' Lord, Help Me REV. THOMAS DROPPERS. Prict in Charge Trinity Episcopal Church “nil! ho answered and slid. It is '.tot meet to ial:r the children's ineail. and i-» i.-st it to docs. Ai d she said. Troth. I out: \el the do*** on* ol the ernmhs whi h foil Ironi their masters' i.iole. fin > Jesus answere! and said unto her. O woman. great is thy faith: la* it unto thee even as th o wilt. And hrr daughter was mad* whole from lh.il vrr> hour.” ■ Matthew 2s> Tl;c i.on>n whose daugh' a was grrvomly vexed with a devil te.eivi*il something of vital ini IMirtanro to h.-t hot daughter's health Ais-ovdi *»!\. she is g dr.j to value this note highly than ever. tiaivin.- hark hr; daughter's lii'o and r-a« liiti" the Ivrsdiwho could |iiovide ■, wr.s itn|Mirtjnl enough to this woman to cross established >n. ial .irriers be tween .lew and dentile. She was well aw 1 c that the .lie was 1 gift and that .1 had oeen given hv dial Ihtoej 1 II.s Messiah, til. s ■ 1 of David, that is. •; si s (’hi si. ^ We can h 1 sym|*.ilh> and B>rnp.i'S..in to- this woman ol "’.ma.in; we eat .almost pm out selves in her shoes. Im cause weal times cry out t. (list tor our life; that i v.e petit (.1 C kI fen thing which w ■ n •«! or tldr-:;-- some loved one mi*?, th .1 .ire of vital hn|ml tauee to n.tr existance. I’er Imps • >iii- most t> (iieut prayer to c;..d is for mans to be f.ilfilli-d and for gu dtinn- to is* givrn. Iltese an- •> ,i> . » of petition. Anil vi i .it i mi'' we arc imwl in .i'k t.od fn. things for fear that rtv mi.'jhl n.sk ilii' wronu i!i:iivs and in' H-fUMil: we halo In i.o ii'i.-i toil, osjn ,-ially t»y (hid. Wo fr.ir CimI mi^h1 !»:• iia'I «l us anil lliiiik us stupid for inak.no oer lU-\ llS)Uf*SlS. On tho other hand wo aio as sn oil hy uui ministers that pray*: o' whati .or loi m it lakes. ovon a >i li'i'li form is always an.swoi oil; In it tho an ivei nj.1V ho "Vos", "No", in "Not j.ist yet". Is this 10 illy tho wav Cod answer* pi ay or or is this answer merely a 1110.111101 ; exploitation to |io<>ple mIi i aro nnndiriiiK why their re •|ur«e do not recognlz* the truth of it. It would lie fat hoitoi to admit to Hod that this is the way we teel about Him; FEB. HEY...MOM! 27 - 28 - 29 Thursday - Friday - Saturday Only! DON'T MISS IT Daily: 9 a. m. to noon — 1 to 5:30 p. m. Saturday 'til 5 p. m. .Mi HC AGES 3 WEEKS TO 12 TEARS beautiful 5x7 picture of Your BABY ■RING YOUR FRIENDS! Brin* Km chil dren! li t quick and eaty! And to pre ciaui! Bcaulilully linished 5*7 yidwe la latl a lifetime! All kehy't adorable partanalify tkinet fhrough . . . aur e» part photographer kat suck winning ways with youngsters! See year seleetien at pralctnonal picturet in iutt a Few > days. I Year choice Irani bcaulilully linitkcd | pictures i nal praalt1 5 * 7't and waller site. I St 10 Irani studio selected past . . . tke "Ideal Family Package." One oi two children in each family will ke photographed singly lor only 59. cock. Groups $1.00 per person. Ealro