4 Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 Tkui t«m lot Giootet Kia*t Monti-on It derived lion *• *l«f» Motto oto CI’TT dir t vty c<atu. Tlw city Uotllt tlqure to Item tlw Untied Male, cwau, ol IfM. VOL. 75 No, 13 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, March 26, 1964 Sc-venty-Fifth Year PRICE TEN CENTr CANDIDATE Edward H. Smith, ol Kings Mountain. U a Repub lican candidate for the nimina tion for tenth district V. S. Con Sfluth Files Fin Congress Kings 'Mountain has a candi date fur the United States House of RepresCilat vos in the person of Kdwarri II. Smith. .IS-yearold bachelor who seeks the Kepu.ili can nomination in the May 30 primary. Candidate Smith opposes H. Hall Young. Avery county lum berman. who had previously filed. Mr. Smith paid the $223 filing fee to the state elections board short ly before the roon deadline last Friday. Should he be the nominee, he would challenge Hep. Basil L. Whitener. of Hastonia. for North Carolina's tenth district seat. Mr. Contiuurd On P<t>jc 8 ®Lions Heard iose Pucci "Inside, it ir. the same." Though he deseribes several differences in customs. Jose Puc ei. Argentine exchange student here, says Argentines and Arneri eans arc quite simila>. both be ing "friendly ..nd kind". The Argentine studied, who s living at the norm- of Mr. and Mrs. John Che: hire. Jr., address ed the Lions club Tuesday night, relating f'iet.< chout his i-ountry and eonipiring Argentina to the United States. He noted particularly these dif feren.-cs: 1 • Argentine's Konnmy has been unstable since vVotld War II. due to five Feron military dic tatorship. He r.-id Feron Rave Nazi grticrals refuge for “use”. Mating that the refugees directed IVron’s military coup anil suhse- i i|uent reign. 2t In Argentina. 99 percent of the population is Catholic. 3> There are no racial pro- 1 hlems in Argentina, he not til “thankfully”. 41 Primary and college cdura- ( non is state-raid, while high schools ore piivately n'ppoi trd. • Argentina high sehools are i iletly for study, with no athle te programs, no hand"., or other extra-curriculas. “We study 12 suhjeets." he noted. adding that he had stedi.il r year of pre-med ical work before coning here. He was p-irtii ularly glad of the opiNirtunity to learn the Knglish language in America, stating that the host eh“ nistrv texts are in Knglish. He was honnied to lie among a fev chosen t'o>- the AFS program. Then he laughed. “Mr. CTk>shire says they may have made a mistake.” !*uccl rays th Spanish settlers of Argentina treated the Ivtdian natives .as hadlv as did the Amer ican settler*. Only a fe v are now extant. "Not QuiteJ* On School Plans It will ic next week before plans forth* new Kings Mountain district high school are finally complete. Arehlteit Thomas II. Cothran >aid a few inir.»r clian ;cs retard i*d the final work of the mechan ical and electrical engineers, with whom he expects to confer within the weekend. Me.Citime. printing o' the plans continues. He said the plumbing prints were completed Wednes-l ■|av morning rr.d that all the at [litect’s specif,cations are print y. “We're almost ready.” Mr. Cothran said. New County Registration Termed Definite Elections Body Tc Straighten Precinct Lines Hip county elections hnard (lofUiloly will rail for a new re gistration prior to the May pri manes. Chairman Ralph Gilbert said Wednesday. lit- and oth. memliers of the board. ineluding Georg.-* Tlmma* son. Kings Mountain attorney, and .lohn McBrayer, Shelby build er. I’ave been notified o. their re appointment for a two-year term and will be sworn by Clerk of C i.t.i J. W. Osborne Saturday. The boa'(l had agreed if we members continued in office to call a new registration." Chair tna i Gilbert noted. The last new ret -tration preceded the lftYi primaries, win n two new pre cincts were c*e. ted. This means tl-at all riti/ens will Ik* required to register to be eli gible to vote or May 30. when both Democrats and Republicans will choose nominees for elective offices. Chairman Gilbert also indicated the hoard would give attention to toundary lines of the 2V precincts He noted, for instance, that the li chware precinct spills over in to Number 5 