iK iss Baity's Ians Given Mis* Kay France* Baity. .laugh tor of Mr. and Mr*. James Flovri Malty, ha* completed plan* fot her marriage to Thomas Boyce Hawkins, son of Mr*. P. A. Hawk ins and the lat" Mr. Hawkins, and announce* them today. The wrddin<* will take place Sunday, February 9th. at 12 o' clock noon in First Wesleyan Methodist chin (h. Ifev. John G. Harris, minister ol the church, will hear the exchange of vows. B. S. Peeler. Jr. will he vocalist for the program of nuptial mush and Mrs. Luco Jenkins will be at the organ. Thh bride - elect and bride groom-to-lie will enter the church together. Serving a* ushers will he the bride - el«*et's hrothei. James KeVnieth Unity, and the bridegroom-elect's brother. J. B Hawkins. Mias Barbara Cable will keep a guest register in the vestibule ol the church where the bridal pair willg reel wedding guests after the ceremony. A cake cutting Saturday eve ning at M o'clock will honor 'Miss Baity. M. Hawkins anil members of the two families. Hosts fot the affair will he Mr. and Mrs. Hub P»n oben Whitesides, Mr. and Mrs. Bumgardncr and Mrs. Boh ert Davis and the patty will la held at the Whitesides home Mrs. Whiteside*. Air* Bumgcrdner and Mrs. Davis are sisters of the prospective bridegroom. Senior Girls May Apply For NCFWC Scholarships Mrs. Grady Kirkman. Greens Itoro. chairman of the NCFWC Scholarship, has provided each of the .110 Federated Women's clubs and Junior clubs with copies of the application blank so that high school senior girls may apply and enter the district contest-; which are scheduled loi March i> or earlier in each of the IRcluhdis ricts of the state. Following the district contests district winners will In- judged in The Alumnae House. UNC-G, at 10 a m. on Man h Hth. Since the program bega.i in 19V« 12 seho lat ships have b«*on awardi-d. has ed on char i -ter. intellectual pro mise, scholastic record, ambition, leadership and financial n»*ed. Th< S7.sI.imi scholar-hip may he* used at any part of the Greater Uni versily of North Oiiolfcia. Fast Carolina college. Western Caro line <-ollrge. or Appalachian State Teacher's college. Young women interested in the eom|H-t lion should contact the floral club w hic h will woi k with phe principal i nd guidan.e dire;-, toi to make arrangements with the I strict scholarship chairman -•or the district judging Birth Announcements Mr and Mr*. Jnuthroc Dec Teaster. 1*M E. Kfrtg St., announce the birth of a son. Saturday. Feb maty 1. Kin,:* Mountain hospital Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caven.v. Rt. 2. Box .'SW A. announce the birth of a son. Sunday. February 2. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mr... David Dram Ed wards, 7>3 E. Warren St„ Shelby. N. C„ anaounrr the birth of a daughter, Thuisday, January 30, King* Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubbard. Gen Del. Bessemer C.ty. N. C.. announre the birth of a daughter. Monday, February 3. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mr ;. Rufus Stevenson. 202 Knox St., Clover, S. C., an nounce the birth of a s<*i. Satur-i day .February 3. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mr- William Edward! Holmes, tot) W. Gold St., an nounce the hinh of a son, Wed nesday. February 3, Kings Moun | tain hospital. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert Hamrick. W7 Sharon Dr., announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, Feb tuary 5, Kings Mountain hospital Mrs. Davis Circle Hostess Mrs. J. R. Davis entertained . members of Circle 2 of Centra! Methodist church at her home Wednesday morning. In addition to 13 members. Mrs Delhor! Dixon, president of the ' Women's Society of Christian Set vice, was present as a vis.tor. Mrs. Davis served sandwiches with cherry tarts, nuts and cof fee at the t>eg! ning of the m*s*t Hlg. The devotion were led by Mrs Davis and Mrs. Dover Murray had the program, "You Are Christ Sent." Mrs. Ralph Maunev aiid Mrs. Jay I owell reported on the circle's needy project and i Mrs. W. F. Throne burg, circle 'chairman, siaieu approbation to Mrs. W. M Gantt who served as flower chain? an during t h e month of Dtx-emlier. Mrs. Dixon invited members to participate in I he final church wide mission si hool Sunday night beginning at t! p.m. High School PrbH'i|xtl Hatty K. Jaynes will lead the course for adults from ; fi to 7 p.m. and supper will Is* server I at 7 o'< lock. Mrs. Dixon noted. Mrs. George Moore will lead the se.