Mr. irnii Mm. Ru h'inl h'liQcm Shun Miss Sarah Cox, Richard Eugene Shaw Wed Sunday In Double-Ring Ceremony Kings M«un:; in Baptist church provided the f< Ming Sunday ai 3:3!» p.m. fm- an ex hange of vw.» ui Mis Sarah Ellen Cox of Kin >i”um .11 and Rich ard Kiisjni, Shaw of Brooklyn. New York. Re\. Mario Our?-isc heard the couple j>|iil ;c liic vows of tile double-1 ;ii < ceia-mony. Mrs. .1 (■ l;> d-'cs was organist for a |n»gra n "f 1 radii - >nal mu sic and mi, i| nurvherji v.cre ren dc cil h\ V e v iinlc Ryan of Mousey. >.ow York, c.dleije class mate id the iride M ss i;-. in . in "A\ i Mana” before Hu* -ii iv 1 nd tin- hen edict lone I "I id's Prayei" hy Malotte. The c'lurch niti: 1 was hanked by lic.kets of v» liite gladioli and English i\ \ Beniam t F’rcnlilin Co\ escort ed his dan - :ii 1.1 the aliar and gave hi 1 in i.a iace. The bride made ami dc ned her fo' inal wedd-ng iuvn. sem. shrvith of pciu if- -ice 11in with overskirt of scallop d la e. Pc: shoulder length veil of os ion was attach is. ,o i Ir 1 id it,- l ose of |ienu de so .» satin -id I n-e mil she carri ed n iMiiiij i.-t tiidenias Mrs. |a> —ic i uieat of Charles tici i 1 ti ster as on >: Jt-> anti hr!d, smaids w “te \l Jo inn «'c!\ a' et atta. 'ied to bows ui matching h-o-ade They won* dyed to-match satin slipper awl carried nosegays of pink Oar/a chi \ sanihetnunts. The In degrnom's father was best man and the I t of ushers included Fran’: Celv of fin-on ville, S on lo ii| the hi ale. time I'oiciil. brother-in-law of the Wide. Or-hi I.andreih, cou sin of the hrid . and Claire Gil For her daughter's wedding Mrs. ,(*o\ chose a poik wool sheath dress « th matching hat of chiff -n and n pink cytrihidiuin orchid as a shculder corsage. The bridegroom's irothei was gowned in oei"c> brocade She wore a blue feather bat and a shoulder corsage of pink c.vmbi dium orchids. After the ceremony the bridal party formed • icioving line in the church vestibule to greet wedding tuesls. twijn: d v/> BRunutnmM M: and Mrs fteniamin Frank lin Co:; of Kings \fou itain are pi rents of th • hr do. A ;raduate ,,f Kings Mountain li .Ji seh >ol. she is a sen or at the Drive s t> of >.’orth Carolina In Greensboro. Tlie bridegroom, son of Mr. ind Mrs Phillip Shaw of Brook tvn. N‘>w York, is a graduate of Cud ford eolle .* and attended thike I’ni’e- iit' a I Durham, lie s issue a ted with Ills father in •he >ne ation of Met-do Wo Mould ; Corporation of CrooMv n. New York For a trio to Florida, the W ide •'ore a white wool suit and the •i t Presbyterian and Lon ■ Creek Presbyterian ehureh**, ive the program at Thursday’s Ik .ok club mcetinj;. Mrs. R. S Plonk was hostess to the club at her home in Eessemci City.. Mr* Pm tt ’eve a program of humorous read tips end oooms. Mrs. E. \V. Neal presirh-d. At refreshment time Mrs. Plonk •vas tt -j sii'ti ,.i a salad ’nd sweet course. Mrs. Joe Farrell. Greenville, S. C.; Mr. ni’tl Mrs Leland Cox. A i I'Tson. S. C.; Miss Christ te Hawkins. Reidsville; lien y N . ris. Columbia .> C : Mis- iiamev McMahan and Mrs. Nan BailVv of Anderson. •<. r; \| .,,id VPs. Calvin haudre -.. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank CVlv, M ss .1 . t>.:; c.’.v. Miss I-'lien C.r. . all ol Gi <; viUe. S. c.; sul Mr and V. >. V -• K'l Belcher, Gn-or. S. C.. Mi s. Er nest Halbert, i nlors. .*» c. nti Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Whit lev of Concord. Miss Pionlc Member Of ASTC Club BOONE Th,‘ Cleveland Coun 1 y .students at Appalachian State Pea * College are members of the Heme Economics flub. The : Icveland County students are Mill <• Weathers and Marion Plonk. The Home Economics Club is a professional organ ration for students hr th • Department of Home K. oioiuics and is aff.bated with th" North Carolina Home E tStomii-N A • "ation and the National i ation. AIIEA. Any woman who is interested in home economics .s eligible for memlre hip. The goals of the lub are: To erect recreation anti education activities for the home economists: T > encourage scho larship and ach:evement among stud’ r s of hoi. t- economics; To • *. ure higher ideals for home m tk To develop and rreate a ;«. love i home life; To piom-de .i mme cooperative spirit i ru ■: ; It:ime economics students and their associates. of the .-lub at ■end the NCHKA meeting in the fall and a spring workshop for the college section of NCHEA in the sjit ing. