GIRL SCOUT NEWS On March 11. 19b-l Cadet t« Troop 4 of the First Picsbytenai church opened with IB mcmbci present and 3 new members. YV elected a new scribe. I*on<i Gladilen. Also for Mol bergs l)a> we voted to have .« Mother Daughter Banquet anil a fashim Show For the hospital at Kaste We voted to make tray favor With Easter vets** and also ti lake an Easter basket full Oi fruit to the patients. Troop Seri tie Donna Gladden. First Presbyterian Church __ CALLING ALL HOME MAKERS ■T GENE TIMMS WHICH FURNITURE STORE SHALL TOU DEAL WITH? TIMMS The average person furnishes .their horn*- only a few times flur m;4 their life time. and when the time entries ii refurnish they are n a t u tally preplexeci as w wmi ii *•• deal with. It all boils down to the (unc tion. "What makes a «;< *< >1» furniture store?" Of course, there are many factors that o into making a GOOD furniture store but perhaps the greatest »ne is the reputation which the store has made since it has been in business. And you can't build a g>iod reputation by fooling people. Here at Timms we always feel that our satisfied euslo Tters are our b<sl advert ise nrtent. We are trained rlecnra tors,and although we are in the business of selling, we al go try to be helpful based tin many years tif experience. And the best way that a salesman - decorator ean he helpful is to let him see your home for himself, let him mea sure the rooms and wall spa res, let him set* the style of architecture and let him know your apprtiximate budget so that he ean plan intelligent l\. That's the difference !><• tween "furnishing" and "dec grating”. The next hest thing ish to bring your plans or a sketch of your lay-out into out Itore and let us help with a tuggested arrangement and .x>lor scheme. Barcelona The rich artistic and archi tectural traditions of Spain .•an bo yours in a superb col lection of living room, dining room, and bedroom furniture. See this exciting new colter lion and distinguished Chap man lamps and accessories at the Morganton Furniture Coin pony shownsun in High Point. Don’t* miss this opportunity lo see truly fine furniture. Company today for your intro ductory card. TIMMS FURNITURE COM PANY. HOME OF QUALITY FURNITURE FOR GRACIOUS LIV1NC. WHERE DISCOUNT IS KING. "’outh Plan | Sunday Service Youth of Kin •> Mountain Uap^ ist churi h w M •• • > * -c . ! hp Sunday .Morning Worship ierviiv, March 1 >■ T»i.- following youth will as 1 ,umr the followin« church ro <ponaitMliti<*s for Iho wi*K ticyin i.iij; March 1’j | Youth Pastoi Jimmy Kalis Organist l.vvcily Willi.' Supt. of Sunday Sch *ol Hoc K\ Stowe " supu of Adult U-pt. Maine Dixon Supt. of Intermediate Jame l »u Hose Supt. of Junior Dept. Jo Hr id lies \1HIJ Supt. of Primary Dept Jo Mold Supt. >1 B";wwr De|d Owens Supt. of Nursery Ilrrtida Williams Secretary of Sunday School u.inda Si.iv.i Director of Training L'nion randa Roberts VVMi’ fiiclii* Moi rison Pres.dent of Pi ttherliood Jim my Kalis Chun ii Clerk Mary Jo lloril Church Tr a«un r Kay Hen derson Chairman of Deacons Janies Du Hose The Intermediate and Junior Choirs will sing at th- morning service .'find pc sonal test’monies will Is- Risen l.y the f H aving youth: Jo Bridge Linda Roln-rts. Blaine Dixon and Jimmy t ill At the Yesptr Service it p.m, the Woman's Missionary Union will have their Girl's Au* Diary Coronation. I he Women of the < church will iword ion i to eighteen girls at this coronation service. The pjuhlr- i- invited to aUend both of these servn i W. T. Mcrime’s Rites Condi'rtetl Kim -ral ’ite tor W liliam I McClure, 64, were held Si l »> •" I p.m. from Bethany A11P church of which he w in 1 \lr. M CIiii ' I" -th.’. ot Mrs 1 C. I*. C.trp’nt- -id M:>. Huntej Wells of K Mo niiain. died I Kriday night at h - h .me on Kings Mount-tin. rou e 1. follow ing a long illness. Born Deci-m’i.