if Providential Hands Sermon By GEORGE T. MOORE. Pastor, Resurrection Lutheran Church TEXT: Luke 11:19. 20. "And if I «-ast out dem >nr by BrMnvxil, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they ahull be your judge*. Rut if i: is by the finger t«od that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of (lod has come up on you." This was the way in which Cod spoke 2.000 years ago. Both ques tion and answi r were prompted by a negative rc<q>«nse to a mi racle of healirg. According t> I^uke. a man without speech now speaks.'Jesus has jtist performed about this question: "Explosion of steam boiler; burstInR of steam or hot water appliances and heating systems; fireplace smoke damage; falling trees, weight of ice or snow dam age, building collapse - ate these and other losses covered by the ‘broad form' Homeowner Policy, but not by the standard Home owner Policy?" C. E. War lick III. an exorcism, the ustii.g oul of a demon, an evi: spirit. Immediately Hi* is faced with two reactions Tin* first is Misin terpretation. They tali God's work the work of the devil. Tin* sec ond is Illind'icsr They fail to see any special significance in the miracle avid stiii ask f >r a sign. In answer to the misinterpreta tion Jesus gives thus* word pic tures: lai A kingdom divided, ibi A house divided, in A strong man's house plundered. He is saying that if this i.- a true heal ing how ran ‘t lie evil? Satan is evil. He does not help, nor does he d i good. The cute is good and helpful. Therefore lie is aguinst Satan, and not on Satan’s side. In answer to the blindness Je sus gives th<* one. dramatic ans wer. "If it is by the finger of God that 1 east out demons, then the kingdom of God has came upon you.” The very fad of what has lH*en done h-*re He is saying, is the sign! Th'-» is the work of the kingdom of God. makfcig men whole. Then*fate, the miracle is the evidence. the sign, that the kingdom is here. Jesus made this quite clear in answer to the ouestion ol John the Baptist, as he sent his fol lowers to ask Jesus if Hi* was really the Messiah. He told them to tell John the things they saw. that the blind receive their sight, he lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them. All these were true signs of the king dom at hand. So it was that this miracle ol restoring spee< h was the reality of the great, providential hand of God. stretched forth *n power, proof enough o* God's presence and tin* coming of the kingdom. Yet. it's rather hard to aecept God at face \atue, isn’t it? It is hard when \%v are not fully at' ease with this perplexing record of “casting out demons. Note the differenc in answers between the first century critics and those of ihe 2ft th ceotuiy You see, those ancient critics didn't question the fact of the exorcism a all! They questioned only the FORCE be hind it. the guiding hand which effect!*! the cure. They accepted Ihe fact of a cure, but they said it was not the work of Clod. It was the work of Satan. None of them saw any sp<*cial significance, whatsoever, in a demon cast out. They were s.iyng. "So you cast out a demotv So what? Show us some real act of God. so that we can .<>li<*ve. Give us some sign from h“aven ” And the present day critic? "Well. I can explain that,” he says "The spm hless man had a mental block. He just imagined that he couldn't speak There are thousands of iase histories like his. and most oi them cured by a good specialist. Jesus was Just a good psychiatrist. Demon*? That's nonsense." As long as we stick to human reasoning and to our 2ftth. cen tury "gods" >f science, that is the best answer we can give. We think in terms of ancient super stition. saying that “demon” bit was simply tit** ancient's wav ol desc ribing what ho couldn't un derstand. Primitive man didn't know any bettor. Perhaps all this wouldn't mat ter so mu.-h if < ur problems were limited to the loss of speech. However, that's the aproach to all our problems. It's the idea that evil die-sn't exist, or that a rational, scientific approach, giv en enough time and money, can lick any human problem. We have inherited a lot of that sort of optimism from the last eitntury. It's the foolish idea that "every day in tvery way we are getting better and better.” nr that “God's in his heaven and all's right with the world.’’ And. even when those went sour, we wen* still optimistic. Strangely enough, it took the world of literature to reveal the facts of life, that all was not right with the world. As Gertrude Stein put it. "You are all • loot (feneration." Elliott did it In "The Waste Land." Faultier in hi* "Sound and Fury.” O’Neill did the tame thing on the atage in hit "Long Day's Journey Into Night.” Yet. the le'son didn't get through. It took, among other thing, two world wart, and 6 mil lion Jews slaughtered, to make us lvalue that the world was full of "demons". It took the fact of the most inhuman generation the world has ever known to show that man. in and of himself, is wandering in e vast wasteland, hopeless and helpless, if left to his own devices. Even now tne non-believer says we can work it out. given enough time. But time is fast running out. and Cod is still the »4j|y ans wer to a world standing on the brink of self-destruction. The pro vidential hand- of Cod are just that, in that lie crimes, even in strange ways, and shows us that we cannot get along without Him. We do have our demons, and the lack of scientific proof can not disprove the reality of them. There are the demons of compla cency, for example, which make us hide our heeds in the sand, ig noring the evil in the world about us. They would have us think that what is called evil is not that at all In this mood Cod is not very important. He is unseen and. therefore, link?.own. Maybe He doesn't even exist so we are tempted to think. There are th« demons of mis placed values. This shows in what wv give ourselves to in daily liv ing. the things we deem most im portant. Just last week a news paper article stated that U. S. m »ney helped raise the total to 36 million dollars, in order to re move and relocate the ancient pa gan gods of stone out of the way ■ >f the flood watprs of the new dam in Egypt and the world is still plagued by hunger and star vation' Arc we concerned with the important things of life, the Cod-related things, or are we con cerned with the worthless? Then there ore the demons ol SIN itself, the n -ndage of men in sin. standing apart from Cod. This is the separation which re fleets itself in every act against Cod. As Jesus said. "He who is hot with me, ia against me." This 1* not « matt* of a lot of little 'ilM”. tt l« rr^lllai again*! God. enslaved by the demonic force* of evil. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and. unless thin God is the founda tion of your tile, all is wrung. The end is destruction. What >* the meaning of life for you? Mon ey? Promotion? Security? Social recognition? There ia the story of the dog in the Crate, being shipped by rail The dog chewed up the ticket on the crate so the shipping clerk sent the dog to the Washington Post Office with this note: Herr is nobody from nowhere going noplace. That's the picture of life without God. But God would have it other wise. He givbs meaning to life He tells you that you were creat ed in the image of God, that you are "somebody' He s-ays there is a glorious future for you. with Him. He gave that meaning into our world one with us. He cam* to share the worst, in order tc give us the best. The "Provider tial Hands" of God stretched out, at the Cross, that we might live, free of the destructive "demons" of our world. What about your lift*, and the "demons" confronting you? 11 they have been cast out by th< finger of God. then the kingdom has come upon you. That’s God's message of truth <4uit trying to do what you can not do. for yourself. Let the pro \1drntial hands of God enfold you. He can, and will, set >x»u free. Moytovvy Assigned To Ordnance Co. XJ. S. Army. Europe. (AHTNO - Army Pvt. Vernon S. Mayberry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess W. Mayberry. Kings Mountain. N. C. was assigned to the 124th Ord nance Company in Germany, Keb. 10. Mayberry, an instrument re pairman in the company near Stuttgart, entered the Army in June 1963 and completed bask combat training at Fort Gordon. Ga. It’s nicer to do business with people you know I HVIV o uv a Altov IIIIIC AW CVVlJHlingf MW Mr fi always easier when there’s a friend around. Come see us, and you’ll find you don’t feel like a stranger at alL You might want to sit down and talk about one of our checking account plans. You’ll find how easy and convenient it is to pay bills with your own Or you might