child— 5 t 7. SI.50 EXTRA SPECIAL! Finished wallet-site pictures, 211 t 3 1 3, less than 50c cock in a group at 4, same pase. Compare at $4.95 Exclusive with | BEIK and LEGGETT STORES that is tlx* way do this in ordet to use Him fur oMafning mil own wants < n >t needs*. our own owls, our own progress as wo plan to become aivustt mod to ||. In t ho Lord’s Prayor wh«*n w< say “Clvo us lots day our daily broad, lot us rt member that «<• ha\o already said “Oir Kather, who art in heaven. hallowed be thy name". Marlt day wo go t C*wl with our noods <0111 daily broad* because ho is our heaven ly fill hoi wliosi name s holy. VV< aro noally saying moro atxuii Con than wo ato at nut ourselves and •air neetl*; wo aro say1!!*. ‘’You iAhI you alono aro our sup|dior ol imssIs mid our answerer of tpics linns". It is Cf thorn or not Our orayors of |M*iltion aio really a consciousness of Cod as Iho Provkler. or at loasi I hoy should ho that Petition is iraiiy an acknow ledt'omont of i rolationship with the Almighty, « dopendenoo on ills holy power. a recognition ol Him as Source h*kI Author of all things Kvoly M-oasion for do -is ion anti ovory search f *t an ans wor lo on«* of tin* prohioins <»l <>ui life oarh of those is high and lifted up. This is -.hat i* irr.poi taut aoout the Ci mile v onion front Canaan: she saw Christ I n what lie was tli.* son of Da\ id. the Lord’s Me* sialt. She was not ashing th it bread Ik» tu-.on Iron', tin* children and given to the dogs; she was -not asking to la* rounied as otto of the I >st sheep of the house of Israel; six* wn only asking to ho recognized by tlx* Davidlc .M<*s «e ill as one h.i-nnn being in noi■een “Cod is gn*at and God is good’" Mr. Wood’s Sister Passes Funeral rites for Mrs. Sallie Spnrlin Jones. «»2. of Charlotte, sister of Mrs. Charles Wood of Kilims Mountain, were held Fri day at 3 p. m. from Be:hel Bap list ehureh. interment following in the ehureh cemetery. Mrs. Jones, formerly of Bostic, died Wednesday morning in Char lotte Memorial hospital following •in extended illness. Widow ot Charlie Jones, she had been mak ing her home in Charlotte for some time. tttlier survivors include three sons, two step-sons, three daug hters. and a number of grand children CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS By GENE TIMMS "WHAT KIND OF MAT TRESS SHALL I BUY" * Whrn a cus omor iom« in our store and asks the a jje-old question. “What kkind of mattress ■shall I buy?”. I lam obliged to TIMMS rnswer nor wim another question. "What kind of mattress do you find most comfortable?" .