il Oi* t Mi SOCIAL SECURITY “I can't believe it." exclaimed a young veterans widow, “I hail no idea at all that Tom's Air Force time would count for Social Security." Her husband had died In a tra ffic automobile accident, and she was lust learning about the spe cial social security coverage for . servicemen and women. Starting in January, 1957. the Military Services began withhold ing FICA taxes as is done in reg ular industrial employment, and servicemen began building up so cial security credits towards their retirement and for disability and survivors protection. Their ser vice pay counted towards social sei-urity just lik< the wages of an employee working in private in i dustry. Before 1957. social security ere. dits for servicemen were differ ent. From September 1JM0 through December 1956 service-! men did not have FICA taxes I HEY KIDS'! BRING MOM • • • 11x14 i $10.00 VALUE MIST f VKMETTE PORTRAIT FOR ONLY $ioo 35< for Pocking gml Handling by Barberree Studio Satisfaction Guarantaod NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY k Bring AH M F Chiklroa W / AGES: 6 Wk*. to 10 Yrt. I $1.00 Extra for FuN Figaro Selection of Foots Friday and Saturday March 20-21 9 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. Lynch Furniture withheld, but. instead received free credit towards social securi ty as if they had earned $100 per month in private industry. Social security could use these use these fr?e credits for retire ment, disability or survivor's pnv tection. There are some instances where it is advantageous for these credits to be used under another retirement system and, social security does not use the iredits in these situations, but beginning with active Military Service after Deicmber 31, 1950, these free credits can always be used by social security if the ser viceman was a career man and served honorably on active duty after December 31, 1966. Social Security was able to tell this widow that she would receive $X4.70 for herself and $H4. 70 each for her 2 young sons, to gether with a lump sum death payment of $256.00. For free In formation about social security and servicemen, just ask for Pamphlet No. 31, "Social Securi ty For Servicemen". This is written for the benefit of anyone who may be asked to ■-ash a social security check or who will want to use one of these checks. It is hoped you will read, and follow this advice. It may save you money or embarrass ment depending on which side of the counter you are on. Basically, it is felt most people are honest but with the increase-? in the amounts of social security chocks over the past few years, there are a few who will trv to get money illegally. These few people are the ones the social se curity office Is writing about. It is hoped the person accept ing the check will know the in dividual or be certain he has proper identification. If you ac cept a check you are the one who stands to lose if the person pre senting the check is not legally capable of cashing the check. When the person is caught you still mav not rw-over your money and think of the time you can spend in settling the problem! For this reason you should re quire proper identification before turning over your money t o someone with a check. Possession, it is said, is nine-tenths of the law. however, that tenth may cost you money! In other words possession does not necessarilv mean the chock belongs to that individual. Checks carry instructions for making payment. In the situa tion where it- is signed by mark the instructions clearly state that 2 witnesses must sign in your presence. When you present a check for payment be sure you have proper identification. (A so cial security card will not serve this purpose.) You may be em barrassed if someone refuses to FUNNY BUSINESS Ov, "Whin ths wind blows It btsMo out, I turn it around until It blows back into shapo again!** nueakers for their groups. NOTICE OF SALE Under and b> virtue of the |h> I wer of sale contained in a deed of trust given by Jonas Am/.i Mr Neely and \\1fe. Estelle Ms.Neely dated the 31st day of October i 1961 and now otr record in the Of | fire of the Register of Deeds fot | Cleveland County in Book >90 al 1 page 72. said deed of trust hav ing been given to the undersigned ' as trustee to secure the indebted ; ness therein trentiuhed and de fault having been made in the oayment of same, and at the re quest of the holder of the note. I will sell for cash at the court house door in Shelby. Cleveland County. North Carolina on Mon day. April 6. ire-l at 10:00 a.m. ot within legal hours the following described real estate: BEGINNING in the middle <»l Waco Road and passing over aii iron stake on the South side ol road (said stske being 63.7 