Grover Lions Are Sponsoring Texas Cowgirls Basketball Team Trie Grovtr I ■ ins (lab is spun siring a 1>M Cmv Girls IVaskot ball t titi on F nl •>. r'eb. 2I>* , at ihc (J'nvpr m hiiol gym.. at * p.m. I'he T"\a« Girls \s a mm b;n. <1 men’s i«\.m of t’bemstianil Company and Fiber Industry s Inc., phis hal* liRH* show that consists nf rope spinning, fancy wnip Clicks, gun shooting and twirling. Tv rumour of the old west allvp. /.any comedy. Anranee tickets SI irt :»t the gate Sl.aU. Me. anil \l* s. Ilar»lil Drake anil .lohni'. leit Tli inatay r>r New York t<» sjieiit three wi-eks with Mr. Drain s mother. Frank 7.. Sheppard, <12. former ly of Grover. died Fr-'lay at the home of I’ d lighter. Mis Both lultimore if Kntite I. I.awndalo, where he mm1 l> • h uite Mem* tier of tile First Kap' sl church. Grave”, ind th State Ma soli*- 1,.h' re. Grover .■‘.t'l son «>f t;»e late Gee Newton Sheppard i. • • . . ]* 11. Sur. ivora. in add t i-n to iii daughter. son. Joint \. Mli'! l,»|(l of .seplline. .>• J„ throe ^ : ’ • Mrs. I> .v ft l*a« terson and A* Frank llnm bright. oth of Kings Mountain. Airs. Midi in 1 l .ii 11' '*' it and II. .m i S|.ii:i s r..o Viand i-h'Sili thro-* hrollnvs I’lay. Fn-d anil II 1 firmer. Fupe 1 “• <■ were held S'lvd i\ at (.’I •.•••' il II chtm |i. Inli'ime:tl was in thi' ehti <-h . • prd • The Orover Ije-s I'Inti met MoVll •; 11* Pt l{ t'.lfiti'l ia. Ally I i I. Whit • \ as am1 fprakiT. World Div «.i Pray s-rviee was nlv. 'ivil at Sh '--'t ptrsiw • terian ohm -h from 12 12:'St. Fol I twing the ' ••iten Snvurci light luneh war served. .Aliss Tt ed\ llov >'11. n.iir iiter of M and M ( lit;.- d Howell on Keii. t*i s' r'nl t. iin-i1;' to Is a Cotlago •’ ii*t*t at the Net* Western t*-«r. tin.i (Voter for Mentally I; t di-l i"iildnvi at Mor*;anton. Steve Rn*'i is tin- new lire president of K Mies Mo.attain high school Nation tl Honor So eiety. Outgo it-' officer fur fils! semester ;s \t 1 -> |*o\ ter. presi dent. Steve and Mike ate iiv.ii sons of Mr. and M:s Frank It •>> ter. firmer. Uiehard Hole, rising senior at Kings Motintiir it git -'imol. was elected president of the student body dm n - n-cent elections. Kiehard ;s ,n .f Mr and 'It *. John f lolil oftlrmer I lest- -ei|; Warn n lloiotli . Jr . son id M a;mi \irs \. 111*n i.oitirin. Dini’i nffi. e: s elected are St w vicp iuvs'it^nt and Nelson Con nor. secret ar> 'reasurer. Mr. and M;* Max Rollins and Melki of ltnlch-h spent tin- week end wirli Mrs I illie Mae Rollin' Rns ;-‘ll i'inkli'lon w 10 has lu*<-n on a i'd) .or two ivwl.s in Al ilin ma cairn* home Thursd iv nirht to ■s|M*nd the r.*P’.:iildei f tin* week with his parents, \|r and Mrs. Jaek Pinkleton. Sundnx rim i n ' lhe Li other IioikI of the • i «• t ehlllvli had a breakfast in t ic ehiir. h basement. Speeial offe for the aj{inp was •#■11 Sundnx Saturdax ni ht dinn**r yuest ot Mr. and Mrs. Civile Randall were Mi and Mrs I>mr lirewer aiid Mrs H. R. Can *11. Mr. I.ewis T. Morgan entered Kinjjs Mountain hospital on Sat urda\ iroining. flary Collins is college student for tin we- : at I rvi rltjrrh. Wake Kom.sI Box 7022 Reynolds Station. W inst >n Salem. N. C. First church young serviceman for this week i* A 1C Kenneth Byers AK 1«7ir»2l. Bnx 171 K1 Field M lint . Sqd.. I In.Her AFB. (la. Sun s'jts met Monti.i> after noon at the church with Mrs. Hood Wat ter st >n as titeir leader. Crusader f’ A met Tuesday night vvitti Mt. /eh Moss as speaker, and Brolherhot <1 Mission Rally was held Tuesday night nt Bethel t hurch, Shelby Andrew VVatteraon was taken to the Kings Mountain hospital Sunday afternoon. The (Irt.cer PTA Feb. in t the out.! iritim. The Rev. flene llardfn of ' -v\ Buffalo church ;>re enl st th • eeVotional. Mrs p. \ Fran secretary re|K»rted s.i"t<m hid inf ■ given toward the suntiorl of Ih- tall M tl ;et foot hall :• trn. J imt s S i i • ;s. leport til ther ■ has I urn a n -w dish W idle lSlallet' m tile cafeteria. M»s Holmes Harry, program . .i urm:*n. pr« «e:ited a youth piij d fitness Parents fi it! tii1 h:i.;tpssc.