Irwnship, which, in effect. permits Number 5 citizens to help choose Number -I Town ship officers (constable and mag istrates'. He said the board expects to compile a description of boundar ies of all of the prerfavts and to publish the boundaries in hooklct form, tho booklets also to inrlude a county mao, Shelby and Kings Mountain maps, with 'he boun dary lines graphically delineated. In turn, the iiiiurmation will ta re orded at the office of the re gister of d«*ods Mrs. Weir's Bites Conducted Funeral rites for .Mrs. Annie Kiiss V.'eir, 06 >, wife of Charles I*. Weir, were held Tuesday at 3 pm. from Victory Baptist church, interment following in El Bethel church cemetery. Mrs. Weir died Sunday night at her home following a four-weeks illness. She was a native of Cleve land County and a memlier of Victory Baptist ehurch. Besides her hushand she is sur vived by one soil. Eugene ‘Martin of B liltng Springs; five step-sons. C. P Ware. Howard Ware, Hob ert Ware and .lames Wan*, all of Kings Mountain, and Carl Ware of Bessemer City; two daughters. Mrs. Howard Coforth of Kings Mountain and Mrs. Ilollv Ed wards of Clyde; three step-daugh ter.*. Vr«. C. T. Thornburg. 'Mrs. Charles Spearman. Jr. and Mrs Howard Handle, all of Kings Mountain; and one sister. Mrs. Thomas Champion of Sh.rHiy; g* grandrhildnvt and 15 great grand -h'ldren. TALENT SHOW Tin- annual Kiwanis-sponsored Schools Talent Show will be held April 23 -*nd plans art* underway hy the civic club. BURLINGTON PROGRAM — Phenix Mill employees AurUla Fisher and Gene Haynes hold an enlarged sample of an employee profit sharing retirement acount card similar to that given to all eligible employees last week. Plant Manager W. B. Grimes looks on. Armory Busiest Vaccine Station Missed Doses ' be Available From Doctors Citizens who failed to take the Sainn o:al polio vaccine Sunday «ind who want to remain ici sche dule in the t'vo-lick blow to stamp out jiolio in the county should obtain a dose of the vaccine from their iM'isona1 physician or the county health department by Sat urday. Charles Blanton, a clinic direc tor, said an eight we■;< waiting |»eri<Kl is dictated net wen doses. The follow-up mass clinic is scheduled for the county im May 17. and a first dost* by Saturday would meet the time test for Dose 2. Over 30,000 i Icvelanders visit ed 21 community clinics Sunday afternoon to get their first dose of Sahi-t vaccine administered on a lump of sugar. Koigs Moun tain Armory was tin- busiest in the county, as .Y7S3 obtained vac cine then-. Several parents reported their childrrti. particularly tlu- young er ones, quite suspicious of die “painless" bullu-up. They antici pated. at the least, a real nu-di cine taste. They- didn't find it broke into wide smil's at the sweet taste of the sugar. Some were ready foi mote of the same. In Number I township. 11.121 men. women end child-en visih-d Ihe clinics for the |K»lio vaccine The Waco clinic gave 1.1S1 doses Continue.' Oh Puye S Grover Red Cross Fnnd Campaign Will Be Conducted Marclfo to 31 Grover's ane.al Red Cross funt drive begins Thursday end con I in no* through March 31. Co-chatr men Mr.-., .la to Rollins and Mrs Holmes Harry have announ v I Residential and industrial com mittees have i'oen apfiointcd hyl the Grover women who are soli- i citing donations from No. I Township cili/ens not tontacted via United i-'unn. Mrs. Rollins (stinted out titat because of the Ohio flood. Red Cross has sent mote than •Jt’ld s aster specialists from reserxe staffs all over the nation to as sist the flood victims. As .if March 20. Mrs. Rollins noted that more than Wat families had ap plied for Rod Cross help with j 10.IMM) applications expected front 30.0011 families affected by the flood. I Funds contributed in the Kings 1 Mountain chrrter during the' March camoaipn will help to make flood relief possible os well aa ■ervic'* in the local chapter, the Cuntuuuil On Puyv H PHARMACIST Ellis Tat* has joined the pharmaceutical staff of Gri/fin Drug Company. Tate loins Griffin Drag Ellis native of Grover and siti of Mr and Mrs. Roland C. Tat", his joined the pharma ceutical staff of Griffin Drug company. Wilson Griffin, partner in the firm, said M>\ Tate, who joined the suiff this week. expects to move ins family t<« Ki tgs Moun tain within th.