People In The News Timmy Scott Mu<ilnax, age two, !eft above, and Jeffre* Todd, age one celebrated birthdeys recently. The Mo ina* brothers are children of Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Mullinax, 61 I Stone street. A smai! fami'y party was held on Todd's birthday Feb ruary 23. Timmy was two years old January I Ith. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. CaH Mullinax and Mr. and Mrs. Nobel Parker, all of Kings Mountain. * • * ♦ Gloria Diane Greene, Grover school seventh grader and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greene of Kings Moun fain, won fhe Cleveland Coun ty 4-H com meal muffin | . bake-off contest Friday. Miss Greene represent ed the Dixon Community 4-H I . club in the competition with 1 younq people from other! 1 dubs in area communities and schools of the county. The contest was held in Mooresboro and the top win ner received a $25 savings bond. Miss Greene and other contestants used a recipe for muffins provided them by the county extension depart i ment. ♦ ♦ ♦ * i ABOUT THIS-N-THAT B' d j parties continue to honor Poliy Page, whose wed ding to Dav Moreau takes place Saturday. Mrs. Gadand St!:* invited Miss Page to play with mem-' bers of her br.dqe club last Tuesday afternoon and present ed the b :de * > be with a gift. Mrs. Georqe Houser entertained Friday at a luncheon at her hom or '4 guests. Overlaid with embroidered linen the bride table held two ta1! crystal compotes of pink ca- ! meliies. Tv mail tables held similar centerpieces of pink and white. 7 e bride to be’s place was marked by a camellia corsage e d Mrs. Houser’s gift to her was china in her chosen pattern and a bride's cookbook. A two-course luncheon was served. Guests included from out • town: Mrs. P. W. Ferguson of Atlanta, Ga.. Mrs Sue Rhyne Little and Mrs. George Page of Lincolnfon, aunts of Miss Page. * * » * Sara Adele Hendricks, 'inqs Mountain freshman at Vake Forest Colleqe and, lauqhter of Dr. and Mrs., '*au! E. Hendricks, qualified ->r the fall semester dean's! 'St. A total of 399 students' the Schoo1 of Liberal Arts •’d school of Business Ad ministration made the dean's -st. The qroup included 99 '»niors. I IS juniors, 108 soph mores. 68 freshmen, four '»niors in the School of Busi ess Administration and fivr ”:ors in the business school. Lt. Colone1 O. T. Hayes, Jr. and his family are here from Lima, Peru for a visit with Mr. Hayes' mother, Mrs. O T. Hayes, and other relatives. Mrs. Hayes and children,, O. T. Hayes, 'll and Diane Hayes, visited in Shreveport, La before comina to Kings Mountain Wednesday. Lt. Colonel Haves arrived a week early and the famih wi!l be he-e unt'1 af^er the Easter holidays Lt. Col. Hayec is being rc i "ed to Shaw AFB at Sumter, S. C. * * * « Houston E ack of Southern Pines spent Friday nigh with his parent Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black, enroute to Charlotte to serve as a iudge for the N.C. Science Fair Sat urday. * * * * M s L^iVIe Smith of Atlanta, Ga. visited her parents Mr. and M -. W:lb :r G. Smith, during the weekend. Miss Smith is a st dent at Georaia State college. * * * * Mr. a" I B' Sanders and children, Mark and Le anne a*n baric from Douglas, Ga. where they attended the wedding of Miss Laura Sue Hinson and Jimmy Lamar Sim*. Mrs. Sanders’ mother, Mrs. Grady A. Rhea, remained ir Doualas for a lonaer visit and will visit in Mimai, Ra. with relatives before returnino to Kings Mountain. The bride is granddaughter of Mrs. Rhea. Phone 739-5441 Elizabeth Stewart, Editor SOCIAL CALENDAR ' Thursday: 4:00 .Mrs. M H. Riser and Miss Linda Riser are ontertainfin • at their home at a bridge party honoring Miss Polly Page bride elect Friday: 12: IS- Mrs. H. Carl Mayes and Mrs. Moffalt Ware. Jr. are enter taining at the home ol the former at a bridesmaids' luncheon for Miss Polly Page and her attend ants. 6:30 Rehearsal dinner at Gov ernor's Inn in Sheljy htfrioring Muss Polly Page and David Mor eau. Hosts: Mrs. Orrin Swayze. ■Mrs. Charles Chamberlin anil Or rlck Metralfe. 