitot! t.i make up their own tables for a benefit card party Saturday, February nth. beginn ing at S n.m. «t the Woman’s dub. Tiie Kings Mountain Heart Ftirot Drive, «h!.li officially bo Kins Febr.tnr. ist, will lienefit from the os t\ Te-‘t t< will be $2 ’ter player and ■■■. : \s are asked by Febnnry I tth by tele pho . Tig 7.I!)-S35. Players are Hso nsV\! to fur nish their own cards. Refreshments will be served between progressions and prizes will be awardee high scorers. Magnolia Club Met Tuesday Mrs. Doris Bennett was hostess Tuesday morning at her home to members of tlvj Magnolia Carden club. A program planning session1 featured the meeting, as mem-: hors outlined program plans for! the year and discussed plaits for a membership drive to invite' prospective garden club mem bers. Mrs. Hairy Jaynes presided. At refreshment time Mrs. Ben-; nett was assisted in serving cake and coffee. Yarbros Announce Arrival Of Son Mr. and Mrs. Xod T. Yarbro announce the arrival of their first child, a boy, Tony Douglas. Janu ary ISth. Kings Mountain hos pital. Mrs. Yarbro is Ihe former .Scot- j ty Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Wilson ot Kings Moun tain. Mrs. Mauney, Mrs. Haas Attend UCW Meeting Mrs. Aubrey Mauney and Mrs.' Amu liaas represented Kings, Mo'.intain chu* eh women at a| three - day meeting Monday — Wodne-day of the lGth annual meeting of Ended Church Wo-1 men. a depat moot of the North CanriSna Conn iI of Churches. The meeting was held in Hick ory. Mrs. Mauney, first vice-presi dent uf the organisation, was pro gram ehiirman. Overall theme mr the meeting was "The Church Ecumenical. Its Ministries." Serve Barbecue Oysters For Cold Weather Treat January brings crisp, cold wea ther and the desire for new sup per ideas that fit fight budgets. Here's a thrifty new oyster recipe designed for cold, cold January and February. It's “Bar bee Scalloped Oysters." a steaming hot casserole, so eco nomieal because six people dine hardily on the pint of oysters. Serve the family or for a party. | Go barbecue snack wafers (*a of lOii o7. package available* at I most grocers) 1 cup melted butter or marga rine 1 pint small oysters '« cup milk 'a teaspoon salt Extra barbecue snack wafers for the edge, optional Break wafers coarsely with finger-; toss with melted butter or margarine and set aside. Drain oyster- and reserve the licpiid. Place about *3 crumb mixture in layers in bottom of shallow cas serole. about six cups it.pacify. Cover with oysters and top with remaining crumbs. Combine oys e: Mould with milk and stir in salt. Pour evenly over tip. If de-! si t’d slide a few whole oysters around sides to mnke a scalloped edge. Bake in slow oven )325 de grtgs F) about 25 minutes, or un til IpompMteiy hot and slightly iTiJly OHfMtDp. Yield: six servings. If desired make in six shallow individual Book Review Foa+uros Baptist WMS Program The Women** Missionary So ciety ot Second Baptist church reviewed Mrs. Bradlej Allison's hook, "Northwest and Midwest.” at their regular monthly itohI ing. Mr*. Ruth King led the pro gram, assisted by Mr*, firotgc Julian. Mrs. J. II. Robhs. Mr*. Gertrude Ware, Mrs. Dot Robbs. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. S. O. Kirby. Mrs. Merck and Mrs. McAbee. Mrs. Ivey Lankford had the opening prayer and Mr*. Gertrude Ware presided in the abaence of Mrs. Katie Pruitt, president. Mrs. Bertha Rogers and Mrs. Owenaby were oppointed Inter mediate GA counselors by the society which aiso heard the reading of minctcs by Mrs. J. W. Gladden and conducted other matters of routine business. A prayer for missionaries con cluded the program. Clubwomen Help Testing Program Some 20.000 North Carolina clubwomen ar.- being asked to help officials obtain chemical testing programs for drunk driv ers in communities throughout the state. Mrs. James >1. Harper, Jr. of Southport, president of the N. C. Federation of Women’s Clubs, lias written ni'.re than .TOO local presidents. Her letter suggests these steps: It Combine v/ith alt women's clubs ii the community to learn about North Carolina's chemical testing law. 2* As a unite).! front investigate the local official's plana to ini tiate a testing program. 3> If local governments cannot afford the cost of machines or of sending personnel for free train ing. raise the necessary funds. 