« fit the o\ -nino ’I; > v.-omen nf Presby terian ohurc-h mot on Thursday. Mt-. Jo:’ II :!■ not' prepared the }t igt-nm on Christian Worship. The rhi'TC'f >r !ho year. Th" Wo ”’<•0'' Bible Class has la-on refor m-hod Mi’<l I>: ooraloj In a hit mitoe. Mrs. I oidso Marrv, Vlrs. S A. Cl sp ind Mrs Coekt’H! .»n«f i.'i»* ohairo- n of the I>oaoi-a’s Comm it too on oliurc’i mainte nance. Mr. Mol.nos Harry. Miss Mary Hambri -ot and Mrs. B. P. Hamhrlf lu spoilt Sunday • f'ornooii :n Charlotto with Ash ley Tvree. who was ti a oar aori dont on Thurst ay. '1i- anti Mrs ,'ack Pinkloinn. Mr. Mrs. II.Tiold Drake..I iin riy <m.l Ib-ldia spont Wt-tlnostlay aftormton anti staying lor tho owning noal \.iih Mr. «md Mrs l>:i ’. Towell jn (Jreer. S. C. Mrs. K. B. Ilamhn.-ht oimo homo ici Wednesday from Ala Kama vhoro sho has boon visit - ini; sorio with tho Be' and Mrs. Steve Hunt ley. and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. I>. Moss have Itoon to soo Mr. and Mrs. Dixie Graham in kikin anti on to Mouth of Wilson. Virginia to soo i sister of Mr- Moss. Mrs. \V. '1. Paisley. Thov wore av ay one .'ot-k," HNC Freshman !r Queen Of Hearts t'llAl’KI. HILL Mis. Nancy Wilkins, IS year old University "I North Carolina feshman. has Im-iti named Research Triangle cries'll of Hearts to help pr tmote the 19»;| Tar llei>l Heart Funtl campaign, now underway. The North Carolina Heart ,\ss« iation (mints out the significant contribution made by heart re searchers in the Research Tri angle area during the past 1,r> years. Duke and t’NC heart re search activities are well known throughout the ••ountry, the state heart group states. Mis.. Wilkins is the daughter >1 M:. and Mrs W Y. Wilkins of 1 ryon. * 9 x 12 Plastic Re-enforced LINOLEUM RUGS $4.95 & $5.95 City Paint Stoze 219 Battleground Ave. — Phone 739-4436 AWARD WINNER. “Lawrence of Arabia", voted the best motion nicture in 1963. opens Sunday at the Joy Theatre. Thrilling Vistas Of Rare Beanty Unfold In "Lawrence Of Arabia" The In if of faraway places stran v-soiinding names is great e- today tnin ever before, in the opinion of motion picture directo*- Da\id Lean. v!io sought ut them ost distant and hitherto in.i e: s;t<le spots on the map as the lo-ales for the Sam Spiegel David !/■ ..i production of “Law ren.-e of .'tabic ' Academy A ward winnei as est pieture of the year, nd now at the Joy 'I heatie in a -*j < «-:.i I»i> \«- en gagement. A Ilori/>n picture, “Lawrence of Atahia" \v ■ - produced by Sam Sp.e;;el and d reeled by David Lean, their first motion picture, collaboration s lice their Acade my "The Bridge on the 'fiver Kwai," which also won international audience ac ilaim. “Lawrence of Arabia" has won the follow mg Academy A wards: Hi "St Picture «f thi* Year Best Direction <David la-an* Host Color Cinematography t F. A. Young. R,S C.i Host Music « Maurice Jarre • Host Color Art Direction iJohn !5o\ ami John Stoll* Best Editing (Anne V. Coates* Hesi Sound iJohn Cox' “Laurence o* Arabia” also re ceived more Golden Olode A wards from the Hollywood For eign Correspondents than any other picture; it was. the Screen Producers Guild choice for "best pro»lmi‘i|" picture, and the Direc I >t s Guild of America choice for “best directed.' "Those who have to be atm chair travelers are eager to see the unique place* of the world on film." says Lean, who photo- j graphed for the first time the hlo Mi-red sand dunes of Jehel Tubtoq, in the extreme southeast corner of Jordan, near the Saudi Arabian border “As film-makers, we satisfy their yearnings by finding the beauty and the thrills of these f.