%rover Community Program Group Held Regular Meeting On Monday The firm‘ i Community Ini provetnent I’togram met Mon day nifth* at ih< Grover School, i All peoj le vh.i won* inti'mtrd in the Improvement of their com munity won* a-lid to mu id. Itev anil Mr*. Steve Iluntl<*\ Amount* thi* hirih of a son Sfi*i> hen Jay Huntley, January 23 The Huntleys live m Atlant i Mrs. Ilnntley was Hie former Catherine Man'hrivjht. Mr. and Mrs It. C. Tate was Sunday afteniuou visitors in the home of Mrs !,. <r Randall and Ira. Mr. and Mr 15. F. Bird s|*»n» Thursday in Oi eruv ille with Mr. and Mrs. J. I*. Bird. On Tuesday M's, .\mi West moreland and llilli Roark went 11 o tin* Veteran ilos|i:ta> Colon irta. to bring .1 !•" !(*••-.,» moreland home after eight weeks there. Mrs. M. C. Itarain, ireuse Me ther at Bnririm Springs rum* home on Friday and let onus I oi, Sunday afternoon. Mr*.’ Lillie .V: »• Rollins. Mi VV. S. Ifieks. Ml and Ml.-. Ne - ^MU>hi*ler. anti I . thy and Irirrhai ■ ■P tiall.iev s;»*iii Sunday •• ^sTinn Saleri v.itlr Mi F a k Smithdeal. '/.nr' and I rank! Virginia le ik.is. -indent at Lees-SleRae • mmo fot the weekend. Miss S-nili t 1‘.'|l troni I! leieh anti Jim.- y Shii..e\ who i employ >'d in itelei a sj ent the weekend with Mis. Shirkey Ralph Tucket ^ FOR Cleveland County REGISTER OF DEEDS DEMOCRATIC primary MAY 30. 1964 I CHALLENGE YOU TO RFCIS TEH AND VOTE. LET'S DO IT THE DEMOCRATIC W-” e Capable O Qualified # Willing and Rilp't. Mr- Kunier Norman has gem*1 to Columbia V« teran* Ji->*■[., t.11 to Ho willi her mother who had an oj>eratiou on Monday. Mr and Mrs. Lee Pruitt. Janet and Mr. and Mrs. II. !•". Ifandall s|>.'rit Sunday at Veterans Hospi tal Otern with James Long. Lee's hrot her. Mr. II II. lietknell »«rr.e hom» on Tuesday aftir four weeks at • hi* Veterans Hospital at Colnm hia. Mrs. otjv Wiight and famiiv -pent Su nla> v.ith Mr. anti Mis Krnest .lenkin; in tJastonia. Sun da\ night the Otis Wright fami l> sited w i * It Mr \V. Wright • nd daughters in Kllerit'oro. Mis .1. |{. |*» lemon is spending •nil lime with Mrs. YV. K. Davis On Sunday visitors in the Dave home were Mr* Itoshel Peterson and Charles. \tr. and Mis. Jaek Holton and M*- and Mrs. Lewi• t» vetis. all fro.-r. (laffney. Mrs. ! Oilier* Brown from Lin ■ onion. »la., will s|end several weeks i*i ihi* home of hei sister. Mrs. C na Canv. Mis Slough T. Wright was ad tnitied to the Kings Mountain hospital I’m sdiiy and had stir *i*iy on I'riday M - Mau'li* 1 tami i k will sm-nd •nt* time v.it i Dr. anti Mrs il vie ; i t oliin.1 ia. Mis N i Guffey has ^unc i< K !! -I (V\ 1111-. Wii'k to tie with Mi rid Mrs. Ralph Mill' i. '■h II. 1 - m is li <ini' aftet i sit t!i \|r. and Mrs. Mr L-i .r.i .ir.rt fumih Great Kails Mrs. .1. I lit rnd >n is with her daughter Van* this veek in Kanna;«*lis. 'nv Re\. tl. V. Smith returned home froir. Moultrie, fin.. Monday night after a « -ek's visit with the Rev. and \t s .1. C. Kdwards .limmv Fortenberry has accept ed work with the Duke I’owet Company in Charlotte. Mr. and M s. i'\)iioni:ot i\ and family w ill in >ve t > Charlotte by April 1. Mis Vlarj i >u Collins, Rickey Alien ind .Mi.-. Ah e Bridges ipei : Mont it in Winston Salem going rsjMs iall. to bring Gary Collins home u s| end between semester h did..y> with his mo t irt*r. Mrs. Minnie l.ou Dale. Susie Dale. Dot is Whitmire, anil son l{. key of Ga.nesville. Gr., was weekend jues* of the Rev. and Mrs. II. V. Smith and Roiert. ICdd e Tesse'.'er. student at X. C. Slate collegi _ son of Mr. and Mis. r k. IVssenor is home to spend Is-tween M-mestm holidays. M.md t\ m;;h" fire at the Gro ver school rawed minor smoke damage to thi I..aiding .iut 'negli gible damage by fire. A tubed xtr m the fi:rn.ne had been left ajar .uid the flatr.e-- trom the furnace ignited the wooden walls of the coal lain. Winn-Dixie Notes Sales Increases JACKSON VI:.LK. I'LA <a»es mnrrtnl oy Vinn-Dix.p Storex 'Ini in*; the 2*< v <t-k pet iml I'tiiliil Januaiv !1 slumed nn im-roNM* of ! 