F..V(!AHFMF.V7' ASStil'St’Fh Mr. 'iml Mm. h'nink Britlgr* 'lilHnimii tin i ini'i’li im ill •'! tlnir in n i . tflM Ebinluth l.ii Ciliiifi, iliiinihti r nf Hi Inti I ■! Rnii it iht \ mu Rriifi/n Cnn i/i, to W ill hi til I'lnl.ni n A a t It i lit n, mm ni Mis Arthur /’ Ant him ft mill thr Inti- Mr. Anthnnn Rntli fiii,iih< s nn nf Knnin M nun turn Tin l I'rili/mif will lu ■in rri-mt nf Jiiui /f | People In The /Vewsj A birthday party in Jack sonville. Florida February 21st honored Mark Smith on his first birthday. Young Smith is the son of Mr. and M.s. Kyle Smith. 7927 Renault Drive, former Kings Mountain citizens. A decorated birthday cake was cut and served with other par ty refreshments to members of the family and friends. Mark's Kings Mountain 1 grandparents are Mr. and i Mrs. Richard Owens. * * Jerry Michael Black, Jr., son of Mr. a: d Mrs. Jerry Black, celebrated his first birthday Monday. March 2nd. Michael's grandparents are Mr. and Mr*;. Bill Black of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. James W. Helms of Mount Holly. A small family party at the Black home was attended by members cf the family and friends. Michael's birthday cake was cut and served with other party refreshments. t • About This N' That Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hughes will celebrate their gold en wedding anniversary Sunday. March 15th, and open house is planned at their home in the Dixon community from 2 until 5 p.m. Children of the couple will be hosts for the affair, to which all friends and reatives of the Huoheses are invited to , attend. Mrs. Hughes is the former Eva Dunlap of Newberry, S. c. Chief Warrant Officer Charles B. Wright and Mrs. Wright have returned to Albuguergue, New Mexico, after a five-day visit with Mr. Wright s mother. Mrs. Rosa B. Wright. The Wriqhts were transferred to New Mexico from Romulus, New York. Bridal Parlies Held Miss Polly Page, bride-elect of this month, was honor guest Friday evening at a dinner-bridge given by her aunts, Mrs. Rhy"e Little. Mrs. George Page and Mrs. James H. Paqe at the Litt!e home in Lincolnton. The three nostesses qave Miss Page a shoulder corsage and a silver bowl. Dinner was served buffet-style from a table centered by a candeabr .m of candies, white sprino blossoms and greenery. Four small tables hed miniatur« arrangements. Go''" : Inm Kinqs Mountain were the bride-e'ect, her mother Mrs. Ha,ry Paqe- Mrs. James H. Paqe Mrs. Robert Wilson. Ml Nancy Nickels, and Mrs. Harold Hunnicutt. Mrs. Pau He~dr ck- a~d Mrs. John L. McGill entertain ed Thursday a* the former’s home at a 12:30 luncheon for Miss Page. A grec” and white color note was carried out in the decoration . 'the b r et tab'e wa*. centered by a large wed ding r’na d° ra*nd w’th qneen and white carnations. Small er table1 f m n tne 16 oue;ts ate luncheon were deco rative with sm.al er rings and f'owers. Miss Page *a giver a shoulder cordage and the cream pitcher and --gar bow in her china pattern. SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday: 3:30 Mr*. Georg* II. Mauney is entertaining member* of her bridge club at her home on N. Piedmont Avenue. 7:30 Town and County Garden oltib at the home of Mr*. Grady Patterson. ”>07 \V. Gobi street. 7:30 Mr.;. Jfcoh Cooper, Mra. Rotiert Wilson and Mr*. Amos l>ea:i are entertaining at the home of the former at dessert-bridge hi*noring Mis* Polly Page, bride elect. 7:30 Beth ware school Parent Teacher Association in the school auditorium. Saturday: 11:00-1 p.m Mrs. Henry Neis ler. Mrs. B. F*. Manor and Mra Charles Noisier are entertaining at a "Coffee House Party” at Kings Mountain Country Clut honoring Mi s Polly Page, bride elect. 7:3(1 Mar,Trace Woman's club at the home of Mrs. Paul Maun ey. SsHiiiiy: 2:00-5 pm Mr. and Mr*. Con rad Hughes are observing their Vith wedding anniversary at open house in the Dixon community. Monday: 7:30 Women of the Church at Pirst Presbyterian church. T ursday: 7:30 Study Club at the home of Mrs. II. Carl Mayes, Mrs. K. W. Griffin, program chairman. ■VOI) West seho >1 Parent Teacher Association in the schoo i auditorium. Byers-Jolley Vows Pledaed Miss Kli/^ilieth Bvers an* Charles Henry Jolley wen* mat ried last Saturday at the home 0 the bride's sister. Mr*. Gile Neill. The Rev. D. M Steil, Jr. minister of Second Baptist church of Cherryville. heard the couple pl**dge vows of the doable-ring •■eremony. I Miss Terwa Jolley provided a program of piano music. Hie bride wore a white street length dress with pact.