-ond phase of the study following the meal. Mrs. Ralph Mauney will be hostess to the circle in March. I'm a walking hImUm In my KATE GREENAWAY My coal and dress set is cd^cd with lace and rod ribbon trim around the collar and cuffs. White pique sleeveless A line shift has a big bib collar and two inverted front pleats. My skipper blue coat has round patch pockets. — Si/s I to tiX. — hmh FULTON'S DEPARTMENT STONE Plenty ol FREE Parking Pucci Addresses Junior Clubbers Jose Purd, Kina* Mountain ox thange student from Argentina. i,'avo tho program at Monday night's Junior Woman's club mooting. Young Purri talked of his na tive country a in d compared school.ng and other customs of Argentina with those of the Unit ed States and Kings Mountain. “I am appreciative", lie said "of all Kings Mountain has done and is doing fot me this year." lie said he knew no FViglish w hen he .•ame here in September. I Donn Freeman was also a guest of the club. Miss Jackie Blanton, program chairman, presented Pucci and Mrs. W. G. Jonas, club piesident. presided. .Mrs. Jonas announced plans fora District I institute for club president and district offi-1 ■ers which she plans to attend today (Thursday) at Holiday Inn in Gastonia. Tl.e session j|x>ns at 10:30 a.m., followed by luncheon Mrs. Glenn Fitters and Mrs. Shuford Peeler were hostesses They serMod chocolate cake and punch at refreshment time using the Valentine motif on refresh ment plates. Miss Mary .Mice McDaniel left the evening devotions ano Mrs. Bob Morris read ti>e minutes and roll call. Party Honors Recent Bride Mrs. Mjchufl -Shipman. reoen was guest-of honor Satui day evening ai a bridal part} hold at tlie hone of Mrs. Evrlyt Early. Sharfn» hostess dutie. were Miss Martha Sue Etlwsj’ft Miss Hn-nila Black. Hr.dal game; a;id contests wer enjoyed throughout the evenin' by the 2t> guests. after wn>cl lime punch «a> served with g tfrei and white cupcakes and open face sandwiches. A green and white motif }tja carried out in decorations and re freshments. Mrs. Shipman, the former E lame Dueker, wore ;i brown woo dress and was givrtn a corsage o red roses from th»‘ hostes:es. Sli. was showered with miseellaneou household gifts which she open ed and displayed. Garden Clubbers Plan Workshop A “Show Me” workshop on spring flower arrangements will feature Wednesday's program of the Open Gate Garden dub. Members will gather ai 3:30 p m. at the homo of Mrs. Arnold \V Kincaid on Church street. Miss Janet Falls is in charge of the program. Co-hostess is Mrs. \V. M. Oantt. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Prince and Mr. and Mrs. I.'axter Payseur an« son. Jimmy, visaed in Charlotte Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Jack Iaxlford and family Mrs. Led fori is daughter of the Primes, and is recuperating from surgery. CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS By GENE TIMMS Refurnishin9 Your Home There are time when everyone would throw ou o 1 d .start like uf c tc theit furniture, from rrateh. and se r ■■iiv; maim new TIMMS furniture for ev ery mom in ihe house. Some people can afford to di this, but most of us are not quite that lurky. But with the help of a good furniture dealer, then* is a so lution to this age-old proh lein. Have him come out to your home, and make suggestions cn what ran be done to give your home that •'decorator" look, lie ran show you how you ran buy just oik* or two pieces at a time and re-furnish your home beautifully and economically. He ran suggest decorating ideas like wall - papering a room or wall, changing your color scheme, using many pieces you