-r I am in «-*• ; toil County, Vr. -M t lure wa jl hp SOU of tile ! -to 1 i. C l' ■ tii -w and Irene W into Mol luic j Surviving u h - w t*\ M‘' | Ethel Fret • Met i soils. William, George and Then 1 dole McClure, ell "f th bom and Marshall McClure ol Gas |to.iia; two daughters. M> >. I B. I Campbell of C. i-eest«.i - ind M, ■ Jane McClure of the home; an I his two sistei - i Rev. K. W. Khei | ill oil ''“o at the ! ial i t. and interment . vta> made In the < hurch - cn te y. TALENT SHOW Plans are underway ior the an I nual Kiwanis Talent Show to he held Vpril Pith at Kin - M” • lain hifh school auditorium. President K. S. Let - ' head *h, -ommiitee on arrangements to: the event wliiel; features talent, from the sis grammar •'hools and high solio .1 of the system FISHING TACKLE SALE! ZEBCO ROD & REEL Beg. SI 1.90 Value.Inst SE CS ZERCO "33' ROD AND REEL Beg. $3150 Beduced to.S19 95 ZERCO "86“ ROD AND REEL Begnlar $20.95—a low.S10.95 Bronson Spinning BOD & REEL Was Now SMS Si9S Snollod Hooks 6Pak-15c All Sins CM PLASTIC FLOATS 10c 20% OFF on PEEN FEELS l/3 OFF on ZEBCO REELS V4 lb. Spool Spin ning Line. *1.49 "Hew" Coil Dancer Worm mvn ”l_i fswrj Check Obi Prices Belore You Buy! CITY PAINT STORE 219 Battleground Ave. RESIGNS — Rev. C. W. Splawn ha.-. tesigned as pastor of Pied-1 mont Saptisf church and will com V te In- ■ *orat# duties at Sunday Spiawn Resigns Church Post K<-v. (J. VV. Splawn will com-1 plete pastorate duties at Pied-1 in- -11 Baptist churc-h Sunday unci f» B. A How*-i s iif Balmont will .i^ ncv. duties Sunday. Mar Mr Splawn rnnoun'-ed his re sian .tion at Stmtlay morning ser-i vicc-s M irch xth. D. l. iwcs served as pastor of ihi- Bapt -t ( inn il of Knoxville Tenn. for nine years and for 10 years as pastor of Gastonia's First Baptist church. Pit dr ant church r<npfretjation J will hold a "el-acquainted anti welcoming service for the new past and his w ife on Thursd t\ evening. M irch 12th. beginning at p m. The congregation will hold an Appreciation ser* vice for the T?e» and Mrs. Splawn twi Saturday t-.cning. March 15tl beginning at 0:'JO p.m. Police Report Two Accidents Dicing Week Two a.-cidents were reported by ! the Kings Mountain Police l)e partment lor the week ending I March II. M.oy \nn Houser, lti-yoar <iltl h’.'h ‘hi.ol student. was involv ■.I • t -ii* <ar accident Friday •i! ;hf .it in. I."> pan. on North Bat- | 1- ground Avenue Miss Houser told police officers I tint she was traveling at a low j rate of spit'd as she entered v i curve. !os' control of the car, and] struck a utility pole. An estimated $500 in damages \ were done lo the 1958 mode! j Ford. Tlie driver was noi injured and no charg*1* were filed. Willie Mae (Iria n. Negro, 11. of Box .'111 Bessemer City, and Boy ce Clenn Paysour. 45, of 11*10 Seveland Avenue, were involved iv a two-car collision on Cleve land Avenue. Police reports sthate that the Piysour car was traveling south on Cl.eland Avenue, and at ti mn: -d to make a left hand turn -nto <Irovi s Street, when the 10 1 Is moi! • t-'onl was stuck in the •ar bv the Green car. liiiH'n was charged with follow it loo closely, and Pavsour was •hai :cd with driving without an operator's license. I a . ; > wen- estimated at Mao f >r the Givi n <-a'\ and $2»* for the Pay sour car. • Neither driver was injured in the accident. LEGION DANCE Ami'll. an Lc/.on Post l.Yi veil ir a danc- for members am iii'.'ts Saturday n.^ht fri>m 5* un til 12 p.m. at the Legion Hall. Frank Love and his orchestra ^ will provide music for dancing. METER RECEIPTS Meter receipts for the week ending Wednesday at noon t >tal i $206.90, including $21.20 from off street meters, according to re port from the city clerk's office. Holliday Bites | \ie Conducted Funeral rilo • for rmnun K Inlliday 57. o' Kasley. S. C.. hus I of the forme.* Novell.* llai-kwi ll of Mountain, vere neld Monday at 1 pm from ’’armel Presbyterian church, in ci ment f.illov n-^ in ihe church emetery. Mr Holliday died suddenly at his home Saturday- A son of th«* late .lames a-d Kmm.i Peataon Mollidav. he wai a native of Wil liamston win re he attended school. He made his home in I.umhei ton. >’ C. hef .re moving to F. as ley in 1S35. At the time of hi', death he o|>erated the II a>i*l S Tile Co.. wa« a nvvrdrr and older of the Ci»rmel Presbyterian rhurrh. a t*nrh«»r the Sunda> School. was a member of the P.ates 1 odi'e 1*9 AF & AM and the Sudan Temple of the Shrine. Charlotte. He was mar ed twice, first to Miss Hassle HP ion who died se\ • !