\lan> people are particular |y perplexed these days be cause they read advertise ments singing the praises of both innerspring mattresses and foam rubber mattresses, and they wonder which is re ally best. We always urge our custo mers to lie down and try the many different types of mat tresses in our bedding depart ment because there is really no other way to determine the comfort. Too many |>cople buy a mat tress because of the pretty ticking or the low price, but you spend about one-third of your life in a bed. and an in vestment in comfort is a great importance to your well being. I suppose, when all is said and done, that the old adage “vou get what you pay for" applies to bedding as it does to everything else. And there are no bargain short-cuts to a good night's sleep. Visit our bedding depart ment and we will make a sin cere effort to find the mattress which gives you the most com fort whether you like a firm, roft or medium mattress; whe ther you prefer Innerspring or foam rubbei. Barcelona The rich artistic and architec tural traditions of Spain can bo yours in a superb collec tion of living room, dining room, and b<>droom furniture. See this oxciting new collec tion and distinguished Chap man lamps and accessories at Timms Furniture Company’s showroom in Kings Mountain. Don't miss this opportunity to see truly fine furniture. Stop by for your introductoy card. Week Of Prayer Services Set At Grover Presbyterian Church B> Mrs. Cm* Turner Sunday. Koh. 23 mark.**) tin- l*-. Iflntifinj? of SI'lott I*.‘•shMorinr ••hiTrh s W'M'k dI I* n\or and sel(-ilmhl fn Vorld Mt'sinns CotlaiJP |irnyt i mootm-s will lx hold Pa« h irn> 1.1ji•; of Ihi work it |d:du in itn- following Imm ■■» Monday, Mrs l.ou:s-lJ . iy. fiir. day. 'Its. S\l\i;. linn.). Woi !<• day. Min. Hid • K..nd Thu - day. Mrs. Ann 1 Im • y Vlr. anil Mi A. V Watti'isn front Atllit"lo: Viig.'ii.i aitd Mi n Charlio Mail of Hu; lingim ••ami* i ton to to Is- with tli.ii hro thor. Andrf\ \V«ttor*on nho is a fxitionl ,n ihi KI*i){n Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs || !| !Vs knoll at tondod tin- fttnr:id of \|i*. I.ittnii Hiornas in Colombia i Friday Tho Hoi-knolls .• |H'iit tin- \,\«s-“kond with Mr and V> |>.-v ill Onay in Parolot, S. t' A 3C Kd\va;ii Alll«on a'to r station.si at i*< ymou .lo "iN »n. • iolds'v*: > wu • homo to, tin wookond and v. II Ih- iian-Moi .-ii t ho first of M a ivh to i li.tx- in Florida for is rr iih Mrs. Jock 1 nkioion . al Mi* Aliro Bl,iil;,i'- |«,nl Fi iday with Mr*. l»v.i rill I 'on it It., ii u Mr. a>ui Mi.- \V. S. llii i Jr.. Miokoy and Ti.dd of Ch.i lotto s|K*nt iho wi’i ki nil with ti'.i- i: ll Kisdoi * and n \V. S. IJir ks. Si Mr. anil Mr* Lw Pia.t-« mil .lanol \vi Stini'ay of \|i and Mi :. Jan Lon,- .-no family in lllrkory. Mrs. M. tv IJ-.rdin. honso moth or at Harium Springs (’h.idio is Iforno. wash on.o foi tho v\is k ond. Tiio Kov an t Mis H. nr Hardin xpont Stmlay in Chariot to with Mi . and .Mrs iii-ldy Coni, v Tho Junior Ch-rr of Shiloh Proshyloriar. i huivh aro practic ing I Inn; so i d Kasior tr sir 'li Fain ll. inhright it tondod tho .National i..aguo of post mas tors in Allmt • on Silurilay. Fain vleo-p osidont o* th«* No th Cai < I'riit Brain h of the ,\ a I iuna! J .ea trite of 1'oslin.islets. Mi - AVi-'Hi, '’reldsi and Alrtee were wuki-nd ;run>l« of Mis Itoii WatKi.s in I'harlolie and i* Siin l.r n'lorfinw \ isileil Mrs ,|. |. Wiimaai at hiroil t’liy M i.i Mi .