Scoots Are Observing Scoot Week, ^Grover Citizens To Ice Capades fh*’ B<>y Scoi'is iif Anorir.i are • •hserviii" S.-oii \\'i«ok Fell. 7 1.1 • IloX’er Box Seoul Troop ‘C* li* ieivrd iwo National Awards m 1*53. Boiii awards mm- as a re ‘•nil of ;• To me o\i*i iho moun lain hike Leading the troop on the hiko was the Rex. Rjehard Hobson, pastor of Shiloh Prosbj >‘*rian church which sponsors tin troop. Kaln I.';"T)brijtht i* assist ant Scout mastci and Raul llcim t»ri"ht is Inst tutional Reptesen tatix'i*. The* troop organized in 19SB. has is m* mhcni. The* troop has had one* K.-slo Smut. John Harry, a freshman at Clemson ••ollojjo. Then* has ht>on two i;«mI and Country A** ard Winners. Ro lx*rt l|amhri"h'. Junior at Kings Mountain hit’ll school. and .loht I fat rj The R. E. ! Iambi Ight store was roahod Sattirdax inuinipt; The store was entered early Sat tit-day‘mornjnt'. through the same window entered earlier thisveai Cigarettes ci'*ini anil luncheon meat was taken. A back door was damaged by Mimeonc who at tempted to i»r. ak it down but Tailed The Rev. atul Mrs. Richard Hobson, announce the birth of a son, Carl, Feb. 7 at Kings Mountain hnsnital. Mrs. K. !•: Tessencr. f*at and Eddie s|>ent Wednesday through Thursday with Mrs. Martha Aiut Nichols in Pensacola. Florida. lohn n.irhe»' of Raithershurg. Maryland spen the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs. John Harbor. (•olden Circle Sunday School class of First Ikiptist church at tended Sunday School at the Kings Mountain hospital chapel. Their teacher. Miss Annie Ran dall laugh) the li* l>. F. Hord, of Kings Mountain liaptist church is the regular Buy Your Ticket NOW For Heart Fond Benefit Bridge February 15th—3 P.M Kings Mountain Woman's Club $2.00 Tickets-Prizes. Refreshments Proceeds Benefit Kings Mountain Heart Fund CALL 739-3335 FOR RESERVATIONS teacher. Pe*an VVestmoielnnd of Char lotte. son of Mr ami Mr*. J. Kelt Westmoreland w a s dismissed Saturday from Merey hospital. Charlotte, having Ixm a pitiwnl there (or two we-eks. Mis. Urrf Westmoreland who has ms-n in Chariot to with Dean for two work'- roturnor! homo Sunday. Tho Grover ll-odmotiih- visit on Monday e'cee-de-d its goal iii donating to th«- Flood mobile. The Rev. Fred Crisp. was chairman to tho vlail. ard this was a com munity |nt>joo\ hold at tho Gro rot- Res. no ftmlding. This was Grover's hjgge-** hloodiiohile \ isit with l."»l pint.. ieeniv<*cl. 107 re j«*ot«Hl, all total visit. 2t!l. Mhtotlo Mills employes-., hepM-d make the vislt a sm-cess Mr. and Mrs. Avery Hardin and Avery .ir from Hickory spr-nt Sunday with Mrs. C. M. Ilardin ami Mrs. Itonald Hyde. Mr ami Mrs .»ark Ifornddi and family. Mr and Mrs. hill Wat torsion and il-eu-rhicr Meiimla. on Saturday afternoon attended thr ice Capadr-s a' Charlotte Coliste u.n. Mr. ami Mr- Scott V.’rlght and family Horn llaleigh s|M-nt the wcckcml with Mr. and Mrs. Ora fly Ross. Itonr.a. Ht-niso ami Mr. att'l Mrs. Slough Wright. Miss l*amcla Chilrlcrs. ASTC. Itoono. is rollo-e for litis \vo»k .it First chtiroh. Young Scr\ire Man i.' the werl: is T. II. Hairy. AA. SIVA Division. IJSS non Ho-i-tm- i.iehard CVA .11. FI* () San Francis* o. California. Mi'. I!o h I lam bright came home on Tuesnoy from Cleveland Memorial hos|. tal where- she has hei*n a patient fot one «wk. Mis. R. II. Pender was Monday through Saturday a patient in the Morey h-rspitai Charlotte. Mis. M h. Hardin, who has hei-n in Chari >tte for five days visitbig her so-- ami daughter-in f') -* t mami VALENTINE VALUES AT OUR (Rem!!) DRUG STORE CT'r-r VAPURE Sss-l VAPORIZER Get soothing c;t ^;i^est ant relief from stuffed up nose due to colds. Spray in any room — feel better fast! 7-oi. oorosol.. 1*1 9 12-oz. six*. .. 1.89 Whn Mm Trintrs TIMID ACTION HAY FIVER ALLERGY CAPSULES II hwn^riMI Hundreds of tiny mediated pellets in each apsule are specially coated to release miredieots at timed intervals Chars stuffed up or runny nose. dry. watery, itching eyes, checks sneering and promotes free breathing. i5r* 1.49 .... ONE HEART IS WORTH 1 i THOUSAND WORDS Also Full Selection Pangburn's Candies RESERVE YOUR VALENTINE CANDY NOW! (VT ' UHEAT PAD Designed to give vs : evvt heat you want * 3 Positive htoti i 3 Removable covers * Illuminated puthk-.