•••;,I years a- Surviving from this marriage is one daughter. Mias Cara ilo'.l day of the home Also survivin are his wile > Mrs. Novella Piackwell Holliday i rme foster daughter. Mrs V\ i Twitty Carpenter. Jr., a step daughter M s. Ralph Adkins of New Orleans. 1 a.: three stepsons r,coign W. Bl-kwell and Deat Blackwell of Oreenville a&td H°n *ld K. Blackwell of Oreensboro one hrother. \V. C. Holliday <> Pedmont: five sisters. Mrs. W Karnest Bryai t of 'Ireenvtlle Miss Florence Holliday of Iia\ o|o*s Rest. Mrs Rufus Copeland Mrs Haskell Hammon-I and Mr*) rvvter ! anford of Willlamston. Pe\ Ralph C --hnnan and Rev Bernard L. Tr. xlcr officiated a the finai rites. | — MORE ABOUT — Phyllis Pusey (Continued From Front Page) ranking amon _• :he most valuable s h larships available to North Carolina students. The wmneis were among 2-1 fi nalists interviewed by tlu* central rommittee in Greensboro Wed nesday and Thursday. Each of the fatalists had « record of ex ept i. >nal ability, academic a-i chievement am', leadership capa city. The younj women will enter CNC-G's freshman class next fall assurer! of full financial sup pint. Tile scholarships were es tablished in i‘r!i2 by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation of Winston Salem in honor of Mrs. Katherine Smith Reynolds, wife of the fodder of the Reynolds Tobacco company. She was an alumna of Normal College, L'NC-G's earliest predecessor. Miss Pusey Mv.s a participant in the National Science Foundation Institute at UNC-G last summer She i* a member of high school chapter of th • National Honor Society and is a member of the annual staff. Sne was a first prize winner in the Girls' Junior Biological Division >f the Yadkili County Scion Fair. At UNC-G Mis* Pusey plans to major in ma th* in > its or English. — MORE ABOUT — Local Board (Continued From Front Page) With Mr. Barnes. The architects this week an completing detailed specification* on mechanical, heating, lighting and plumbing lor the projected plant to be built tin Phifer road. The electrical specifications hail not been received yesterday af ternoan. "We are nearing the tinnc fot biti-letting". Supt. Barnes a tided. Kings Mountain citizens voted Sl.l million in bonds for building M the new high sthool on Marcl , u>. iota. BAND TO PERFORM Ttic Bethware school band will i present the program at Thursdax j nicht'« Bethware school I* - TA meeting at 7:30 in the school! ’auditorium. Rev. Woodrow Moss ■ will present the devotional for the evening. I b n — Pvt David Hughes, son o( Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Hughes, is under going basic training at Fort Gordon. Ga. A graduate ol Gro ver high school. Pvt. Hughes was employed by Ideal Machine Shop oi Bessemer City before entering the service January Mth. He will complete Army basic training March 19 th. Blood Bank Returns Monday The tied (' <>ss bloodmnhile wil return to Kings Mountain Mon day. l> mors \v.!? t o proc ssed Iron 11 a.ui until 5 |'.m. -it Omtra Methodist church -ducat ion a building. Mrs. Charles Maunev blood replat ement chairman pointed out. Kings Mote.tail Kill Cos. chapter officials are emphasizing blood replacement in •n effort a this visit t > urge tho.ic donor, who have signed blood replace ment ('arris foe friends and rela lives to visa the bl'iod hank. Mrs Maunev continued Goal of th collection, Mrs Mauney added i> !2."