*1 brocade, lifer arvbssories were white. Miss Shelby Jean Neal attend ; isi the bride as maid of honor. She : wore a dress of white lace with white accessories. Charles Ford was best mail. The bride and bridegroom out | a wedding cake at the reception i which followed the ceremony. The l ca’.te was served with fruit punch. The bride, daughter of Mr. and j Mrs. William J. Byers, attended i I’herrwille high school. The britlegroom is a son of Mr and Mrs. T. If. Jolley of Kings Mountain. A graduate of Kings Mountain high school and a vet eran of four years of service in the Army, he i- employed at PP I (»’* Carolina Tiber Class Plant. Mr. ailri Mrs. Jolley have re turned from a Florida wedding trip and are at home at 410 S. Cansler street Ministers’ Wives Met Thursday The club made up of Baptist ministers' wive-- of Kings Moun tain Baptist Association met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wilson Marmon. Mrs. Da vid Wesson and Mrs. Cline Bor ders shared hostess duties with Mrs. Harmon. Dessert. Russian tea and as sort'd finger foods were served tea fashirbi from a table decorat ed in white and yellow. Three club members contribut ed to a program on "Flower Crow ing Can lie a Hobby.” Mrs. James Hutson spoke on How We Use Our Hands: Mrs. Lawrence Rohe.t*. a rose fancier, spoke on Roses as a Hobby, giv ing tips on varieties and culture practices; and Mrs. C. O. Creenel spoke on the planting a&id cul ture of annual? and perennials. Kaoh member received bulbs and flower seeds as favors. Elizabeth Stewart, Editor Phone 739-5441 •\ Mrs. Jamct Mu hrui lh.rx>n Miss Sarah Robbins, James Michael Dixon Wed* Sunday In Double-Rina Cedemony 'K-ings Mountain Baptist ctaureh provided the setting Sunday for a 4'p.m. exchange of vows which united Miss Sarah R >bbins and James Michael Dixon. Rev. Marion, DuBose officiated at the double-ring qlrcmony. Mrs. J. N. McClure.was organ ist' for the program of nuptial music and* Mrs. -William B. Craw fdrtl was. Vocal .soloist. Mrs. Craw ford sang -‘•Entreat Me Not To Leive Thee" before the ceremony and “Wedding Prayer” as the benediction. The church altar was arranged with lighted tapers and inter spersed by Baxter lilies and back ground giwTOrj-. * Given Iri marriage by her fath er. the bride' wore a sami-sheath of white pegu de xoie which fea tured a rounded neckline, elbow sleeves and a law cummerbund which flowed into a sweep train. Her shoulder length veil of illus ion was attached to a headpiece of pearls and sequins and she carried a cascade bouquet of white carnation.- and valley lilies. Mrs. Charles Herndon attrtided the bride as matron of honor and bridesmaids included Miss Gloria McCarter a n d Miss Elizabeth Modlin. Teri Bolin, niece of the bride, was junior bridesmaid and Robin Bolin. niew of the bride, was flower girl. All the attendants wore gold peau de sole gowns which featur ed scoop neckliPea. Elbow sleeves and beli skirts The matching ban deaux were dropped with flirta tion veils and they wore dyed-to match slippers and carried bou quets of lilac mums. The bridegroom’s father was best man and the list of ushers included Ray Robbins of Union. S. C.. brother of the bride: Guy Fisher of Winrton Salem, uncle of the groom: David Roberts of Kings Mountain and John Hardin Special Exhibits And Arrangements Are Featured In Flower, Garden Show Special exhibits, including edu- ■ cational exhibits on rose culture, shade trees, home beautification and the tourist attractions of three states, will be shown at the Southeastern Flower & Garden Show at the Charlotte Merchan dise Mart March 7-15. Robert E. Zimmermat, show manager, an nounc'd today. Qualified rusarians will mann the Charlotte i’.ose Society booth to answer questions about roses that flourish t>est in the Pied mont. The society is cooperating with the Caroltnas District of the American Rose Society. Offi cers of the latter are: Joseph Richer. Jr.. Raleigh, director: Dr. I'. Hoyt Hndie. Columbia, S. C.. and Baxter Morgan, Rackwell. vice-dire-tor.;; Mrs. Xed Harbin. Winston-Salem. secretary; and , Paul Peterson. Leaksxille, treas I urer. A motion picture on "Trees and Their Care’* wilt he shown in the International Shade Tree Confer ence booth, according to H. C. Wilson of Shelfcy, In charge of the exhibit. The conference pro motes both public and scientific understanding of trbe culture. HANDS Home aid Neigh borhood Di-vclopme.it Sponsors will have a booth telling