m Free Wheeling With the coming >f sprin.’ f tmes also iii' thoughtless » |H»;|or nf th” roadside s: one ih«' I tier hug Hi* t.iirpiHins with lh « irmin;> air. r<- mlny iu -tali highway trooper: who look un Kirnfl\ upon h» i f( uls ;«» ?nak' nn unhiily m's.*: ni the country null*. Whai is a yet r 'rour:l problem insitmi'S ill'; MSin/ly a it» the lanihn'i’* ureiiis. ihoy ,M»int llllt. And it‘s not just a few dis.-.a pel >)«•*•! can.', cions. I.u- right i f way that rtise .rrngc low nf beauty. .Not oy a li , etc." Highvv n\ ruhitenancv crews w. irily colter the refuse and talk in tern’s '• tons ant' t*uck loads Kid cx|. nsc.s in the thou nds ol (lollsI:. (fanlen clu’> Irdies get mad and launch our road* beautiful" pmjn is. School kids volunteer occasion ll\ to help highway workers el "in up a particularly (tad stretch. Admonishments against litter •tit: c ue from hither end yon. A id hith’T • nd yon go ilte lit terhugs wor’ti" their mischief at fit) miles an hour. lint violator-, don't ir-l off scolt free. Last v • n 51 I trash strewn - were irresteil > paio|m« tt. .Vtn ly all i!*i |H*r n it. paid a^'/re jjate fines .iik1 emit certs of S5.V»i which. h< neefort'i, onjlit to keep a lot ot p-«|>er napke .drink Iwdtlcs and Im-cans w hen- thev belon;: in a Idlerhat*! State law against Irish tossing ran ixtrart .1 line of up to S-'st for the offend whie i officials l»elie\e is m<*i • thoughtless than deliberate. Whatever ti. • case troopci* an -tan.lm ; alert a< the -|«t »i z driv ing see so-, i he ns. SUDDEN 711 AWT Ode to an indifferent diiver: If you want to be happy, then l:en- the wav ; don’t dri* c tomorrow like von drove todav. 1*01 NTS .V PLirfIS the state . t*M!n.k ?<• ’, flu every work ■ n the » In iiw. \ auio • ’.M • r in< 1 i. • !«•. ms I. ;«• «•/ . •. eh •> ri< • i r. : yri> *-i« . *t«»» •.'v.mi's Ti i ; ! trim*, an.I K» ■ ! ’ ■ i , i- i • ■ ■ 1 the IIP ! \|!'( ■ !h An,ft an was tuinwi on1 :ii 1‘ ! !•> <,if lir-i 50 >.•*! ■' «: itn , ilustiy. lla.\ .is I'jc iff i it i !<>r tv. i w: i!' • i. I and Ulevlia ■y Wif ' ‘ h --)lW j If alas Iasi yes- ■•! ,t ><■;.!-. mintniibilfa not hunt • • *t • ,.n t.iim <1 i ti m1 .4 loo msif ’.it t> i i ! i . : i fry an l ntl Mill i f • ..M:| I.|'fS I lk'* about t:T j. ,.t .'f t • I'S rub Iwr milih.' x i .i.ii Par Heel* d.d 21 lli'i . m;i<*s of somi! jila'fs in III.. . • Iasi war in 1351 th-- Slate Mi 'may Pitt il Bill Ctawfoid Finishes Course I>ill Ciav.forc. parts manager of SoutlrvHl Motor Company, Kin s Mountain, has '.«*en certi fied as a ,:radi»;tte of the parts merchandising course comltii list it l' . d Motor Company’* Atlanta Marketing Institute. Co ii.fi atio of i out >c cuinpic i,on \ as a' i»« ttneed by I. C | firock. ilircctot of li'p Ford Insti | tute. Tt:c i mil .sc i.. ?ne of several available at the Institute foi dealers. their personnel ami Ford had t!T met:, I'l - f-IP to uiy, and ms'ds ii.17 according to tin* Na tional Safety Council fNt pet cent o! \»an diving decisions an•1 tiasisl <»■< what