Population Greater Kings Mountain 10,320 City Limits 8,008 W» lt«ut« let Gfeetei (nfi Ntuiiai I* ItniH (ten Ike IIU lk|i He— :oie rtty Mrecicry cmiu The city . Ilmlta Hyun U tram ike Ueited Ititti emu of IM>. Kings Mountain's Reliable Newspaper VOL. 75 No. 14_Established 1889 KingsMountain, N. C., Thursday, April 2, 1964 Seventy-Fifth Year Pages Today _j PRICE TEN"CENT Sixth Grader Bill Herndon Champ Speller William 'Bill i Herndon. West school sixth v\atler and son ol Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hern don. is Kings Mountain spelling champion. Young Hemoon will represent the city in the Charlotte regional Spelling Bee to Is- sponsored by the Charlotte C>l-server April 17th in Chat lotto. As Kings Mountain winner he is recipient of the F. R. Summers Spelling Medil present i-d annually by First Union Na tional Rani: in memory of the late President Summe/s. The spelling champ \ .»■»! with students from all schools in the area Wednesday afternoon in the schools administration building. Other studi tits competing were Sharon Hold from Grover school; Reed Norton from Park Grace school; Wanda Biddix from Beth wan* school; Jerry St awls from North school; and Douglas Ses som from Has! school. Rob«*rt M. Kennedy, principal of Fast school, was oronouneer. Judgc*s were Mrs. Winnie M. Still from Hast school; \l*s. Sarah Simpson from West school; Mrs. Willie P. Paiterson from Park Grace school; Mrs. Martha Scruggs front Grove,- school; Principal R. H. Bryant from North school; and Mrs. .lane Hen son from Beth ware school. Heart Attack Fatal To Goins Funeral rites for Bovee (Dutch! (loins, 52. wen* held Monday at 4 p. m. from Second Baptist ehurclt. of which he was a mem ber. Mr. (loins, a driver for Burton Cub Company, suffered a heart attack Saturday at the wheel of his automobile and was pronoun ced dead on arrival at the ho*, pital at 1:30 p. m. Coroner J. Ollie Harris said an cutopsy revealed that death was attributed to a heart attack. Mrs. Jack Bryant and daughter. Judy, were passengers in the Burton Taxi. Mrs. Bryant said Mr. (loins suffered the attack while driving north on Battleground avenue and that (loins’ cab ran through a traffic light and hit a parked car in which Mrs. Frankie White. Mary Ann White, age IS months, and Bryan White, age three years, were waiting for the rod light to change. Tin* taxi came to a stop at the railioad railing on Battleground avenue. (loins died enroute to Kings Mountain hospital and all pas sengers in both ears stiffens! minor injuries and were given first aid and dismissed at the hospital. Coroner Harris said. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Rosaleen Hudson (loins; three sons, Boyce (loins Jr. of Gastonia, Michael (loins of Kin ts Moun tain and John (loins, student at UNC at Chapel Hill; five daugh ters, Mrs. Emegene Brown of Aik en. S. C., Mrs. Maxine Flowers of Bessemer City. Mrs. Barbara Miss Karen (loins, all of Kings Miller. Mrs. Diane Dellinger and Mountain; three brothers. Bright (loins of Everett, Washington, James (loins of Pueblo. Colo., and W. E. (loins of Kings Mountain; and seven sisters. Mrs. Louise Collins. Mrs. Helen Williams and Mrs. Oveda Wiggins, all o f Shelby, Mrs. Frank H»»per and Mrs. Kusseell McAbee. both of Kings Mountain. Mrs. (Irate llomeslcy of Chcrryville and Mrs. Gertie Haynes of Anderson. S. (\, and nine grandchildren. A native of Cleveland County, Mr. Goins was the son of the late Mr. and Mm. Martin Goins, lie was in apparently good health. Rev. George Julian, assisted by Rev. Harold Ivloder. officiated at the final rites and interment was made in Mountain Rest cemetery. Baptist Set Revival Service Kev. Char If!. Chilton ol Fop ping. Va. will U* evangelist fur revival service., April 13-19 at KinRs Mountain Raptiu church. Smirw will h« nightly at 7:30. Ortlagp prater meetioRS aw being held in the ham<*s of vari ous members, this week, includ inR: Tuesday. \ii.rch 31*1 at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hold and Mr. arid Mrs. Clay von Kelly. l-Yidav. April 3, at 7:.’