16 pen ent ii. it ihi* .•orrespond iHK period a \i ;;i ajin. A total salei volume uf $161. 759.060 fm Ihi*; year's 2Swi«ek period surpassed last year's $H2. |»y $1:1.721'.550. Sales during I hi* l-weel; period ending Jiinuaii II totaled $7o 172.116 ; > eninpared with $67 SLTHKi «liirin*4 Ihi* mi n spondbig lioriod of 1953. an inerease of $2s."ix.|5i or 1.2:1 jM*r<i*nf. Winn Dixie laming* aftei tax es (iurb)K Ii)*- 2s week per. denil '■il January I? iitalcd 5P.s25.66h. whiph irpresoiiled a |a*ri pniai’i' 10 sal«*s oi 2.13 and earnings per mmmon sharp of 7s reiits. ’Phis tsimimrtHi t.a i .>i nin^s after taxi's of $s.S_'7.a-V{ jl;., iujr Ihi* 2.S meek jii r.• ** 1 i-lldisl January 12 .1963. wlii. ii repri enteil a laTiflltlXi' to sales .if 2.Dii and earning* per loninuMl sharp oi 7h rents. Shari s outsi .ndins: on .fanuary 11 amounted to 12.6I2.7.VI com pared to J2.671.tl2 <ii January 12. 1963. Winn-Dixie rim o|«*rntes a to lal of 022 n'tal: shin** and eight wholesale units compared to 601 retail stores and eight wholesale units a year ago. Colored News Mis*. \|ni y Karnes and Mis* Betty Barnhill stn-trtits ai Win ston Salem i eachotcollege -pent tar* week with M-ss Barnes parents Mr. and Mrs. Il nlm I Itaiwv T1h*\ i el timed Monday*. 'Hie Kiii;:j Mountain Home De monstration eltn met at the home ol Mrs .Ii»hn Bell and e!ei led new officer* for ifX’.l. They are Mrs Alberta Thor.ihs. ; resident: Mrs. Sarah Malinin:* first vice presi dent; Mrs. Willie A. Marable. wh: ond vice-president: Mis. Nina Milchem. si-eretary. Mrs. Victoria lie*', assistant secretary; arid Mis. p> >mtll\ Idward. Iteaslire; IVmonsfratioiv were or. bul-j in” and i leal planning. Tin* Women’s Society ol t’iiris tian Service of Si. Paul Metho dist . .inieh will meet Sunday af ternoon at I o’clock at the home of Mrs. Kugenia Brown, ini W. Kin ; street. «• The PJelette Gospel singers of Gastonia will sponsor a program Sunday night ;.t 7:3d at Shady Grove Baptist church. There will i>e groups from North and South Carolina on the program. There will i«* service of com munion Sunday morning at By num’s Chapel AMK Zuci church. Therew ill h • an educational program Sunoay afternoon at 3:.’to at Bynum Chapel AMK Zion chureh aiiit the interested public is invited. All s. hools am! clan ■lies ar<- invited to Is- repiesented and to tiring greetings. .1 Metals Expert j Addresses Club Ba*t<- • heme try lextbo-ik* are being outmoded oy nrw nw*rch in nwals cit*m stry \V. K Drink aid. Jr. iv.rnty ncmhcts of tin* U'A Kp-.vth Clun at thr lliiltnia Klks Club Thursday night. S|* .h -tg iCi “Inorganic Chem-| istiy The Cm-mism of she i'll lull- . Di inkarJ described rapid advances in use <>f cominon me tal- and tllied elements in the pr *du tio;i id now commercial products Drink.irtl is Ij:oshU".I and He scarrli Man of Mineral Hr -oai ' i I r*o\i lopmonr Corpor ation d ('itioord and Charlotte, ri.o I.CA i: . •tch Club is a lo cal brn a-h of flu* Scientific Re search s H-ioiy (d America. Compounds o* copper. /inr. co ball. magnesium. iron lithium, fiickt*l and others art* essential to file manufm furt of a *7ide range of pioducis. Kx.imples nted were nickel lalalysls in preparation of lieanui lull ter. iron and lead com pounds as additives to gasolines and copper spits that combine pro|M*rties of agricultural fungi ides and fertilizers. Itroailtli of lot* field was illus trated h\ manufacture of synthe tic diamonds. i wines and sap phires. These | oii'sscs change a few cents * mil' of raw materials .1; i products xaltatl in hundreds of dollars a Jxiund, N<<‘d for metal salts in produc tion of ynihoilo resins waves a«ul : uIcmt, j.nr* |p making of, pla tic*. -ict« i i nts. anti-foaming agent a. .0 d glasses was suown. liioijjai:.- fii.