Heart Month Is Underway ork;:n:p.oro -ir« official," Mvs I .!. Six HU !.ovc. North C'iiiolilit < ‘li.ii’-p’-i i for I hr 1!Wil 11*11 i-’ii'Ml . mi | i gn. Fchneiiy t ii.nkiil Ihi himk nr Atneriian lle-iri Month, olli. uill. design Med for tlw-fil si 11m«* by the* Congn s of the I'nit ed Stales, anil i Ifi- :illv pi M laim ed als . f ii Hi;, first limi* h> the 1*1' ...dent. Tar 11'*«.| . Ii...i man Mis. Love, of tirivns’oio. notes thr fight a gainst jfa*, ho; it diseases has of III !"l Mill potiula Sjp|MI| t hut “greatly increased -upimii is nerdisl frorr. Murphv to Man list.'' President l.yidci ft. Johnson, Ion;; an .i<‘ti\i- and influential figure hi ih< f h: against lieart ant hlood vessel disease*. which are now responsible for more than r»l per it tit of all deaths in this country. V.i-1 week signed a l>ro<tarnation in which he uig<*d the |H>i)p|(. of the t'nited States to “£i\e heed to the nation-wide pro Idem of the heart and hlood vi* sol diseases." and to sup|iort the programs reouired to In ing about its solution. During American Heart Month the American Heart Association., its affiliates and chapters, ore! conducting the 16th annual Ffeart Fund Campaign. M J. Kathbonr. Hoard chairman ol Standard Oil New Jersey, is National Cam paign chairman. The campaign will he carried forward in more' than 6JVKI Ann r.can communities reaching its climax on the week end of Heart Sunday, Fehniary 23. when more than I.TntMitrt Heart Vol antes >> will visit tiicji neighbors to distribute heart guardin ' infor.’-ati.in rt-nl to re eeive Heart Fund mnti .hution. , Mrs. I.yndott I!. Johnson, the! First Lady. wcl lie serving tier fit st term A itional Honorary Heart Sunday Ch.iirma;i a pasl tion fill'fl earlier In \»rs John IV Kennedy a;id Mt^. Dwighl D. Ki senhowet. In his proclamation. President or John Worliek Wesley Bush "Dad w as vi rv anK: > because m> Valent ne brought me home late front thi** dr.nce. so he pitch IhI hint out tho ilour anil dawn the steps. \nw dad ts wondering whetlfr his ! erennal Liability insurant-.* co\er: hint for such a Voluntary ad. p ies ji *" Consult the C. E. Worliek Insurance Agency. Phone *39 3611. Johnson sirvpw-fl tin* fact ihal miiri' than oh half of the ten million Ameru ms a’Mi-titl by tin* cardlovasre'ar dis* jhm are stricken durin, their m< <1 pro ductive years, •hereby <.iiising staT-tot !n?f filiy lord an*l c< womlf loss ■’ lie a! o cmpl wsi/ed Hu- hopeful side of the pieli'ie, jm.’.ilin : "Ut Dial exp.ifide- t ie ear. It Iras con Iri ailed improvod methods of l.reven! on. ilia- nosis and treat ment, while “sithsiant d progress in combating II" isc diseases i-- be mt; made l>\ co m prehen s"ve <*du rational anil rommiinil.’- I*' ’S coins whieli hn\e brough" about swift amt whit* dissemination ami use of improved methods (Jains, he nuiii. have tesulted ’largely from the teamwork be tween the American Heart Asso c ation, its chapter* and affili ates. and the Federal Government pat Initially the Public II«»Hh Service IhtiiUih the National Heart lnstitutt and the Heart Disease Contra' Program ” It was in December that both Houses of Congress, without a dissenting vole approved a joint res ilution desi'Mioting the m ftith of Feiirtutry .*i each year as ’A mcrican Heait Month." Tile reao 1 ution directed public attention to the scope and magnitude of the problem. atthori/inR and requesl in gibe President to issue an ap propriatr proclnmation. It als •; invited Governors of the State and territories to issue proclama tions. and urged the v' rneilean people to give their fullest sup port to the fight against heart and blood vessel disease. Tlie resoluion w as sponsored in the House by Representatives John Fogarty «1». II I W iliam( St. Onge. i|).. Conn.i and R I. j For lest ;-r iD. Ga.'