*0 p.m. at the homes of Mrs. B. O. Weaver and Mrs. C. C. Edens. Tuesday. April 7th. at 7:30 at the homes of Mr and Mb*. Harold Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Bob b^ter ♦ FOOTE WINS AWARD — Charles S. Burns, left above, represen tative of the American Mining Congress of Washington. D. C. pre sents a certificate of merit to Neil O. Johnson, manager of Foote Min eral Company's Kings Mountain Operations, for “outstanding ac Movement in completing six years without a lost time accident." Foote Celebrates Award For Safety EVANGELIST — Bey. Huel Mar of Belmont will load a week of evangelistic services beginning Sunday at Macedonia Baptist church. Macedonia Series Begins Sunday Macedonia Baptist church on Grover road will be taking part in Baptist Simultaneous Revivals of the Kings Mountai-i Baptist Association i-eginnin:; Sunday night and continuing' through Ap ril 12th. Rev. U ayne Ashe, pastor, has announced. Rev. Ilucl May. pastor of Unity Baptist church of Belmont. \\ill bo visiting evangelist for the ser vices which xx ill begin at 7 p.m. nightly. Douglas Ledlord. church music director, will la* in charge of mu sic for the services and special music will *>e rendered by the choirs of the church each night. Nursery facilities will be provided for children oi nursery age and the pastor said the interested public is invited to attend these services. Welding firm Has New Name Rivcntly expanded Kings Moun tain Welding and Fabrication Company beet me Maple Loaf Steel Company, Ine.. on Wvdnm day. T. 15. Yarbrough, president, wrote customers of .he name change anti toncurrcntly com mented on the addition of flooi space and fale icating tools. The building, located on U. S. east near the elty limits, has heen expanded by :>!«('. square feet, and a plate shearing machine has been installed. Mr. Yarbrough also announced that Tliomas Moore, formerly with I’eden St. el Company and Southern Engineering Company, has joined Maple Leaf as sales engineer. Mr. Yarbrough said, “We now have facilities for shearing, roll ing, burning, welding and many other services.'* No Loss Time Accidents h Six Years < Foote Mineral Company was pent tiled a Certificate of Merit Award Thursday afternoon by American Mining Congress repre sentative. Charles Burns, in re jcognition of the company’s six ! vear safety record, which the employees achieved by logging 11.252.474 man-hours working I time without a lost-time acci | tlent. Burns w as guest speaker at the I annual company Barbecue which was held at tin* plant meeting hall. Burns, speaking to over 100 employees of the Kings Moun tain plant, piesented the Certi ficate of Merit to plant President Neil Johnson. The award reeog. ni/ed the plant's 1,252.474 man hours worked without i loss-time accident for the period ending February 12. "Employee* have to think safety to have safety". Burns said, and he adik*d that upon observing the emplovccs at Foote Mineral, he discovered that one of tin* major reasons for the lie mendous safety record was the fact that the workers expressed | a respect for on -the- job safety. Seven of tr*e company's em ployees were awarded 10-year safety pins. Those receiving the pins were: Wray Canipe. Kill Itamsev. ,\. c. Lockhart, Henry Gilliland. . Leander Parker James Korer. and Ralph Flow. Three employees receiv«*d 2 .vear safety pins. They were: James Seism, Kay Smith, and Jet Parker. American Mining Congress re pcscntative Burns is a native of Charlotte, and works out of the Congress’ main office in Wash ton. D. C. The American Mining Congress coordinates the efforts of mine o|tcial<.rs and mining equipment manufacturers in stimulating progress in mining practices and Ccntinucd on Page 8 Glass Can’t Offer As Republican C of C Group Recommends Metex Changes Wilson lirifbn, Kins'' Mountain pharmacist, has b«vn named < ha;i man of a six-member traffic <■« mm.tiff u» the t'ham ter of Commerce. The ncwly-f -rmed Traffic com mil;***' in M its firs* meeting Thursday and voted to recom mend <i\ suggestions for traffic impiovements to the ity ooard of iommi.'.sio.K is. including: It c invert tr.c loach tg /one in front of Xeislei Broth -is. Inc. on W. Mountain street to u 12 min ute parkin;; area and install a 12 minute parking meter. 21 discontinue the annual ren tal of two parking spaces on W. Mountain street n >w rented to First I’nion National bank and install two 12 minute parking meters. 3> comeit the one-h >ur meter in Iront of Bclk's Department Store t-> a 12 minute s|> e e and in stall a 12 minute meter. 1> install five one-imur meters on the Mountain Street side of Joy Theatre. 51 establish a loadin'; /one on the Mountain Street side of Vic tory Chevrol»t company and two one-hour parking meters. di establish a loading /one in front of Phifer Hardware’s Cher okee street location. Other members of the traffic committee are Chamber Presi dent, Bob Maner. Bill H. Brown, Charles Dixon. Ralph S. Ware and Joe H. McDaniel, Jr Package Mailing Now Costs More Higher rates lor parcel post mail went into effect at Kings Mountain jmisi office a.id through out the n.