feet N , TO dog. -18 min. E. from thr northeast corner of McCraw house) and running S. 12-26 W 214 ft. to an iron stake in th< field; thence N. 66-13 30 feet W.; thence N. 12-26 E. 214 feet pass ing over an iron stake on south bank of road rnd ending in thi middle of road: then *e with th* middle of road S. 66-13 E. to thr point of beginning. This the 28th day of February 1964. Jack H. White, Trustee Davis and White. Attorneys I Colored News Funeral rltc-.i for Mrs. Marga- , ret Iola Junc« Adair, daiiKhirr of the la to Rev. Alien and Mary M. Jorte* of MeCnnnelUville, S. C.. were held March Kth at 4 pm. from Carmel l mted Presbyterian ehureh of Chester. S. C. A leaoher foi over Jl years at I Bra .nerd Inst.lute, Mrs. Jones, held a 30 year service pin from the I*resbyter an church, was Presbyterial president and treas- i urer at the local church and was a Sunday school teacher, choir member and treasurer of the Women's Association. She was al so a charier member of the Mari an Burney Wilkinson Federated ctuh and a graduate of Scotia Seminary and Johnson C. Smith university. A number of brothers, sisters and grandchildren survive. Willis Willirms returned home Sunday from Baltimore. Md.t where he visited his sister.. Miss Elsie Williams, ill. There will no a singing pro gram Sunday eftemoon at 2:30 at Bynum Chape! AME Zion church featuring the l-riendlv Five, the Mighty Starlites. and several oth er groups. The Four Gospels will he taught hv various ministers Sunday night at 7:30. The ser vice* are unde.- the sponsorship of Class No. 2 of which Rov J. Brown is leader. Fourth annual celebration of Palm Sunday hv St. James Court. Free and Accepted Ancient York Rite Masons, i.nd Order of East ern Star will he held Sunday at the Holly OV< Park Center. Din ner will be ser\ed at 1 p.m. All local members ot Queen Mary's Court No. 3 arc invited to attend. Mrs. Bright Williams Bryant, formerly of Kings Mountain, died last week in Buffalo. New York, where she had resided a number of years. Survivors inr’ude iter husband, of Philadelphia, two daughter*. Helen and Elo;se Bryant; one son. I’aul R. Bryant; one sister. Mrs. Flossie Williams; one broth er. Esker Will’nms of Gastonia. Funeral rites were he’d Monday in Buffalo. A "Big Social'’ win he held Thursday night a t Davidson school and admission will be 23 cents. The couple adjudged the best dani-er will receive a record by The Beatles. Sponso-s are Mrs. K-O Folio Questions, Answers Q Milft yo.s ho in perfect health to Ihko the vaccine? A No. If yn:. an* able to visit the* clinic, you can take the vac cine. Q We have all had Salk Vac cine shots and b rasters, do we need it? A -Ye*. This eliminates any polio germ carriers. We waiit to wipe out the germ completely. Q Is then* any reaction from taking the oral vaccine? A Medical authorities advise us that there will he none to the best of their knowledge. Q I am allergic to penicillin. Will this hurt me in any way? A Dot-tors generally agree that it will not hurt you. Q Where do I come to get it? A Please give un your address and wo will give you the nearest feeding station dose? A Yes it is necessary to take your other do*.* on May 17th. Q I am pregnant — should I take the vaccine? A Yes. Q 1 have had a heart attack recently- should I take the vac cine? A Yes. Q I have ihigh blood pressure Victoria Bess, Mrs. Annie Lee Mitchem and R7rs. Sara Manning. i ear* old. can I lake d? Will t hurt me? A Yes. take It. It will not hart you. g My baby i* « weeks old Does she need !t? I* she loo tiny? A She can lake without any haimful e(feels, and is not too small, tNote: I- Habv !* I weak* old. take only the second shot on May t7 aiul s<-e your own doctor in 2 months. Q How much will it cost? A While no one will hr ref us fused the vaccine, a donation of 50.* is suggested and Inrger con tributions will be accepted. g My son or daughter has p»lio. will this cure him? A No. but it will aid in keep int; him from petting any worse. It will kill the germs already In his system. Q I am taking anti-holies. Should I take the vaccine? A- Ye*. Brymei Issuance Agency DIAL MA 9-3502 INSURANCE FOR YOUR EVERY NEED LIFE - HEALTH - AUTO FIRE 119 E. Vo. Aw. — Bessemer City ASSIGNED RISK — FAST FS-1 — WE FINANCE SIX MONTHS TO PAT TWO PARTY USES BY KATE GREENAWAY Both deliciously lace-frilled round the yoke and sleeves... and both done in fabulous 65% Dacron and 35% cotton pique by Loomtex — mama's favorite fabric for my party life. (It won't wrinkle, needs no ironing.) (A) Shaped shirt dress with kick pleats, empire belted back, rink or blue. mm as Sizes 2 to SZ, 3 to 6X, JflM (B) Petite smock style with cluny lace and rosebud embroidered yoke. Pink or blue. M M Sizes 3 to 6X, 2 to SX, i