-irof* places and bring ing them to thi screen.” He fore assembling his "Law rence of Arabia" cast and techni cal crew. Lean spent six months retracing routes of the Jordanian desert taken Iv the legendary Col. T. K. Lawrence during his campaign of 1P16-191X. when he united the tending Arab tribes into a guerilla army whii h final ly broke the back of the Ottoman Empire. Using Lawrence’* maps, as re >roduced in his own classic ac •ount of the campaign. "Seven ’’illars of Wisdom.” Lean scouted ••uch exotie-sounding locales as the port of Aqaba, on the gulf of the samen arm*, which Lawrence won from the lurks after attack ing it from the m xintain pass be hind it; the Wadi Rumm. with its shi*er basalt eliffs rising thou sands of feet from the desert floor; El Quweira, scene of a de cisive battle, where weird volcan ic shapes dominate th<* hori/on; and Petra, “the rose-red city, half as <>ld ns t.-r.e.* where the tombs an.I paU.'es o bygone elvili/a lions s:;il :d for miles into ih-V alleys ann sandstone can yons. All of those were -elected as siie^ to.- th • spc-t.icular new pro duction f'orr. Spiegel anti Lean. «hi also leametl lo make "The Bridge on Ihe River Kwai,” in the jungles of Ceylon. "We ha't* brought to the s. reen." says I ean. "a landscape and an emotion-stirring back ground such as lias never been seen be fore.” “I.awrence of Arabia" stars Mec Guinness, Antliopy Quinn, Ja< k Hawkins Jose Ferrer. An th ;iy Quayle, Claude Rains. Ar thur Kennedy and introduces Omar Sharif a- Ali :*nt! Peter1 O’Toole as Lawrence. Robert Bolt pen:ied the screenplay for the Sam Spiegel-D: vid Lean produc tion, a Columbia Pictures release. "Lawrence of Arabia" was film ed in Super-Panavision anti in TVchnicoior. It starts Sunday at the Joy Theatre. Letter To Editor Dear Sir: We would like to express our appreciation to the people of Kiu^s Mountain for their interest and oopci^iitoi' during the World Day 4*L. Prayer. We -especially would like to thank the merchants for dosing for art hour during the day and thank the milts, mini's and hos pital for cooperating in a service of prayer. W<p would also like to thunk the Mayor for proelaiming February llth as the World Day of Prayer in out community. We arc grate ful for the excel lent fOvcraRe given us by the Kings Mounaint Herald and Ra dio Station WKMT. The attendance at all the ser vices was mos* gratifying. We feel that as a community we were drawn closer together and closer to God through this endeavor. WORLD DAY O'-* PRAYER COMMITTEE Gentlemen: On behalf of the churches and civic organizations of Grover, N C.. I would lik-- to thank you for the splendid jolt you did of help ing Us advertise the ritent visit of the Bloodmobile i'.i our town We are happy to report that 2t»l persons responded to this visit. Due to your support, we feel that this visit was a success. Thank you, Knox Neely. Publicity Chairman VICTORY CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE “Your One Stop Aulo Shopping Center** Our Service Department W. D. "Red Morrison • Service* Manager Derrick Roper - Asst. Service Manager fall Them TODAY - The\ Know Their Business 1 735-5471 Let one of our following Factory-Trained Mechanics cheek your car with the Latest. Up-To-Date Electronic Equipment. # James Rikard • Winnie Etters • Horace Ross • Joe Turner • Horace Allen • Wayne Self • Lawerence Ross See one of the following Friendly Salesmen: \V. L. Logan — J. T. McGinnis or C. K. L)i\on New Chevrolet and Late Model Used Cars Salesmen Await YOU! Wt How Wrecker Service Day 739 5471 Night! 