Family Birthday Celebrations Are Held : People In The News A family party Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bennett honored Nancy1 Faye Early on her sisth birth day and Usa Gai1 He/es om her first. Nancy Faye Is daughter of Mr. and Mm. William Hoyle Early. Lisa Gail is daughter of Mr. and Mm. H. P. Hayes. Both youngsters are grand daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. Two birthday cakes were decorated in pink and white and cut and served with oth er party refreshments to rela tives and friends. Lisa Gail's first birthday was Sunday. Her father is stationed with the Military Sea Transportation Service in South Africa. Nancy Faye, whose birth day falls on Saint Patrick s Day. is paternal granddaugh ter of Mrs. Ralph Early. Lisa R°ne Tignor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rcnnio Tig nor, will be two-years-o’d Thursday. March I9'n. A birthday party tor 10 chiidrer will be he’d this af ternoon at the Tignor home. Lisa s pink and W'-'te birth day cake will be cut and serv ed with other party refresh menh. Young Miss Tiqnor is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tianor and Mrs. P. A. Hawkins, all of Kings Mountain. Her qreat-grand mother is Mrs. Fo’ey Cobb, c. • ♦ * • The family of Willis Baqwell honored 1 rr K 57th birthday Sunday at dinner at their home. Present for the family celebration with Mr. a d Mrs.. Bagwell were Mrs. Gloria Spicer, and Elizabeth Ba we '; Mr.j and Mrs. Frank Bridqes and Bruce and Mr. :nd Mn. George F. Wright. ♦ ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon L. Smith, former Kino1: Moun tain citizens celebrated their silver weddmo anniversary Sunday at their home in Elisabethtown. Kings Mountain area relatives qoinq to E'izabethtown for the 25th anniversary party were Mrs. Sam Hamrick, her mother. Mrs. Irvin Allen of Sheiby. and her sister, Mrs. J. C. Devenney. Mrs. Smith is the former Mary Ethel A'ien of Kings Mountain. ____ Jeffrey DeWayne Rayfield. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rayfield o* Charlotte, will celebrate his first birthday Monday, March 23. Monday will be a double celebration for the Rayfield family. Jeffrey’s great grand mother, Mrs. James H. Ray field of the Tryon community, will celebrate her 70th birth day. Grandparents of Jeffrey are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ray field and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Burton, all of Kings Mountain. The J. W. Rayfields plan a sma!i family party at their home in honor of Jeffrey and his oreat-qrandmother. ♦ * * * About This N' That Bidal parties continue to honor Polly Page, whose wed ding to Dave Moreau will take place here March 28th. Miss Page and her mother, Mrs. Harry Page, were quests of Hrs. Hayne Blackmer at last Wednesday's monthly bridge-luncheon heid at the Kings Mountain Country Club. The bride-to-be was given an honor gift bv Mrs. Blackmer. When Mrs. George H. Mauney entertained member: of her bridge club Thursday afternoon she invited Miss Pag« as an honor guest and presented her with a gift. Lanny Guyton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Guyton, cel ebrated his secord birthday March 7th at a circus party for eight children at his home. The circus cake was cut and served with ice cream and Easter candy. Easter chicks and balloons were given as favors. Lanny is grandson of Mrs. Russell Guyton of Kings Mountain and the ate Mr. Guyton and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker of Wingate. The Parkers were here for the par ty. Lanny'r. mother is the for mer Delane Parker. Children present for the party wer** Debbie and v^indy Guyton, Tim, Rusty and Beverly Be!! and Cnanta1 Williams. ' * * ♦ • i If's A Girl Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Cline announce the arriva of their second daughter. Sharon Lasheile. bom