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde R. Horn rid of Bessemer City announce the marriage of their daughter, Lillie Fmures, to Douglas E(heard Cobb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cobb of Kings Mountain. The "wedding took glare Saturday, January 35th. in York, South Carolina. The bride is a IfUi.l graduate of Besse mer City high school and prior to her marriage was e>»ployed by Osage Tcx'dv Com/siny. The bridegroom attended lhe tings Moun tain srlunds and is employed by the Osage division of Sieves Broth ers. Ine. The newlyweds are at home teith the bride's parents. SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday: 12:00—Senioi Citizens club cov ered dish luncheon at the Wo ' man's club. 7:30 Rehearsal for the Mulli-' rvax-Rrazzell wedding ir. Brace Methodist church. Saturday: 1:00 The wedding of Miss Ca * rol Ann and Gilbert W Braz/ell in Grace Methodist church followed by a reception in. the church fellowship hall. 7:30 Margrcce Womans club at the home of Mrs. Otis Barber S:'V) Mr. amt Mrs. Robert Whitesides. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bumgaidner and Mrs. Robert! Davis are entertaining at the Whitesides home at a oeke cut-i ting honoring Miss Kay Baity and Thomas Boyce Hawkins. Sunday: 12:00 Sunda. Smorgasbord at the Country Club for members' and families. 12:00 The wedding of 'Miss Kay Frances Baity anti Thomas Boyce Hawkins in First Wesleyan Methodist church. Monday: 7:30 Circle 1 of Central Meth odist church at the home of Miss Margaret Harmon. 7:30 Circle at Central Meth odist church, 'rs. Kelly McCar ter. hostess. 7:30 Circle <> of Central Meth odist church at the home of Mrs. \V. D. Werner. 7:30 Circle 7 of Central Meth odist church a» the home of Mrs. Jim Everhart T ucadnp: 9:30 a.m. Tt-c-off luncheon for lady goiters at the Kings Moun tain Country Club. Wcdprmliip: 7:30 a.m Credit Women's Breakfast club at Gastonia Elks club. 10 a.m. - Circle 3 of Central Methodist church in the churrh of fiie. 3:30-Open Cate Garden dub at the home of Mrs. A. W. Kin caid. Church street, Mrs. W. M. Gantt, co-hostess. Brownies Name New Officers Brownie Troop 52 elected new officers Friday ct a regular meet ing at Boyce Memorial ARP church. They include: Johnanna Phifer, scribe Debbie Bolin, president. Nancy Hord. secretary. DebMe Brackett, treasurer Mra. J nines Michael Shipi,inn Miss Elaine Ducker, Michae1 Shipman ^ledge Vows In Temple Church Ceremor. Miss Ruth Elaine Dueker oi Bessemer City and Jesse 'Michael Shipman o f Kings Mountain pledged marriage vows Sunday. January 26th. in a 12 noon wed ding in Kings Mountain Temple Baptist church Rev. T. W. Bray officiated al the double-ring ceremony The altar was arranged v.itli palms and baskets -if white carnations and glads interspersed by cathe dral tapers in wrought-iron can delabra. Miss Mary Childers was vocal ist for the pro: ram of nuptml music and Mrs. Annie Jelly was at the organ. Miss Ch Iders sang "I Love You Truly"and "O Pro mise '.Me" before the ceremony and "O Perfect Love" as the hen e•. Ri>ser\’ations may tv mad. by telephoning 73943.35. Bridge players are asked to make tip their own tables and furnish own cards. The $2 tic ket will include refreshments and prizes. "Enjoy a bridge game as you moke a .;ift to the heart fund". Mrs. Henry Noisier. special events chairman for the local drive, .said m announcing the benefit. Bridal Parties In Raleigh Honor Polly Page : People In The JSeu's Char.otte Rene Johnson,* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.^ A. Johnson, Jr. of Rocking ham. former residents of Kings Mountain, will ce'ebrate her second birthday Monday, February I Oth. A sma’I family party is planned at the Johnson home at No. 8 Jefferson Apart ments in Rockingham. 1 Charlotte Rere is granc'-l daughte of Mrs. Bill Mitchen j of Spi'-dn o and Mr. and Mr .* R. A Johnson, Sr. of Rockf inqnam, formerly of King * Mo - rain. Her great-grand * mother is Mrs. R. .H. Craig’ of Greeny! e. South Carolina. * • • Oom»ngs And doings Mrs. H. D. McDanie1 and Mrs. Harlan Stoterau repre sented loca golfers at the first meeting of the year of the Foothiilr> League of Women Golfers a* Cabarrus Coun+ry Club In Concord Wednesoay. New officers were elected. Af*er a morning of goif, the women had luncheon ana a business meeting. * * * • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spearman and children. Joey and Cindy. Miss Pat Owens and Robert Thomas, all of Hender sonville. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and daughter.! Debbie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owens and Pete Sunday. Mrs. Spearman. Miss Owens and Mrs. Johnson are daugh ters of the Pau Owens. * • ♦ • Joe ’ McClure, high schoc : senior ard daughter of M and Mrs. J. N. McCiure, Kings Mounts n high schc: Betty Crocket Hone ake Tomorrow. Miss McClure achieved ; highest core in a writtc knowledge and attitude exar ination giver, in Decembe Gonerai Mi ls, Inc., sponsor of the contest, will award her a Homemaker of Tomorrow pin to signify her achieve ment a-d he tp«;t Daper will be entered in competition fc state honors. £ I he state Homemaker of Tomorrow wiM be awarded a lo, -ciujiutsmp win be named a rat onal firalist. Her school will be cresent ed with a set of Encyclopedia Britannia and in the spring,! state Homemaker; of Tomorrow each accompanied by a school advisor, wi enjoy an expense-paid educational tour of Co’onial Wilhamsburq, Va„ Wo u'^gton, D. C. and New Tork City. T-'e trip w, be c irraxed wifh the naming of the 196* Betty C'orker A American Homemaker of Tomorrow. Miss McOure s a former Worthy Adv:$or of Order of Rainbow for Girls. * * ♦ * About This N’ That Of interest to Kings Mountain citizens is the announce ment ot the marnaqe of Mrs. France - Spe del, former man ager of Kings Mountain Country Club, and Char'es P. Phil ip1: v/ho were 1 cd Saturday. January !8th. in Park Forest, Illinois. The marriage is announced by Mrs. Speidel's two sons.i Benjamin Burtlir Speidei, III and Rora'd Fabian Speidel. both! of whom formerly iived here. Ben Speidel. Ill is also a former! Jimmy Coliins, 13. oraised the March of Dimes this week for "the wonderful thing they have done for me.” A seventh grader at North school and son of Mr. anc! Mrs. W. F. Collins, Jimmy ha' beon hospitalized three time' during 10 months, has under gone two operations and is now walkinq without a leg brace for the first time in his life. Young Collins was stricl en with polio at the age of I! months and celebrated hi first birthdav in the hospital Young Collins wrote to thr newspaper: "You don't mis: school in the hospital. They just roll your bed into the school room wheye you study for two hours. I feel God selected very special people for the staff at Gastonia Orthopedic hospital and I am lucky the March of Dimes made such a nice place possible for anyone like me who needs to go there." The March of Dimes Drive is currently underway in Cleveland County. • * * * manager of the local club as well as was his late father. Mrs. Speidel moved from Kings Mountain last summer to Port Orange, Florida. • * * * Kings Mountain lady golfers will hold a tee*off luncheon Tuesday morning at the Country Club and will elect new of ficers and make plans for 1964 activities. The program will begin with golf at 9:30 followed by iundifion at 12:30. Women ore asked to make reservations fgr luncheon. Virginia Rullins, King j Mountain sophomore at Lee McRae college at Banner Eli was listed on the Dean's lis for the pa'.t semester. The Dean s iist tabulated at end of each grade perioa i was announced by Academic Dean Lewis Hall. Miss Rollins is a graduate or Kings Mountain high schoo' and is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs Richard Rollins. She is active in a number ot extra - curricular activities al the Banner Ell: school. • * 4 Parties in the Raleigh area continue to honor Polly Page, bride-elect. Miss Page and Dave Moreau plan a March 28 wedding here in First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Paul Kelly entertained Saturday at a "Raggedy Ann luncheon for Miss Page and gave the bride-to-be a place setting in her china pattern. Miss Dena Fasul and Miss Judy Ray entertained at the Ray home in Raleigh Wednesday at a dinner-bridge party. The hostesses gave Miss Page a cup and saucer in her china and a green and white corsage. A kitchen shower January 28th In Chapel Hill was held at the home of Mrs. David Atchison with Miss Doris Sanders os co-hostess. Agnes Scott friends of the bride-elect made up the quest list. The hostesses gave Miss Page a laundry basket filled with kitchen gadgets and a novelty corsage made of a cabbage and red radishes. Miss Carol Cowan entertained at Ballentine's in Raleigh January 25th at a luncheon. Her qifts to the bride-to-be were trousseau items, "something old. something new. some thing borrowed and something blue." She also aave the horl oree a corsage of mums. . Besides Agnes Scott colleqe classmates, other guests were Polly's aunt, Mrs. William H. Page. e*-Raieigh. and her ***^*r» Laur® Page, Kings Mountain freshman at Meredith.