y >11 see. Motor Company (•mplnjfcs. class-, es are cnwlui ti (I hy a staff of professional, full lime instructors Subjnl* range from manage ment and men handisin,; courses for ilealer.s ant’ their department managers to salesmanship and sp lieing r-ed hy outstanding automobile dealerships. Mr. Broek said, flump paiticipation in simu lated selling 01 management sit nations is a primary part of eaehi course Hie Atlanta Institut • annually enrolls more than 2,VN> sales specialists of l ord Motor Com panv pi.eluets trom a ten-state area This Certificate Entitle- You To 50 4;H.' GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon A Purchase of Two WO Cut-Up FRYING CHICKENS Good ot Your Locol Winn-Dixie Void Alter April 4, 1964 This Certificate Entitles You To 50 Z:K GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon & Purchase of 1 wo I -Lb. Pkgs. PINKY PIC FRANKS Good of Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After April 4, 1964 Th. Ccriificotc Entitle- You To 50 HrK GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon & Purchotc ol One 2 Lb. PLg. Emro Leon GROUND BEEF Corel ot Your Locol Winn-Dixie Void After Aprii 4, 1964 Thn Certificate Entitles You To 50 ii*H' GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon 4 Putchotc of One Quart NO RUB FLOOR WAX Good ot Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After April 4, 1964 trtAi Thr. Certificoto Entitles You To 50 GREEN STAMPS With Thif Coupcn & Purchotc of One 8'/i-oz. Pfd Broch CHOCOLATE COVERED RAISINS Good ot Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After April 4, 1964 m rrijta This Crrhlicotc Entitles You To 50 GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon ft fu-choic of One Silicone IRONING BOARD COVER Good ot Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After April 4. 1964 I rruta This Certificate Entitle-, You To 50 &9C GREEN STAMPS WMi Tfcn Coupon ft PurcKoie of One Tube Score MEN'S HAIR DRESSING Good ot Your Local Winn-Dixie Void After April 4, 1964 This Cert.(.cate Entitles You To 50 &-}{" GREEN STAMPS With Thh Coupon ft Purchase of One I'a-Lb Pkg. J'«V BEEF ft ONION STEAKS Good ot Your Local Winn Dixie Void Alter April 4, 1964 This CemfKOtc Entitles You To SO &K GREEN STAMPS With This Coupon t Purchase o* Two I -Lb PLgs. To te O' SoO flounder fillets Good ol Your Locol 'Y.nn-Dixie Void AHei April 4, 1964 Thu Certilicole Ent.tlcj, You To so Jl«lf GREEN STAMPS With This Cou*or t Purchase o« Two 24-os Pkgs._ McKKNZIE lAIT LIMA MANS Good ot Your Local WmnDmia Void After April 4, 1964 IUSDA CHOICE WO BRAND U. S CHOICE BEEF SHORT RIBS . . Lb 29 WO BRAND U S CHOICE CHUCK STEAKS u. 43 SELECT SKINLESS DE VEINED SLICED Lb 39 WD BRAND U. S. CHOICE WHOLE (For your freezer) 20-25-lb avg. WD BRAND u. s. choice lean 59 BEEF LIVER WD BRAND U. S. CHO BEEF RIBS WD BRAND U S. CHO BONELESS STEW WD BRAND U. S. CHOICE RiBEYE STEAK. . Lb Lb SO 39 Lb 1 W D BRAND U. S. CHOICE BONE-IN CHUCK (Not bony blade portion) (Full Half or Whole) ROAST - 35< WD Bf.o bO OR MORE ORDER awl at Taut Rina* Min. wtaa-tMaa Void alter April 14. '.