8:00 Rehearsal for the Page Moreau wedding in First Presby terian church. 9:00 Captain and Mrs. W. .F. Brewer, Mrs. f W Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunnicutt are entertaining at Kings Moun tain Country Club at a cake cut-1 ting honoring Miss Polly Page. David 'Moreau and their wedding, party Saturday: 12:00 -Wedding breakfast at Kings Mountain Country Club honoring Miss Polly Page ami David Moreau. Hosts: Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Neisler, Sr. 6:00—The wedding o f Miss Pauline Neisler Page .and David Humphreys Moreau cn First Pres byterian church followed hv a re ception to be given by the bride elect’s patents at Kings Moun-; tain Woman's Hub. Sunday: 12:00 Easter Sunday buffet luncheon for and guests at the Country Club. Tuesday: 7 a.m. Senior Citizens Hub leaving by chartered in.s for <&ie dav trip to Charleston, S. C. Gar dens. 6:30 Men's Night at the Wo man's club. Covered dish supper. Wednesday: 9:30 a.m.—Circle 2 r.f Central Methodist church at the home of Mrs Edith Go.'orth. Vincent Sims Honored On Fourth Birthday Vincent Simr. son of Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Sim. , celebrated his fourth birthday Saturday at a party given by his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sims, in Chicago. 111. The Sims family, formerly ol Kings Mountain, expects to visit here in June. Young Vincent has been visiting his grandparents since Christmas Eleven children were present for the party. A birthday cake was cut and served with ice cream. Young Sims is also the grandson of 'Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rathhone 2S Bennett drive. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mis. Robert Lewis Slater. H(15 Monroe A\e. an nounce the birth of a son, Satur day. March 21. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Stem, Rt. 1. Box 223. announce the birth of a son. Monday. March 23. Kin.: Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Harold Sumlar, Rt. 1, Box 291. announce the birth of a son. Monday. March 23. Kings Mountain hospital. Mr. and Mrs Giles C. Bell. GOT Meadowbrook. announce the birth of a son, Wednesday. March 25. Kings Mountain hospital. Easter Sunday Buffet Scheduled By Club Kins’s Mountain Country Club memaers and guests who plan to have lunch at the club after •hunch servicer Sunday are ask «l to make reservations by 5 p m. Saturday. Easter Sunday buffet will b< served beginning at 12 noon Plates are $1.75 for adults and >1.13 for chiliiien. Miss Linda Biser will arrive rhursday from Washington. D. C to spend Easter weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. j Biser. Vrs. Lallage Palls spent last week at Daytona Beach. Fla Mrs. Palls flew down Sunday to meet friends who had driven to Day tona Beach Thursday. •O- — Mr. and Mrs Phillip Sill and children Angela and 'Michael Todd of Spartanburg. S. C-. snert Sunday with Mrs. Lsllage Falls. Mrs. Sill is the former Miss Diane Foils. Club Plans Husband’s Night The Kings .Mountain Woman'r club will hold ‘’Husband’s Night' ' Tuesday night at the Woman « club and a special progiam it planned, Mrs. Au ;re> Mauney. president, has announced. A one-act ple> to he presented by various men of the coinrr.un.t> will lx* staged under tlic direc tion oi Mrs. Fred Withers, rhe comedy is entit'od, “If .Men Play ed Cards A.; Women Do." Supper will Ik* served at 6:30 p.m. at the Woman's club and club officials invite clubwomen to "bring o Imunnlul covered dish." Committw op table arrange ments for the affair is hoadc*d by .Mrs. W. D. Warner. Husbands ot club mem <-rs will he special guests and new mem bers and visitors are also invited. Mrs. Eugene McCarter will give a toast to the husbands and M s. J. C. Bridges will give a toast to the new members. A large crowd is expected to attend. Miss Page Party