*<ii i ;■ :■■*!» imm It•«I."ij;,i s|>i II! I mini ..ltd Jvdlt: i.i; ii M. aI Mi * .1.1,* IliijH'ii.i iiidai afteni.Min ■in I Su.il,n i ortiitij;. Mi 'in's i in .is in the state l»m l;ii • i iiiinn ment a) i mi !•.:i '.ami in Man'll a ill ‘4ii In ( .llili.rn.il lo till' Chn-ii;.mi.slim Bowl.if. there foils''e SIikIi III Ini till' week ll I' i st i-it . Imti ’i is M:ss .lam* llollifield. (’hmv ii ('dlej*e. Mm Ini sIkiui. .V il jtifihK-r of Mis Mildred I .oil meld ami Yount; Servioetrui is A If Bobby (I. VVai:'*i-.'i»:i. \r 1ITI55J1 ."m7lli CK I!i»'. IT's', Kin.-lt-lot* Mii'i ";iin. ,in«f ; Ih ■ mi of \li anil Mrs. iiood Waiti"son. .!• ss,. ci aj Wo tmoivlanil, member hi iin I'm a Baptist ihti: ll. (inn ••• snr.-umlHil In an illni’s it I'M':;. monS'is I'ln sdey .ii i 'H'i oki'.' 'n'nnn iai hospital. «i«f I .*-*> . ' |r\\ .-s • fm inor Ivp i ly .In land Cotiniy Sin-i - Ilfs. 11-,..ii I j i i.l unit ml served as chifi m Poiii i' in Grover. Ku neia! S. vjies \ ore eondiieled Thursday al I pm. fior.i I'rsi Uaot.t i!iui T« ’ : I) Oeoipe Wi - Ini n'elani!1 of Ki ■ ,il.. ’li nn.: II. A. Wes: | mu. 'Ii ( of K..i^s|mhi. Tenn.: 'V. K. \' i’s|moie!a::it of Pittsburg. I’a. nil .1 iiert Wesiriorelan'l of < irm ei; two sisters Mis. II. L Beam "f Grovei and Mrs. .1 II I Bonnet? of Ifoiirlon. Taxas. 3 (PRICES GOOD ALL WEEK) ^ 3 At our Qteflg) Drug Store <£ ... ———n SOMINEX AYDS Reducing Reg. W-25 Now $2-4* NIKOBAN Wt Now $1M ! McmOnHs t ENDEN SHAMPOO * Reg. 89c < Now 89c me peuvewv ARRID ROLL-ON DEODORANT Frte Delivery 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays thru Saturdays KINGS MOUNTAIN ^ * - DRUG COM PAN \ (MORE ABOUT) srourntti .mi nr/iv l(aml) i r... ik i h* Mart ' mymakei. i ■ -p. * \ Bretuli Mam. > Ita*) • • Mi [ion pal I.ynni- I. i • •!« \|> I lam* li *i s. i • tTUnnk* Ph li'i molet .1 Cimly Kh\ Alr\.inrt<‘ I» i:> hl M llOUSO .IH '.i Cimly < ill / e. hi . It;ri:ii|i*i nnuselua-iM*!'. Jam* Tails 1 Itarr. ’.■> 1 >•!*! «• Ann I-..li a »t • •. Mi 1 iill-llil • Slot. 1tall.il J'im* Anthony. K ■ n . . oil, tor Mary ('.anil. It «n;>l Lois A >n Sh ret.1: 1 1.• 1 Meredith Mr(..il. It . 1 li. am era. itou ekeep.T. Sara r tot It Simpson. Ita:i!ti|. : My Home. pel. rook Rarhar.i Saiu’e is. It 1 in|, Christy Ilnll. rilei. m Phyllis Mil ay. Vl\ | T .mi 'took'. hnu>ekei p. I’.im \i. lalMin. It 1 n > I «• 1 hoiisek- ‘per. Viekie AVali-'ik,,n. |{.|'< mi ll, tusei.lietior. Kaye Lev is. Itamhli" C.nli'1 Troon .?. I>i‘li n ait .lay in -. ij.l n hostess Itila (*, ivlf it 101 (■mu! ilOStl ss. i inil 1 ‘samlet*. ihihl ran-, host rss. SI'OIS I’fltriein (toll ns rhihi mi*. ifll|lS<. SJtO Is. .le tti |"v •>■, li .-.les* to\ :nak 1 I.inila Calls, hostess. , .,,h Htiiivii 1 I'm* im. hostess Mai aa Ware hostess Susie Mover. 