February 7th. Myrtle Beach, S. C. Kings Mountain grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cline. Mr. Ro^rti Other ” Cline is stationed with the USAF at Myrtle member of the family is Lisa Roxanne Cline. Mrs. Paul Mauney was hostess Saturday night home to members of the Margrace Woman s club. at her Miss Bertha Blanton conducted the devotional and Mrs. C. W. Falls presided. At refreshment time Mrs. Mauney served a dessert course with coffee. Rho Chapter Hostess At Join* Luncheon Of Educational Sororities Saturday Kind's Mountain and Bf-an’iwr City members of Rho Chaptei were hostesses Saturday at a joint luncheon meeting of Rho and Alpha Lpsilon Chapter of Delta Kappa Gt mma. educational society for teachers. The meeting. which attracted over ldtt m.*mt*eis, was held »it Kings Mountain Woman’s i lub. Mrs. Wallace Cat i>eii!er of Shel by. director of special education in the Shelby city schools, spoke on "Changes' In Our Kdu< ational Pattern” as program highlight.. Beginning with a word picture of the American schodsof lv"si. Mis Carpenter outl’"ed the series of eduraiional icSuims '.hat have come about fi >nr» then to now. Broadly spi'akiiift. the four major changes in that time have seen the schools progress from: 1' the subject centered school to 2» the child-centered .-chool to 3* the so ciety-centered school to I* the value-centered school. Changes in theory suggest. Mis. Carpenter continued, thru the next pattern change will he t>> the world-cen tered seh »d. Prior to the address. Mrs. K. W. Neal. Kings Mountain, gave the welcome and Mrs. Annie Kincaid. Bessemer City said the invoca tion. Mrs. Robert Gldney, Shelby, sang O'Hara's "I Love A Little Cottage" as vocal solo.. Miss Lau ra Cornwell. Shelby, presented the speaker. New officers elected during the business part <d the meeting in clude: M s Margaret Davenport, Mount Holly, president: Mrs Irene Ileavner l.incolnton. (irsi vice-president; Mrs.. Vera Hoyle, ji Cherryville. second vice-president: Miss Alice Averitt. Kings Moun- j tain recording secretary: Mrs. Mary Etta Wire. Mount Holly.j corresponding secretary; Mrs. Emma Aiiernathy, Gastonia, treasurer; and Miss Hattie Stowe.; Gastonia parliamentarian. EASTER DECOR Easter decorations were com bined with sorority colors throughout the Woman's club din ing room and auditorium. The speaker’s table was (entered by i a mass arrangement of led roses.i I official flower of the society.* flanked by the Greek symbols of Rho and Alph"! Epsil<« chapters. . Artistic Eaate- bonnets on mint- j els were colorfully designed by ; Miss Gussie Huffsletler. Kings Mountain, and were arranged j | with brass wagons of Easter eggs' on banquet tables. A punch table! in the auditorium was decorative, with spring bonnets and yellow Easter chicks. Flaivcards were 1 hand-painted Easter eggs and background for tables in the din ing room was a large bunny rab | bit and Eastei egg. I Rho Chaplet, at a business meeting following the program.j voted a contribution to the new library of Gaston Community College. Kings Mountain members o Rho Chapter are Mrs. E. W. Neal Mrs. Paul Ausley. Mrs VV. L. Ramseur. Mrs. J. E. Gamble. Mrs J. II. Patterson. ’Mrs. L. L. Lohr.! Mrs. W. L. Mauney. Mrs. Richard McGinnis. Mrs. W. J. Kay. Mrs. M. H. Riser, Miss Gussie Huff ! steller and Miss Annie Roberts. Coffee House Party Saturday Morning Honors Polly Paqe, March Bride-Elect A “Coffee lleuso Party" for 1W guests Saturday morning at the Country Clu * honored Miss Polly Pag**. !