already have in a different way. and where to add a new piece here or then* to give your home that new look. We can help in doing your home over, and at the same time hold your expense down to a minimum. We invite you to call us or stop in and take advantage of the free decorator service we offer you to make your home more comfortable and mire beautiful. Barcelona The rich artistic and architec tural traditions of Spain can be yours in a superb collec tion of living room, dining room, and bedroom furniture. See this exciting new collec tion and distinguished Chap man lamps and accessories at the Morganton Furniture Cim pany showroom in High Point. Don't miss this opportunity to see truly fine furniture. Stop by for your introductory card. Clubwomen Supporting 'Dimjs For Liberty' The story of ihoM> people who came to America from other lands will he t rid in a museum to he built at the I ase o| the Statue Of Liberty in New Yorl; hatbor There will Ik- displayed diara ma«, cases, paint.ngs and murals, all ‘.Imputing tl:< arrical of immi grants sinre the beginning of this country. Sponsors arc members of the General Federation <»f Women's Clubs. Fa eh of them is being asked to put a dime in a small rank and send it to State Head punters in Raleigh. The mono) will be forwarded to the Fodera ion's national office in Washing ton. n. C The Amerle.in Museum of Im migration will be under the direc tion of the National Park .Service, Oepartinent o' the Intel ior. The Museum's purpose is to document ind dramatize the story of immi 'ration. It will he a tribute to the n llions of immigrant- through »ut America's history those peo ile who contributed to a unique heritage. The Federal i-Hj's efforts will be directed mostly to the storytell ng exhibits a:id in appreciation if this, a wall plaque will tell of he oi gani/ation's contribution. Deadline for sending individual -tub's donation * to Raleigh head luarters is February Vi. Mrs. ' Iph Howland of Klkin is the * th Carolina Federation ot Women's Club: chairman of the project. The local Junior a«d Senior Women's clubs are participating n this project. Couple Feted \fter Rehearsal Miss Sarah Cox and Richard *5ugene Shaw wci'p felwl after ‘heir wedding rehearsal at a cake utt.ii2 Saturday night in the fel 'owship hall of Kings Mountain baptist church Tlie bride-elect's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. I rank Cox. were hosts for the affair attended by members of the wedding party and immediate families. Overlaid with imported linen doth, the bride's table held the wedding caks ar decorative high light. A crystal bowl was at one end of the table and punch was served with the cake, mints amt salted nuts. Assisting the hosts with details of enter»a.ning were the bnde elect's aunts. Miss Ellen Cobb. Mrs. Frank Cely and Mi*. Virgil Beloher. Traditional bridal colors in ■*reen and white wen* used decoi atlvely thtougbout the social hall. Miss MuUinax Gives Plans Miss Qirol Ann Mullinax, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray mond Mullinax. has announced plans for her irarriage to Gilbert VV. Bra/zell. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Haivev Smith. Hie wedding will take place 'aturday afternoon at -1 o’clock i Grace Met1-odist church. Rev. urman Pusey. pastor of the lurch, will be assist**d by the ride-elect's uncle. Rev. Lee Os lent of Gaffney. S. C.. in hearing he double-ring exchange of cows. Miss Margate: Huffstetlcr will >e organist for the program of .-aditional muric and Donald llass will bo vocal soloist. The bridc-to-he will hr- given i marriage hv her father and ddio Ross will bo host man for he prospective bridegroom. Miss Karen Coins will ix> maid if honor and bridesmaids will in hide Miss Sandra Mullinax. sis ter of the hride-to-he; Miss Bilik* \nn Camp. Mis. Bill Putnam. uto» of the bride-to-be, and Miss facKie Sm ih. Cheryl Roper, -laughter of Mr. and .I'rs. William toper, will lx* flower girl. The list of ushers will include timmy Smith. Ronnie Rhea and "tonnie Bumgaidner. cousins ol the prospective bridegroom. and Wayne Mullinex. brother of the bride-elect. The oride-elect’s parents will entertain after the ceremony at a reception in the church fellow ship hall ¥H6MS<3fTS— McKinnon Member* New York and American Stock Exchange* and other leading Ex change* 110 Liberty Life Building Charlotte, N. C. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 739-2631 for information on any stock that interests ; you. (No toll charge) MARK KANE. Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative 1:23tfn Many Kings Mountain Students Are Listed On Recent Honor Boll The list of honor roll students at Kings Mountain high school was released Wednesday Itj’ Prill-, oipal Harry Jaynes. It included: Seniors maxing the first honor roll for the six weeks are: Miri am Maker. Margaret llamhright. .loan McClure, Phylllc Pusey. Co ral Hamseur. and John Tria. -Seniors making the second ho nor roll for the six weeks are: Willie Anthony. Mike Arrowood. Norman Blanton. Becky Bowers. Peggy Dascnport. John Dye. Martha Ernst. Ik*nn Freeman. Barbara Gann. Frances Goforth. Virginia Goforth. Jack Howard. Mickey Houser, Dora Kiivus, Su zanne I-ockrkige, Linda Oliver.i Priscilla Padgett. Ginger Payne. Paul Rollins, Mike Royster. Steve Royster, Paul Seism. Jane Smith.> Mike Smith, Betty Ann Slyer.s,‘ and Palsy Welch. Seniors making the fust honor roll for the semester are Miriam Baker. Margaret Hambright. Joan McClure, Phyllis Pusey. Coral Ramseur. Betty Ann Styers. and John Tria. Seniors making the ssvond hon or roll for the semester are Not ■ Club Will Serve i Sunday Luncheon Kings Mountain Country* Club will serve a Sunday Smorgas bord luncheon lor members, theii families and guests. Reservations should be made w ith Club Managers Mr. and Mrs. Allen Berlin by 5 o’clock Satur day afternoon. The meal will be served promptly at 12 noon. The menu will include: salmon louse; baked ham with Cumber land sauce; veal baked in sour cream: com mexiean: citrus baked sweet potatoes; grectn bean casserole; toss salad; and assort mem of desserts. Tickets will be $1.75 for adults , and $1.25 for children. man ninnton. I-ibby Munch. Peg gy Davenporl. Martha Kin.-t.Don Freeman. Mariam (Jann. Frances • Joforth. Virgiria (ioforth, Jack Howard, Mickey llousci, Su/annc Lockr.dge. Lauda Oliver, Priscilla Padgett, C.ingei Payne, Mike ftoy ster. Mike .Smith. Donnie Spears. Reheiva Writer, and Patsv Welch. Junior- making (hr first honor roll for the si.; weeks are Joyce Bolin. Kenneth Munkowski. Ka thy Kllison. Peter Hauser. Jud> MoriU. Danny N««al, Jim Pres ley. Lewis St«-w'art. Anne Trott. and Jan Williams. Juniors making the second ho nor toll for the s ix weeks are John Caveny, Lyn Cheshire, Vicki Connor. Tere a Dixon, Jimmy Fitch. Linda Fitch, Mecky (Jordon. Mary Helen Coforth, Joan How ard. Sandra Iluffstetler. Carolyn Jones, Nancy Lublanr/ki, Neil Mi-Carler. Susan Merrier. Lind.-i Mulhnax, Mill Osborne. Meta Phi fer, Oeorge Plonk. Linda Shorter. Bur Shuford, 1'at Strickland. Ra< William-, Beverly Willis, Vivian Wilson, and Sandra Wright. Juniors making the tirst honor roll for the semester are Kim Munkowski, Peter Hauser, Neil McCarter, Danny Neal. Ix*wi Stewart, and Jan Wili ams Juniors making tne second ho nor roll for llu semester are Joyce Bolin, Lyn Cheshire, Vicki Connor, Teresa Dixon. Linda Fitch, Patti Gaffney, Jean Ham rick, Mary Helen iiofoith. San dra Huffstetler. fancy Luhlaruv ki, Judy Morri.. Linda Muilinax, George Plonk. Jim Pressley. Lin da Sherrer. Bu* Shuford. Anno Trott, Vivian Wilson, and Sandra Wright. Sophomores making the first honor roll for the six weeks are Charles Wright. Darlene Oliver, Scott Cloningcr, Hen Oi mos. Tc im» Jolley Mary .In Hard. Phil lip Hunch and Diane Bunknwski Soph->moros making Ih > second honor roll for the six week* are Marlene Oliver l.ibhy Ah xaodet. Rita I tell. Alhv Pave Smith. I>eb orah Smith. Neal Coojjer, Flame D.xon. Ilecky Dunn, Jackie f>unn. Danny Finger. Roget Ross, Ileitis Falls. .leKi Falls. Linda