<ti »n Wednesday. The parcel jmisI increase ap prived recently hy the Interstate Commerce Commission and aver aging about 13.1'. is e\pectpd to yield about TTY I million annually. Catalog rates will be increased approximately 13'. and will pro duce added re-.. nue of about S2.-I million if 1962 volume is main tained. The higher rates do not affect air par-el post or international l>ar(vl post. The last parrel post increase w as on Februaty 1. 10«jt). Legion Post To Meet Friday Regular meeting of Otis D. Green Post 155. American Legion, will be held Friday night at 7 o'doik. A fm* ham.wrger will be serv ed members following the mind ing, when nominations for post offioes lor the coming year will 1m- invited by the membership. The nominating committee, of which J. T. McGinnis, Jr., is chairman, has nominated the fol lowing: Carl Wilson, commander; Da vid Delevic. flr>t vice-commander; T. W. Bryant, second vice-corn mandcr: Gene Wright, sergeant at-arms: John Gladden, historian Grady Howard, service officer; Franklin Ware, ehaplai-i; Jo<- Me Daniel. adjutant; and Yarded Neal. Fred Wright. Jr.. John Dill ing. Ken ilarr.in. and Charles E Dixon, member:' >f the executive committee. Annual election will in* held in May. It's Official: New Comitywide Registration Ordered By Board The county elections l>oard. shortly after it« members wore sworn to a new two-year term of office Saturday formally order ed a new county-wide registra tion in all of the count'* s 2s vot ing precincti. Because of the new registra lion, the resignation period will be one wee!: longer than is cus tomary. For the forihcomin,: May 30 primaries, registration ;«oks will open Saturday April 2o. and wiM remain open through Saturday. May 16. Saturday, May 23. will lie challenge day. Chairman Relph Gilbert said the elections hoard will install the card indev system to speed i voting at the larscr picciucU, | but will not adopt tho so-called [■‘permanent" ngistrati-n system, which permits registration at ali times during the year, < \ivpting a 21-da.v period proc.-d.ng elec tions. The formal r ew registration de cision of the elections hoard, pre viously indicated, means that no citizen will lx* eligible te vote in the May primaries un.css he re gisters. On the da> the books ojien. the present resist ration lists will be null and void. Other memb« rs of the elections hoard are (tcorj,- Thomasson, of Kings Mount*.n. like Chairman Gilbert a DenvxTat.and John lie Braycr, of Shelby, a Kepublioan. 1 Architect Cothran Reports High School Plans Complete PROMOTED — Woodrow Mom. top abev*. and Dewey Caldwell hare won promotion* (dm Mas sachusett* Morair Plush Company Neisler plant. Mchaii Promotes Mom. Caldwell T» n veteran employees of Neis ler Mills Division of Massachu setts Mohair Plush Company won promotions recently, according to announcement by A1 Maino, gen eral manager. They are: Dewey Caldwell, veteran of 3:» years ser\ ice. was promoted to supervisor of the Winding anil Twisting Department. Woodrow .Moss, formerly super visor of the Winding anil Twist ing Department, was promoted to the position of personnel direc tor succw*ding William F. «Hill * Laughter. Mr. Laughter has join ed the Kings Mountain Postoffice staff. Mr. Maino said the new promo tions were effective this week. Both Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Moss are Kings Mountain natives. | Mis. Millei Dies Suddenly I Mrs. S. R. Miller. Sr., mother of Winston Miller of Burlington and well-kown to Kings Moun tain citizens, died suddenly Wed nesday morning at her home in Knoxville. Tenn. of a heart at tack. Mrs. Miller was mother-in-law of the former Peggy Arthur of Kings Mountain. Widow of the late Dr. Miller. Tennessee surgeon. Mrs. Miller had apparently been in good health. Funeral rites will probably be held Fiiday in Knoxville with in terment following in Crystal Ri\ Faith Baptists Set Open House | Faith Baptist church will hold open house Sunday and the com munity is invited to visit the new sanctuary and parsonage. Hours of open house are from 2 until 1 p m.. Rev. O. P.. Costner, pastor, said in issuing the invita tion. A week of special evangelistic services will c!ose Sunday night at the church. Rev Mr Costner said. Services have been held nightly each week with Mr. C>»st tier filling the pulpit each eve talus Quick Approval Anticipated Here. Raleigh Architect Tit mas H. Cothran said he ho|M‘<l (ompiilr plans and ippciflcilions lor the nr'v Kin :s Mountain district high s. hool will «o to Raleigh for approval of state officials Friday and that l«*vri*I advertising for teds would begin Monday or Tuc.