.and in the; Senate by Sen; tors I inter Hill' • I>_. Ala.' and l-Nerott M. Dirk srti IR.. III.'. Last month, in a While House ceremony, the Presidi "it eonfei red the American I lea it Associa tion's I lean-o:'-the-Vear Award on Vice \dmirnl 11. *». Kickover, widely known as “the father o* the atom c navy," who suffered a heart attack in IW1 and six week- later rcTuined to his key rale in the nation's se airily svs tcm. President Johns si himself rc reived the lleai t-of-tbc-Year A ward in 1T.0. lie w is then Senate Majority l.cadci The award wa conferred unon him hv President Dwight D. iJ.senhowcr. now Honorary lioanl Chairman of thr American lleait Asms kit.on. Hie Hearl-of-the-Year Award plaque is one of the few mementos dis played in President J-rmsiii's of flee. G-W Registers For New Classes Gardner Webb College has registcrisl a total of l>-»2 -students for the .ass: id ? mestcr of scIkkiI with the pOBsilii'ity of others en tering before PViruary 11. There an* 32 readmit-hits. 13 new stu dents. .id evenin' college students, and 507 c tntlru.ng students. Registration lor ela es will lie held open for any who w is'i to register for day or evening col lege until February 11. The stu dent register.ng must attend classes on February 11. All makes, all models, all priced low to go! Buy ’em for a song, folks, at our Used Car Hootenanny now! 'S3 CHEVROLET BEL AIR $2295 4 Door — V-8 '62 COMET - 4-Door.$1495 WW Tiros — St. Drive '62 MERCURY MONTEREY $1295 4-Dr.. V • 8 Power Steering Air - Conditioned *62 CHEVROLET IMPALA.$2195 2 Dr. Hardtop — Black in Color •«* COMET.*1495 4-Dr. Automatic V RAMBLER.$1395 4 - Door '61 THUNDERBIRD.$2595 Full Power — Air Conditioned — Local C8r *99 FORD.$1295 V • B. Automatic '59 FORD GALAXIE.$1995 2-Dr. Hardtop. Auto — V-8 '59 CHEVROLET IMPALA.91295 4 Dr. Hardtop — Local Car Southwell Ford "The South Largest uhh Ford Decrier'* 910 SHELBY ROAL PHONE 739-4742 Local Students In ASfC Society BOONE Thor#' ;uo fourteen (,'HTland County students at Ap palachian Slat*- T(«chm College who are irtivr in th** National Education As-o*ixtiott. According to Dr l*!’** and .loo Rry son. aponaora. The mcm,>ei ship of this organization on the Al-HX' i ampus iiumhwf Mf< The Clevelan*. County students are as follows- Brenda Cook**. Votonioa Davis Donnis (Jlascoe. Carolyn Grays-n. Stephen Grigg. Stephen Hatrli, Mary Johnson. Itotxs <*a Kizer, Mary McSwain. Dianna Neal. Frances Shehan, Michael Waul Susa* Whisnant. ifii'l Barbara Wr.ghl. "Ilte Edward A. Alderman chap ter of the Kdtare Teachers of America is an active organization with the purpose of the develop ment of cloci'i friendship nnd of a broader professional outlook a mono prospective teachers. Programs for the* NEA rr.cct ings include- speakers and panel discussions cocf-crm-d with the topics of teaeh< rs and the com munity. e-.ieio of ethics for teach ers. studcnt-tccching. anil many ot hens. Celanese Wins Safety Award Celanese* Corporation of Am<*ri ca has anounccd that its Rock Hill, South Carolina Fibers limit has won the 19T.7 Harold Blaneke Safety Award The Blanche Award, named foi the corporation’s President amt Chief Executive. is given annual ly to the Celanese locating having art outstanding safety record and having cn&itritmted materially to the overall safety program of the corporation. As of December .71. 