Honoree Mrs. E. Wilson Grifi'ln and Mrs. E. W. Griffin entertain •<! Tuesday night at the toimer’s home at bridge paying compliment to Miss Polly Page, nride-elect of Satur day. Tables were laid for refresh ments on arri\al of guests and the hostesses served a dessert course in pin ; end white. Five card ta des were decorat ed in pink aid white with spring' flowers usi*d js centerpieces and in other rooms of the I* >me. High score prize went to Mrs. Joe Noisier. Ir. and low was held by Mrs. J. N. McClure. Miss Page wes given r camellia shoulder corsage by the hostc*sses and a gift of siivc*r in her bridal pattern. Couple Se* Wedding Date Mr. and Mr->. Thomas Fletcher Odell of Yamvyville announce the engagement 01 their daughter, Sandra Elizabeth, of Raleigh, to Thomas James Shir key of Fav etteville. son of Mrs. James Leroy Shirkey of Grover ;tind the late Mr. Shirkey. The bride-elect, a graduate of Bartlett Yancey high school, will complete a course at MichelTs Ilairstyling Academy in Raleigh on April l.V The bridegroom-to-be was grad uated from Kings Mountain high school, attendee N. C. State col lege three years and is employed by the Rich Plan in Fayetteville as an accountant. The wedding is planned fo April 26. Wake Fores* Students Home For Holidays Wake Forest college studen’s j will arrive Saturday fo" the Easf- | er holidays a,id a week of sprint vacations. They include: Gary Collins ofj Grover who v\ill visit his mother j Mrs. Alfred ( ■ 111ns: and Sara Hondricks and Paul Herd ricks Jr. who will Miit their parents. Dr and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Nancv Bell, Vernon Cherry Wed In Mount Hollv Rites Miss Nancy Bell, daugnter ot Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bell, former Kings Mounta'n residents who have made thci; home n Mount Holly foi a nu-nher of years, and Vernon Cherry -.Iso of Mould llol lv. were married last Saturday. March ldh. A bridal natty shower at the Bell home March 21 honored Mrs Cherry. Sharing hosb-s.. duties were Mrs. Jin. Bell. Mrs. Carl Boll and Mrs Ted Bell sister- in law of the bride. Mrs. Cherry is half-sister o' M-s. G. T. Stewart and Mrs George Sellers, both of Kings Mountain. ^ook Review Features Proqrarn Mrs. Fred F. Fneer entertain ed members of »h<> Thu -div Af ternortn Hook Civil* at her home last week. A large number of rrember^ ,->t tended and heard nr Mrnm h< Mrs. E. A. Harrill who delighted the group with a book review “The Storv of Freas Atrlcanus.” Mrs E. W Veal presided over the hes;ness meeting. At refreshment time Mrs Fin ger was assisted by Mrs. Rut*' Ttinmnsson in . erving a salad and dessert course Dessert-RnHoP Honors Pmrlp.Plprt Mrs. I.. E. Hinn*nt *ntertalne^ last Wednesdav afternoon at he* home at five tobies at br'd" nav'ne compliment to Miss Poll* Pam* bride• ele* t of <s'»turdsv Tables were laid for refresh ments at tbe bewnnin > of the nnrtv and Mrs. llinnant was a« sist«-d in servin'* a dessert eourse Miss P>ge was remembered with a camellia eorsa**-* tree, fh hostess and her wedd'ns* «tf* Br’dee nrizes went to Mrs Tho mas Durham. Mrs. .John PtonW Jr.. Mrs neor-»e Thomasson and Mr*. J. E. Heredon. Soring Rowbrs were used dec oratively throughout the party MRS'S SIGHT SHOW — B. S. Peeler, left above, and George Houser, right, while (itm* the time Waiting far Charles Mtmneg to <iI'pear, while host Charlen Blanton it about to serve refreshments hi "If Mrs Ployed Cords As Women Do", a one-art comedy to be stayed on “Men’s Sight" at the Woman's chib 7 uesddy. A covered dish supper will be served at ti:30 p.mi. to members and guests. The play is under the direction of Mrs. Bred Withers. Mrs. Eugene M< Carter u'ill toast the husbands and Mrs. J. C. Bridges will toast the neie members. Committee on table arrangements includes Mrs. H'. U. Warner, chairman; Mis. F. S. Morrison and Mrs. S. S. Weir, <Photo by Aubrey Maimey) Ful! Calendar Of Events Scheduled For Family Life