AGRICULTU K} The cigarette is already con victed as a h*\\lth menace, if wt* are to go aloiu, with the editorial tack taken by a newspaper which paradoxically I .os in the heart of a heavy tobacco producing area of North Carolina. The publication recently graced its editorial page with a piece suggesting that the Surgeon Gen eral's icport vas the lar.t word in conclusive evidence linking the use of tobacco products to certain health problems. Come.': no’v a fellow, though, who claims that the statistics us t*d by the committee really aren't so statistical. Ills name is Alan S. D'tinahoe. end he u-a-s fact where the newt paper uses fancy. Says Mr. Domiahoe: 'The recent report of the burgeon General's advisory committee i s based largely on statistics of highly questionable netun-, and is shot through with inconsistencies and EJCfeCVTRIX NOTiCK Ffaving qualifier! as Executrix for the Last Will and Testament, of W., Hinkle McGinnis, deceased, all prisons having claims with his Estate will please file same With the underrigmd on nr be- j fore July 3!. HUM. or this notkv will be pleaded in oar of any rt*- i coyery. AH persons indebted to said Estate will please make im mediate payment to the undtu signed. This the 2Sth day of Jantiarv. 19M. . Jya.McG ntiis, Executrix for the IiAsf Will and Testa ment of W. Hinkle McGir. nis. def Conservation ami Ih-velopmont for "what you arc doing to help develop the North Carolina min erals industry." In recognition of the Depart ment of Conservation and Devel opment's "cotrit.lining interest in helping develop North t'arolina minerals," Johnson presented to it a framed color picture of the 10-aere open pit mim* his com pany owns and operates near Kings Mountain The presentation was made to C & D Directot Robert L. Stall ings. Jr. ami 1)1. Jasper L. Stuck ey. State geoli gist allid head of the CAD Department's minerals division. Stallings thac.kod Jolinson and assured him the picture will hr hun^ in "a prominent place in the department so .ill ou: visit ors can set* it.” The Kings Mountain ppijed) was purch.i. <1 h\ Foote Mineral Co. in 1 93 1 irt.n Solvay Pro.-e.s. Co., which had operated a small pi jilt V o:ld War II. Sin<-e punv.isnr; f plant. Foote ha* sp>-nt ahoot S.: million • i enlarg ing it. Johnson said. add.n« that the plant eurtintly has an an nual payroll of S3ti0.000. i-xclud ing fully-paid I'-.nge benefits, ami spends about S.'ViO.OtIO annually for supplies \**itliin a 33-mile ra dius of the plant. A study by tne (' A D Depart ment’s minerals division n few years ago. Stallings p •>rtti'd out. shows deposits of lithium mine rals in North Carolina constitute the largest bln-P of economically recoverable re .erve.s l:n >wn in the Western Hemisphere and have Itoen i-slimeled to represrttt viearly 93 percent of the total do m«*stic reserve. Lithium has a with* variety <•» uses. Johnson said. AAUA To Make Scholarship Award BOONE Th<- American Asso ciation <>J I'ni\ rsity U'umci ’Ail! make uta.I.iHc s’hokirihip a war tin to \v imcn who wish to enter the graduate school of Ap palatiiian State Teachers College to prejwre lor col lope teaching careers. according to Mrs. Allie ilodgin of the ASTC Library arul representative of the AAUVV for the program. College ••'acuity Program a wards, which include full tuition aiid a< anemic tees for a small stipen t for one aeademir year, are avail? ile to women 33 years olil or older wh > hold a college degree and wish to enter eollege teaching as a profession. Mrs. liodgin said. Applicants must lx- willing to register as candidates for the Master's degrees, undertake pro grams of full-time study, and plan oaroers in eollege teaching or administration. The Awards Committee will look for !nc‘> i s of intcllr ml activity and a.!;. »em i I. tile i. Iteration with n mimtmty (iron is. evidence of a jittcivi anil dirw t: in in the applicant s intcllii tual interests, rvidoniv of seif-disci plinp. anil real'sm awl praclica hilly in the applicant’s plans. The applicant would propose t< ma|or in a coll -go tc.i h:ng