- next week or so. 1 Since graduation in !!*»:» from the I?ni\»rsit*' of South Carolina Pharmacy Self. 1 Mr. Tate has been employed as a registered pharmacist t;> Millwood Drug j Store i<i Collin l ia. He is a grad- i uate of Grown- high school. Mrs. Tate is the former Libhv ! Mitchell o* llnkory Grove. S. C. Tlte Tates ar" |*a”ents of a daugh ter. Sandra, ape 1‘t m. oths. C of C Member Drive Progresses Annu.it mer.tUn sliip drive of the Kings Mount.i;.i Chamber of Com merit* has enrolled 5s new members, .wording t i report of W. G. Jonas, drive chairman. Memiicrship to date now totals 129. "We ar*’ high!) pleased to an nomuv there results". Chairman Jonas said and he add 'd that the Chamber will continue the drive for the next few weeks. Goal for ih.* 1964 campaign is 1 60 new members. The membership drive commit tee also includes Boh Ramsey. Ben II. Bridges and John Ches hire. H. Ma.i^i u> C ol C picauiuU Glass Likely GOP Candidate Fot County Post It was another quiet week at the local level cf C icu'Uatd Coun ty politics, Chairman Ralph Gil bert reported. Fred Solav n. of Boiling Spring.. announced he was with drawing from the contest for a Democratic nomination for the county board ot education. How ever. he had not formally with drawn Wednesday. Also still of fieially a candidate was II. Fields Young. Jr., who announced some weeks ago he was withdrawing as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the North Caro lina House of Representatives. Othcrv.ise, the candidate list re mained static. Chief rumor in the Kings Moun tain area involved the Republican side of the fence. Don Glass. Kings Mountair grocer, acknowledged he is con sidering seriously seeking a post on the county commission, sub jeot to the May GOP primary. Mr. Glass, if his party’s nominee, would oppose the winner of the Democratic primary :ontcit. which to date includes Incumbent J. Broadus KHis, of Grover, and Coleman Goforth. GOP County Chairman Jack Dover promised following the GOP county convention his party would make all effort to offer candidates at the local level Should he offer. Mr. Glass would be the first GOP candidate for a county commission seat since tin forties. Klzie Lee Putnam. GOP justice of the peace, raid recently he will offer for re-ek ction. Deadline for filing fot county offices is April 17. Dr. Bean's Bites Conducted Final rites lor Dr. Lewis Ray Beam, 31, of Grove., general practitioner in Grover since last August, were held Sunday at 3 p.m. tmm Shiloh Presbyterian church, interment following in St. Mark's Lutheran church ceme tery in CherryviUc. Dr. Beam died unexpectedly at his home Friday morning. An au topsy was performed and ileath was attributed to natural causes, according to Cherokee County Coroner Roy Harrison. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of North Carolina and the University of North Carts lina Medical School, Dr. Beam served in the U. S. Navy Medial Corps as a lieutenant. He was a staff member of the Kings Mountain hospital, Cleve land Memorial hospital in Shelby, and Cherokee Memorial hospital ill Gaffney. Dr. Beam was secre tary • treasurer of »he Kings Mountain hospital staff. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Mildred Beam of Cherry ville: a daughter. Margaret As*h lyn Beam of the home; his moth er. Mrs. Buford R. Beam of Cher ryville and a sister. Mrs. Harold Farnsworth of Cherry.ille. Rev. Richard Hobson officiated at the final rites. Designer Yams In Bankruptcy Designer Yarns. Inc., of Forrest City, ha-, b*-en judged bankrupt after filing a (etition to that ef fect in western distri t federal court. The adjudication was dated March 16 J. Harry Sample. 