4t Voice support for testing so the program will he applied con sistently. The State Highway Patrol has announced it will offer the test to persons accused of driving un der the influence only where the test is available from local law enforcement units. Mrs. Peggie Sharpe, Women's Field Repn-sentotivp of the N. C. Traffic Safety CotOrcil, said that about one half of the nation's drivers killed in accidents had been drinking A new North Carolina law passed by the i9o3 General As sembly states that a person is presumed to he under the influ ence when the alcohol in his blood reaches .10 per cent. The law specifies that breath is the <(nly bodily substance to be tested by lnw enforwment of ficers. The breath testing instru ments cost about 9600, Mrs. Sharpe said. Operators for chemical testing devices must complete 44 hours of instruction. The training is be ing conducted at Industrial Edu cational Cent err without charge. Local governments would pay only for the travel, food and lodging of personnel during the week-long course, Mrs. Sharpe saiii. Mrs. Harper's letter combs in the wake of the first statewide women’s safety seminar held in Kaleigh Wednesday. More than 300 women civic leaders met in conjunction with the Third Annual Meeting of the N*. C. Traffic Safety Council. Chemical testing was one of the areas emphasized during the pre sentation of North Carolina's plan to reduce accidents. Mrs. Sharpe said. Mrs. Whit# Hostess To Baptist Cirdo I Mrs. Ethel White was hostess Monday night at her home to members of Circle 1 of Second Baptis ehurch. Mrs. Katie Pruitt led the pro gram. "Citizens of Two Worlds.” and the eight members sang the hymn. "Have Faith In God." Mrs. J. H. Robbs offered the evening prayer and Mrs. Gertrude Ware. Mrs. Bertha Rogers. Mrs. John Gladden and Mrs. Emmie Ben field participated in group dis cussion of the program theme. Mrs. S. O. Kirby presided over a brief business session after which the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Kirby, served refresh meant The February 24th meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Katie Pruitt. Club Will Serve Sunday Dinner The Woman's Club will serve Sunday dinner to the interested public- Sunday beginning prompt ly ai 12 noon in the dining room of the clubhouse, E. Mountain street. Meal tickets may be purchased from any club member or by contacting Mrs. W. T. Weir, tic kets chairman. Tickets are SI JO for adults and $1 for children age 11 and under. There will be choice of broiled chicken and baked ham served with rccesaorles. Those with advance tickets will be serv ed promptly at 12 noun, others without ticket? may purchase them at 12:30 and will be served promptly thereafter. Mrs. Paul Mauney, Mrs. John Cheshire and Mrs. Lawrence Lohr are memtmv cd the kitchen-din ing room committee for the cMb to Rainbow Girls Install New Officers, Becky Stowe Is Named Worthy Advisor Bn tv Sttnvv Becfcy Slowe, high sthool wn ior, and daughter of Mr. and i Mr*. C. F. Stove*, Jr., was install ! : **d aa Worthy Advinor of Kim's Mountain Aaaembly, Order of! Rainbow for Oirl*. Sunday after noon in public in*taliation cere monies at Mamnir Hall Serving aa msl ailing of fleers wt*re Mr. and Mr*. D. E. Tate ! Mr*. Paul Walker, and Mianesj Mary Wright and Joan MrClure. | Mr* Walker i< Worthy Matron of Kinfis Mountain Chapter 123. Or der of Eastern .“tar. which «p*>n sore the RalntfW organi/ation The Tate* are mi trier advisor* in the Order amt Misses McClutc amt Wright arc former Worths Advisor* amt Rainbow Girls. In ad<liti<(n tc Ml** Stowe, olh er offi»er* foi lPt>l will include Connie Dixon. Worthy Assih i ate Adviaor. Charily. Linda Sherrer Hoi*'. Kathy Klliwn, Faith. Indie tvey. Treasurer. Libby Alexander. Chaplain. Jimiv Morrison. Drill Leader. Donna Kaker Rainbow Girls appointed in var if hi* station* by Mi** S* <we will include: Love, Joan Kiig. Religion. Vickie Petty. Nature, Joyce Dixon. Fidelity, Kota Phifer. Patiiotism. Norma King. Service. Teresa Jolley. Confidential Observer, Jane Culp. Outer Observer. Rita Kell. Choir I>1 rector, Sandra Lynn. Musician, Flr.ine Dixon. Choir mpr.oci*. Gail Price, i Jean I>avi*. Ccmillc Leonard. Del Goforth. Ann Sander* o'«u! Linda < Robert*. Mr*. I. C. Dnvi* is Moiher Ad visor to the Rainbow Girls. Night In Miami Club Party Saturday Country I'll b memliers and their g-.iests v. Ill dine and dare • Saturday at r gala •Or,:- Night In Miami" Out Night. Sharing host amt hostess duties i for the evening will he Mi. and •Mrs. K. S. Ilorrison and Mr. and. Mrs. Jack White. The club ballroom will be fes tive with pair, trres and small tables will hoio miniature orange and lemon trees. The Florida mo til will be featrred m decor as well as the dinner menu. A buffet table will hr- filled