the story of its wor'i and growth as a fori-c for beautifying citii*s. Tlie group started in Raleigh seven years ago, then spread to Rocky Mount and to Charlotte. It is now nationwide in seope. Mrs. Fred itaucom, chairman of the Charlotte committee. reports. North Carolina, Virginia an<l Georgia travel development agen cies will each hare an exhibit in the Avrt'ue of Xlates. Each state is to display pictures of its floral and tourist attractions, along with plantings of flowers or shrubs. Four Kings Mountain women are among 100 flower show judg es from five states who will ex hibit ai rangements. Mrs. XV. M. Gantt exhibited nic he arrangements March 7-8. Mrs. Moffatt Ware Mrs. J. E. Hern don. Sr. and Mrs. W. L. Pressly were exhibiting arrangements yesterday and again today. Hu* garden club’s area of 3„>00 square Wet includes arrange ments in oversize niche*, as well as table settings; an exhibit of oriental containers; four gardens and a horticulture section based on the club's noted engagemmt calendar Other features in the shew in clude 18 professionally designed gardens, decorated room and pa tio settings, nightly fashion show s for the family, exhibits by the states of North Carolina. Virginia and Georgia, a rate bordered by gardens and more than 70 com mercial booms showing gardtti and patio equipment and supplies. of Kings Mountain. cousin of the groom. Mrs. Tommy Phillips of Clover. S. C. won* a pink silk suit with pink accessories an<l a white shoulder corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose blue lace with blue accessories and a white shoulder corsage. Mi*. Lewis Dellinger presided at the bride’s cook in the vesti bule of the church where the bri dal party formed a receiving line to gr«*et wedding guests. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM The new Mrs. Dixon is the daughter of Buford Adam Rob bins of Kings Mountain and the late Mrs. Robbins. A graduate of Kings Moi&itain high school, she attended liowartl Business <*ollege and is now employed by Dellin ger's Jewel Shop. Mr. and Mrs C. T. Dixon. Jr., of Kings Mountain are parents of the bridegroom who is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school and Winston Salem Barbel school. He is employed by Pied moot Barber Shop. For a trip to the mountains the bride chose a navy light-weight wool suit with blue s Ik blouse, navy accessories and the flowers lifted fmm her bouquet. The newlyweds are at home at N07 Phillips drive. Garden Clubbers Hear Miss Wingo Miss Jessie Wingo, Cleveland County Home Demonstration A gent, presented the program at Tuesday night's Azalea Garden club meeting at the home of Mrs. George Morrow. Using the theme, "Backyard Landscaping". Miss Wingo illus trated her talk with slides show ing the nroper way of landscap ing for good results. Mrs. Mor row was program chairman. Mrs. A. J. Slater presided over the business meeting. Members made plans to provide Easter lil ies for area church cm pels and the Kings Mountain hospital cha pel during the Easter season. At refreshment time Mrs. Mor row was a*sist«*d hv Mrs. Clar ence Jolly in serving a dessert course. Spring flowers decorated the! Morrow home. Couple Feted Mter Rehearsal Miss Sarah Fiobbins and Mik<< Dixon wen* hunornl after their wedding rehearsal Saturday at a take cutting held in the fellow ship hall of Kings Mountain Bap tist ehureh. Mr. anti Mrs. Kay Robbins of Union. S. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Phillip*- of Clover, S. C shared host and hostess duties. Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Robbins are brother and sister of the bride elect. Overlaid with white linen, the bride's table was decorative high light.. A candelabrum holding ta pers and decorated with fern and lily of the valley was at the cen ter of the table. The three-tier rake was cut and served from one end and punch was served from a crystal bowl at the other. Assisting in entertaining were Mrs. Dwakt Lynch. Mrs. Jack Moore and Mr>. C. T. Dixon. Jr. The bridal pair took the invas ion to present their gifts to their wedding attendant. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mr*. Jo** VVyte. 10 Oak St., announce* the birth of a son. Wednesday, March 4. Kin^s Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kiijich' Laugh ridge. 