206 Postoffice Building. Chaili-tte. is referree in bankruptcy and notified creditor* under date of .March 23 lhat first meeting of ereditors wll be con vened at 3:30 p.m.. April 2. in the federal courtroom of the |>ostof. fioe building in Charlotte. Creditors are invited to attend, prove their claims, fleet a trus tee, and examine the«-orporation’s officers. Carl H. Swan, of Kings Moun tain, is a stockholder and chief executive officer of the corpora tion. Jordan To Preach Sunrise Sermon SPEAKER — Rev. Howard Jordan will deliver the Easter morning sermon at Easter Sunday Ser vices at 6 a. m. at Mountain Rest cemetary. Paisley Rites Held Friday Funeral rite.. ior Mrs Kmma McGill Purs Icy. 5-1. wi re held F*ri day at I p.m. Horn the Chapel o Harris Fuior.il Home, interment following in Liethany ARP church remotely. Mis. Pui sley. widow of James Meek Put sley died I'hursday morning in Gaston Memorial hos pital. She had suffered a broken Slip during a fall at her home four weel.s age A native of York County Soul h Carolina, sin- was iho daughter 1 of the late Mi. and Mrs Leroy Adam McGill and a member of Boyce Meinoria! ARP church. Sun iving are her daughter. Mrs. Claud'* i iambi. -lit. Kings Mountain, lies -on. Ilo.said Purs Icy, Kings Moufdain; one brother Or. W. .1 McGill of Shai >n. S. C and one sister. Mrs. G. \v. White sides of Charlotte Als i surviving are three grandchildren and two great - grandchildren. Dr. W. L. r>rvssly oUu .ated a: the final rites Active nallbe;:tors w**re John L. McGill. Klmer McGill. Lerov Me Gill W. G. Grantham. W. L. Me Mackin and John Cheshire. SCOUT NOTICE this Falls, Jr., St Matthews Lutheran church Scoutmaster, re. ininds all Boy Sraut> and Scout leaders who are interested in par ticipating in the Sunday morning Faster Sunrise Services it Moun tain Rest eeinetery, to meet with him at the cemetery at 5:00 A M. for dutv assignments Community Sites Start At(a.m. Hcv. Howard Jordan. pastor of Central Methodist church. will deliver the Hast or morning ser toon at Kings Mountain's com* munity-v. ,d • Hast or Su.irise Ser v ice. Tlio sen ior* will tie held Sunday, w ath permitting. at « a m. in Memorial Park of Mountain Host ■er.ieterv. In event of rain, the ■•■rviiv will ir- cancelled. Mi-nist«r from King- Mountain 'rea chut -lies will participate in the service which is sjKinsorotl hy »he Kiii'ts Mountain Ministerial Association. An instrumental ensemble will open the seme, with a prelude of Kaster music. Rev. B. L. Rames. pastor of First Baptist church and president of the Ministerial Asso ciation, will lead the responsive ■ all to worship and Rev. Alvin Faulk«*o wiry, pastor of Hast Side Baptist church, will give the in vocation. The congregation will Mn« "’Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" and Rev. Wayne Ashe, pastor of Macedonia Baptist church, will i'\'‘d the scripture. He*. John Harris, pastor of i'ii>t W-'slcyan Methodist church w ill lead the morning prayer and the King- Mountain high school Mixed Chorus, under direction of Mrs. J. N. McClure, will sing the anthem. “Karlv in the Morning.’ R« I’toyd Willis, pastor of Westover Baptist church, will pronounce the ln,ncdiciion Miss Libby Alexander will bo pianist and Schools tiaad director J. C. iledden will direct the in strumental ensemble. Boy Scouts w ill assist in directing traffic and ;n distributing programs. Hev Mi . JoKlan's sermon topic will tie. “The Power - >f th«* Resur rection" and h, text will be Phil lipians 3: in. Kerns Rites Held Tuesday h unci al rite; for Ross Kerns, >2. of Granite Quarry, father of Clyde W Kerns and James M. Kerns of King. Mountain, were held Tuesday at 3 pan. from Whittenbui : Lctheian church of which h-- was a member. Mr. Kerns died Sunday in Gra nite Quarry. Other survivors include a son. Hugh Kerns, oi Kherson. Pa: a daughter. Mrs. Gl«*in Tlexler of Granite Quarry: a brother. Kd gar I). Kents of Durham; and two sisters. Mrs J T Walters of Klbertoii. Ga and M:s. M J Klut/ ot Raleigh. Ashworth To Speak Friday Night At Annual Merchant's Banquet PROMOTED — L. A. Kiser. Jr.. Kings Mountain native and son ol Mr. and Mrs. L. Arnold Kiser, has been promoted by Chem strand Research Center at Dur to research mechanical ea James K. Ashworth. Charlotte husiiK>.