>ride-elet t of March. Shading h*»st»*ss duties were Mrs. Henry Neisler. Mrs. Charlesj Noisier and Mi s B. K. Man**r. The three hostesses, the bride-to-be. and her mother. Mrs. Harry Page, stood in a rece.ving line to greet arriving eaUeis. Mrs. .lam-s Page, aunt of tlie bride-elect, invited guests to th*> private dining room where small card tables were arranged in cab aret fashion. "Waitresses" gave menus to each guest who selected her favorite co’fce from a selec tion of five listed on the menu. A favorite was Y’eneso coffee with whipped cream anil chocolate. Guests helped themselves at a buffet table arranged with trays of cherry tarts, cream puffs, cheese straws, nutty fingers, brownies and an assortment of party finger foods. Mrs. Joh;i Plonk. Jr . Mrs. Joe Noisier. Jr.. M ss Jan** Page of Lincolnton. Mss Laura Page. Miss Co-al Rcmscur and Mrs. Dick Hunnictitt of Gastonia as sisted in entertaining. Overlaid with beige cloths, the refreshment tables held small topiary tri*os o' yellow and white daisies. The buffet table, also overlaid in beige, held a mass ar rangement of yellow and white daisies on an antique brass stand Larger topiary tre«*s of yellow and white were us«*d in receptior rooms M:ss Page were a brown-cheel jacket dress with beige hlnus* and a <*orsage cif yellow and whit* daisies, gift from the hostesses. Guests called from 11 a.m. t< 1 o’clock. Bumgardners Plan Visit In Lima, Peru ; Mr. and Mrs. Don Bumgardnbr j will leave Saturday for a two week visit with Dr. Harvey Bum gardner in Lama. Peru. ( Dr. Bumgardncr, brother of Don Bumgardner. is a poultry specialist for N. C. State College assigned to the Agriculture Mis sion to Peru. The Kings Mountain Bumgard-; ners will fly from Charlotte Sat - j urday. In Peru. the Bumgardners ex pect to travel over the mountains to Tropical Run Jungles, visit in Iquitos. a jungle town on the Amazon River, among other' places of interest. They also ex- i poet to see a i ullfight since this is the hullfighting season in Peru. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Joe Burch. Rt. 1. Box 2S3A. announce the 1 birth of a daughter. Wednesday. March 11. Kings Mountain hos pital. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Goforth Rt. 1. Grover. N. L\. announce the birth of a daughter. Thurs day. March 12, Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton R. Hope 110 Clinton Dr., announce the: hirth of a son. Sunrinv March 15. Kings Mountain hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Namon Byers. Rt. ] 1. announce the birth of a son. , Friday. March 13. Kings Moiav , tain hospital. . Mr. and Mrs Roy Rogers Ma this. Rt. 1. Box 171. announce the > birth of a son. Monday. March 16, Kbit* Mountain hospital. Mew Daughter Born lo Dale Dixons •Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dale Dix ! Ki. Rockville. Md.. announce the irrival of a daughter. Cathy Elizabeth. March 9th. Kings Mountain grandparent* ire Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Dixon. Maternal grandparents are Mr. ind Mrs. Jam«*s N’alls of Wash ington. D. C. FHA Week Plans Underway Plans are underway for the oh servance of FHA Week April 5 11. President Margaret Swansson >f the high school chapter, has announced. The ISO members of the King' Mountain chapter will use five •heme's in a week-long program: It You and vour values; 2* Focus on family friendships: 31 Marri age calls for preparation; D Stay u school; and 3t Action for citi •enship. Window displays in downtown •tores will outline the 19HI goals of the organization. Other FHA officers are: Helen loforth. first vice-president; ’oan Howard, second vice-presi dent: Betty Styers. secretar\ : \nn Hammett, treasurer: Martha Herndon, parliamentarian; Dora Kircus and Elaine Dixon, histoi i ins: Abrigail Spangler, song lead -»r; Donna Hardes, reporter: Car >lyn Heavner. recreation direc tor; and June Fisher. SPO repre sentative. Advisors are Airs. Betti/ R. (iambic. Mrs. Juanita Egerton and Mrs. Margaret Baird. Diane Greene In Bake-Off Diano (!iwrt>, Grover school student, will represent the Div>n Community 4-h club in the an nual Cleveland County Corn Meal Muffin Bake-Off to be held Fri day afternoon