713 Gantt St., renounce the eirth of a son. IMeadav. March 3, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Gene Short. Kt 1, announce the hilth of a daughter, Tuesday. March 10. Kings Mountain hospital. Sirl Scouts Begin Annual Cookie Sale Kings Mountain Girl Scouts and all those in the Pioneer Girl Scout Council have t * gun the annual sale of Girl Scout cookies. The profit from the cookie sale is used for two purposes. Each troop win* sells rookies is given a percentage of the money for pro gram supplies tor the yirls m the troop.This additional money pays for numerous activities which the troops could not otherwise af ford. The largest |a>rtion of the pro fit is used hv the council to fi fiance capital improvement at Camp notary and Camp Kiwanis. These two council-owned sights are not only used for established camping hut as a year-round pro gram center to li\e Girl Scouting. The profit also supports the Day Camps which are operated in six different sections of the council. Parsonaoe Rites Unite Currys Ann.iumvntetii is made today of the marriage of M ss Margaret Marie Ponder • nd Marvin Rich ard Curry, \vhi< h took place on Sunday. March 1. in Winston Sa lem at the parsonage of New Hope Methodist church. The Rev. Gratiy Barringer, for mer minister ol Sulphur Springs Methodist church hi Cleveland County, heard the iouple ex change vows of the double ring ceremony. Daughter of Mrs. James Blan ton Ponder of Shelby and the late Mr. Ponder, the bride was gradu ated from No. r. high school and is a student a: Gardner Webb, college, where she will complete a one-year commercial course in late May. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wray Curry of Kings Moun tain. is also a .graduate of No. 3; high school. lie is emoloyed at Mhiette Mills at Grover. Tito couple v ill reside at Pat terson Springs WMU Sponsors Week Of Prayer Women of Westover Baptist church sponsop d annual Week of Prayer service*- March 1-S and the programs were marked by good attend inec. Mrs. Edgar Tucker. WMt' pre sident, hni an extensive study of Home Missions, using the over all theme. “In Freedom's Hol\ Light.” Mrs. Kffie Wright was pro gram chairman for the five-night study which carried out the theme of Week of Prayer, including: Monday, “V.’o Proclaim Christ”. Mrs. Gertrude Owens and Mrs Lillian Tucker: Tue-'-day. “We Proclaim Life”. Mrs. Jewel Burns and Mrs. Delphin Willis; Wednes day. “We Proclaim Liberty”, members of the Brotherhood: Thursday. “We Proclaim Love" Mrs. Agnes Sa- tiers and Mrs. El sie Greene; and Friday. “We Pro claim Victory” Mrs. Lillian Tuck et anti Mrs. Gertrude Owens. Easter plans are underway by members of th-* church with Rev. Klovd R. Willi", pastor, heading the committee on arrangements. Shower Honors Mrs. Joy Mrs. Paul Williams. Mis. LVan Fleming and Miss Hail Pearson eiitert mined Saturday evening at the Pearson lv>me at a stork shower honoring Mrs. Clary Joy. Illue ami ninl. eombined deeo ratively throughout the party room, was also featured in re freshments. Sn'all cakes were top|MKi with baby shoes and serv ed with lime puneh. Mrs. Joy was given a pink carnation corsage centered by a miniature stork. Gifts from 25 guests were dis played in a bassinet and op<4ied followin ' a period of games. Mrs. Herndor Honors Miss Page, Bride-Elect Miss Polly Page, bride-elect o March, was invited to play witl members of the Tuesday Night bridge club when Mrs. J. K. Hern don entertained members and guests. The bride-to-be’s mother, Mrs Harry Page, was also a guest. Mrs. Herndon gave Miss Page a gift. A salad and dessert course was served between progressions. Jl’NfOR SCOTT N’KWS Friday in Troop 1«1 we got two barges, and we got our Scout cookies so we eould sell them. We had cookies ano cokes for re freshir.ents. Scribe Helen Bees Mothers Of Trinity Day School Students Take Typical School Day Tour Thursday Mothers ol five-year old young sters cnrolle-l at Trinity Day School spent a typical day of school Thursday in a special pro gram for pai *nts arranged by the dess teacher. Mrs. David K. Hamrick, who also took the occasion to an nouni'e her resignation f.»r what sn<* says will h • her "sa hat leal", led the 10 mothers on a tour of a typical day of school in which she explained the program offer *xl by the sch<> <t. The Kin ;s Mountain teacher, who expects to do graduate work in the fall. >al<t her roslgnat.on would t>> effect m> at the elose of this school term. Trinity Day Sch »ol is under sponsorship of Trinity hpisc.ipal church. I’htf.-r roan. A typical <11\ f»u prcsohooli i starts with chape) services where the dodrinr of the Kpiscupal Church is not emphasized. There is a peri xl «»F ;nf<r mal discusshC.’ following the worship ser\ ii-e anil the youngster.-; hold .1 sharing period. Their happy experiences throughout the day are correlated w:th the chapel period. Mrs. Ham rick pointed out. “txer.-iae period" in the kitchen follows end th: part of a school day is followed by dramatization of f.av >rite stoihs. among them fo’k j;ames such as “Jimmy Crack Corn.” Th.« “Work Day” begins about 9:30 a.m. and the group of 11 is divided into three small groups, these so grouped according t • their indivulual ability. ArmOig other activities, tlje children keep notebooks of •• w words; they Darn three consonants a day un til they can recognize them ami write them an'1 the Manus cript method of teaching is emphasized and Cursive writing which is easier. Mrs. Hamrick believes, for a «-hild to learn and eliminate a lot of rtotiitt. The Vowl is intro duced in a similar way and the basic phonies. “Tlie children ask question* a bout each word and each word is built up into a wonderful attitude alxiut reading". Mrs. Hamrick noted. Arithmetic is correlated with reading. “Anything in theii world you can relate to arithme tic”, the teacher continued. •Story Time is at 11:15 and the youngster* learn geography and history via dramatization and map-making. The group is busy rehearsing "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and tin* young sters themselves select the east ami costumes. They also hear stories they love as: "Miss Hattie and The Monkey"; The Smile That Traveled / round the World" Kings Mountain Herald A nt‘M.KfKifM‘1 puHimlHkl tttvkty • Thu relays. by Martin I. Ilarmon. Jt DBA IN •.<!*! II* turn* Kntrr as wroml riaxs matter a! th«* **»xt « lift* a! K:n;:s Mountain. X. C* . 2MK un«h*r Act «*. ConKrrss of Match 'V lh7. SI ‘BSCKimOX RATKK Hy Mail Anywhere On.* year six nofit hi Hirer mor.ihx Single copy ptsc 10 ' Stones From Other lands'1 ai^^ others. They sing and they a” exposed to Mother (.loose rhymes in song: "Tale of Peter Rabbit” is a familiar textbook and they keep a not •‘book of words. They have dramatized owl kept note luniks of "Story of Beatrix Pot ter" and other textbooks, "A Child's History of Art”: “A Child's llistoiy of <ieography" and "A Child's Geography of tlte World.” In addition to t> >oks and other familiar classro im objects, the pro-school i *ont at Trinity Pay School has a “Winnie the Poo” which the youngsters enjoy. "Our scadcmic program in volv**s the lotr*' education of the child, spiritually physically, and mentally”, Mrs. Hamrick told the mothers p»«-Mti|. Silo cinphasi/ed the impartanci of selecting the lies! kind of literature for a child. The Pre-School group at Trini t\ includes thc.-e students: Mary Kathlynn Mauney. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mauney; Steve Snuthwe.i. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Southwell; Ashley Plonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Plonk, It.: Elizabeth Nois ier. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Noisier. Jr.; Julie Durham, daughter o1 Dr end Mrs. Thomas Durham: Ooll<*«ii Korsvthe. daugh ter of Mr. ami Mrs Wayne For sythe; |{ itx rt Woods, seci of Mr. and Mrs. Dm Woods of Grover; Karen llamhryht. daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fain llamhright^^ Grover; Keith Goforth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goforth. Jr.: Becky Blanton, daughter of Mr. anil Mi . Charles Blanton; and Harold Glass. Jr.. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glass. Misses Freida and Elaine Bur ton were at home this wt-ekend visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Burton. Freida is a freshman at Western Carolina •allege. Elaine, a senior at St. An drews Prcshvterian college, is do ing her practice teaching in Red Springs. She is teaching 10th gratie English ..ndcr the supervis ion of I.. G. Smith. THOMSON & McKinnon Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and other leading Ex changes 110 Liberty Life Building Chariot te, N. C. IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Dial 7.19-1*631 for information on any stock that interests you. | (No toll charge) MARK KANE, Manager Athlene G. Smith Registered Representative l:23tfn. RIVIERA $400 00 Other Styles of ENGAGEMENT RINGS From $29.95 Convenient terms arranged In lit your budget DELLINGER’S JEWEL SHOP Kings Mountain's Leading Jewelers

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