739 4367 Radiator Specialist: Grayson “Slim" Bollinger Paint & Body Shop Specialists: • Henry Norris • Joe Dietz • Joyce Dean Young A New Paint Job Does Wonders For Your Car Need A Good Wash Job or An Expert Car Lubrication? See George Barnette or Neozel Weathers. Jr. @ VICTORY Phone 739-5471 CHEVROLET @ Heart Death On Increase CHAPEL HILL — University of North Carolina cpidcrmiolo gists consider heart disease “one of the major health problems of our time" ami predict a continued rise in North Carolina's death rate from coronary heart disease for mm between ages 35 and fid. “In the decade 19.10 to l9fio the age-specific death rate for men ages 35 to fi-l attributed to coro nnry heart disease increased by 30'« in North Carolina, but the rate for men o: the same highly vulnerable age » in the United States as a wind, remained stea dy over the decade,** the epidemi ologists report. Although the nati >nal death rate from coronary heait disease will stay at present levels, for No. Ill Car-dim It will ontintie to rise, a orditt;' to the report made* ptthl.c hy the Vntli Caiolina Heart Association. 'Hu predictions. mole l»y D:s. John C*. Cas.-el. II. A. Tyroler. John 1!. McDonough, t.nd C. !>;• vid Jenkins, we-e given to the State grout) fir inclusion it -i time c. ently placed «r chipr-l t ir reopening in IDT I. did, mologicul studios have shown ■* t.-lation etwccn Ihc process of industrialization i/i an area and the frequency of deaths attributed to coronary in-ail disease*." til? statement says. "Unless som.- way ran hi- found tob offer tin- discontinuities asso ciated with the transition from an agricultural t-> manufacturing economy. the North Carolina ■•ales of coronary heart disease may he c\pi-»-ted to cc.itinue to rise until the State’s industrial growth spurt is completed,” the secientists conclude. They also predict that coronary in-art disease will he found to he "not one disease several." The Department of Kpidemiolo gy of the School of Public Health of the University of North Caro lina rmv'tnizcs the diseases of the heart to in- one of the major health problems of our time. As epidemioligists we are concerned not only with the study of the dis tribution of these diseases in the imputation of North Carolina and the United States, but also with research aimist at determining the processes operating within pers ms and communities, which increase the ii>':s of -leing strick en by heart disease." the epidem iologists explain. The predictions were rnaile on .the basis of studies dqpc by other workers as well as from research done within the department at Chapel Hill. Not all of the epi demiologists concurred ivi all the predictions but each prediction was supported by a majority of the group. Colored News Hazel (Jill end Pot«*r Smith rep resented dill & Brown Funeral Homo at an Emergency Transpor tation of the Injured School at City Park. Shelby, recently. Instructors inclutH: Dr. O. D. Evans. Shelhv. Man agement of the Obstetrical Pa tient." Dr. Livingston Johnson, Shelby, “Management of the Heart Pa tient." Dr. Ralph Beasley. Shelby. "Management of the Psychiatric Patient". Dr. Charles