at Mooresboro high school.. Miss Greene is the daughter <d Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greene and placed third in the competition last year. She was the winner from her local club. 1-H'ers parr.cipating in the bake-off will use this recipe: CORN MEAL MUFFINS 1>* cups enriched corn meal >■_. cup enriched flour 1 teaspoon sale 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg IV* to 2 cups sweet milk 3 tablespoons melted fat ‘Buttermilk can be used Use only 2 teaspoons baking powdei and teaspoon soda to 2 cups of buttermilk. Set oven control to I.VI degree F. Sift dry ingredients together to mix. Return the bran coat< that didn't sift through. Mix to gether beaten egg. milk and fat. Add all at once to the dry ingre dients. and miy until all ing-e dients are blended, t'ill piplnc hot greased muffin pans -’.t full Bake at 150 degrees F for 2t minutes. WMIJ Plans 70th Session The 70th anneal session of tfv Woman's Missionary Union Auxi liary to the Kings Mountain Ban tist Association. w*ll hold its an nual meeting at Kites Mountaii Baptist ehureh Anril 9th from o.m. unt'l 9 n.m. it wn epnnuor ed bv Mrs. W. E. (Bill* McSwair n»es'dent. : Kin«n» Mountain Raptist cb'i-r and Temnle Baptist church wil he ro-hosts. O-r 400 women from th« fi Bantbit churches in the King Mountain Bantist Association at exneeted to attend. Complete n*-noram plans Wl be ■ewwmwH later.. Elizabeth Stewart, Editor Phone 739-5441 Miss Judith Ijmise Jenkins Couple Plan May Wedding Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jenkins ol Mayo. S. C. announce the enrage ment of their daughter, Judith Louise, of Charlotte, and John Wayne McGee of Lake City, son of Mrs. John McBratney and the late John Wesley McGee of Flor ence-, S. C. The wedding w ill take place in the early summer in Mayo, S. C. The Jenkins’ are formerly ol Kings Mountain. Miss Jenkins was graduated from Limestone college in Gaff ney and is now :i biology teach er at Garinger high school in Charlotte. The prospective bridegroom at tended the University of South Carolina and was graduated from ( the School of Pharmacy of the Medical College of South Caro lina. He is a member of the Pec Dee Pharmaceutical Association and the South Carolina Pharma, ceuhcal Association and is an administrative chemist with Ba.v ,. ter Laboratories in kingstree. Linda Pearson Honored On 13th Birthday i I Linda Pearson, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Roy Pears in, was bon i. ored on her 13th birthday Satur day at a party that evening a i her home. I Thirteen voun ’ people attend ed R s r* At refreshment time Haste cupcakes were served with coli drinks, sandw.ches and Haste candies. The Easter motif was carrie out in the decorations. II I SOCIAL CALENDAR Thmittltiy: 7:30 American Legion Auxil .ary at the Irime of Mrs. Sam Hamrick. She’by road. Friday: 12:30 Mrs. George Houser is outerGaining at her home at a luncheon honoring Miss Polly Page, bride-elect. 3:00 Senior Citizens club at the Woman’s club. 6:00-8:00 p.m. Family Night arbecue supper at the country Club for members and guests. St it unlay: 12:30 Mrs. Kenneth Davis and Mrs. Nolle Cranford are enter tabling at Governor's Inn in Shel by at a luncheon honoring Miss Polly Page, bride-elect. Turntlay: 8:00 Mrs. !