196.7. Hock Hill employees had worked 1 .lie!.7.0fH. hours without a lost tim.* injury The plant strrted its record on October 16. 1962. Thus. Rock Hill, which produce; acetate and Arno! triacetate fibers, had an injury fre*«* total of ITS consecutive day at the end of 1963. Harlan Trammell. Piant Man agor. said he was extremely proud of Roe-k Hill employees for their record-making performance. ••Winning this award is a real team-effort and refleets great cred t on everv man and woman in the plant.” .Mr. Trammell said The Celanese Safety Commit tee chooses the annual recipient from among its 22 plants, labor atories and terminals in the t’.iit ed States. The award is given for the hest overall safety perform ance. including the accident tec ord. training, orientation and to tal approach to safety indoctri nation. Each spring. Mr. Rlasicke per sonally presents the safety award plaque to the winning location. The 1962 winner was the Hous Heart Month Is Proclaimed By Governor Governor Tony Sanford today so' asttie February r.s lloart Month ni N'i'tth Catolina and urttiil hi- follow North Carolin ians to join h<m in a “Declaration ■ <f fn»lo|>ondenr r from Heart Dis i ease," Tho suoees.; of any such fleeter at ion, San fori* said, “depends more on follow p art ion than on mere words of determination.”! lie asked tho .state's oiti/ens “to, give of their leadership, time, energy, and money” to support ; the Heart Association's heart dis ease control programs in this stale. Kickin'; off the 1961 Heart Fund i ampaigr. which will bo eonduetod throughout North Ca ■ r-ilina in February, the Governor made referent-* to North Caro lina's famous declaration of In-' dependente of 1776. This state ment. known the Mecklenburg Declaration, vas “Important to the history of our state and na lion lfcau.se it rallietl our people, .it an important time, to the good' light which tin* time demanded." he said. “This 'Declaration of Independ •n< e from Heart Disease* is only I as good as our willingness to put our money and energy where ourj words anti wishes are." the Gov-1 ernor declared. Governor Sanford reviewed the research, eomn unity service anti educational programs of the North Carolina anti American Heart Associations. “North Caro linians are virtually concerned with the war against heart dis eases neing waged by the North Carolina Heart Association.” San ford stated. The state’s chief executive toll ed heart disease “our leading kill ■r .aid disable; " He pointed out “the high cost ot heart disease in North Carolina in human and economic terms" and noted that “four times as many North Caro linians will die during 1961 from heart ant! blood vessel disease as will die from cancer.” Congress provided last month for the annual designation of Feb ruary as American Heart Month anti. Sanford said. "I am happy to Join President Lyndon B. Joint son in calling tor this month long. indeed year-’round, effort for human hearts." t >n. Texas Polymer Plant. Seven other Ce la nose plants and laboratories had injury-free records En 196.1: Newark. Summit. Am cel Propulsion, Point Pleas ant. Belvidere, Clarkv.ood and Clark. They will receive certifi cates of commendation, each signed by Mr. Blancke. Telephone Talk by F. B. HOUCK WHAT LIFE WOULD BE Sometimes I wonder, what life would be It I were a telephone, instead of me. To sit on a table or hang from a wall ’o ride in a ear or not ride at all. To have a little booth all of my own ()i share a busy place with another telephone. To be a main phone and cover one space Or be an extension and move from place