<,man, >• ill make the prin cipal address j> highlight of Fri day night's aji'tuol employee-em ployer banquet of .ho Kings Mountain Mci< hauls association. Mr. Ashwotth owns ami oper ates a fnm which conducts class cs in public speaking, human re lations. memo! * and sales train inn and has boon billed as much in demand as • leader of sales clinics and as an af'er-dinner speaker throughout the United States Jonas Bridges will present Mr. Ashworth and President It. O. *Bobi Southwell will preside. Tin- banquet will be held at 7 p m. at the Woman's dub and is expected to altiact a crowd of ISO. Jonas Bridge.', manager of Ra dio Station WKMT, w i| i»e in stalled a:, president of tin* asso ciation succeeding -Mr. Southwell. Mr. Bridges hag previously serv ed a term as president. Bill H. CuHtuttfeu Ua Pu-jc H Kings Mountain Is Preparing For Easter Traditional Holy Week smim will culminate here with tradi tional Raster Sunday services. Maundy Thuinday evening com munion service* will Ih- held at Resurrection and St. Matthew's Lutheran churches. Boyce Me morial ARP. i’.ist Presbyterian, and Central Methodist churches, among others. Some churches have scheduled services Thui sday, Friday, and Srturday e\ en,ngs I and Trinity Rpisc .pal church will 1 continue its Raster services through Tuesday. Tour Kastej Sunrise services are planned. Jp addition to the community-wide service at 6 a m. at .Memorial Park of Mountain Po st cemetery, three churches will hold 6 a m. sen ires. Resurrection Lutheran church will hold a ser vos- at the church in Crescent TRAFFIC INSTRUCTIONS Citizens attending Sunday rn -rning's Raster Sunrise serv ices must enter Me untaiii Rest cetne tery hy the Si he-r gate cm Cold street, Supt Kc*n Jenkins an nounced. Other gatc-s will he closed until the end of the ser vices. when all gate's will he* op. e:ied to e\r»'dit« exit. Boy Scouts will aid in directing traffic-. Hill with a congregational break fast to follow. Oak Grove Baptist church and Dison Presbyterian church will hold (j a.m sendees in the' two communities. A three-hour Good Friday ser vice of meditations from the ".Sev en Last Words" of Jcvis will be* held from 12 noon until 3 p m. at Resurrection Lutheran church. Rev George Moore will lead the sendee and special music bv the choirs will he ieatured. School pupils will enjoy a holi day weekend, with classes sus jiendfaig Thursday and Monday and resuming Tuesday morning. Majority of retail nerehants, along with financial institutions, will he closed on Raster Monday, a traditional holiday. Poote Minci.il company em ployees will observe Good Friday as a holiday. Eastei Story By St John Th> firxt day of the 1 reek eonicth Mart/ Magdalene early, f'ht n it uw yet dark, unto the *f /ml, hit. and eth the stone tak < it >n>,iii from Hi, sepulchre. Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other ,Iih>-ifile, whom Jexux loved, and satth unto them. They have tak eu away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and to, know not where th> y liav, hud him. Peter therefore ivent forth, and that other dutciple, and ramc to the Ml /ml, hit . So they both ran together: and tile Other duu i/ile dnl outrun Pet tr, and (time font to he xepul ehre. And he stooping down and looking in, mhw the hn n clothes tying; yt > went he not m. Thin camtth Suw.n Peter loivin>i him, and went into the sepulchre. and seeth the linen riot hex lw. And tin na/ikin, that was about lux head, not lying with the linen < lothex. but wrapped together in a plaee by itxelf. Then went in alno that other thxetple, irhirli rame first to the sepulehre, and he saw, and hc Iwved. For ax ye* they kneie not the x, riidure. that he must rise again from the dead. Then the dix, Hides ueut away again unto their own home. Hid Mary nines! without at the sepulchre weeping: and ax xhe we pt, xh, stooped down, and look 'd into the sepulchre. And seeth two angels in white sitting, the• one at the’ head, and the Other at the fee t, where the Innty of Jexux ha,l lam. 'll'! they nay unto he r. Woman, u hy weegn xt thou .* She sailh un to them, Hexeiuxe they h>ive’ taken away my Lord, uuet I know n*>t Wlie-re the y have laid him. And when she hail Unix x>iid xlu’ turtle <1 herself ba> k, and saw Jexux standing, and knew not that it urns Jexux. Jesus xenth unto her. Woman, why wevpest thou f whom xeckext thou.‘ She’, xup/nixing him to he’ the gurdi ncr, xaid uut» him. Sir, if thou hare beoiee him hene-e, te ll Con.Unut.ui On Page 8

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