4 ocd Business Practices Needed o Increase Farm Income In 'M It Tar Meel Is mots can niaj„ tain Iheii ' a !) >uri nf extension S|w :al ists at North Caroline Stale after si ml vint; 191.1 !arm tni-omo pros pects. Th*> had •’“on asked i„ mak. ih<> stuclv ay Hr. Oorgo lljati <• • • .f ii, . \ c. A.-Tirulturai Extension Service, in wake of the anxiety over the 10 per cent out in tobaceo allotments. k The sp 'iali't expressed ronfi don. c l«»r*t *.l farm income could **■ maintain'd ui ihi* til level be cause of the opportunities that for i uTPa.-»nif innimo from m*nj • orn •nor;; ties. They also doubted jf inhirro income would drop in per mn. In order to get (he maximum net income in 'til. however, the specialists urged farmers to con sid«*r a numbe; of "good farm i nisi ness priii'1 i —< and cost-rut* ling possibilities." Here are so , e examples; 1. fipirn., c n n-dir-e interest < harires if they burrow mom) on 1> for tin tuve nnV-d Many far m •!•», l«r example, n«x*d m*«ne\ for harveatH<> t linnii The pro per time to borrow *urh money is it th- brji ii.>in” of the harvest st'anon, not earlier in the year. 2. Kjim peoj • *h<>uM ;;lve at tent ion to who’ may .it first ap pear t i be minor items Prevents tr.e mainten ince. for example, an ent lar^e repair bill*. *«ood records can help locate new op p< itutiit.es for efficiencies and isiint to profitable enterprise. Filing for t;as »lr. to tax refunds or tisinp the investment credit in federal income taxes on new ma giam* as tiior >ughl> a.i poss.bh . Uw of surh things as the lease and-transfer l<»ha o program a d the lease and ivappotiiimment cotton program an din My af fe. I income. I. Fanner- -mW try to he flexible enough to cope w.th emergencies. |»u<- to the tlunl hay i rop m 1083, for example, faina rn fcodi'ij beef herd-, should use as notch |o» pined roughage as possible thirini; the winter, (ira/ing of itriall grain, w here a vailable, until early spring could also cut feed rust*. A* a final point, the specialist said some farmers should also nHtsid.T off-ferm employment. They i-.IihI a study which showed h iw a ridurli >n in tobacco allot merits has aff'rted off-farm m nlovtnent *n |s» »*••«! From 1955 to 1957. when flue tvm-d allotment* were nit 29 per ••••tit. off-larm Income of farm formin'. In the Northern l9edniont' went uj> about 25 j»er cent. The. ihan;v was n il j.n noticeable in the Coastal Plain wheiv fewei opportunities existed for off farm work. Antipodes is the name given places opposite each other on earth, and the word literally means "against the fool.” Accord in" to the Bonk of Knowledge, the anti|«>des of Atlanta, Ourgla. Is n ,ii Perth, Australia, and, *iuite literally, the soles of a man* feet .standing near Perth fa i* the soles of a man standing in Atlanta. There's Tine For Soil Test KAl.KKI.’i J> liit'ir .still time to have soil tested? Many farmers an- v.ondei inj{ if they ran ,,«*i soil test results bark in time to use tin* time and fertilizer suggestions for this year's crop Dr. Prcstm Raid, director ol th*- N. C Department of Agrii ul lure's sod testing division, says work in the soil testing lab >m lory is only slightly behind the normal schedule. Soil samples re-1 calved now ran lie tested and the results return -yI to farmers in a laout 12 to 11 days. This would la* ample time fo> utilizing soil test ■nformation for nop* being plant ed after April l.V A question frequently asked is wlirthrr or •.to: it is too late to apply lime. Dr. Kept said that the general rocommendatnn is for lime t>> he applied two to three months Indore planting How e\.*r anytime iincluding the da> Indore plantingi j,. a good time to apply line, hut the earlier the bettor. The nearer planting that lime is applied, the more important it is to tio a jpshI ioh of mixing the lime with the plow laver of soil Dr. Keel emphasized tjood mix injf assurer, more lienefits front the lime in a shorter period .f timh Dr. Keid sav- it is very imp n tant to have the light amoutu of lime as well ar fertili/ei in soils for profitable trop production T> letrrmine the amount of l.me t<» it is no- saury to h«vo a soil est. S* Katharine la-c Kites. American luthor and professor of English iterance at Wellesley College torn l'Wl until According o the Book ol Knowledge, the ss-m was set to the music of a tyinn b> Samuel A. Ward. ■ KINGS MOUNTAINI _ “ CT ^ l)Rli(, COMPANY Phone 739*5451 THE CITY 5 MODERN STORE V I 10 BIG DAYS Thursday. March 12 Thru Saturday March 21 19c Thurs., Fri., SciS. March J2-12-!4 T’airs., Pii., So!. * Morch 19 2C-2I m COTTON BULLS SI.20 value, only 69c > NITEUTES Ey Sylvania for nursery, bedroom, bath and halwcys, re^. SI.19. thu *alc 69c Phillips MILK OF MAGNESIA Both mint and reg. flavor, teg. 69c 49c Messengiil POWDER for feminine hygeine. reg. *1.25 99c Uncoil Fast Home PERMANENT gentle, regular, little girl, new gray — reg. 52, now >/z price SI COD LIVER OIL 16.01.. reg. 51.89. Now S1.29 Electrix Flashlite RATTERIES in “O'. "C". "AA" sites. Tour Choice S lor SI Scented Lorie Gardenia RURRLE RATH 3 lbs. (or Blue Magic Instant Cold Water SOAP •specially for nylon hosiery and intimate apparel 39c each Register Now 3 Big Prizes To Be Given Away Buffet Double Element Range By Dominion — Drawing Thursday, March 19 Eight - Transistor Portable Radio In Top Groin Leather Drawing Friday, March 29 16-Inch Portable T-V SET Drawing Saturday. 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S2 $1.39 KLEER-FLAME Lighter fluid with safety see* tie. Reg. 29c Now lie RECALL 24 Hour Protection CooUtluo deodorant 2 i«I SI NYLONS Firat Quality 49c pr. Big Value ENVELOPES 100 Count 39c 200 NORWICH ASPIRIN Now 09c I n« DELIVERY Fit# Delivery Saturdays HUNGS MOUNTAIN GS3s,o« DRUG company ■23TWES3MB the city's modern stor Don't Mis This Sale! It'* Out Big Annual Spring Sales Event With Bargains Galeae