to place. To be a bright color, red. maybe yellow Or be a birthday gift for a girl or a fellow. To be a subtle black or a nice clean white To be a creamy ivory with a special night light. To have a tansy cord that whirls and curls That winds around your finger and pleases little girls. To be a princess with the latest in styles To help my owner dial away the miles. To be equipped with chimes, as if to say. “Someone is calling you. come this way.” To have a heart and always be there To help some lost child in his despair. To live In a mansion or live in a barn To warn people of danger in time of harm. To listen to the words which people exchange From one subject to another the conversations range. School work or house work may l>e the matter at hand Or a doctor or lawyer may be in demand. To fill these services surely 1 would be A very big help to my own community. Sometimes 1 wonder, what life would be If I were a telephone, instead of me. —Mary Madeline Falls 11th Grade, Ashley High School Houston Assigned To 197th Infantry Port Banning, Qa. (AirT.NO Array Pvt. Cp<H B. Houston, son of Mr. and Mr*, .lop O. Houston. Route 2. Pink Hill. N. C., wax as xiUtHtl to the lOTth Infantry Bri Tafte at Fort Rennin", Oa., In mid-January. Houston, a member of Com pany A. 1st Battalion of the hrl Kiulc's 38th Infantry. ba*ir train In?! at Fort S. C. rproivod Jackson. Boot imported into the 1 'nit* 'I State* is largely boneW* fro/«i lower grade hrpf suitable mninh ft. »iv n lh<> i.rwessed meal u, tins) ry la-vs than JO |iei cent llv ipr ported I«of fci 1963 was f fho bmo-Ki or ohitype. ft FOUNDER'S VALUE! “SUKH-RlOHT” HEAVY CRAIN FED BEEF men in this A» err. THROUGH SAT.. RTS till. T'BONE oi SIRLOIN AllCOOO 111 AMD MO. 1 SMOKED FtAVOOID SLICED BACON “1UMR-MGMT" QUAilTV SUCIO BOLOGNA anm '# 39c & 45c MIAOLCSS S DKtSSCD. FROZEN SEA BASS 10 k. S239 STOCK YOUR FREfcZER WITH "SUPER-RIGHT" } FRESH FRYER PARTS • bvas v49c thi.gh\.45c Drantticki Lb 39c Neck* & Sack* Lb 9c Winji Lb 25c CHOICE PARTS 45c (Guaranteed To Please You - i ANN PAGE * FINE FOODS •iacm /."iror or ptNumt PRESERVES 3 £ 79c ANN MU . IN TOMATO SAUCI M fP PORK & BEANS 4 - 4&C tTAHU RICULAt pi AH PUDDINGS 5 »» 33c 2-11. FKG. SUNNYFIILB TANCAKI BOTH RM FLOUR • 24c l-PT.-J-OY. ANN PASI BLFNMB SYRUP • 45c 69c 4l<uiftliom stainless steel »r THE wtrr iend co COOKWARE *if3 I OT. COVERED SAUCE PAN £ 5-■ •<*£* «**fc Ccwc jy.. _ c * 'Jo » - •*"<> you, 8Mr d,'plo>' *<* I I i I Pink Meat Crapefruit 5 Red Rome Apples 4 Raw Valencia Peanuts 2 * CO" IDA MOWN, JUICY TEMPLE ORANGES 2 - A&P Yellow Popcorn 2 - BAG f -Oft-MONTE — I -Lb. Cans — Halves or Siica* YILiCW CLING PEACHES I-lb. Cans 39c Outstanding Vatua' SLICIO NNUPHI 35c Dol-V.onto CRUSHKD hNIAmi TOMATO 2 CATSUP 14-0*. Bats. COON l-Lb.-l Of. Cans 39c $1. Mo. 2-1-U>. 4!^-0*. Con ILb.-4Vi 7Qr O*. Con MPV CUT 1-Lb. MANS Can 25c PCAS lO*. ’.u,. 23c i LARGE DRIED MUNIS la Sic PINEAPPLE JUICE ea 15c IjssjMJ Sultana Small OLIVES Atf froar CORN Small Stuffed *-Oz KLP Frown Cut ^lO-O» >n«t. 39c 25c 1MM. «*LVAM CANS *» tMMCI $1.89 "cSgSE" LB. I I I I I I L MIX or MATCH Stokely Cut Green Beans Stokely Shellie Beam Stokely Cream Cam Larsen'* Veg-AII Iona Peas and Carrots Sultana Whole Green Beans 6^*100 i i i i i ^ JANE PARKER BLACKBERRY or LEMON t-CCNT IAU ON PROTIX SOAP TO* MV ONLY 3«ft3l6 ! SfflE TRKN0 DRY DETlRGENT 2^ 39c TREND LlQUlO DETERGENT 2 - 59c WOOMttRY 3 32c SWEETHEART FACIAL SOAP * 11C“ 15c DUTCH I HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER 1 2^316 I

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