field such as English, mathematics. | one of the sciences, history, one! the like. Tlu- deadline for fil.n^ on ap plication for Ififrt-to is Fehiuary lij. Infoi matio.i wni'rninjt appli cation papers may be obtained from Mrs. Ilodgin or Dr. Cratis Williams. Graduate Office. ASTC.' Application forms may lie secur ed from College Faculty Pro gram. AAUW educational Foun dation. -1101 Virginia Avenue. N. \V.. Washington 7. D. C. Fort Frederica. eighteenth cen tury fort built by General J.imcs K. Oglethorpe. was made a Nat lonal Monument in 1945. atvor.l ing to the Bok of Knowledge. It is located on She west coast of Georgia. Miss Bowen Finishes Course For Artists Westport, Conn. A! ss Shir ley 1_ llowrn, Kuulr ‘2, Kind's Mountain. .N'.uih Carolina. lias graduated from the Famous Ar lists Scho )ls f»! Westport. Con nect kiitt. Miss llnwpn s;>«viali/od in commercial art and illustra tion cJurin^ he.- three year coursi with this home study school. I»ireeling the art courses is a faculty of distinguished artists among whom are Norman Rock well. Aloert Dot ne and Jon Whit comb. Southern pines mack' up 77 cent of the puIpwood dcliverafl^p ii r< undw <,<1 to pu p and paper nr Us iu the South lust year. The remainder was hardwoods. total i• five million cirds. The i.i .-r \ iume. a new record, was 13 por cent higher rnan In 19*51. Pulping capacity in the South continue- le rise-. Daily capability of the region's pulp and pa|icr mills increased by more than 1.000 tons, bringing the 19*52 capacity to a record 52.000 tons a day. Your Insurance Budget Should bo studied carefully. II is very easy lo allow increased values to bo inadequately insured. Check, your coverage this week. THEN SEE US: THE ARTHUR HAY AGENCY "ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE" PHONE 739-3659 This Certificate Entitles You To 50 4.+H' GREEN STAMPS With This Ct»M» t Purchase ef One 6-0. PLg Gillette Super STAINLESS STEEL BLADES Good at Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After February 15, 1964 This Certificate Entitles You To 50 GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon ft Pure hose of Too 10-oz. Pkjs Treosurc Isle ROUND SHRIMP Good o» Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After February 15, 1964 This Certificate Entitles You To so H.-M: GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon ft Purchase of Two 1-Lb Pkgs Toste O' Sea FISH STICKS Good ot Your Local Winn Dixie Void After February 15, 1964 This Certificate Entitles You To 50 fr/C GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon ft Purchase of Two 24-oi Pkgs. McKenzie BART LIMA BEANS Good of Your Local Winn Dixie Void After February 15, 1964 Thii Certificate Entitles You To With This Coupon ft Purchase of 50 &K GREEN STAMPS Two I Lb Pkgs. PINKY PIG FRANKS Good ot Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After February 15. 1964 1 BEEF LIVER'39' W D FAMOUS GROUND BEEF 3«T*5« T* PINKY PIG or LAY'S CLOVERLEAF PURE PORK SAUSAGE 25’ GENUINE LONG ISLAND U. S. Gov't Inspected Chicken Wings « 23^ U. S. Gov't Inspected Chicken Thighs u 43✓ Deer SOUTH sr DUKE 5 . Limit I of your choice with a S5 00 order. MAYONNAISE =19' BLUE or WHITE ARROW . . Limit 1 with other purchases DETERCENT..17 Limit one of your choice with o $5.00 order. ARMOUR LARD (3-Lb. Carton) ASTOR (3-Lb. Can) SHORTENING 39' 59' Dl IIC ■ A V DlblU SALMON 29 PALMETTO FARMS 14-LB. PRINTS OR SOLIDS OLEO 2“25 THRIFTY MAID . . Limit 6 cons with $5 order Can MILK-10 i Regular, Drip or Fine COFFEE DIXIE HOME ASTOR LB BAG LB. CAN 39 59 PARKER'S Apple, Peach, Cherry, C t Pies 3' 89' DIXIE THRIFTY ORANGE Juice 99' SUPERBRAND Lime, Orange, Pineapple HALF GAL Sherbet 49' JUICY FLORIDA _ ORANGES. U. S. NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES This Certificate Entit'e-. You To 25 &/C GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon £ Purchase ot One 22-o; Jar Stokely's POLISH PICKLES Good ot Your Coca! Winn-Dixie Void Alter February 15. 1964 FANCY RED DELICIOUS APPLES. FANCY SHELLED HALVES PECANS . 4 * 49' • • •99'