“Will you plrasc give tnilnn' tions lor furr'V.tinR oil* in the vegetable garden pn I f|owei lasts. 1 havo In ..i.oiii it tail haw never trie«! i: " Soil fumigati .n i- coming more into the iirmlu on pi- lure and is being employed bv many horn* owner* i • i-ortrol nematodes, soil- i.mo ih-> ki s avid weeds. Perhaps I It** most imjioi tant benefit >li : vi I I- no thi tioat mont is !h-> co i!i i invasion of soil h irne clisc-.ses. Perhaps the t est soil fumigant is methyl bronvde. It i very ef fective and u rd extensively hi tobacco le-ds. The material comes in one pound cans and should tie applied at the rate of two o nmd l»er 10b sipiai-e fis-t of sod area j It is sold under such trade names I a« t> »wMC2. Postmaster and Bedfume. i You will m-.-p a gas-tight eov m- to- covers, suitable for this purpose. ;rr available. It >s also nco-ssaiv In seal tin* mvw .o i-oi a n tin* gas. ulhorwisi* Iho tivalmi'nl vvil| not hr effective. II you use a row hal has htvn used on your lohaimi tied, no sun* that all holes in the plastic have hc«»i patched. Here are the steps: '.mscn the soil well to a soil. Tiiis will give bet tei .-as penetration. II h -tlies arc used, plunge the neck end in Ihe soil Don't use anything that might puncture the pi istic cover. Seal the eovei by covering the edges with soil. Special applicators for releas-, ing tiie gas i»r needed: also, plas tic tubing to direct the gas nn-< iter the cover. These will lie avail able from wou. supplier of moth-' able from your supplier of moth-' od after the gas is released. Carefully follow the instruc tioiis provided tiv Ihe manufac turers when applying the gas. Folders an* usually furnished with the material. Applications MAPLES’ FISHING LAKE IS now OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR FISHING — ^cen»!v Slocked WHh Catfish — EVFRYONE WELCOME H^urs 2:30-9:00 Daily __Qnen AM Day On Saturdays should hi- made when the tctnpei a lure is above W* rtowrivs and I ho cover should remain over th< t tea ted area tor 21 hours. Wait a lx>tit throe days, preferably a week, after the rover is removed before planting. If you ate no, prepared to treat relatively large areas, I would suggest that you t’i*at the soil in your vegetable garden where yon plan to set tomato plant This «Top seems to he more oi a p:o hlem in many soils due to nem t t ,des and certain soil borne dis eases. Saturday < March 71 was a beautiful day in Raleigh. The temperature was about 70 de grees and manv of our plants are responding to the warm'll whi h is breaking the long period ot dormancy. Taking a quickie around the eampus and Raleigh I found the following in bloom: breath of spring, golden hell, flowering quince, camellia japoniea. wintet jasmine, jonquil, star mngnol a and a plum three here and there The delicious (saucer) magnolia will bo open in a few days. While we an* enjoying these splashes of color, our neighbors in the upper Piedmont and moun tains still have these happy har bingers of spring to hurst into a bloom a little later. What a won dor fid State is ours and what a wealth of plant materials are a daptcd to our except ionalls va ried climatic and soil conditions. Everyone had the urge on Sat urday. I spotted a car pulling a U Haul trailer load of old saw dust. A station wagon loaded with small pines. Another with a variety of “canned” nursery stock. In fact, in this one. the kiddies and tliedog were having a hard time finding space. Me? I had the urge, too to go fishing. A buddy called me and. unfortunately, my wife heard me talking. When I was just ready to yield, she pleadingly said: “Now, Daddy.” I knew school was out so I, dutifully, spent the day fertilizing the strawberry patch and the lawn, raking leaves, pruning, and putting up a new hi^d feeder. While fertili/ir ’ one section of the hick lawn, I swore at my furry friends with the bushy tail ■ and was tempted to drag < ut my Fox Stor'lingworth-20 and commit mur'lcr. They had liter ally dug it up. excavating for •. urns they had buried last fall. I looked around me. Within a radius of six feet from where I torwl f counted VI hole-. Then 1 looked up in a big oak and there wa one siretclied out on a limb sunning himself. Two others wen play ing nearb> and a fourth junijied from limb to limb in the tree to[»s What will 1 do about this? Nothing! I like the rascals. And -o. at nightfall, I came in. had a delicious steak dinner and oozed off watching the Blue l>ev ils mistreat the Deacon*. I