Education Week Here Calendar of activities for Fam ily Life Kducation Week April 12-IS was announced this week by the Kings Mountain Family Life Council. The program has been endors ed by virtually all Kings Moun tain area ci» ic clubs, churches and schools and will offer pro grams and panel discussions in voicing every area of family life. Purpose of the program is to sharpen community awareness of need to strengthen family living and to help parents and other in terested individuals beetime more effective famil» members. Leaders for two groups o f young married couples and par ents of ore - school age children for April 13th. opening day of the week of activities, had not yet notified officiais of their plans to attend on Wednesday. However, other phases ot the week-long program are complete and a full seminar is planned. The program will follow this general outline: April 12 at ft: 15 a.m. Christian Families Worship Together <n Church of your choice 7:30 p.m. Fi’m “A Family’s Heri tage” at Central Methodist church. April 13-10 Meetings will he held in Kings Mountain high school auditorium at 8 p.m. April 13 Kick-off meeting: Small group discussions on Families P.olo in Sex Fducation will lie led by the following pro fessionals: Rev. Charles Milford. Parkford riinpst Church, Charlotte. North Cirotma to • Parents Without Partners” Rev Robert Howard. Director Religious Kducation. Myers Park Baptist church. Charlotte. North Carolina, to “Parents of pro-ad olescents and adolescents" Dr. Paul Sara/on. Shelby. North Car >litva. to “Parents of i Grammar grade age children. April I t Family Balance I David L. Howe. Headmaster. Charlotte Country Day School. Charlotte. North Carolina to A ; dults April 15 Mrs. C«i-il Gillian. N C. Board of Juvenile Correction 1 Shelby. North Carolina will dis cuss “Focus on Family Needs" with adults April 16 Mrs. James Banberry I'rcsidrtit. Mecklenburg Family ; Life Council. Charlotte. North Carolina will bring a qualified panel to discuss; "Are we passing ihe buck in Family Life Educa tion?" Tlie adolescents will have own discussion leaders on "I’repara tio nfor ’.Marriage". Dr. Warren Collins will be speaker April 1? and 16. Mrs. E. H. Ould, Family Life Consultant from Roanoke. Va„ will work with th« youth April It and 15. The Kings Mountain Family Life Council ir composed of rep resentatives from educational, professional, religious and social agencies, civic groups and inter ested individuals with the com mon purpose of providing the means tor the pooling of commu nity efforts toward better family living. Young Married Couples will hear Mrs. C. M. AleMurray on owning day of the week of acti vities. Robert David Falls was dis charged Sunday from the Kings Mountain hospital and is recup erating at his home following surgery Monday. March 16. Beginning Tuesday MARCH 31 FREE KNITTING INSTRUCTIONS AT PLONK'S EVERT TUESDAY MORNING FROM 9:30 TO lOJO Complete stoek of Bet nat & Spinnerin Knitting Yarns and Supplies. PLONK’S Polly Page, David Moreau Give Plans For Saturday Wedding; Parties Planned Mi** Paulin* Noisier Pad**, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Harry Ephriam of Kings Motii tain, has comp'eted plan* for her marriage lo David llumphrrys Moreau of Nat oho/. Miss., and tnnounccs thorn today. The wedding will tako place Saturday. March 2kth. at 6 p.m. in First Preshy ti rian church. A wedding reception, to l»o given by he bride olert c paren's. will be held at the King* Mountain Wo man's club. Dr. Paul K. Aualey, assisted by Rev. William t. Moreau. Jr. of New Haven, Corn., brother of the proapective bridegroom. will boat ihe double-ring exchange of vows A program o? organ music wil be rendered by Mrs. L. E. Hin nant. The bride-elect will oe given in marriage by her lather and will have her sister. Miss Laura Jean Page, as maid of honor. Brides maids will include Miss Sue Hun nlcutt and Mrs. Rennet n Davis of Kbiga 'Mountain. Miss Andra Brewer of Norfolk. Va. and Miss lane Page of Linmlnton. Meg ?