■*< ^ESIi FROZEN SLICED Strawberries PTXIE THRIFTY Orange Irika - 3 SI 16 O*. Baines Clinic Here Saturday I Dr. J. I* Maunrv votorinanan. lias anntiunml this - h<1 r» *>!«•* olini* >• in it> » aroa Satur day. l>*onnar»tt' Ston- : i i.-» l.i a.m. t'laudi-Hiirrron ' >«• :s »•» !*: 15 In !>:.'! t a tr. t«. A. Lail fi •••• '' '«i 1*i a..m Cash S»*rvi«v Slat mi ’ i 1. to lO: l.i «.m. i CJoody-t M.iiii ■ ' 10:15 to lO:.’!" c m Champi i s Shi'll S' it; .-I ' -II 10:.HI to 10: li «• :n. City Hall in Kiti/s \l" mt.iin fi o r 11 to 11 :.'?■» a ni l Charlotte Opera Activities Set H> Prod in>stk>n •! '»i,t><»i Stanford '{. ■ ; •• of April 5-11 is Oitera Week m Cam lottr. Tli«* St-asnn Tioki'l Drive f .1 th<* I'X.l-tio s -on orbits on ,\p ril Till ami continues throii !i Ap ' ril 21st. The <•,* riis '•>, ill • M’a.'ot*. will >«•: Monday eve ini'. i -liei 2 "Tail’s of T i i!In an. Monday ev«**unj;. iVbu-:tr\ 1. 19*5 “Falstaf* Monday excnint:. M.ovh 29th. Ifkio "The I M.ipji’ i'i’lli'' 'I’alas a' »!• ifn.ann . J.i<- Offitlhach's o;,i\ \ K T I? • ff mann. “Falstaff I’ (Jiui’si’jtpi Verdi an Telia ' i* Frank Loesscr musi. il Dr.trv.it which ran on the Broalv.av ila.;r 1 for two yea’ Tickets may <• ol»t u ml fi.•:* The Ojiera (*lfi>t>. .">!'• t .• i.si Place. >r phone .13 l oT'7 -— — - TKEXS HEALTH IL 'illh e j lot of com l>jn> A* 'in he If of us are atOer gle !•> something. rolr n , Fi i *1 allergens are oumlew In-use du.t. animal ‘i I' • osmetic*. liteache.'. .i<-Ii< im >. loons, pollrii. Some i'll ' ii'ii iii alleigic lo heal. -• ill i Ami v. 'Mi't there • w in s ago of a wife •v " iv.i Ilf to her husband*’ Most hay fever, ■ I'llii i skin I men is anil diges i.ie iliMurban, , s Hay fever is an e> Hid M (»• *•" .'si!i;.ia is a ilisease tub •! the In ' I -I iIII-I les. a sensitivi ty lo one oi mol" I mils, ean af feet liie 'kin. ila- digestive tract III tile l espilul ; sjsier.t Skill alk'igies ,-ausc itching. sometimes rash. Rcnetioi to .i ; allei 'i*,i varies with inti v iil ial; One netson may !*• or.lv unset l»> e.rlui" an egg. Another could i ivome violently ill from I he snail trace ,| e-io hi salad dressing There still i.te many unknmvu faetors abort the I'r ison why someone sudden)) l>e,>.iu*s allei • gn-to somethin Alh'i. ed.senses are viol usualllv fatal, but they cause uni >l true cause M-sii il ,.!!•• is necessary tit .ill cases tor relict ,f discom fort anil for i iDtci tm i against future atta •!<.-. LOOKMH INSIDE THIS MANSTYLi IVY SUIT Here'* the Monstyle lobcl that's your assurance of outstanding workmanship ot o sensible, business man’s price. The cut . . . three buttons, narrow lapels, softened drape ... has no age limit. The tolors . . . dark, middling or iri*tu es. The tabm . .. a smooth blend of 65% Daaon polyester with M €•««•& After you ve seen tne label, see yourself in our mirror! Reg* ulars, shorts, longs. LOOK VOUNO... M VOUNO...SHOP SiLK S