-. Wilson Griffin inri Mrs E. V. Griffin are enter taining at the former's home on Crescent Circle at bridge honor ng Mis* Polly Page, bride-elect. Wedncaday: 7:30 - a m Credit Women's Breakfast club at Gastonia Elks club. NCFW Convention Set April 28*30 Airs. James M. Harper, Jr. ol Southport, president of the North Carolina Federation of Women'* ' Clubs, Inc., has announced dat« for the annual state conventicfti which will tie neld April 28-30 ir 1 Greensboro. r Local club* are making plant 1 to send delegates to the annua i meeting. Party Honors Bride-Elect Mrs. Jacob Cooper, Mrs. Rob- • crt Wilson and Mrs. Amos Doan ( entertained together Thursday evening at the former’s home at I a dessert-bridge party paying compliment to Miss Polly Page.; bride-elect of March. Tables wore laid for refresh-; ments at the beginning of the party and a dessert course carry ing out bridal colors of green and white was served. Overlaid with white outwork 1 cloths, four small tables were. centered with pink camellias. The bride's table held a cluster of small wedding bells as center-, piece. Prizrs in bridge went to Mrs. Charles Blanton, who scored high, and Mrs. Carl F. Maunfy who held low. Pink camellias, pink roses and snapdragons were combined dec oratively in the living room and sunroom. White roses and snap dragons were featured in an ar- ■ rafrtsement on the hall table.. Miss Pace was remembered | with a shoulder corsage of deep 1 pink camellias and a gift of sil ver in her pattern. Supper-Bridqe Honors Miss Paqe Mrs. P. G. Padgett entertained Tuesday evening at her home at a supper-bridge paying compli ment to Miss Polly Page, whose wedding takes place March 28th. Guests served themselves from a buffet tabic spread with white damask and centered by an ar rangement of whiter amellias flanked by whitecandles. Eight small tables were overlaid with damask covers and centered by 1 a green shamrock. Shamrock tallies to carry out a St. Patrick's Day motif and the bridal colors of green and white were combin ed decoratively throughout the i Padgett home. Bridge prizes went toMrs. Hen ry Neisler. who held high; Mrs. Annie Lee Neisler. second high; and Mrs. Harold Hunnicutt. low. Mrs. Padgett took the occasion to present Mias Page a wedding gift and gave her a camellia cor sage. Church Women To Meeting Kings Mountain area Presby terian churches were represent ed Sunday at the Central Distrtc meeting of Kinga Mountain Pre« i hyterial at First Presbyterian church in Dallas. Mrs. Robert H. Gotorth, presi I dent of the Women of the church, headed a delegation of women from First Presbyterian church, including Mrs. B. F. Manor, in coming president of the church women; Mrs. Paul Mauney, Mr*-. Charles Blanton. Mrs. Charle Adams. Miss Helen Hay. Mrs. C D. Blanton. Mrs. Charles Ballard, and Mrs. Jaicnita Logan. Mrs. Charles Blanton Is Pres byterian historian and Mrs. Pan Maunev is chairman of Inter Group Work. Mrs. Robert H. Go forth participated in the after noon which detailed the re-or ganization of circles and the we men’s organization for the forth oom>n<r year. Representing Dixon Presbyter, rj t»n church were Mrs. Thomas Humnhries. president of the ! ehurehwomen. Miss Gerrv H"*— J ohries viee-nresident. and Miss . Elizabeth S thwart. I Long Creek Presbyterian church, near Kings “Mountain, i was represented hv a delegation i headed Hv Mrs. Bill Wilson, peesl I dent. Grover’s Presbyterian Mr. and Mr*. Conrad Hughe* Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hughes Observed O' Golden Wedding Day Here On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hughes jbserved their golden wedding Jay Sunday at a 50th anniversary open house plenned by their nine children and their families. Over 200 t'rittods of the Hughes family called between 2 and 5 p.m. at their home in the Dixon ommunity. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and their sons and daughters stood in a re ceiving line te greet guests in ormally. Receiving with their Mi rents were: Bill Hughes. Mrs. John B. Barber. D. C. Iluglies. Jack Hughes. Cone Hughes. Har ry Ray Hughes Erwin Hughes, John Hughes and Mrs. Henry Oli ver. Mrs. E. C. Martin greeted ar riving callers and Miss Beth Hughes and Mis. Gordon Hughes. Jr. presided at the gift table. Mrs. Gene Griffin ar.d Mrs. Warren Parrish, of Rook Hill. S. C.. sis ters of Mrs. Hughes, alternate*! at the punch bowl and Mrs. Philip Baker and Mrs. Xcvelle Hughes served the ca!;e. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Baker ate sisters of Mr Hughes and .Mis. Gordon Hughes Jr. and Mrs. Nevette Hughes ate sisters-in-law. Good-byes wen said to Mrs. Gladys Dunlap n Belmont and Mrs. Faye Hughe Propst kept a guest register. Th« 15 grandchildren and tour gr<*at grandchildren of the guests-of honor helped in details of enter talning. GOLD AND WHITE The 30lh anniversary theme of vellow, gold and white was beau tifully carried out in decoration* throughout the Hugltes home, Overlaid with white cut work cloth, j the refreshment table held a five tier gold and white cake as deco I -alive highlight. A miniature bride and groom topped the cake Gold candlesticks flanked a een ter arrangement of yellow miimi and yellow glads and yellow lunch was served from a vutglasi bowl at one end of the table. Gole "orsages were worn by Mrs Hughes and her two daughter! rnd Mr. Hughes and the seven sons wore boutonnieres. Conrad Hughes and Eva Dun *ap Hughes were married in 191-4 •n Rock Hill. South Carolina. Mrs Hughes is a daughter of the lati Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunlap o! Rodi Hill. Five generations in the Hughbi family were present for the an itveraery pn»lv. Jackie Proust young son of I'aye Hughes Propst •^presents the fifth generation Mrs. Propst is daughter of B'l Hughes. Wder >on of the Connu Hughes. Mrs. W. G. Hughes, mo ther of Mr. Hughes, was also pre sent. Out-of-town guests included th< fallowing: Mr. and Mrs. B. H Lam Rev- gad Mr*. A- c. Hughei .Mrs Tom Hambright. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Rountree. Thurman Hamrick and family, Mrs. Dean McCraw and Lynn, Mrs. Paul Pennington. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Neal, W. J. Mat tin. all of Grover; Mr. and Mrs. John II. Clark. Miss Joyce Crain. Bessemer City; Mr. and ’Mrs. Jes:-e Redding. Rev. and Mrs. Earl Redding. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Campbell. Gastonia; Mrs. Mary Sue Henson and Bill, Miss Wanda Bass. Mrs. Irene Barber, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wormkan, Mrs. Essie Courtney. Charlotte; Mrs. Jack Kee, Shelby; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ragon. Kings Creek, S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll and sUn. Ashe.oro; Mr. and Mrs. David White. Mrs. Kun-ilii Dunlap and family. Mr. and Mis. Halbert Dunlap. Donald and Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Griffin. Rock Hill. S. C.; Mrs. Sara Dickerson of York. S. C. and Rev. David Steph ens of Blaskshurg. S .C. Linda Roberts Wins Top Honor Thirteen young ladies of the ; Kings Mountain Baptist church ! were honored Sunday ai Wsper^B ! Services and i Coronal.on Service^^ ! by the Women's Missionary Union. Highest honor at the Girl’s Auxiliary Coronation went to Miss Linda Roberts who received coveted "Queen - With • Scep ter..” Miss Roberts is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roheits. Glenn Ro >erts acted as Scepter Bearer. The following other honors . were bestowed: QUEENS Kathy Willis. Bar bara Hord and Laura Stowe. Their flower girls were Harriet Willis. Nancy Hord and Elaine Hulletnder. respectively. i PRINCESSES — J tne Craw ford. Linda Simmons. Brenda Williams and Ann Owens. I LADIES IN-WAITING — Su san Owens and Vickie Thomas MAIDEN - Jan Willis. Susan Cash and Katherine Owens. Following tlie service, the WMU entertained honoring the , Queen and Court at a tea in the ■ fellowship hall. II Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes and I children. 'Maik and Beth, of Pageland. S. C . Mr. and Mrs. Er win Hughes and daughiers of Co-^^ , lumbia. S. C , ind Mr. and Mrs^Jt r BUI Hughes and family of Smyr-^ . na. S. C., visited Kings Mountain relatives Jurin^ the weekend.

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