Mitchell. Winston Salem. “Management of the Pa tient with Mead and Spinal In juries." Dr. Jesse Meredith, Winston Salem. "Control of Hemorrhages and Dressing Woumls." Cevd of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors and to the staff of Kings Mountain hospital for their many kindnesses and expressions of ’sympathy at the loss of our beloved husband and father. MRS. WHITNEY WELLS Bessemer City | Rings Mountain DRIVE-IN THEATRE Always SI.00 A Car Load! rhurs-Fri-Sat 4 Horror Hits! NERVE-O-RAMA -1 "DAY MARS INVADED the EARTH * -2 "TEENAGE MONSTER" -3 PLAYGIRL and VAMPIRE" -Color -4 "THE SADIST* Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed 3 Rig Hits HOT OUT OF PLAYBOY! Mamie Van Doren Jayne Mansfield June Wilkinson "SEX KITTENS go to COLLEGE" -2 "PLAY GIRL after DARK** -3 "TWIST ALL NIGHT* Box Office Opens 6:00 Show Starts at 6£0 I Cordless Appliance Is On Increase Like many other gadgets t*iet < onsitlercd luMfios, cord less a| • planet's w II s mod ay .>e eonsid ered net ossifies, accord ng to Changing Tines, tin* Ktplingor Magazine. An article in the current Issue of the magazine. noting that the list of such appliances is growing rapidly, advises consumers to keep in mind the following ad vantages and disadvantages. First, since cordless appliances cany oattoric . they are heavier than conventional appliances. Where an ojerator is drilling downward with an electric drill this extra weight can tie useful. Otherwise, it i. a disadvantage. Second. cordless applian -es are more expensive th.r.i o-dinarv ap pliances chiefly tie.aise of the batteries anti charger. Third. he-niise of lower volt ages, ividless npt'Pancrs may havo If. s ju.wiM than * onvrntion nl applian es. Tin< obviously will he Hu diud' antaiv' where the cordless applianeei; has .ill the power tli r !*»•■ 'mihI for a "iven ioh. |t..i it's Miijifthin; to chock into. I'outili, thr betteies iln run dow n. I'hc k > i <>l time tin* ap plian. i r II P us«'d should Ik* rhfcl.fd ;.i ail anu> o-joinst the us., I,, (into -,»n baryes. Ajj.Ynst Hi. disadvantages sit nilit iif wei died thf advantages i>f poriah Ply and safety. the ar tide points oiu. The low voltage of imdi, ton's makes themsaf fr. and thev neil not lie ground fd anotlifi > • *•:> fai tor. The batterii's. tlion ii they run down, can lie re, hailed hundreds of limns. A'd. i.h" magazine con eludes. •‘You i an ink. your TV on a pienir and your oleeirir drill • >n your boat.” these kids have the yen for it!... r : FOR* DETAILS SEE SATURDAY Your Flesh will creep at our spine tingling Thrill A-Rama Triple Thrills and Chills scrfaminc, young girls SUCK[ D INTO A l(AB> RINTH 0* HORROR B* A BLOOD si AHVtL> oHOOL FROM HE11 TECHNICOLOR AN AMC RICAN INTIRNATlONAl PlCTUPf \jJoN\^ SUN. MON. TUES. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! 'r / • *r* x: ? •*» :$»vr:::v cv. .. c? ijsratxo; OFARABlt i g°m ikiA 1749 SHOE do Ray and iprn the \va> for cool footwork this spring; —choose this open-shank sliiiK pump in red, coffee tan or black simulated patent. Very t*l. ONLY $195 heels and toes make news / Tiny little stacked eowlioy heel high sleek cover ed vamp here's the newsiest shoe of the season, in coffee or black leather upper. You'll love it. ONLY $198 comfort can look smarfB :&2« WIAshoe No need for the comfort to show this handsomest of spring pumps is crafted of crushed grain upper leather, wears a smart stacked heel and gentle cres cent toe. Coffee or black. ONLYS&95 McGinnis DEPARTMENT STORE South Battleground Avenue

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