*ge of Raleign will be flowei girl. Miss Hunnicutt. Miss Brew sr and the Misses Pages are oou •1ns of tiib bride-elect. Tlie bridegroom-to-be, son of the late Rev. and Mrs. 'Mrs. Wll 'lam E. Moreau, will have Orriek Metcalfe of Nrtchez as best man William R. Hc-ndley, Kenneth O. Summerville, a n d Ronald A >chrlmper of Raleigh. If. Paul Rfcid of Atlanta. Ga.. Charles Willis of Charlotte and Richard Baldwin III ol Richmond. Va will serve is ushers. * * » » Since the announcement oi | their engagcirmt. Miss Page aiulj Mr. Moreau have been extended i number of pre nuptnl eourte ties and numerous parties are "•lanned for lh« couple this week end. 'Mrs. M. H. Riser and her daugh ter, Miss Linda Riser, of Wash •igton, D. C.. will entertain Thursday at a 4 p.m. bridge par ty at the Bise- home on W. Gold street honoring Miss Page. Mrs. H. Can Mayes and hci daughter, Mrs. Vlof'fatt Ware. Jr.. of Charlotte, \»iu entertain at a bridesmaids luncheon Friday at ’2:15 al the Mayer home on Ridge street for Miss Page and hei wedding attendants. A rehearsal dinner at 6:30 p.m Friday at Quality Court in Shelby will honor Miss Page and Mr Moreau. Host and hostesses will h* Mrs. Orrin Sway/e of Jackson, 1 Miss, and Mrs. Charles Chamber- J lin of Ottawa, Canada, a.ints o' the bridegroom-to-be. and Orriek Metcalfe of Ni tchez, cousin of the brid«*«room-to-he. After the rehearsal a cake cut ting will be held at Kings Moun tain Country Club with Captain j and Mrs. W. F. Bretver of Nor- I folk. Mrs. *». W. Ferguson of At lanta. and Mr. and i.VIrs. 11. R. Ilunnicutt of Kangs Mountain serving as hosts. All an* aunts and undos of tlu* bride to-bo. On the wedding -Jay at 12 o'clock noon, the pair will be on , tertained at a breakfast et Mountain Country Club with the brido-Hoci's uncle and aunt. air. and Mrs. P. M. Noisier, its hosts. Mrs. Robbs Hostess To Baptist Circle I Mrs. Lyman Robbs entertained 1 members of Ciix-le 1 of Second Baptist church at her home Mon day night. Eight members were present. The program. "I Must Act”, was led by Mrs J. II. Robbs, as sisted by Mrr (irortH Julian. Mrs. Ethel White. Mrs. John Gladden. Mrs. Emmie Benfield and Mrs. Dot Robbs. The evening prayer was led by Mrs. Julian. Mrs. S- O. Kirby presided over the business oottion of the meet• ing and at refreshment time the hostess was assisted in set wing a party plate which carried out the Easter motif. Luncheon Honors Pollv Pace •Mrs. Kenneth Davis and Mrs. Frank Cranford entertained Sat urday at a luncheon at Governor’s Inn in Shelby honoring Misr Polly Page, of Satur day. Mrs. Davin \\ J| bp an attendant in the wedding of Miss Page an* Dave Moreau Saturday at 6 p.m in First Presbyterian church. The luncheon was held in the private dialing room and a *-oloi note of pink ai d while was carri ed out in party decora lions. The table was centered with an elongab-d arrar.gcment of pink carnations, fern and valley lilies, showered witu tiny pink stream ers, the focal point being two pink satin wedding rings. Wide pink satin streamers ran the length of the table and held clus ters of white lace wedding bells tied with pin): bows. Places for ill*- guests wen designated by placeoards in white and green, to which were -attached tiny bags of rice tied in pink nbt showered with pink ribbons. The honoree's place was mail ed by a big bow of pink satin and a unite orchid corsage. Tlie host'-sser' gift to Miss Page was the butter knife in her silver pattern. The guest list included thb hostesses. Miss Page, her mother. Mrs. Harry Page. Mrs. Vernon Crosby. Mrs. W. L. Ramseur, Miss Helen liny. Mrs M If. P-iser. Mrs O. P. Lewis. Mrs. Jame;; If. Page. Mrs Robert Miller, all oi Kings Mountain, and Mrs. James Rol lin* of Grovtp*. Costume Jewelry For Easter $1 up fimOUITTC • wmr%m •« m !PT DEUDKtn ,m W «■»«■«» '»w

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