be ready to open a savings account and start being proud watching it grow. Whatever you talk about, you’ll find it’s easier than you thought to do business with us. U X * • ..a most progressive bank! PONT DOZE WHILE YOU'RE SMOKING If YOU FB£L YOUOSflf 6£TTM SL£fPYe ]ir\ par you* 06ARrrr£ Qyr-not </a$r 1® Port*. ANP M£V£R £MOK£ //V B££>f M (SB Pharmacists To Meeting Chapel Hill Pharma, i.sts iio ; *11 sections of North Carolina \\:II be in Chapel Hill on March 11 12 for a two • day speech ti.n: in program. i Sponsored b\ tile Ninth Cato lina Pharmaceutical Association in cooperation with tin* <|»i -h Training Servhe ,.f Smith Klim & Kritnch La oratorio of I’hila ddphia. ih« pharmacist. w 11 n jceive profe-sional instruct, n • how to give speeches, how to pre , pare ami illurtrate th»*m. and how to organic and operate ,i {speakers bureau. The ti..ir.irig will consist of formal instruction, drill in which registrants deliver practice speeches and co In, t mulated quest’Oil anti itiswcr |ieriods for evaluation of t... h nique, and a final valed ct«.r\ .ul dress. Graduate's .if SKI's speech training service have giver :v, ve than 7.000 speeches in re.i *.t iyears. The speech trainm; pro gram at Chapel Hill will he lie ! ed hy six members of SKI'* speech training servi.-e from !"• | adelphia. Following completion <>t the program, a Pharmaceutical Speakers Bureau will he «.sta i Wished under direction of w ,j Smith. Executive Seen ar\ ,f the NCPA. Charles P. PlanSon Jr. K.'.ic*. Mountain. A. H Cornwell ,,i Lin ••olnton. Truman Hudson of »;a« tonia. and W. |j. Houser of eh. t ryville are among the pharma eists registered for th, -f.,s h training program. I n«- A i. mu.it) w;i> invented in • lermanj nt IS22. But similar in struments ttnc known to the 'hinese tor mans, ronturiis before that >oar. .ii-mnlin^ to the lio* >k of Knowledge. Group Health Insurance Plan Is Surveyed Almost no ore who comes un der croup h'-a'th insurant* pro slay pays the rntiiKVU of his health can* |>ri't<v(io,l, *e cording io the Health Insurance Institute's survey of g-oup insur ant- plans written in 1963 by In surance companies. The provisions of the plans are decided upon ty employers or through management-union nego tiati ns. said flu Institute. The survey tixik in 3M.382 w-orkeis and their estimated s«;i i«ni dependents protected tin •ler group health insurance poll cies issued by |7 insurance com panies in 1963. 'These companies accounted tor 71 9 per cent of the croup health insurance premiums written hy insurance companies in 1962 • After study, the Institute found that only 12 [nr cent of the em ployees ;n he .survey paid the en tile cost of their health care pVP lection while I5.f. per cent had tile full cost of their protection piald by the employer, aiid 33.2 per ent shared the cost with the em ployer. In contrast, the Institute's 1962 survey tmind .3.9 per ivnt of the employes- under n«-w group plaite tit.it year paid the lull cost Of tneir health care protection and 11 2 per rent hr.d their protection paid in full by the employer, while :>t9 pet .-ent shr.red the cost with the employer. The Institute noted that inmost large type group policies- '‘larj^" indicating films of .VXl or ipor* employees the cm pi -yer pnsrid ed a greater portinyi of the cost for employees' health rare .ptp . tection. • .. ; -— ^ HARRIS £%irum/ &&me KINGS MOUNTAIN. NORTH CAROUNA Dear friends, In the absence of pr*?. arrangement, the next of kin alone lias the right to choose the funeral director and to decide the funeral arrangements. No one should attempt t* Influence or usurp this right of choice. Advice should be given only when asked, as the selection of a funeral director is a very personal^ matter. , *'*' Respect fully, - ■ (LJ. l ... t^]as-, t.» **v ’*T.o~ O O’AL . IK ; I D VOH JICIANS HOW...AT YOUR FORD DEALER’S! wms \smoK ’Drop saw Supef To'qu* ford ^*U»« 500/Xl fisttech Hwdtop Total performance has carried Ford to 10 wins in a row in NASCAR races 500 miles or longer . •. and now’s your chance to buy a total per formance Ford, Fairlane or Falcon Hardtop at special savings! Fastbacks included! But better act fast—this sale is for a limited time only! TtV TOTAL PERFORMANCE FOR A CHANCF ... AT YOUR FORI REALER’S Southwell Motor Co. 919 Shelby Rd Phone 7994713

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