-alay. The electrical c‘npim*,r deliver td his final plans to Cothran in Shelby late Wednesday ..ftei'tioon. Meantime, he reported, printing of specifieation- for general eon st ruction. plumbing. heating and cooling installations was iiring completed in his office. He said mechanical engineer ing work us complete. Minor changes w«*rc i.c.-essitit ed over the 'veepend in the dec trical plans. Bid notice's must he published for a 30-day period Should they be advertised starting Monday, bids coulcl he received •> May c>. Under the* current plans, the Kings Mountain board of educa tion will appnve the final plans and specifications on •<* eipt and will deliver the plans to tin* state department of .school planning in Raleigh in person. Momentary approval is anticipated. Ndvertis iog for bids will proc ed imme diately'. Mr. Cothran said sis firms, in advance of the hid notice, have already informed his office they wish to obtain plans in order to bid for the general contract. School district citizers author ized borrowing of SI 1 million for the* new high school plant which will tie located on a 73-plus acre*1 site on Phifer road. Tickets On Sale For Club Barbecue Kings M ■unt.iin Optimists a tv soiling tickets ‘or n Big Barbecue to ho hold all day Api il 10 and April 11 at tho clubho !-.• for ln*n ofit of tho club's boys' \»ork pro gram. Proceeds are also earmarked "Optlir.ist Bus Fund”. Tho club i recently purchased a t activity bus for community use by civic clubs and youth. Barbecue plates at SI will bo sold front * a.m. until 12 mid night both da\< and ior delivery service orders may be placed by calling 739-Ts?:’ Barbe uo plates will lie available to personnel of industrial plants and will U* do livered by club members, a spokesman said. Historical Film At Armory Thursday A Civil War documentary film in color will be shown free to the public at the National Guard Armory Thursday night, starting at 7:30, Sgt. Charles Wilson an nounced The flint is titled "Shiloh I*ortrait of a Battle”, it will bo presented by Ben Moomaw. sup erintendent of Kings Mountain National Military Park. The program is sponsored by the Kings Mountain National Guard unit and the National Park Service. PRESIDENT — Jonas Bridges, of Sation WKMT. was installed last Friday as president of Kings Mountain Merchants association. He succeeded Robert O. South well. Retaileis Held Annual Banquet Good humor, communication with others, anil enthusiasm are prime keys to sut-iess, .lim Ash worth. Charlotte humorist and public speaking expert, said Fri day night at th>- annual employee employer banquet of the kings Mountain Merchants association. Mr. Aslnvorth entertained his audience with a memory associa tion exercise which he used to de monstrate way- and means of improving memories. lie advised against criticism, saying. “Anytime you criticize, you get into ti ouhle.” In turn, he suggested, flattery comes fr >m the head, compli ments from the heart. Prior to his address. Mr. Ash worth was presented by Jonas Bridges, manager if Station \VK MT. incoming presided ot the association. Other officer- installed by \V. G. Jonas, a former president, were Bill Broun, vice-president; Miss Elizabeth Stewart, P. II. Wilson. John Thompson, and Don Dixon, directors with terms ex piring in lfKW. Directors with one year terms remaining ar» Humes Houston. Men/elj Phifer. \V. S. Fulton. Jr., Odus Smith, and Robert C). South well, retiring j resident, ex offi cio. Retiring directors wen* B. S. Peeler. Jr.. Richard McGinnis. Mrs. Sue Young, and Ren H Bridges. President S uihwell reported that the association had enjoyed a busy year, with seven new mem bers. The credit bureau had com piler! IT.'ts |-ep.ms. the association moved to new quarters it is shar ing with the Chamber >f Com mt*m\ and s|Mirsored a quite suc cessful Mountaineer Days. Humes Houston. Ob'- Smith, and Bill Brown superintended a prize drawing lor the ladies. Invocation wa> >jid by Rev. John Harris, oastor of First Wes leyan Methodist church. $15,000 Fedeial Giant Approved Foi City Urban Planning Project A $15,000 federal -’rani for ur ban planning for Kings Mountain has b«*en approved by tin* North Caolina Department of Conserxa tion and Development. Director Robert Stallings has notified Mayor filer A. Bridge*. Approval of the grant stems front an applieation initiated by the city several months ago on suggestion by the Chamber of Ccm merer City expense in the planning project will hr* Director Stallings notified May or Bridges the work would bo con ducted under the supervision of George