1 hild eare Myra Ware, hns'.’s Naney Ware, hoste Junior Troop KM \ll ]l ’il ls i>-is»j\isl 1 »■«11 in hniis’krt ('iti• and |m* i 'ii a. iClllll. R’V.’iVII award* Writ* Mm J«m no i Inf 'ii Murii’ii W • *i s* •hi i I iuh* S’ •! r < ;nfm i ■ * t« • 1 I'.if’s -U'.in Jama Dm nr. I Aim Wilson. »‘i>* fal Wilson. Ka . ill.addin. I>.m !{ • i:r mi and Ann »'ai:i|i .'iii.. '' ” iji 1 t. X l»an It ii . .1 ini.. *i ,.:r‘i a i|, ' I ' i > a.-i ;*••!! jial. in’ sil ri. s v 114. < ■ >k. ii .tw ■ an.I i> 11nlii . I.n 'in t'h ’ll’ >. hntiKa’k’ i jM'i 1.1 Am I vi- |iiinsi’k.'i. 1.1 i. i . i hemp I M'> t mi mi nt i 'I i* i afl. .*• >1 lor I >i. ’mi. mil" li.iki.'iil inn. I.una Ann Hidsoi. Inrk>.ird fllil, . ook. niifiliHii i it »k, sl’.n till!’! A I.tini , i'll .ik i 'i”k anil Dab lei. Do \> I” nl; i’H’-c. health aid. h ■'|*i' .i l• i \ a Mj II" . f'ailij Ilhoa. musician. I »".’>Iiii f{|:oa rook, ll ’r.i<- b nilth an.I safety. \l> Home and i.niiso kc’-jiin, K ii ' It if fin. Iiuikv.iid fun. cook. W atria Wallis. ail ,:i tno round and c iok Pi hi|» I t'.idi’tlos. \|ai_\ Jam* id ifl;n. '"id .a ■. l.i!k d in-’im, .a.lies i»' nil . 'slcs.s. knit' Vi” did horn :na! ! . D. it U’ii i a. h” : ■ s. K Min • in nil 1' Istcss. diirtlia Jail” Mai i,n. Iioslfs* a >d i”ik ilancii.”. Ka> Kimble. i 'll. da.i, n^. cook i'i . Ii I i f.a.i* end hod sv i iiml \k s.iialoi. talk dam in” reader. panics ad (imi ■« .. n»vr« i <;innfon. hmlrM, <.nl lu-itii-ti i hiiri oar**. • ' . ill I). Iinstoss 1’ V'fllS IJltl-OI,. IlllStOSS <>\ i. s Sisk, houlrsii. lit i •■n. h'wtMs . II ' !«»!; m OIT NKWS ;.ti s fhits wp hail . .-in; -i- lull ii.«> parly for a • i S. ill tr .op Wo had i ik. i .I o i roam Wo said mi. S o*. |’r(inii ;iL:‘u at ?:0»» v.o m ii P. Hi ■ Omi t .il Awards. Sumo u .op> il'oio danood nnd s imo 'ini • a yi.tijf. Wo sof inane iiarl and h:. • irfroii'imonis. S«*ri!w' I lolon l.oos THE CAT SQUARE OPERY AUDITORIUM Vale N. C. Present* Each Saturday Night COUNTRY MUSIC SHOW & GOSPEL SING FEB. 22. 8:00 P. M. Featured Guest Country Partner* ... Salisbury Blue Ridge Mtn. Bay* E. C. (Ski King) Realty . . . Charlotte and regular Opery Groups The Dromons (Rack N Roll) Kings Mtn. Special Gospel Singing Grace Quartet THURSDAY NIGHT FEB. 27. 8:00 P. M. ROCK *N ROLL SHOW With "JIMMY KILGO*' Of WSOC TV Ch. 9 Four Acres Free Parking 1 Mctffl FPOS MT 2 13J1 cu ft EXCLUSIVE FRIGIDAIRE PULL *N CLEAN OVEN RANGE •Mtiro-2044 * dtctrie • Pull N Clean oven slides out like a drawer. • Cook-Master automat e oven j control. • Recessed one piece flouring K top. Plus many e-J other easy• clean features! WITH THADE BUDGET PRICED FRIGIDAIRE FROST PROOF REFRIGERATOR! • No frost—no defrosting mr in Imnanr sr refrigerator. • Big 100 lb 2«ro 2on« top frwnr. • Term Porcelain Enamel Hydrators • Poomy storage door and more1 $298.88 WITH TRADE NEW TWO-SPEED FMGMMME WASHER WITH UNDERWATER ACTION ZONE WASHING! GIANT 12 LB. TUB! • Circulates sK clothes under velar for a realty dean wasif • Freeh ivaaiaB velar • Separate cycles for delicetes and Wash * Wee*. Mil aCM M $218.88 TRADE McGinnis Furniture Company MS S. BATTLEGROUND AVE. PHONE 73M7M