> pints o blood. Key Club Aids Heart Fund Drive Fourteen Key ciuh member participated in the recent King Mountain Heart Fund campaign. They were: Richard Gold. Jin Cloninger, Gemge Plonk. Jr . Fete Putnam. Lyn Cheshire, Hubert McGinnis. Pat Murphy, Rohh.e Suher, Mike Ballard, Pat llord Steve Royster, Mike Royster. J:rr Modi in and Fred P.vm. Key Clubbers distributed "h< f containers in the various store - and over $.v't was r osed for bene fit of the heart fund campaign. VFW MEETING Regular monthly meeting of Frank R. <11 'ss Post fisil will be held Monday night at 8 p.m. ai the Post home on Grover road, Commander Harold Pearson has announced. The white hospital ship S. S. HOPE is equipped with Zi0 hos pital beds, three operating rooms, observation rooms as well as lee : ture rooms. T. L Neal's ; Riles Conducted Funeral riles for T. L. <Thee« Neal, of Pie Mount I’aian community of drover, were held Wednesday at .1 p.m. fioni Shiloh Prcabyteri «n rhuivh, interment following ”i thf <ho\er remotely. Mr. Neal ft t Cherokee Cou'.tv Memoi .il In.p.ial M«ii day at 2:50 p.m. after six months of deelining health. A retired far mer. he also v as a former super intendent of Cherokee Falls Mill Sur\iv rrj» ,«re four daughter Mrs. .1. || Shuster of Staunton \a. Mi s. ;•*. c. Carlet .n of Bar rington. Mr*. <\ R. Borders o Greenville. S. c. and Mrs. L. T Morgan of Grover: two sons. -sis. - . rn i—1— V’ardeH and Robert E Neal, both of Grover: 17 grandchildren and| six great grand, hildrrn. ___ fourth grade pupils of Mrs. Boh Hlimey and Mrs. W. L. Ram M'ur will present the program at Tuesday nigh 's West srhool t* TA meeting at s p m. in the audi torium. Mrs R*>!j 'finer will pr< sent the devotional. LEAP YEAR HOP The Future Teacher's cliaptei of Kings Mountain high srh«ol will sponsor a Leap Year Hop Friday at 7’3G p.m. at the school gy m The girl ask hoy dance is expected to he annual affair. Norih Carolina's homegrown airline is Piedmont Aviation, with headquarters in Winston Salem. Lot* ClassUMo FOR SALE — 19«n Ford Country Sedan in oxri'lk’nl condition. Six pussenxer V-8, radio an^ heater, power steering, powen brakes, while walls and wheel covers. Private owner. PAUL B. STEEN. Route 1. Box 25. Tele, phone 739-5553. 3 12 tfn. CARD OF THANKS The family < * Hertlr* Sanders Champion wish to express appre ciation for the kindness shown during the illness and death of our loved one. We especially w int to thank Dr. Durham and Dr. Plonk anti the nurses aiitl em ployees of Kings Mountain hospi tal Also \lrs. Jacob Mauney for the assistants* we received from the Canter Fund. Cecil Chompion, hunhatul Sisters and Brothers of Bertha Sanders Champion SEERSUCKER STRIPES Men's Sizes 2G-41 Creq. & long) Dacron & Cotton S12.89 & $19.99 Teen-Age Boys Sizes 13 to 20 $11.99 Seersucker Stripe Parkas Men’s.$5.99 Roy’s.$3.99 r i a » rultons Department Store Dress Shop - Second Floor Plenty of Free Parking ’64 Chevy II Super Sport with V8 power ...and just the place to enjoy it Chert II -Vo™ Super Sport trill, Butkrt Seat a 1 Kind out for yourself what this Chevy II ean really do. If i hills nearby, let it give them a good going-over. Then see it give slow-moving trucks the run-around. \\ it h its new extra-cost V8 you titl'd but give the acceler ator an inch, and this Super Sport will take a mile. And this great highway performer looks the part it so wen. .a giance ;ii us au-vinyi interior and door-to-door carpeting will tell you that. There's your choice of either the floor-mounted ( Powerglide or Four-Speed Synchro-Mesh tr.insmte.Mon. Both are optional at extra coat, along with a Positraction rear axk*. AM-KM radio, and many other accessories. And for all its new power, Chevy II rales so softly it seems to glide along the highway. That’s because it has high-mounted independent coil springs in the front and Mono-Plate single-leaf springs in the rear With everything l hevy 11 Super Sport has jiu i'ig for it. it's no surprise your Chevrolet dealer is anxious to show you its price tag. Because that's the only thing about it that isn’t super. THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS ClMw^tChevdte'ClMvyll'CMvainCwwtlt See them at your ( htvrolrt Showroom VICTORY CHEVROLET CO. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. RAILROAD AVENUE Mir. No. 110 PHONE 739-547! (

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