-'len twitch 5-Y*ar Guarani** I 2 Koui, R’ ! vf W ■ fH I Cup-1' TIMED ACTION COLD CAPSULES Tiny 'pellets of medication" dissolve at timed intervals to bhnf prompt relief from cold and hay fever miseries. One capsule gives up to 12 hours' free breathing relief. _ Packet of 11 capsules | ,49 I pnivenv FREE DELIVERY 9 JLM. to 9 PJI. Mondays thru Saturdays [KINGS MOUNTAIN - - DkIKt COMPANY THE C l T V S MODERN STORE low. Mr. and Mrs. Ja k Hardin, 'ami' homo Sunday. Mr*. J. D. Watterson *i>cnt Monday through I’ridai’ with the Bill Wattersot hi Shelby. On Sunday, iln* Ril’ Wattersofi«, Mr. and Mrs. Hood \Vattcr«»n, Mrs. Jackie Walter.ton and Karen of Gastonia helpen Mrs. J. D. Wat terson celebrate her 7.*»th birth day with a birthday dinner at her home Mob Row, plant manager at Chemstnnd company, and twelve employees flew to Pensacola. Florida to the All Chomstrand Ra-k<-ti>all Tournament Friday through Sunday. James Allen. Charlie Mulli'ia and Jamt^s Nor man were in this group Charlie Mullinax was awarded the Indi vidual Sportsmanship Award. Holden Circle Sunday School ■ lass hail tlieii Quarterly class Meeting at th • home of Mrs. VV. S. HicJ-.s. Sr. on Thursday night with Mr*. John Gold hostess. Mrs. Gold, presideti*.. gave the devo tional end bttr ness was discuss ed after which games were play ed iHider the direction of Mrs Itoh I team. Mr. anil Mrs. Rill Westmore land returned by plane Sunday afternoon to t» *-ir home in West Miffin. I’enn. Pal Westmoreland from Johnson City, Tenn.. spent the weekend with Mrs. II. L. Ream, left Sunday. They are bro thers of J. F. Crap Westmoreland who is a patier.t in tlvc Cherokee County hospital Gaffney, where they spent most of their time while here. Mr. and Mrs Gilmore Byers ad Gary spent Sunday with A lc and Mrs. Charles liver* and fam ily in Winston Salem A lc Byers will he dischatged from service this \v«>ek. A le K^neth Byers, stationed at Savannah. Georgia, was home for l ho «(Tkend 'rho eirel«*s rf Shiloh Prwhj lorian churyh .net on Tucsihj in the following l.omos. Mm. .lome. Harry, morning ofrek*. Mrs. R. C Tali* afternoon <-ire lo. Mr*. Lewis Morgan, night circle. The' Youth :*llnw»hlp suppet on Sunday night al Shiloh Pres byterian hail r* their guest the Rev Mi. Torn I Town. Misslonni v to Korea. Y >u! • from I heir sii*v will he observed at St. Paul Methodist i-hmvn Sunday at t p* Miss .nary Cir ck*s fr >m»us churches will participate an I "Womort of tin* Bibb ” will hi- program theme. Ttie progixin will tv sponsoied by the Women'.. Sock**;,- of Chris tian Service o: whielt Mis. Snllie Lyons is presit ent. Serviees wiii be heid Sunday! night at 7:.10 at Shad;. Crovi*: Baptist churrh. Ri-v. Albert' Mei-ks will hi* -'nest sis>oker. Mrs. Jessie Wood* and Mr*. Mary Jef. fries art* spon-nrs for leneflt of the buildin.' ford. i World l>ay I'raycr SeniiM are miiitlulcil by ni tM Kin;s Mountain ohm'-ho* Friday Thorp will i< a li*h try, sp-w rnrod n\ tic It-dcis t'luii Saint-' day night at the home of Mr* Mamie Allan* in llphitlpro fit ell*. K\orvone i*. imped to at tend. Tile average si/c of al turins 111 the United Stales - and J~ill acres, according to the r*k of Knowledge. In Canada th. ave age i» a little more than .itin acres. - - (Irurcla mto lhi‘ trading |»«t1i> wood pfndihtf in tln> South in (or tin* (iftivn'h ihii«' iitivr yr»r. Tlic stall's har\c*»i was •VJ million wrd>. Alabama \mi< Bwond with .1.4 million' .-or. hr’ and South Carolina F'lo'ollt, Xof. th (iiraltnx, Mississippi and isiana i-a> li mil more than into million cords. NYLON CARPET SALE! — Seeing Is Believing — • * *2 $59.95 12 * 12 S79.95 12 x 15 S99.95 Free Pad with each Rag City Paint Store 219 Battleground Ave. — Phone 739-4436 NOW OPEN Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio Akers Shopping Center—Gastonia We welcome the opportunity to acquaint you with Merle Norman cosmetics - - Merle Norman's famous method of skin care and make-up that has changed the lives of millions of women. For Your Free Demonstration Call 864-7858 — or Drop In A few quiet words There is no need to shout. Winston speaks for itself. It is America’s largest-selling filter cigarette, by far. What does Winston have that makes it the leader? Quite simply, the facts are these: Winston has a pure white, modern filter. Winston has exclusive Filter-Blend— fine tobaccos specially selected, then specially processed for filter smoking. And, of course, Winston has flavor— the best there is. So if you are thinking of changing to a filter cigarette, consider this: People who know and enjoy filter smoking make Winston their overwhelming choice. We think you will, too. Because... Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.