-is a; * definitely 111 iho fur.ire, Drink-mi said. Oi jjanir tiis is amied ,n the ground decompose in a few we. k' nut in organic fiber.- such as asbestos have i»- . ai iir-tfl thousands of years Such fit ■ rs will be a boon to the housewife but a headache to the rarhage dis[M»sal man, he said. Joe Nelli. I‘iogram Chairman,; ik id that the LCA Hi •e.trcii C'luii lic<i engaged Dr. S. S. Cnldicli. of the U. S. Bureau if Siandards t> speak at a joint nt«-i ting v itlt the Piedmont Chap ter of t u- American Chemical Society >.t the Holiday Inn on W.lkinson l.lvd Kchruary 12. lits subjivl is “The A-.c of the Barth”. t •ii«-s!s if t . Research Club included Ken Highy, L\ S. Bu reaii of Mines. Wshin ;ton. D. C.. Morton Wong, C. S. Bureau of Mines. Boulder City. Nevada and John Bradhurn Ge<ugia Nucleai Lab. Division. Lockheed Aircraft. Oawsonville. Georgia. Brownie Scout Nows In Tii <op l»>i o' Contra I Metho dist ohurch «'.• plavcd records and we danoed. Our Troop lead ers ,«re Mrs. Charles Oofinth, Jr.. an<l Mrs. lio.-s. We ate hambur gers. potato chips a.rd pickles. Then- wore Is- -ill s.-outs count ing; our two lo:-tiers. We had two visitors Their names v.ere Tom my and Ci-uly. Our patrol leaders are Susan, I5.it> Joe and Teresa. I: k „ it ..<£1 big new V8 power *•4 CkftrlMm Ipti Cmm big new self-adjusting brakes CHEVY n by Chevrolet *•4 ChrvrB W»a ImHm Wa«M iou don t need a big car to get big performance. Not any more. You’ll quickly see why when you check the ’61 Chevy □. There an* two new higher performance opt ional-at-extra coat engine s for you to pick from. One is (’hevrolet's strapping 195-hp Turbo-Fire VS. The other is a new chrome-trimmed 155-hp Turbo-Thrift Six. New brakes match this power, too. Bijttjcr, to dissipate heat faster. Self-adjust mg, to save you money. Other easy rare features include Delootron generator and a fully alumi nized muffler. Chevy □ is smartly styled outside, comfortable inside. There are a lot of models to choose from. A lot of extra-coat If you vo got a mountain 10 climn or a truck to accessories to customize it just about any way pass, these are the engines that can leave either mhHLbw you’d like. And a whole lot of fun to look forward one safely behind you. In fact, tiiis new Chevy □ to. At a verv low cost. Test drive Chevy TT at packs a wallop everywhere hut in your wallet. your Chevrolet dealer's soon. You'll like it! THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS Chevrolet • Chevelle • Chevy O • Corvair • Corvette See them at itoiir ('h» rrolet Shtniroom RAILROAD AVENUE '» — II Hr.- J, VICTORY CHEVROLET CO. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Mb. Ncl 110 _ . — Which One For You ? miw»AT£D rimiCATiONS jnc dii.cm no. cn 4732 IUUS'»»T{0 ru».lCA’ ONS INC Of SIGN NO V 6336 DESIGN CN-4/32 Now’s Time To Get Ready.. ILLUSTRATED FU»..CAT!CNS INC DESGN NO K? 3?’A lUUSTtAHO PJSUCaTIONS INC DESIGN NO IS i22o 4 mmrmmmmmmmm Yes, now's the time to get ready for the home that's been in your dreams. Building season is just around the corner and the quicker you start the quicker you'll be enjoying the many benefits in comfortable living that a new home brings Need CASH? That's our business.more than 1200 Kings Mountain area citizens have loans at HOME SAV INGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, and the vast ma jority are for homes. You'll find we give promptest service on loan applications, can pare red tape to the bone, and can arrange terms to suit the needs of the particular borrower. If a home is in you* plans, come in to see us. You won't regret it. 2 CURRENT DIVIDEND ON SAVINGS PER ANNUM DEPOSITS BY FEBRUARY 10 EARN FROM FEBRUARY 1. OPEN AN ACCOUNT Home Savings & Loan Assn. Plenty of FREE Parking Space — Use oar Drive-In Window THOM its A. TATE. Sec.-Treas. DR. J. E. ANTHONY. Pres.

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