Monaghan, administrator of the di\ ision of eoinmunity planning. Mayor Bridges said he will re rwrimend appointment of five’ citizens to an urban planning cummiasiuu al liic April U mcci in/ of the ciu commission. He said ho would recommend that the Ch.imht-r of Commerce pres ident be ex offino chairman. Rcpiesentative of the C &D departmeent c o n f e r r e d with Chamber of Commerce and city officials several weeks ago. It will b«* the responsibility of the local commission to determine areas in which the planning work will be conducted, such as im proving approaches to the city, modernizing the husin«-ss district, and improving traffic and park ing conditions. "I am quite pleased that the planning project has been appro, ved," Mavor Bridges commented. He said lie had conferred with Mr. Monaghan by telephone and anticipates the planning work will get underway in the immed iate lulme. Kings Mountain Man May Offer As Democrat By MARTIN HARMON Don Class. Kings Mountain urcHW and a rogistcri-d fjemocrat, cannot sir;; Republican nomina tion for the county hoard <>f com missioners tti«* North C'aiolina at torney-general has ruled. Ralph Gilbert, chairman of the COUiity Nitii t] ut »*!•-.-i ioiis. Said Wednesday h- had iit-Mved a re ply to his inquiry con.-erning Mr. Glass' formal filing of Monday. Jim Bullock. assistant attorney general wrote in behalf of the at torney genera! that, und<*r Gen era I Statutes 1G3-119. .Mr. Glass would not hr- eligible to lilt- as a Repuhliean. The problem occurs in timing. Under the lav., a candidate must fil<* tor nomination hy th«- party in which he is registered. The deadline for filing for tounty of five is April 17 eight days prior to the opening of the registration books for the day primaries and eight days too late for Mr. Glass to change his registration to Re publican. Informed of the attorney-gen eral's ruling. Mr. Glass comment 's!. "I may offer as a Democrat.*’ He added. "1 have received considerable encourage ment to seek the office of county commis sioner. not onlv from R -publicans, but from many Democrats. Be fore i sougnt to file Monday, many Democrats urged me to of fer as a Democrat." Mr. Glass sa:U he would make a decision withm the week wheth er to offer as a Democrat. Should 1 In- seek the Democratic nomina i lion, tne contest for District 2 I county commissioner would be come a three-way affair. Inrum lient J Rroadus Ellis, of Grover, is seeking re-election and is being challenged hy Coleman Goforth, Number 5 township dairyman. Tin- Glass filing bid and attor ney-general's tilling were the principal development# in county political activity this week. There was one new candidate. Jack Dover III. Shelby industrial ist. and chairman of county Re publicans, filed Monday for the county hoard ol education. He seeks one of five GOP nomina tions. In spite of public announce ments that they were withdraw ing. two Democrats were official ly candidates. Neither Fields Young. Jr., candidate for thfe House of Representatives nomi nation. nor Fied Splawn. a can didate for Democratic nomina tion to tiie county lioard of educa tion. had withdrawn formally, though both have announced pub licly they were bowing out. Moss Decision Within Week J*>hn II. Moss expects to reach a decision on seeking I-> mocratic nomination to the North Carolina House of Representatives within a week, he said Wednesday. Mr. Moss, president of the Wes tern Carolina* haseba’.l league, commented. "I am trying to see as many eiti sens as possible prior to making a final decision on whether to offer. I will decide whether to offer for the Demo* crafic nomination for the Houae of Representative* within a week." Mr. Moss evidenced interest in the House seat following an* noun.vment several weeks ago hy Fields Young, Jr., Shelby bust* ne.-sman. that he was withdraw* mg. Mr. Young, however, remains officially u candidate, not having given formal notice of withdraw* al to the Cleveland County Eleo> lions board. Little Gelden Book Chain U Illegal A new variety of chain letter being received in Kings Moun tain via mail is a lottery end a violation of the postal regulat ions, Postmaster Charles Alexan der warned Wednesday. The chain letter being circu lated is addressed to toddlers In • are of their parents. The recipi ents are instructed to send a hit Little Golden Book to the In turn. 3d Little Golden arc promised within two wet The Postmaster thinks book is a storybook, though hasn't seen one. The Postmaster warned any participant in the du subject to yuMsvuUna

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