with trays of baked red snapper, shrimp newburg. roast beef, fresh) citrus salad, key lime pie and royal coconut pie. Following dinner at 7 p.m. the Butldy Estes Band from Itock Hill, S. C. will provide music for dancing. Reservations are requt sled by noon Saturday Club Announces Social Calendar Kings Mountrin Country Club has announced a schedule of so cial activities tor members an«l quests during the month of Feb-J ruary. hid tiding: Saturday, February 1st: "One Night In ,Mian-‘" Club Night and special Florida buffet. Music for dimeing will be provided by Hud . dy Estes and Orchestra and res j 1 ervations are asker by noon Sat urday. Hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. [Searr Morrison and Mr. anti Mrs. Jack White. February 9: Sunday smorgas bord buffet. Family dinner. $1.7.5 I for adults and $1.25 for children. Reservations liv Saturday .» p.m. | February llth: Valentine's Day j 'Family Ntglu supper. Barbecue! with all the ti.mming. $1.2:5 for adults ami $1 for children. Re* ervations by noon Frida} February 19: Ladies' Bridge.' luncheon. 10 a.m. $1.50 per per- i son. Reservation* by 5 p.m. Tues day. Febtuary 22nd: Supper featur-) ing George Washington Day mo ; tif. Reservation., by noon Satur-' I day. February 2Cth: Stag Night, j Steak supper beginning at 7 p.m. Neisler Twins h Me Birthday David and Hayne Neisler, twin aon* of Mr. ami Mr*. Henry Nei* ler. celebrated their fifth birth day* Wednesday afternoon at a Cartoon Carnival party for 21 children The party, held at the Neialer home, featured the showing of! numerous cartoons, including “FlinUtones” and "Three Stoogbs.'' The youngsters munch ' ed on popcorn as they watched! I the movies. Walt Disney bubble | ! pipe* were given as favors. Two birthday vakes, one decor ated with Mickey Mouse and the, other as Donald Duck, centered the refreshment table. Party re1 freshments were served. Grandoarents of Dovid and Hayne are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neialer, Sr. of Kinga Mountain j *nd Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bigger* of Charlotte. Mrs. C. E. Nesller, Sr. is the paternal gitat grandmoth B:rth Announcements Mr. an.I Mr« liuhy Dnlan. Bessemer City, announce the birth of ,i - irt. Wednesday, .lantt irv 22 Kings Moititiiiii hospital Mr. anil Mr; Harold Foster. Route 1. drover, announce the hirth of a s a. Thursday, Janu ary 23. Kings Mountain hospital Mr. and Mr: .lo»- Mill Mauney, route 1. announie the hirth of a son. Friday. January 2*. Kings Mountain hosp'ial. Mr. and Mr;. Morris White, route 1. Cherry* ille. announce the hirth of a son. Saturday. January 27. Kings Mm titain hospital. Mr. and Mi J. N. Crawford. Jr., route !, announce the birth of a son. Sunday. January 2«. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Bowen, route 2. announce the hirth of a son, Monday, January 27. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Wells, route 1. York road, announce the hirth of ;• son. Monday. January 27, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny drayson Belk. 110 'Vaco road, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday. January 27. Kirg* Mountain hos pital. Mr. a'od Mr:. Willie nun vans. Jr., K>7 First street, announce the hirth of a son. Tuesday. Jan uatv 28. Kings Mountain hospital. Mrs. Rollins Hostess To Contract Club Mrs. Jim Rollins ontsrla&inl •nemheis of the Contract Bridge* rlub at her linn:;' in Grover Tow clay afternoon. Mrs. |\ A. Kran -is, Mrs. Jambs Scruggs ami Mrs. Gordon Myers were invited t.i j |-i\ with rogulai Huh members. High score'i t<>r the afternoon •rkl_>o games was Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Scruggs pl.e-ed second. Tallies were laid for refresh ments al the he'inning ot the party Kid the- hostess Has assist eel in sell-ini' :i ele'ssert course. Trwett Moore return* Thursela\ ttoday» to Rale :j;h where he' is a freshman at a. C. State, lie has iieen s|w betwec>n-sc>tnc*ster holidays with his parents, Rw. and ,\lie. Gt'ory-p Moor#'. THOMSON & McKinnon Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and other leading Ex changes 110 Liberty Life Building Charlotte, N. C. IN KINGS MOITNTAIN Dial 739-2631 for information on any stock that interests' you. (No toll charge) MARK KANE, Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative 1:23tfn Bryaer Insnaoce Agency DIAL MA 9-3502 DVSUBANCE FOB YOUR EVERY NEED LIFE • HEALTH • AUTO FIRE 119 E. Vo. Are. — Beseem* CRB BHQBKD SISK - FAST FB-I — WB FINANCE TO FAy/

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