Ross. Mike Goforth. l>*slie Joy. Book) Goforth. Vicki” Jaikron. .lame* Greene, Wayne Miller. .Mary Ann Morrison. Paulette Patterson. Vickie Petty. I.Hida Plonk. Lydia Poole*. R idney Hardin. Mary Ann Houser. Pat Hullender. Ren Bridges, Susan Lowery, and Glynda Ly nn Sophomores making the first honor roll for the semester are Charles Wright. Darh-ne Oliver, Libby Alexander, Rita It* II. Alice Faye Smith. S. ott Cl-nlnger, Jackie Dunn. Roger Ross. Hollis Falls. Linda R i«s. Mike Goforth, Ben Grimes, Teresa Jolley. Rod* ney Hard.n, Mary Ann Houser. Paulette Patleison. Vicki** Petty. Phillip Itunch. Ben Bridges, Di ane Bunkowski, and < Ilynda Lynn. Sophomores making the s«*cond honor roll for the semester an* Marlene Oliver Linda Webster. Deborah Smith, Neal Cooper, Becky Dunn, Danny Finger. Jean Falls. I>*slic Joy. Becky Goforth. Vickie Jackson, Martha llcindon. Pal Hullender- Wavne \»iller Mary Amt \l -iiiwin. Linda Plonk Lydia Poole, Dale Bvar«. an*l Su san Lowery. Freshmen making the fust honor roll for the six weeks an* Tommy Gerberding. Furman Ku* gene Gladden. Dennis Bridges, Nadine Bell. Jo Bridges, Sarah Ifambright. and Kenny Plonk Freshmen mak ng th«* second honor roll for the six weeks arc Nelson Conno. Dennis Connor. Jane Culp, Tommy Dove* ky Dixon. Judy Morrison. Grace Moore. Jane Morris, l.atry Bur ton. Sandra K.ty Hullender. Rich Jinl Faker. Joscyh Arthur Mullen tier. Phyllis r’rrnkiM, Jay Welch. Vickie While, li u hara Wright, Teresa Wright. Tommy Finger, Judith Summit!. Bat data Plonk, .foyee Dean Dixon. Larry Patrick. Dnyt Phifer. Hotter Randall. an«i Steve Sprouse. Freshmen r.:aking the first ho not roll fot the semester are Tommy f Jet herding, Furman Eu gene Gladder,, Tommy Dover, Jane Motrin, Dennis Bridges, lairry Burton. Jo Budges. Larry Patrick. Keitv Plonk and Steve Spi ouse Freshmen rnrking the second honor roll for the semester are Dennis Connor. Rooky Dixon, Ju dy .Morr.son, Grace Mo* .re. Na dine Bell. Sandra Kay IfuHcnder, Sarah Edith Ilamdripht. Joseph Arthur Itullender. Tommy Finger. Phyllis Franklin. Joy Welch. Vic kie White. Teresa Wright, Bat t>ara Plonk, and Roger Randall o Mr and Mrs Bill Hughes of Smyrna, S. Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Hughes and children, Anita and If-nee. of Columhia. S C., and Mr. anti Vis. Jack Hughes and children. Mott and Beth. of Pajeland. S. (*. visit«*d relatives over the weekend. REV. GEORGE H. THORNBURG employee of Sunrise Dairy in South Carolina has been transferred lo Kings Mountain. He is pastor of Enon Baptist church. Smyrna, S. C. If you would like for me to serve you. please call:. M A 9-2695 By earning this symbol A well known «ymbol it like t good reputation- difficult to establish and even more difficult to maintain. During your daily activities—in your store or in your home—you come into contact with many trade marks that symbolize an assured measure of performance or quality. They may range from initials on an electrical appliance to words lika "sterling" or "prune." Like its counterparts, the membership symbol of the Audit Bureau of Circulations* provides you with a reliable measure of our circulation performance, baaed on the highest standards known for either print or broadcast media. The A.B.C. symbol cannot be purchased—it mu>t be earned through performance. Continued use of this symbol is predicated on our ability to maintain these highest standards of circulation value. Whenever you think of advertising media, it will pay you to ask, "Does it measure up to A.B.C. standards?” You can be sure it does if you use the advertising columns of— Kings MountainlHerald *1Mi Wtmapmpm b • wabl of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, cooperative MMcbtloa af publiahan, iiliailnn. and advertising agencies Our circulation is audited ad vagular tntareab by agpartoMed A.B.C. circulation auditor* a*d their report* are made available to our advertiser* without obligation. MIAIURI OP IIRVICI...MARK OP INTIORITV

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