hop* they go all the way. Mil! Officials On Radio Program ‘Mass. Mohaii Flush s'o.. I tie. of Kin :> Mountain w as i< aimed on the radio pro tarn. Profile, ovet station WBT in Charlotte Sun day. Mar-h 15 at 6:15 p m. A J. .Maine, executive vice president and Clarence Flowers, vice-president of Mass. Mohair Plush Co.. In", were Interviewed y Doug Mayes. WBT staff an nouoeer. >>n th< 15-minute pro gram. Following the broad- ast. Mass. Mohair Plush Co., Ine. received a Profile Award from WBT and lhe Hospital C-re As .atioH of Durban’ lllue l i >ss Blue Shield Plan, sponsor o the program, for it* "outstanding contribution to the industrial growth and devel opment of North Carol.na. The Profile Award was present ed to M ks. Morair Plush Co.. Ine nv Bob Cv-at. manager of Hospital Care Association's Charlotte Dis trict Office. /a - \ bouquet of beautiful By Famous Names In Fashion DRESSES • Korell •Nelly Don 0 Korell 0 Nelly Don 0 Key Casual 0 Justin McCarty 0 Jeanne d'Arc HATS # Wesco # Lady Bird BAGS # By National CHILDREN'S DRESSES CHILDREN'S SHOES # By Cinderella # By Weather Bird LADIES' DRESS SHOES by Velvet Step PLONK’S Make Plonk's Your One-Stop Easter Shopping Center WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE | Flying Creature HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted bird 7 Take into custody 23 Each M Cleaning cloth 15 Peruse 16 Course 18 Constellation 19 Hail! 20 It breeds in the — 21 Oriental coin 22 Presiding elder fab.) 23 North Carolina fab) 24 Spoken 27 Woody plant 29 Egyptian sun god 30 Artificial language 31 Preposition 32 Rone 33 Cipher 35 Try 38 Correlative of either 39 Tellurium (symbol) 40 Infant lood 42 Cons 47 Bog 48 Adjective suflix 49 Jargon 50 Legal things 51 Exit 53 Ebb 55 Bench 56 Emphasis VERTICAL 1 Repeat fmusicl 2 Above 3 Numeral 4 French article 5 Image 6 Homan I emperor 7 Mine entrance 8 Book of Bible • Riuht side tab.) 10Creek letters II Calm 12 Spelt 17 Symbol tot bromine 25 Dry 26 Path < 27 Horse’s gait < 28 Flower 33 Imitates 34 Fruit 38 Horrcs 37 Tightens 41 Impudent 42 Level 43 Gaelic 44 Silver (symbol) 45 Dung beetles 4«Lst H stand 47 Release 52 Diminutive 54 Credit (eh.) Keinhardt Visits Yokosuka. Japan L'SS MIDWAY iFHTNO - Coman E. Reinhardt, seaman, ap •rent: e. IS\, son of Mr. «nrl -Mrs J\ S. Reinhardt of 524 Cleve ! I \\e K ne Mountain. X. C.. visited Yokosuka. Japan. Fob. 27 aboard the attack carrier USS Midway operating with the Sev enth Pleet in the Far East. Tlie Seventh Fleet is the world's largest operating naval force and patrols over one half of the ear til’s surface. Midway's crewmembers have had an opportunity to \isit ports in Mawaii. Japan, and the Philip pines while oia-rating with the Seventh Fleet, Gilbert W. Dye With 71st Ordnance U. S. FORTES. Germany i AIIT SCi Army Pvl. Gilbert I). !>>e. whose mother li\es on Route 2. KinMountain, N. C.. arrived in Germany Feb. 24. and is now as. signed to the Tint Ordnance Bat talion. Dye is a mail clerk in the 22d Ordnance Company of the 71st Ordnance Battalion near Munich. He entered the Army in une 1963 and completed basic combat training at Fort Gordon. Ga. The 19-year-old soldier is a 1963 graduate of Compact High School. n Sales On Increase Lithium Corporation of Ameri ca, Inc. today announced that 1963 sales increased approximate ly 13'* above !962. amounting to $, c mi pa rod wth $4,394, 500 during 1962. Principally as a result of lower prices during the year, increased lithium research and development expanses, and expenses connected with its ac quisition of mCeerel rights and lease options, the company incur red a loss of $3S.500 or 3 cents per si'.arc during the year, com pared with a profit of $61,000 or 5 cents per share in 1962. During 1963 Lithium Corpora tion Invested ipproxtmately SI. OOO.OOt) in its subsidiary, Berylli um M»-tals & Chemicals Corpora tion. bringing Its total investment at year-end to approximately Sl.500.000. BerMet plant conslrue ti«i was essentially completed during 1963. The company has hei»n engaged in start up o|tcra tions since that time, and small commercial deliveries of herylli um metal have recently begun. The president of the company. Harry D. Felstenstein, Jr., report Bell Spent * $373 Million During 1963 ^'luthi'm Bell Telephone Com pany spent a record-breaking $373 million in 19*13 for facilities to expand and improve communi cations service for a ('hanging, grow i:ig Soulh I’resid"nt It« i> S. i Ulmer r«*|Hirt - e